Actually I’m not going to run through a litany of his positions that mirror an internal Leftwing political agenda, but when reader Paul sent this good blog post from John Hinderaker at Powerline, what came to mind was the photo below and this report I did just over five years ago.
In my view, Pope Francis is at the top of the list of feckless and frankly treasonous ‘leaders’ in Europe who are directly responsible for the Invasion from Africa and the Middle East that roils the continent from Sweden to Italy on a daily basis.
One might be led to conclude that creating chaos and discord is the aim as this Pope welcomes Africans to Italy as he did five years ago. Surely he must have gone to the Saul Alinsky school for political agitators!

Here is Hinderaker’s blog post yesterday telling us about how biased international journalists are when covering the Liberal Pope who pushed out the Conservative Pope and became the present Pope only 4 months prior to his welcoming stunt on Lampedusa.
It seems pretty clear that liberal reporters and editors view Pope Francis as an ally, maybe one who could decisively neutralize their long-time adversary, the Catholic church. Hence they are protecting him against what would, with a conservative pope, be a scandal of historic proportions.
Reminder to longtime readers and for new readers:
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is the largest refugee resettlement agency in the US and is paid millions of your tax dollars every year to change America by changing the people!
And, I guess we see clearly why journalists never investigate their financial dealings, or question the separation of church and state. Why, because the Bishops’ goals directly align with most journalists’ political world view.
This is just one more example of why Trump won the White House! The deplorables have caught on!
See my complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.
It began long before German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened Germany to a million migrants beginning in 2014.