Malta takes another 44 migrants from ship Italy refused

But, there is something you, Americans, need to know about Malta.

Before giving Malta ‘high-fives’ for humanitarian zeal, consider this:

The European island nation has been sending its excess migrants to the US ever since the George W. Bush administration in what is a possibly illegal maneuver by our US State Department.

Malta is a safe European country and anyone who gets there seeking asylum is their problem, not ours!

The practice of sending a few hundred to Yourtown, USA has been going on for years. Although the numbers are down under President Donald Trump, we are still taking some.

First here is the latest from the European migration crisis.

From France 24:

Malta takes migants after Italy stand-off


Migrants rescued at sea by a merchant vessel are being taken to Malta after two days in limbo following Italy’s refusal to accept them, the Maltese armed forces said Wednesday.

Malta ship
So where will this group of 44 Africans be resettled?

The Just Fitz III plucked 44 migrants from a rickety wooden boat late Monday after they ran into difficulty during the perilous crossing from North Africa.

The Marshall Islands-flagged vessel, which had been headed to Tunisia, was diverted to help the migrants as they floundered some 60 nautical miles south of the Italian island of Lampedusa, in Malta’s search and rescue zone.

Valletta said those rescued at sea should be taken to the nearest safe port, on Lampedusa.

But Italy’s new and hardline interior minister Matteo Salvini, the head of the far-right League, has vowed to stop migrant arrivals.

“Following the refusal of Italy to provide for the nearest place of safety, shelter and logistical support to the ship and in view of deteriorating weather conditions affecting the area,” Malta agreed to take the migrants, the army said.

An offshore patrol vessel picked up the migrants from the Just Fitz III and was expected to disembark them on Malta late Wednesday.

More here.

The Malta to US express!

Ambitious readers might want to have a look at my Malta archive, here, which I have been building for over ten years.

See here, that even in Trump’s first full year in office we are still bringing ‘refugees’ from the safe country of Malta.  We ‘welcomed’ 128 migrants from Malta in FY18.  We are not told where they were placed in the US.

And note that there were 93 cases for the 128 migrants which tells us they were mostly single people (probably single men)!

Migrants and asylum seekers who make their way to Europe are not our problem.

We have enough problems with fake asylum seekers coming to our borders.

Surely Malta isn’t going to step up and say we will take a few of those Hondurans off your hands!  Not in a million years!

If he knew this was happening, Trump could stop the Malta to Yourtown express with a phone call.

See my ‘Invasion of Europe’ file here.

Episcopal Migration Ministries might be dropped from federal refugee program

But so might seven other refugee contractors?

Before you get too excited….

…..there must be an error in this report, but I am posting it just to see if we can get the truth shaken loose.

When I first started writing this blog in 2007 there were ten federal resettlement contractors that monopolized all refugee placement in the US, but the number dropped to nine and has remained there ever since. The nine are listed below.***

Earlier we learned that Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) was as much as 99.5% funded by you (taxpayers!) for their charitable good works for refugees. So it would be no surprise to learn that they would be one of the federal resettlement contractors dropped by the US State Department as the Trump administration slows the flow of paying clients to the US.

By the way, when the present Refugee Admissions Program was set up, it was supposed to be a public-private partnership, but over the years the private funds dwindled as they became more dependent on public money (aka taxpayer dollars).

The headline for the story which is mostly about Episcopal Church business is this:

Executive Council passes budget, grants diocesan waivers, praises work of Episcopal Migration Ministries

A few paragraphs into the Episcopal News Service story we learn this:

Robertson EMM
The Rev. Charles Robertson predicts EMM will be cut off from refugee contracts. “We are prepared for the worst.”


Members of Executive Council also received briefings from church officers and staff members during the week, including a bleak assessment of the future of the church’s refugee resettlement work from the Rev. Charles Robertson, the presiding bishop’s canon for ministry beyond the Episcopal Church.

Episcopal Migration Ministries, one of nine agencies with federal contracts to resettle refugees in the United States, expects to learn in the coming weeks if its contract will be renewed, at a time when the Trump administration has dramatically reduced the number of refugees being resettled. The odds are not in Episcopal Migration Ministries’ favor, Robertson told Executive Council’s Ministry Beyond the Episcopal Church Committee.

Could seven be given the boot?

“If we were going to bet on it, we’d bet we’re not going to make the cut,” Robertson said. He predicted only two of the nine would receive contracts. Though unlikely, he said it is still possible Episcopal Migration Ministries will be one of the two.

I’m thinking that the reporter got that wrong and meant to say that ‘seven of the nine would receive contracts.’  If it is true that seven would be cut, that would be earth-shaking news.

Episcopal News Service continued….

Later that afternoon, Robertson gave a sobering outlook on Episcopal Migration Ministries’ future to the committee on Ministry Beyond the Episcopal Church.

“We are prepared for the worst,” Robertson said – the worst being the end of Episcopal Migration Ministries’ contract to continue the resettlement work it has done for the federal government since the 1980s.


emm partner map
EMM’s interactive partners map. Go here to see if one of their offices is near you: 


The U.S. Department of State announced Sept. 17 that it would lower the ceiling to just 30,000 refugees for the fiscal year that began Oct. 1, down from a ceiling of 85,000 just two years ago. And that 30,000 is just the upper limit, Robertson stressed. The actual number of refugees to be welcomed into the United States likely will be much lower.

Episcopal Migration Ministries once oversaw 31 resettlement affiliates in 26 dioceses, but that number has dwindled to 14 affiliates in 12 dioceses. With even fewer refugees to resettle, the federal government isn’t expected to keep all nine of its contracted agencies, Robertson said, and Episcopal Migration Ministries, though well equipped to do that work, is one of the smaller of the nine.

Even in the worst-case scenario, however, Episcopal Migration Ministries will remain an important part of the Episcopal Church’s outreach efforts. If the resettlement work ends, the agency may find other ways to support refugees and, possibly, other immigrants, Robertson said. He estimated it would take about a year to fully realize that new vision for the agency.

More here.

I wonder what the loss of millions of federal dollars will do to the church.  I once had a reader, knowledgeable about the budget of the Episcopal Church, tell me that some of the refugee dollars went to other programs, however we were never able to confirm that.

By the way, there likely won’t be any tears shed by the remaining contractors since the nine have been competitors as they ‘bid for bodies!’



***Below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

I realize I haven’t posted this list for twelve whole days!

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists paid on our dime!  

And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income, as has James Simpson at the Capital Research Center!