Michigan story about refugee slowdown reveals what citizens really think

Today when I saw one more story about some gathering somewhere meant to tell the public how bad the Trump administration is as it slows the flow of third worlders to unsuspecting middle America towns, my first thought was: blah! blah! blah!

However, for a change I had a good look at the comments to the story at Michigan Live, and I am glad I did!

‘America looks terrible’ with record-low refugee admissions, panelist says

ANN ARBOR, MI – The U.S. accepted a record low number of refugees in 2018, and now Michigan resettlement agencies are questioning their future.


Hetfield at NY protest
This is Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society protesting the Trump presidency at a rally in New York shortly after Trump was inaugurated in early 2017.  Last I checked he was pulling down a salary and benefits package of nearly $350,000 a year as HIAS CEO.  Good work if you can get it!  https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2018/06/27/hebrew-immigrant-aid-society-urges-followers-to-take-to-the-streets-in-wake-of-supreme-court-decision/



Right now America looks terrible because we are no longer out there defending the most vulnerable people in the world,” said Mark Hetfield, CEO of HIAS, the world’s oldest refugee resettlement agency, based in Maryland. “That’s something that we have done consistently across Republican and Democratic administrations, and we have stopped doing that and thrown refugee protection into reverse.”

Hetfield participated in a panel discussion on present and future challenges related to refugee resettlement on Monday, Oct. 22, at the University of Michigan’s Rackham Graduate School.

The panel was part of a two-day “Keeping Our Door Open” symposium in Ann Arbor coordinated by UM’s School of Social Work, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital and Jewish Family Services of Washtenaw County.

Needless to say  the panelists go on to complain about how the refugee program is being diminished by this president.  See more here.

If readers simply look at the title and read a bit of the story one would think that the propagandists might actually be reaching people.

That is, until one looks at the comments.

Get a load of these (and this is just a sampling!):


  • Space Ace
  • 5 minutes ago
Don’t we have our own poor people to be concerned about? Since when is it our moral imperative to alleviate all the suffering of the world? Homelessness is up 50%, FIFTY PERCENT, in many parts of the country from 15 years ago. How about we deal with that first, then maybe consider importing more poor people?
  • Xchips
  • 8 minutes ago
“Right now America looks terrible because we are no longer out there defending the most vulnerable people in the world,” said Mark Hetfield, CEO of HIAS who’s nearly $350,000 compensation package is nearly wholey paid for by taxpayers.

So here’s a guy getting taxpayer dollars to help other people get taxpayer dollars. Nice racket.

  • Tom
  • 1 hour ago
Refugee (noun): a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster.

How many of these “refugees” are actually falling into one of these categories? How many are coming here because they just don’t like where they live and they heard you can get in by claiming refugee status.

According to the article – “Refugees are entitled to government assistance coordinating travel plans to get to the U.S. and then resettlement services that can include assistance with transportation, housing, English language classes, health care, food, education, employment and citizenship services.”

So if I lived in a very poor country – that sounds like a good deal to me.

So maybe consider those actual refugees are being turned around because they actually aren’t refugees.

  • E
  • 1 hour ago
I’d say the lovely citizens of Ann Arbor sponsor refugees and house/feed/guarantee non-reliance on government programs to show their support.
  • Freedom Lover
  • 1 hour ago
Have you noticed that most of the immigrants in the horde coming from Guatemala and Honduras are males in the 20 to 30 age group. They carry their country’s flag but refuse to stay in their country and make it better. I’m sure glad the colonialists were not like them. They stayed and fought to make a better country. Also many who are interviewed say they are coming to the USA for a job. A job is not a reason to seek asylum.
  • Shawn Letwin
  • updated 1 hour ago
Yep, you are at risk of losing your jobs and no longer living off the trough of the taxpayers…”Que Sera, Sera”
  • Rbg1
  • updated 1 hour ago
Did these opportunist mouthpieces disclose the taxpayer-funded profits (BILLIONS) involved with resettling and wrap-around assistance? This isn’t compassion, it’s greed. Everyone involved is making money off the scam. Except, of course, middle class taxpayers.

This is an encouraging example of how educated citizens are becoming about the US Refugee Admissions Program.

All of you should take the opportunity every chance you get to comment to news stories in your communities.

And, then go vote!

US refugee resettlement contractors surviving for now on “leftover” federal dollars

We reported recently that the nine federally-funded non-profit groups that have monopolized all resettlement in the US for the last decade (some of them for three decades) will see their numbers diminished as the President continues reducing refugee resettlement.

By becoming almost completely dependent on federal dollars, they built a house of cards.

Miliband in Manhattan
Love it when I see stories about the IRC crying over its loss of federal boodle. I can tell readers again that its CEO, British national David Miliband, pulls in a cool nearly $700,000 annual salary.  Here in Manhattan where they are headquartered. Is this socialist sharing his good fortune with employees who are let go?

In this post two days ago we reported that two so-called VOLAGS would likely not receive contracts.  I expect the reporter got it wrong when he suggested as many as seven could be booted off the federal gravy train.

Another story designed to tug on your heartstrings, this time from San Diego, wasn’t really worth posting except for a few paragraphs deep within the story.

From The San Diego Union-Tribune:

With fewer refugees coming, resettlement agencies may be forced to close


The International Rescue Committee was able to reunite at least one person — a Rohingya refugee fleeing Myanmar — with family here, according to Duvin [Donna Duvin, executive director of the International Rescue Committee in San Diego.—ed]

The agency also began receiving refugees being held by Australia on Nauru Island. [This was a bit of useful news. We wondered where they might be going—ed]

The process, based on an agreement the U.S. made with Australia before Trump took office, has been slow, Duvin said, but she was happy that some were making it through.

Resettlement agencies like Jewish Family Service and International Rescue Committee have had to restructure their programs because of the lower numbers of arrivals. When staff positions fell vacant, they often went unfilled. Those who remained shifted to providing longer-term services to refugees who had already arrived, and agencies became increasingly reliant on private donations to fund their work.  [Well, it is about time.  It was supposed to be a 50/50 partnership but as you see below here*** it has become a program almost exclusively funded by US taxpayers!—ed]

Waiting for the ax to fall!

While resettlement agencies prepare for the possibility of even fewer arrivals in fiscal 2019, they still don’t know how much money they will receive to do their work or whether they will be allowed to stay open. Since the Trump administration is still working out details about the 2019 resettlement efforts, it has not yet released its budget for the program for this year.

Money machine

Leftover money! Leftover money! Your leftover money! 

Local resettlement agencies are operating through December with leftover money from the fiscal 2018 budget because the number of resettled refugees didn’t reach the 45,000 cap. They have been told that some of the nine agencies nationwide may be asked to close their doors once the 2019 budget is finalized.

A State Department official confirmed that the administration is expecting to fund a smaller number of resettlement agencies.

More here.


***Below are the nine federal refugee resettlement contractors.

The present US Refugee Admissions Program will never be reformed if the system of paying the contractors by the head stays in place and the contractors are permitted to act as Leftwing political agitation groups, community organizers and lobbyists paid on our dime!  

And, to add insult to injury they pretend it is all about ‘humanitarianism.’

The number in parenthesis is the percentage of their income paid by you (the taxpayer) to place the refugees into your towns and cities and get them signed up for their services (aka welfare)!  And, get them registered to vote eventually!

From my most recent accounting, here.  However, please see that Nayla Rush at the Center for Immigration Studies has done an update of their income, as has James Simpson at the Capital Research Center!

The President gives us permission to say we are “nationalists”

I was planning to write about the Daily Mail’s tirade against US Representative Steve King, calling him a white nationalist, today anyway, but oh joy! Donald Trump (with obvious pride) said he is a “nationalist” at his Texas rally last night.



The migrant caravan is not about the poor and downtrodden!

As we watch (in horror), the mostly young male migrant caravan heading to the US border intent on confronting our President’s authority, more Americans are seeing clearly that the battle (the worldwide battle!) is really one of nationalism vs. globalism with the marching human beings as the pawns in a gigantic war for world power.

Rep. King is vilified in the British press for daring to say what we all know.

And, Donald Trump last night reconfirmed why they hate him so much—he gives us all permission to speak!

If you love America and western civilization, and happen to be white, you are the scum of the earth to globalists—white nationalists!

From the Daily Mail:

Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King reveals his white nationalist views in shocking interview with far-right Austrian website saying immigration is ‘slow-motion cultural suicide’

Iowa Republican Representative Steve King has revealed his white nationalist views in an interview with an Austrian far-right publication.

King, an eight-term congressman up for re-election next month, has been linked to Neo-Nazism and the far-right before, but he laid out his extremely conservative views like never before in an interview with far-right propaganda website Unzensuriert, which translates to ‘uncensored’ in English.

Rep. Steve King: slow-motion cultural suicide!


He was interviewed when he stopped in Vienna in August and candidly called for stricter immigration policies, said Mollie Tibbett’s killer should have never been in the U.S., and claims Democrats are teaming up with radical Islamists to attack ‘Western civilization’.

He was interviewed by Caroline Sommerfeld, an intellectual in the European neo-fascist identititarian movement which is connected to the U.S.’s alt-right, to discuss how Muslim and Latino immigrants threaten the U.S. and Europe.

The interview was published in September and went unnoticed by American news outlets until the Huffington Post flagged it.

In the interview Sommerfeld asks: ‘In your opinion is Islam the problem or Western liberalism?’

King replies saying ‘it is like fighting a two front war. How is it, that the liberals, the leftists, on the one side, could build an alliance with the misogynistic hard core rightist Islamic people that have no tolerance for everything?’

This next bit really makes the heathen rage! Bringing up abortion and low fertility rates in the US, and in the west generally, is strictly verboten by the speech police.

He also slammed the U.S. low fertility rate saying ‘if we continue to abort our babies and import a replacement for them in the form of young violent men, we are supplanting our culture, our civilization.’

At multiple points in the interview he uses the phrase ‘Western Civilization’ which he seems to define as white America.

The two touched upon the theory of the Great Replacement – which is the idea that mass migration such as from Muslim-majority countries, could lead to the extinction of white European culture and identity.

King called it ‘slow-motion cultural suicide’.

The Great Replacement is a term used by anti-Muslim European networks who believe migrants and refugees are leading to the Islamification of Europe.

More here.

King, like Trump, is so vilified by the Daily Mail because he gives voice to sensible Europeans’ greatest fears and what they know in their hearts is true.

Readers, remember our enemies have no power when you take away their power to use words to silence you.

Racist, homophobe, islamophobe, white nationalist, whatever, are just words. Laugh and walk away.

But, of course, continue speaking!

German government dragging its feet on admitting migrants they promised to take

Invasion of Europe news…

And, German hypocrisy alert!

Well what do you know, Germany made a big show a few months back when it said it would take migrants from ships docked in Italy and Malta.  Those countries were not letting the wannabe Europeans disembark until other countries promised to take them.

Now we learn that 115 are still in Italy and Malta as Germany must thoroughly screen them!


Sea Watch
In a Mediterranean ship version of whack-a-mole, the German ‘Sea-Watch’ migrant transport ship will be back in business soon!


From Deutsche Welle:

Rescued migrants in limbo while waiting for resettlement in Germany


One hundred and fifteen migrants who were rescued in the Mediterranean Sea have been waiting for months in Italy and Malta for Germany to take them in as promised, the German government has said.

The migrants needed to undergo a medical examination, be registered and attend interviews before they could be transferred to Germany, according to a statement made in response to an enquiry by German parliamentarians of the Left party. They also required checking by German intelligence services before the German federal refugee agency BAMF could arrange a transfer, the statement added.

Salvini grim
What will Italy’s Salvini say? We will be watching!

It said some of the migrants were saved by two military ships on July 13 and taken to Sicily, and others rescued by the NGO ship Aquarius on August 10 and brought to Malta.

Italy and Malta allowed them to disembark only after other EU member states had promised to take them in.

Ulla Jelpke, a spokeswoman for the Left’s parliamentary party, commended Berlin for having pledged to take in the migrants, but called for quick action to fulfill the promise.

“There is no plausible reason for their entry to be put off because of bureaucratic measures,” she said.

Several other EU states have already received the migrants they pledged to take.

Meanwhile, they are baaaacck!

At least one NGO migrant transport ship will soon be back in business on the hunt for African migrants launching from the coast of North Africa.

In another related development, the German NGO Sea-Watch said on Saturday that its vessel Sea-Watch 3 would return to migrant rescue operations after Malta allowed it to sail to Spain for maintenance work, having impounded it for three months.

Sea-Watch accused Malta of having acted “without any legal basis” and said more than 500 people had drowned at sea while the ship was being “illegally detained.”

More here.

For posts extending as far back as ten years, see my ‘Invasion of Europe’ file, click here.

All eyes on Texas today, the number one refugee resettlement state in the nation

As the President heads to Texas and the Central American migrant caravan marches on toward our southern border, I can’t help but say ‘told you so.’

Between illegal immigration and legal refugees, the hard Left Open Borders activists and agitators are turning a red state blue.


refugees_Texas (1)
Big enough for everyone?


They might not succeed this year (then again they could!), but it is happening, and proud patriotic Texans better get in gear to stop it!

A little over two years ago I reported that Republican Governor Greg Abbott withdrew the state from the US Refugee Admissions Program, but little good it did as I reported last week that Texas is now solidly, and by a large margin, the top refugee resettlement state in the nation.

No time for more on this today.  But, if you want to see how Texas has come to this place in its history, see my Texas archive here.