Will the President's new Executive Order, so-called "travel ban," come tomorrow?

Politico is reporting that it will be tomorrow, but who knows.
What we do know is that the portion of the Executive Order reducing the number of refugees being permitted entry to the US this fiscal year was not affected by the court wrangling and that the federal refugee resettlement contracting agencies*** are going to mount a campaign against Trump no matter what the new EO says.

Pow-wow on the EO? Hope it includes step #2, getting Congress to reform the Refugee Admissions Program.

Their money is already being cut off by virtue of the reduced numbers since they are paid by the head for each refugee client they place. (Fewer clients=less money for them)
This morning we have admitted 37,323 refugees in FY2017, and the Trump team says the number for the year will not go over 50,000.
But, I am repeating (until I want to barf) that 50,000 is not that low considering that George W. Bush had 4 years under that number, see here. And, as soon as he left office, Obama opened the spigot.
Here is Politico:

President Donald Trump is expected to sign on Monday a new executive order on his controversial travel ban at the Department of Homeland Security, according to senior government officials familiar with the matter.

It is unclear how significant the changes to the current order will be or whether the White House will continue a court fight over its old order.

The original order restrained immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, temporarily halted the entry of refugees and indefinitely shut down the entrance of refugees from Syria.

White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was heading on Saturday to Mar-a-Lago “for an EO launch meeting” with a team from the Department of Justice. They will meet with DHS officials and the president, according to a source familiar with the matter.

Repeat seven times!

I’ve lost track of how many times I have said it, but tinkering around the edges and simply reducing the number to 50,000 will do nothing to reform the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

Only a complete moratorium for an extended time will force Congress to BEGIN to examine the present flawed system. 

If not reformed/trashed/re-written (or whatever), the next President can just open the spigot wide again!

Congress is only too happy to hide on the subject, Trump must make them do their jobs!
*** These are the nine federal contracting agencies that monopolize the system of placing refugees in your towns and cities:

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