It is what happens every year at this time.
The State Department pours refugees in at a much higher rate in the final month of the fiscal year, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that, with only a couple more days to go in this month, we are above the average admission rate for the previous 11 months.

Checking the data at Wrapsnet, as of this morning we are at 22,469 refugees admitted.
That is 2,570 more than we had on September first.
The average for the previous 11 months was 1,809.
Nevertheless, it is nearly official—and it will be official on Sunday evening—that this is the lowest number of admissions since the Refugee Act of 1980 was signed in to law by Jimmy Carter.
Top ethnic groups arriving since September 1 are from these countries:
DR Congo (1,058)
Burma (381)
Ukraine (363)
Of the total 2,570 September arrivals, 418 are Muslims of one sect or another.
Most concerning to me is that 109 of the Burmese are devout Rohingya Muslims.
P.S. I’m going to be away over the weekend, but will give you year-end numbers on Monday or Tuesday next week.