Chinese Virus Economic Decline Slows Cash Flow out of US

We don’t talk often enough about the vast amount of money that leaves the US each year and flows to third world countries around the globe—dollars that prop up entire countries.

(In case you have ever wondered why countries like Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador don’t want their people to come home, this is why!)

These ‘remittance’ dollars, earned by migrants of all stripes, or gained through welfare handouts from governments, are dollars lost to the US economy.

Well, with fewer migrants working, fewer dollars are going to the third world (to places like Somalia!) says an Irish NGO operating in the US in an op-ed published in the Sun Sentinel.

As infections surge among migrant workers, the global economy feels their pain | Opinion

The economic fallout of Covid-19 in the developing world has prompted a global conversation about increasing aid for poor countries, but the lack of government assistance pales in comparison to the loss of remittances from family members working abroad.

The recent spike in Covid-19 infections in Florida is ravaging migrant workers, leaving many out of work and in unprecedented social and financial strain – and subjecting them to stigma and scapegoating by leaders seeking to score political points. While isolating these migrant workers may or may not slow the spread of infections, it is just one example of factors that will accelerate economic hardship worldwide—particularly in developing nations. The combination of health and economic impacts on our invisible workforce will contribute to a secondary pandemic of worsening poverty and hunger, which we cannot ignore.

The economic fallout of Covid-19 in the developing world has prompted a global conversation about increasing aid for poor countries, but few have acknowledged that assistance from governments pales in comparison to remittances from family members working abroad.

The pandemic is sapping these remittances at a devastating rate. The World Bank estimates that international family remittances will fall by 20% in 2020, resulting in $110 billion in lost income for families living close to the poverty line, meaning they survive on U.S. policymakers need to understand that migrant workers are a vital organ not only of America’s agricultural community, but of the entire global economy.

There are 164 million migrant workers around the world providing irreplaceable services in their host countries. In 2019, these workers sent a whopping $554 billion back home to impoverished nations. That far exceeds all international aid budgets combined.

Remittances sustain many developing nations. Haiti receives over 30% of its annual GDP from citizens living abroad — many of them in the U.S. It’s estimated that as much as $2 billion dollars comes to Somalia each year in the form of remittances, and other countries such as South Sudan and Bangladesh are also highly dependent on this income stream. In all, it’s thought that about 800 million people across 125 countries rely on money from relatives abroad.


We have established extensive cash distribution programs, which provide regular funds to extremely poor and disadvantaged families, helping them through the toughest times. For example, the Somali Cash Consortium distributed over $18 million last year through its established networks. We are looking to expand this work across various countries, where possible, as the effects of the pandemic bite.

There is a good summary of the decline in remittances worldwide here.

Back to nagging you! 

There are a lot of desperate migrants (Antifa and BLM are only too happy to stir them up!) in America and if the virus panic continues it becomes even more important for you to prepare your family and to keep them safe.

I suspect many of you are busy reading the news (and posts like mine), but don’t waste too much time reading and yakking on social media, make sure you leave enough time to get prepared—make sure you have supplies, your home is secure—and if this all blows over, thank God, but get ready just in case.

This reminds me, I recently joined Parler because I am sick of Twitter and I’ve never been too enamored of Facebook either.  I don’t know why I bothered joining another social network because I don’t have enough time in my day to do it justice.

And, I fear that chit-chatting at these sites is distracting from taking the necessary steps for an end-of-year crisis that I believe is inevitable. The only question remaining is—how bad is it going to get?

Too Cool! Red Bull CEO Fires Execs Pushing BLM BS!

The piece is at Revolver (hat tip: Judy).

So what does this have to do with refugees—a lot it appears.

CEO is not exactly a fan of forcing ‘diversity’ (refugees) on his native Austria, so apparently he was going to be sure his company in North America understands exactly where he is coming from.

Red Bull Just Purged High-Level Execs Who Pushed for ‘Diversity and Inclusion’

Red Bull just reminded their ‘wokest’ employees who calls the shots in a total massacre of “social justice warrior” employees.

Red Bull CEO Dietrich Mateschitz and fired executive Amy Taylor.

Not only were the top two North American executives fired, but so were entire marketing teams and “culture” teams that were dedicated to pushing the lie of systemic racism.

Red Bull has just shown the way forward for all who want to prevent a total Marxist-style takeover of business and government in America. There is no appeasing these people, the only way forward is to fire them as quickly as possible, and with no mercy. Err on the side of firing everyone, if need be.

What this country needs, at every level of society, academia, and government, is a total and complete purge of ‘woke’ revolutionaries, before the blood starts running in the streets.


It turns out that the CEO of Red Bull is a pretty cool guy. From Daily Mail:

Red Bull’s billionaire CEO Dietrich Mateschitz is a Donald Trump admirer who has spoken out against ‘political correctness’.

The 76-year-old tycoon also owns a media firm which has been criticized for giving a platform to far-right activists in his native Austria.

The company’s global CEO is Austrian billionaire Dietrich Mateschitz, who has an estimated fortune of $26billion and owns a private island in Fiji.

In a 2017 interview, Mateschitz expressed sympathy with Donald Trump and said the new president ‘simply needs time’.

‘I don’t think he’s as much of an idiot as he’s made out to be,’ he told the newspaper Kleine Zeitung at the time.

‘When you speak to Americans you often hear that they’re essentially happy to have a new administration. There was plenty to question about the previous one,’ he said, referring to the Obama administration.

Raging at ‘political correctness’ and the ‘intellectual elite’, Mateschitz was also highly critical of Germany and Austria for opening their doors at the height of the 2015 refugee crisis.

Taking aim at those who encouraged refugees or used Angela Merkel’s slogan of ‘we’ll manage it’, he said that none of those people ‘made their guest rooms available for five migrants to live in’. [Daily Mail]

Long Live Dietrich Mateschitz.

More here!

This post is filed in my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news  archive.

Maybe Dietrich could send a few bucks to help the new US Rightwing insurgency get organized.

Again, Refugee Camps are NOT Experiencing the Chinese Virus in Great Numbers

Months ago I began following the dire warnings from the international humanitarian industry and its media arm about the “vulnerable” refugees living cheek by jowl in massive camps where social distancing and wearing masks is not happening.

But, surprisingly the high numbers of cases and deaths that have been predicted are not happening.

See my previous posts here, here, and here for example.

An April 2nd AP story about the highly anticipated spread of the virus among the world’s most “vulnerable.”


This morning I dutifully (because I promised I would continue reporting on the topic) began searching for any updates that might have happened while I was busy on other issues over the last couple of weeks, and guess what!

There is no explosion of cases, no COVID “wildfire” blowing through camps.

The only story of any interest was this one, but it mostly focuses on the fear/mistrust Bangladeshis have of the Rohingya refugees living in their country—fear that the refugees are spreading disease, which they aren’t.

I know you have more important concerns, but I think it is very strange that the predicted “carnage” has not arrived.  The lack of spread raises questions about the whole concept of social distancing as a means to stop the virus.

From Nikkei Asian Review:

Rohingya scapegoated as Bangladesh battles COVID-19

DHAKA — “Two more Rohingya die from corona: Locals in panic” — screamed a recent newspaper headline in southeastern Bangladesh’s Cox’s Bazar.

Social media has sometimes been equally hysterical. One college teacher posted on Facebook that lack of awareness about COVID-19 among Rohingya refugees from Myanmar “will lead to our collapse.”

In August 2017, more than 740,000 mostly Muslim Rohingya fled a brutal military crackdown in northwestern Myanmar’s Rakhine state and entered Bangladesh as refugees. The United Nations described it as a “textbook example of ethnic cleansing.” Bangladesh already had 200,000 refugees from earlier Rohingya exoduses that began in the 1970s.

The novel coronavirus pandemic has exacerbated resentment in the densely populated country toward the refugees, and also brought further uncertainty to their chances of repatriation.


Abdul Mozid, a rural physician, runs a drug store near Kutupalong camp, a sprawling settlement made of bamboo and plastic sheets that is home to over 500,000 refugees. “Camps are like slums,” he told the Nikkei Asian Review. “People are scared that this will spread the coronavirus.”

More here, but it is mostly about the Rohingya Muslims and the fact that Burma, a Buddhist country that wants to remain Buddhist, doesn’t want them there, populating and pushing for Muslim control of the country.  LOL! The article doesn’t say it, but that is what is happening.

There was this other interesting bit of new news on the issue of the Chinese virus and its impact on refugees, or lack of any great health impact so far.

It is about a World Health Organization study where they are trying to assess the impact of COVID-19 on refugees and migrants.  It is called ‘Apart Together.’

Maybe because they aren’t finding enough sick refugees, they are switching focus to find out about the “psychosocial impact of COVID-19.”

(I assume planning to use the results to badger western countries once the panic dies down.)

ApartTogether is a global study to assess the public health social impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on refugees and migrants. It is a collaboration between World Health Organization, across its regional offices, the UN System, and a consortium of research centres led by Ghent University (Belgium) and the University of Copenhagen (Denmark). The study aims to better understand how refugees and migrants experience the psychosocial impact of COVID-19 and how they deal with any challenges that have arisen.

In collaboration with key UN partners, the insights from this survey will be used to inform policy and decision-makers on how they can better support refugees and migrants during and after this pandemic. The survey runs until 31 August 2020.

Eeek! I can’t shoot the refugee!

It’s hot and I’ve been working outside, and a little inside too on my prepping projects.  I know I have to write something or else you will all think I’ve quit or been knocked off line again, so I am here and fiddling around reading (and watching) a bunch of prepping sites sent to my other blog by ‘Cap’n Crunchtime’, to this post:

Have You had your Second Tower Moment Yet?

Mr. Crunchtime sent a bunch of links that will help you get ready for whatever is coming our way.

Okay, so, as I said, it is hot and I can’t put my mind onto some serious wonky news, and besides we all have to laugh once in awhile.

So check out Good Patriot….


CIS Posts Update on US Refugee Contractors, but Does it Matter in the Year from Hell?

Nayla Rush writing at the Center for Immigration Studies has posted a thorough update on the US Refugee Admissions Program focusing on how the nine federal contractors basically call the shots about where refugees are placed.

Please see her report here, read it and file it for a time when we return to normal (which may be a long way off in the future!) and will be permitted to have wonkish discussions about the nuts and bolts of federal programs.

But, as I have been saying here and here, these are not normal times and in the coming months don’t be distracted by thinking that the November elections will be normal and come January 2021 we go back to squabbling over the intricacies of federal programs like the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.  Maybe I’m wrong, but I don’t see how that can be.

Your entire focus for the remainder of the year should be on preparing to survive (personally) and working to help our country survive the chaos those who want to destroy America are going to rain down on us.

If Trump wins, expect violence in the streets. There may be a lull right now, but most likely because the Marxists/Antifa/BLM are working on plans for the coming months.


Trump in the Rose Garden on July 14th: ” Biden has gone radical left.
Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent. Huh. That’s a lot: by 700 percent. Nobody has ever heard of such a thing. Increase refugee admissions by 700 percent.”


If the empty shell Biden wins and has one or both houses of Congress, we will be done. 

I expect there won’t even be any vocal opposition permitted—our speech will be silenced one way or the other as America’s gates will be flung open to the world.

And, about that 700%?  Biden has already said he will immediately admit 125,000 refugees a year to America and so to get to that figure, it likely means that Trump expects to admit about 15,500 before September 30th.***  I don’t think it will be nearly that high as we are only at 7,800 now.  The original ceiling was supposed to be 18,000. (Trump’s people might be adding in the Special Immigrant Visas to get that number up.)

Rush does excellent work, so read her report and pray that one day we can again return to squabbling over the implications of government programs, but as I said in November of 2019, you need to work to get the President re-elected.

And, you must also prepare your household and your community for an attack on civil society like we have never seen.

By the way, have you had your “second tower moment?”

*** LOL! Surely someone will check my math.  If I am wrong, it isn’t me!  I used one of those percent calculator things!