Don’t get me wrong, I am not defending the Russian government (or Russian anybody). But, I do want to say that this is rich (and it makes me laugh!)—Soros/Podesta‘s Think Progress apparently doesn’t like the competition from skilled propagandists when propaganda is Soros’s greatest asset!
The implication in the story is that these “fake” Russian facebook pages are promoting fake news. We know in one case, the Starbuck’s story, there is nothing fake about the news. It happened. So, I guess Think Progress is really just furious (and jealous!) about the way the news is presented in order to have the most impact.
Here is Think Progress…
How Russia’s Facebook ads inflamed America’s social tensions
Gun rights and same-sex marriage. Secession movements and refugee intake. Racial tensions and, of all things, dog lovers.
These are a smattering of the topics unearthed so far from Russia’s fake Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts.
Facebook, as it has over the past few months, remains hesitant to publicly identify the accounts they’ve since pulled down. But the handful of accounts reporters have uncovered thus far highlight how Russian actors viewed the types of schisms running through the U.S., and how best to incense, provoke, and enrage millions of followers.
The Russian “Secured Borders” account, which attempted to host an anti-immigrant rally in Twin Falls, Idaho, pushed material regularly regurgitating nativist talking points. According to a search through Google Cache, the “Secured Borders” page was fraught with the types of anti-migrant language familiar to the current administration.
The site appeared to espouse a special ire for refugees, especially those from the Middle East. One post from August claimed a link between increased refugee resettlement and higher rates of tuberculosis, complaining that refugees were allowed to be hired at Starbucks (which the site referred to as “Shariabucks”).
(LOL! Shariabucks! Clever!)
We reported on the research about the increasing rates of TB especially high in San Diego, and the special hiring event at Starbucks! It happened. So what is Think Progress‘s beef, that this real news was presented by Russian facebookers in a format that would get people’s attention?
Does the Soros Open Borders propaganda machine have some serious competition from sites like these? I think so!
Here is one of the facebook ‘ads’ (ads or just pages that anyone can set up?) that Think Progress wants you to treat as fake news (filed in my ‘Laugh of the day’ category):