If you are a new reader, you probably don’t know that the tiny island of Malta is an illegal alien magnet in the Mediterranean Sea. Since 2007 we have been helping them out by taking some of their excess illegal aliens to the US.
Here is a report on the latest bunch on the way to your town, from the Times of Malta:
11 Somalis and Eritreans left Malta today to start a new life in the United States.
The immigrants – nine singles and a couple, went to the US under the US Refugee Resettlement Programme. [Singles usually are young men, but I don’t know that for sure here—ed]
They departed on a flight to London from where they will transit to their flight to New York. On arrival, they will be assisted by non-governmental organisations to proceed to their final destinations in various states.
They were selected following a process involving the UNHCR (Malta office) as well as the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) at various stages. US Government officials also conduct interviews in Malta.
This latest departure brings the total of beneficiaries of international protection resettled to the United States from Malta since 2007 to 847.
Unfortunately, I have no time to fill you in on the history of this ill-conceived (and precedent-setting!) project. You can imagine how this serves as a magnet for more illegals to try to get to Malta—to win the US resettlement lottery. Search RRW for ‘Malta’ and you will see what I mean. Here is one story to give you some idea of what is going on with the Jesuit-run pipeline form Malta to the US.