Harris/Biden “farming out” Asylum System to NGOs

In a sketchy scheme, six non-governmental organizations have been assigned the task of sorting through the tens of thousands of asylum seekers that President Trump successfully kept in Mexico (so they wouldn’t bring the Chinese Virus into the US as they waited for their asylum claims to be processed) to determine which ones get to enter the US now.

But, critics, like a top ACLU attorney says:

“The government cannot farm out the asylum system.”

Two of the six non-profits who will be doing the choosing are long-time refugee resettlement contractors: the International Rescue Committee and HIAS (formerly the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society).

The whole set-up sounds illegal to me!

Where is Stephen Miller and his new legal group?

From the Associated Press, here at the Baltimore Sun:

Biden administration taps humanitarian groups to pick asylum-seekers to allow into country

SAN DIEGO — The Biden administration has quietly tasked six humanitarian groups with recommending which migrants should be allowed to stay in the U.S. instead of being rapidly expelled from the country under federal pandemic-related powers that block people from seeking asylum.

The groups will determine who is most vulnerable in Mexico, and their criteria has not been made public. It comes as large numbers of people are crossing the southern border and as the government faces intensifying pressure to lift the public health powers instituted by former President Donald Trump and kept in place by President Joe Biden during the coronavirus pandemic.

Several members of the consortium spoke to The Associated Press about the criteria and provided details of the system that have not been previously reported. The government is aiming to admit to the country up to 250 asylum-seekers a day who are referred by the groups and is agreeing to that system only until July 31. By then, the consortium hopes the Biden administration will have lifted the public health rules, though the government has not committed to that.

So far, a total of nearly 800 asylum-seekers have been let in since May 3, and members of the consortium say there is already more demand than they can meet.

Think about this, three of the organizations are not even US-based organizations!

So we have foreign non-profit groups deciding who can enter the US?

The groups have not been publicly identified except for the International Rescue Committee, a global relief organization. The others are London-based Save the Children; two U.S.-based organizations, HIAS and Kids in Need of Defense; and two Mexico-based organizations, Asylum Access and the Institute for Women in Migration, according to two people with direct knowledge who spoke on condition of anonymity because the information was not intended for public release.

How did the Harris/Biden gang decide who would play God? It is a secret!

Critics of the new selection processes say too much power is vested in a small number of organizations and that the effort is shrouded in secrecy without a clear explanation of how the groups were chosen. Critics also say there are no assurances that the most vulnerable or deserving migrants will be chosen to seek asylum.

Some consortium members are concerned that going public may cause their offices in Mexico to be mobbed by asylum-seekers, overwhelming their tiny staffs and exposing them to potential threats and physical attacks from extortionists and other criminals.


Lee Gelernt

ACLU attorney Lee Gelernt said advocacy groups are in “a very difficult position because they need to essentially rank the desperation” of people, but he insisted it was temporary. The government, he said, “cannot farm out the asylum system.”

Migration experts not involved in the process have questioned how the groups determine who is eligible.

“It has been murky,” said Jessica Bolter, an analyst at the nonpartisan Migration Policy Institute who believes the administration is trying to quietly be humane without encouraging more people to come, a balancing act she doubts will succeed.

More here.

Just imagine the potential for corruption with this secretive hairbrained scheme.

Heaven help us if this is a sample of Harris at work as she leads on the border crisis.

Update: Australia Looking for US to Continue to Take Their Rejected Illegal Aliens

For any of you who have followed or even remember the Australia “dumb deal” as Trump called it before honoring it, here is an update.

Australia had passed a law about a decade ago which said if anyone tried to break into the country by boat they would be put in offshore detention and not permitted to ask for asylum in Australia, so they ended up with thousands in detention.

Just as Obama was leaving office in late 2016 he promised to take those rejects off their hands, and so here we are now still doing it, although Biden is slow off the dime while Trump admitted 900.

Many Trump left behind are from Muslim countries on the so-called Muslim ban list.  We did, however, admit many Rohingya Muslims Australia was rejecting.

They aren’t “refugees!”  They are illegal aliens.  It would be like us asking Australia to take a bunch of those aliens jumping our US border right now.

From The Sydney Morning Herald:

Almost 1000 refugees still in limbo as US deal approaches completion

The Morrison government is yet to find permanent homes for more than 900 refugees still in limbo after going through Australia’s offshore processing regimes in Papua New Guinea and Nauru, some of whom are entering their ninth year in detention.

The 2016 deal to resettle refugees in the United States, struck at the time by Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and US President Barack Obama, has filled three quarters of its 1250-person cap.

There are hopes the US could expand the agreement – which Donald Trump honoured – after President Joe Biden increased the US’s annual refugee intake to 62,500 earlier this month.


To date, 940 refugees have been resettled in the US under the deal, including 34 this year. The Asylum Seeker Resource Centre said another 258 refugees had been provisionally approved for resettlement but were still waiting to travel.

More here.

See many, many posts on the Australia dumb deal by clicking here.

Two Major Refugee Contractors Receive Millions to Move Illegal Aliens from the Border to Interior US

Because this story is so important, I’m posting it instead of a weekly round-up of refugee news.

And, besides, the US Refugee Admissions Program has been stalled for some mysterious reason by the Biden gang so there isn’t a lot new since last week.

I can only guess the hold-up is because they have created such a crisis at our wide open border with their fake refugee invasion that they aren’t beginning the large movement they promised the Left of Africans, Asians and Middle Easterners into the country fearing more anger from their 80 million voters! (Only 24% of all Americans support Biden border policies.)

That isn’t making the nine contractors***, who are paid by you and me to place them, happy.

However, two of the nine contractors are busy collecting millions to ostensibly take care of the women and kids, including some “not so nice women,” arriving at the border in historically high numbers.

Those two are the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.


Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley, and Cardinal Blase J. Cupich of Chicago greet asylum seekers at the Humanitarian Respite Center at Sacred Heart Church in McAllen, Texas, in 2017, the location of the viral video from Infowars last week.

First, to get a feel for the magnitude of the crisis, see the New York Times story headlined:

Young Migrants Crowd Shelters, Posing Test for Biden

The administration is under intensifying pressure to expand its capacity to care for as many as 35,000 unaccompanied minors, part of a wave of people crossing the border.

More than 20,000 children and teenagers are in the custody of a government system that is already at “103 percent of capacity,” including nearly 17,000 in shelters run by the health department, according to briefing materials from Operation Artemis, a response to the border crisis led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Government projections obtained by The New York Times show there could be more than 35,000 migrant children to be cared for by June — a prospect that one former senior health and human services official called “terrifying.”

The NYT story does not mention the role Catholic agencies are playing, but does mention Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service headquartered in Baltimore, Maryland.  Of course you are led to believe that they are doing their work of moving migrants to the interior US out of the goodness of their Christian hearts.

Viral Video

Now,, see the controversial film in front of a Catholic agency in McAllen, Texas from Infowars this week if you aren’t one of the million or so who have already seen it.

Sister Norma Pimental was chosen by Time magazine as one of the 100 most influential people in America for 2020. https://time.com/collection/100-most-influential-people-2020/5888284/sister-norma-pimentel/

Needless to say, Catholic Charities has blasted Jones’ video saying at Catholic World Report:

Catholic Charities Rio Grande Valley on Thursday said a viral video of their work with migrant children on the U.S.-Mexico border is “inaccurate and unauthorized.”

We have been doing our humanitarian work for years, said Pimental director of Catholic Charities Rio Grande Valley.

One of those on the scene for the confrontation in front of McAllen’s Catholic Charities facility is Tim Enlow and it is worth an hour of your time to see and hear him explain to patriot interviewer Delora O’Brien what exactly went down that day.

One of the most shocking revelations in the interview is that Enlow describes the arrival at the scene of a white man identifying himself as wealthy and from Philadelphia who claims he was told by a nun! that he could come down to McAllen and pick up a couple of van loads of single women he could care for and provide work for!

Watch it before Youtube removes it!  Hat tip: Robin.



O’Brien and Enlow charge that the government, our US government, is sponsoring child smuggling!

Your tax dollars at work!

They are more right than they know since both Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) are raking in millions from the US Treasury to ‘care for’ Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC).

If you are a long-time reader of RRW, this news is not new!

I bet for others, you had no idea that YOUR TAX DOLLARS were paying these ‘religious’ charities for their work!

Data for the Bishops from USA Spending where all federal grants and contracts are catalogued.

Here we learn that the USCCB has pulled in $17.9 million in just the last 12 months for their UAC ‘care.’

The UACs represent the biggest chunk of the Bishops payola right now.

Below you can see a year-to-year comparison. 

They have lost some serious money since Obama, but they are picking up steam again.  See for FY21, which we are in right now, they anticipate more millions this fiscal year as represented by the yellow line.



The Lutherans have got the Catholics beat! 

Again data from USA Spending.

LIRS doesn’t need to be bringing in refugees from around the world, they are doing very well taking care of the illegal alien children. The $55 million is their take (of your money) for the children! over the last twelve months.

By the way, LIRS is over 90% taxpayer funded. There is no passing the plate at Sunday services for them!

Longtime readers know that LIRS was mired in controversy a few years ago, but notice how much the Trump Administration was shelling out to them.  More than any Obama year!  Pity that Trump never put anyone into key positions who knew where the bodies were buried.



***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the contractors.

They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris and lobby for open borders.  As taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.

Americans Last! is their motto!



Refugee News Round-up: First Week of April 2021

“Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.”

(Boston Globe columnist, Marcela García)

The refugee news from the last week primarily revolves around two main themes—the ‘children’ surging across the US border and where to put them before releasing them into the country; and why Biden has yet to sign the document to start the flow of third world refugees from Asia, Africa and the Middle East to Anytown, USA.

The ‘children’ as we have been reporting in recent weeks are not refugees even as the open-borders-promoting mainstream media wants you to believe they are.

The mostly teenagers are illegal aliens hoping to claim asylum, or so they say. 

The vast majority will never achieve refugee status because most will never appear in any asylum adjudication process, and even if they did show up few could prove that they were persecuted in their home country.

Also, as I have been saying, the largest number of those getting in are older teens who will soon age-out of the system altogether.  In one story this week a weak attempt was made to answer the question—what happens when they age-out?

See that story here:

What happens to unaccompanied migrant children when they turn 18?

They must find a sponsor—-what a joke!

Moving on to the other major theme of the week, the mystery deepens—so why hasn’t Biden signed the annual determination document that would lift Trump’s low number from 15,000 refugees to 62,500 for the fiscal year?

Refugee contractors heads are exploding as their man Chairman Joe isn’t removing Trump’s refugee ceiling.

His State Department already told Congress that the Administration wants 62,500, an absolutely unattainable number as the fiscal year ends in a little over 5 and a half months.

But, no Biden signature yet!

What surprises me most is that the refugee contractors*** who have a pipeline into the State Department, a pipeline that was functioning during the Trump years, don’t appear to know what the hold-up is.

However, a theory is developing—Biden doesn’t want to look TOO PRO-IMMIGRANT! 


The crisis on the border alone tells us it is a little late for that! 

Everyone with eyes can see that the Biden/Harris administration is the most PRO-immigrant and most Americans-last administration of all time.

See the Boston Globe op-ed:

Is Biden afraid of appearing too soft on immigration?

The official name of the malady is xenophobia. Donald Trump did everything he could to spread the condition, and it still infects us. [LOL! They can’t resist whacking Trump!—ed]

Unlike Trump, President Biden doesn’t fear displaced foreigners who fled their homes due to civil conflict, natural disasters, persecution, or systemic violence. Nor does he blatantly use them as handy political props. Still, he may be afraid of appearing soft on immigration, just as some were labeled soft on crime a generation ago.

That could be one explanation for why Biden hasn’t reversed Trump’s historically low refugee admissions cap of 15,000 annually, leaving many in the resettlement world baffled. It could also be that the administration is consumed with managing the influx of migrant children at the US-Mexico border.

Regardless of the reason, Biden’s delay on welcoming refugees has been a huge disappointment for refugee advocates.

The Globe opinion piece directs us to an exchange that happened at a White House press briefing with Jen Psaki on Thursday.  The reporter is not identified:

Q    Gotcha.  And then, a quick follow-up.  Why haven’t refugee flights continued at this point?  Last month, the President did announce that he intended to raise the refugee cap before the typical, you know, end of the fiscal year —

MS. PSAKI:  Yeah.

Q    — where it traditionally happens.  That hasn’t seemed to happen yet.  Why haven’t those flights continued?

MS. PSAKI:  He remains committed, but I don’t have an update on the timing of the flights.

Q    Does it have anything to do with the fact that resources are going towards the border at this time?  Or —

MS. PSAKI:  No, no, it’s not related to that.  No.

Q    Thank you, Jen.  [Reporter meekly accepts Psaki’s non-answer–ed]

More at the Boston Globe, here.

Incidentally, the Biden team has put the Temporary Protected Status program on steroids demonstrating that their pro-immigration policies are moving full steam ahead, except (strangely) for the Refugee Admissions Program.

Here we see the not wanting to look too PRO-immigrant theme continued at the Buffalo News:

Refugee numbers drop in Buffalo – and Biden isn’t boosting them

Privately, some refugee advocates speculate that Biden is delaying opening up refugee resettlement so long as undocumented immigrants continue crossing the border with Mexico in record numbers, perhaps fearing political blowback from any move that might be seen as pro-immigrant.

Why is Buffalo so eager for more refugees?

Dear readers, this is a major reason why Democrats want refugees!

Democrat-run cities are dying and they see that moving the third world to their cities will be their ticket to saving them and their own political power. Nevermind that you pay for it both financially and culturally.

The Buffalo News continues….

Biden’s inaction has prompted a growing sense of frustration among those long have backed refugee resettlement as a key cog in stabilizing or even growing Buffalo’s population, such as Rep. Brian Higgins.

By the way, besides the fact that dying cities need bodies to keep Dems in power, it isn’t just the Democrats.  The globalists (including Republicans!) push for cheap labor, as outlined in a lengthy, but well worth reading treatise at the Last Refuge, explains more.

People Awakening to The Multinational Corporate Influence Over U.S. Politics – This is What the Professional UniParty, Including Republicans, Have Intentionally Kept Hidden From The American Voter

It explains why they hate Trump so much and why he had to go!

Okay, this is getting way too long!

Don’t miss my post at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ this week about the murder of a little refugee girl in Idaho.


There is a lot of talk about anti-Asian prejudice, but even Biden is in on it according to some in the Vietnamese community in America.

Still reeling from Trump-era policies, groups demand Biden address deportation, refugees

Although North Dakota lost its major refugee contractor, the state plans to pick up the slack.

North Dakota is not taking kids from U.S. southern border, but is hiring new refugee resettlement coordinator after LSS closure


It is a beautiful spring day on the farm, my garden calls, so that is enough for now!


***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the contractors.

They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris and as taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.

Americans Last! is their motto!

Christian Groups Push for Mass Amnesty and to Raise Refugee Ceiling to 125,000 this Year

Demonstrating once again that these so-called Christian religious charities care more about illegal aliens and third world refugees than they do about America’s poor, sick, homeless and unemployed….

They are federal refugee contractors who have worked hard to elect Biden/Harris as part of the ‘religious’ Socialist Left and are cheering Biden’s plan to push for a blanket amnesty for those in the country illegally and to increase the ceiling for the admission of refugees to 125,000 in this fiscal year (FY2021 is underway).

See the story at the Christian Post:

Christian immigration advocacy groups praise Biden’s plans as ‘glimpse of hope’

Several faith-based immigration advocacy and humanitarian organizations [they are federal refugee contractors, see list below—ed] have voiced support for the immigration proposal President Joe Biden sent to Congress on his first day in office Wednesday and the immigration-related executive orders he signed.

However, some conservatives have voiced opposition to the legislative proposal, saying that it opens the door to “mass amnesty.”


World Relief also called on Biden to raise the annual U.S. refugee resettlement ceiling that was drastically reduced during the Trump years. In November, Biden vowed to raise the ceiling to 125,000 refugees that can be resettled in the U.S. during the fiscal year. Under Trump, the ceiling was set at 15,000 for the fiscal year 2021.

One of those cheering Biden is the often-arrested CEO of Church World Service.*** See here.

Arrested on the Capitol steps in 2019. That is the Rev. McCullough of Church World Service on the far left. He pulls in an annual salary and benefits package of $386,227 (most recent form 990) from the quasi-government CWS. Looks like Anne Richard, Obama’s refugee chief next to him, and then of course CAIR’s Nihad Awad fourth from the left.


The Rev. John L. McCullough, president and CEO of Church World Service, another refugee resettlement agency, said in a statement that Wednesday marked the “new beginning for compassionate policy.”

“It is now the duty of Congress to pass this bill and deliver it to President Biden’s desk for his signature,” McCullough said. 


Republican Senators Grassley and Cruz responded to the idea of a blanket amnesty and believe it is not their duty at all!

Among opponents is Sen. Chuck Grassley of Iowa, who formerly chaired the Senate Judiciary Committee. He believes Biden’s immigration proposal is tantamount to “mass amnesty.” In a statement shared by Roll Call, Grassley said the bill is “far more radical” than past failed congressional efforts for immigration reform.


In addition to Grassley, other conservatives in the Senate have spoken out against Biden’s proposals. Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas argued that the proposal puts the interests of people in the U.S. illegally before those of American workers.

“It is deeply troubling that most of Joe Biden’s first acts as president were to protect illegal immigrants and encourage illegal immigration at the expense of American jobs and workers,”Cruz stated.

More here.

That is a fine representative of Church World Service (sporting their logo).

By the way, to raise the refugee ceiling to 125,000 does not require Congressional approval, but Biden through his State Department is required to (merely) consult the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

***  Is your church one of these?

McCullough and CWS say they represent the following “communions.”

And, know this, if your church does a “Crop Walk” you are funding the politically Leftwing activist group Church World Service!

Member Communions

America Lasters!

For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who have worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House.

They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people and are putting Americans last!