Colorado Springs: Is Iraqi who shot police officer in the head a refugee?

Update August 7th:  The Washington Times is reporting that he is a refugee. See here.  So much for “robust” screening!


Here we go again, another violent crime and no one seems to know if the alleged perpetrator is a refugee, or if he is here through some other legal immigration program?

Screenshot (600)
Iraqi Karrar Al Khammasi

The story in The Gazette (and on Fox News this morning) reminded me that Colorado Springs has the distinction of being the location where five Iraqis who supposedly ‘helped’ our troops in Iraq were arrested in 2011 (several were ultimately convicted) for brutally raping a local woman.

Frankly, authorities do know what sort of visa the latest Iraqi arrested Thursday used to get here, they just don’t want the public to know!

Here we go again!

Secret decoder ring needed to figure out his immigration status!


Continue reading “Colorado Springs: Is Iraqi who shot police officer in the head a refugee?”

Have you no shame John McCullough?

Who is the Reverand McCullough?

He is the handsomely compensated CEO of Church World Service and here, The Hill, gives him a platform to play the Christian guilt card on members of Congress and their foolish naive staff people who will read this op-ed and say—yes, of course we must admit 75,000 third worlders to American towns and cities and shroud the whole process in secrecy!



Here is McCullough being arrested outside the White House during the Obama Administration while protesting on behalf of illegal alien rights.  You, the American taxpayer, pay 74% of his salary!


I know a good bit about CWS because it is the federal refugee resettlement contractor that came to Washington County, Maryland in 2007 and because of the activities of its subcontractor, Virginia Council of Churches, you are now reading Refugee Resettlement Watch!

Continue reading “Have you no shame John McCullough?”

Canadians apparently not as ‘welcoming’ as their Prime Minister

Shortly after President Trump announced his travel ban, you will remember that Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau told the world in a tweet that they would be welcome in Canada.


trudeau tweet


Well, Canada’s welcome is wearing thin and here is one more story, this time in the Wall Street Journal telling us that the public opinion tide has turned on Trudeau.

Although the article (hat tip: Cathy) is focused on the asylum seekers coming across their border with the US, I am sure that the 52,000+ Syrian refugees they admitted in less than three years had already strained Canada’s ability to provide shelter and welfare for that many needy people.

Continue reading “Canadians apparently not as ‘welcoming’ as their Prime Minister”

Bowling Green, KY not getting enough Muslim refugees says refugee contractor

I’ve already posted a bunch of stories similar to this one from several different cities in what is an obvious media campaign to blast the President as he approaches his deadline to say how many refugees the US will ‘welcome’ in FY19.

I don’t intend to publish them all because it gets boring, but will note interesting points when I see them.

Iraqi refugee terrorists
Iraqi refugees convicted on terror charges were arrested in Bowling Green, KY, but you never see that mentioned anymore.

We have written a lot on Bowling Green, KY over the years.

It is Senator Rand Paul’s home town. In 2011, two Iraqi Muslim refugees were arrested there and ultimately found guilty of attempting to help a terrorist group in Iraq.  The arrest resulted in the US State Department temporarily halting resettlement from Iraq and rescreening thousands of potential refugees.

At that point, Senator Paul came out strongly against the program, but his criticism vanished when he ran for President in 2016.

Continue reading “Bowling Green, KY not getting enough Muslim refugees says refugee contractor”

Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization

He doesn’t exactly put it that way. The title of his piece yesterday is simply:

Who Are Europe’s Most Important Politicians?

President of the Middle East Forum, Daniel Pipes is a historian/author with a primary focus on Islam and migration.

Invasion of Europe news….

First Pipes tells us that he had put his faith in Geert Wilders a few years ago, and although he still admires the Dutch politician, he says Wilders perhaps focused too much on the nature of Islam and not enough on what migration generally was doing to the Netherlands and Europe.

Here are a few snips from Pipes’ piece published in the Washington Times yesterday, here, and at the Middle East Forum here:

After expressing admiration and explaining about Wilders, Pipes says….


orban and merkel
Her foolish actions helped create powerful leaders like Hungarian PM Viktor Orban


Continue reading “Daniel Pipes lists European leaders who could save Western civilization”