I had been wondering why a series of older guest posts written by one of our readers was jumping to the top of our list of most-read posts this week, and now I know. Watching Gretajust now I learned that the US military is coming under fire for supposedly telling our men in Afghanistan to ignore the fact that our Afghan allies are abusing young boys (considered a cultural practice). Afghan boys are vulnerable to abuse in a country where women are off-limits because of Islamic shariah law.
If you have never heard of Bacha Bazi I urge you to read the four part series by reader ‘Pungentpeppers’ posted earlier this year. You might actually start with the 4th post in the series(and then follow links to numbers 1, 2, and 3). The 4th is entitled:
Bacha Bazi and Islam: Devilish Deception, The Mullah’s Response, and Beyond Heaven’s Pearly Gates
Please follow the links back to the previous posts. ‘Pungentpeppers’ wrote the series because the horrific practice is entering the US and Australia (elsewhere?) with the Afghan refugees. Here is a note from me at the time:
This is the 4th in a series of guest posts by ‘Pungentpeppers’ about Bacha Bazi, the Afghan pedophile practice targeting boys that has made its way to the West (including possibly to the US). Go here,here, and here to see the previous reports. Part II (Australia grapples with Bacha Bazi compulsive predators) was our top post last week.
One more in a long list of reasons why diversity is not so beautiful.
Coming to a town near you? Reuters has the story here:
MELBOURNE (Reuters) – Several hundred Australian nationalists and anti-racism activists clashed with police in Melbourne on Saturday in a rare display of violence in a country where immigration is an increasingly emotive political issue.
Fear of young Australian Muslims being inspired by militants such as Islamic State and traveling to fight in Iraq and Syria has underpinned support for right-wing groups like Reclaim Australia and the United Patriots Front.
“The message is very clear: you come here, embrace our way of life,” Daniel Nalliah, National President of the Rise Up Australia Party and Reclaim Australia rally organizer told the crowd.
“If you think where you come from is better than where you are coming to, shut up, pack up and get out.”
About 450 police were on hand following violent clashes at a similar rally earlier this year and used pepper spray as they struggled to keep the two sides apart.
The written report doesn’t tell the whole story. See the films of the violent demonstrations to get a better understanding of the tension over immigration down under. Here are just two of many:
For new readers we have an extensive archiveon Australia with 171 previous posts.
More Invasion of Europe news….. David Frum writing in The Atlanticabout the invasion of Europe, wraps up an insightful (longish) piece by endorsing the policy of the Abbott government in Australia which has stopped the illegal migration of phony asylum seekers to the country by stopping the boats! NEW Germans, NEW Italians, NEW Frenchmen aboard!
Is it any surprise that if you let them come, more will come?
The lesson applies to America as well…..
From The Atlantic (Closing European Harbors). Emphasis is mine:
Contrast this with the recent experience of Australia. After the Labor government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced a newly permissive policy toward asylum-seekers in 2008, their numbers, unsurprisingly, soared. As holding facilities filled, Labor leaders moved to reintroduce stricter controls, but public opinion had already turned against them: the party lost the 2013 federal election to Tony Abbott, a conservative who had, among other campaign promises, vowed to crack down on asylum-seekers arriving by boat. Under Abbott’s policy, no unapproved boats would be allowed to land. Period. Boats apprehended at sea would be turned back to their point of origin or towed to uncongenial places like Papua New Guinea for processing of passengers. The government used social media to communicate the new policy throughout Southeast Asia. A YouTube video released in many of the region’s languages warned: “If you travel by boat without a visa, you will not make Australia home.” Since then, illegal boat migration has virtually disappeared.
The policy has been expensive: the government has reportedly spent about $1 billion Australian a year to detain migrants at facilities in other countries. That is a relatively small sum, however, compared with the high social and economic costs over many years—and multiple generations—of allowing large-scale migration by very low-skilled people.
The ocean around Australia is much wider than the sea between Libya and Europe. Yet Australia’s example is promising. Migration follows opportunity. Remove opportunity, and migration will cease. Migrants who attempt to force their way into Europe are, quite understandably, seeking a better life. Butthe peoples of the countries they wish to enter similarly have a right to do what is best for themselves.
Making a success of the migration that has already occurred will demand tremendous wisdom, generosity, and policy creativity from Europe’s leaders. That challenge will become only more daunting if migrant numbers continue to grow unchecked, thanks to an immigration policy that prides itself on being compassionate, but that in practice perpetuates the darkest and most dangerous tendencies of Europeans, old and new alike.
Read it all here. Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive. I’ve been writing a lot about the invasion this week, one more post coming up.
Here is some of the latest news on the ‘Invasion of Europe.’
Tourists on the Greek island of Kos “disgusted” with migrants camped on the streets and inhabiting the beaches. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3099736/Holidaymakers-misery-boat-people-Syria-Afghanistan-seeking-asylum-set-migrant-camp-turn-popular-Greek-island-Kos-disgusting-hellhole.html
First, a new wave of illegal aliens flooded Italy and Greece this week. Obviously no effort is being made to take Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s advice to turn the boats back to the African coast. Each successful rescue simply sends the message back to Africa to fill the next boat!
More than 4,200 migrants are being brought to southern Italy after being rescued from boats in the Mediterranean in just 24 hours, the Italian coastguard said.
The migrants were rescued from wooden fishing boats and motorised rubber dinghies on Friday and Saturday in operations involving ships from nations including Italy, Ireland, Germany, Belgium and Britain.
Distress calls were made from 22 different boats, many off Libya but also off the southern Italian coast.
The huge spike in the number of people trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea in recent weeks has been attributed to the worsening security situation in Libya – the staging post for most of the crossings – as well as milder weather.
Greece getting hammered.
While massive, this year’s numbers are level with last year when authorities registered 41,243 arrivals between January and May 31.
A difference is however being felt in Greece which has registered 37,000 arrivals since the beginning of the year – already 3,000 more than in the whole of 2014, di Giacomo [International Organization of Migration] said.
The EU’s attempt to divide the masses between the 28 nations of the European Union is going no where.
See the Daily Sabah. Most EU countries are balking. And, besides, with the huge numbers coming, relocating 40,000 sounds like only a drop in the bucket!
The first significant sign of progress on the issue of mass migration to the EU was achieved on Wednesday after the submission of a proposal for a relocation and resettlement scheme to respond to the current migration challenges that the EU is currently facing. As part of a wider ranging migration strategy, the relocation scheme proposes to accept 40,000 asylum seekers and relocate them throughout EU countries in order to share the heavy burden of migrants mostly arriving in Italy and Greece. The proposal has not yet been approved by EU member states and is a controversial issue as the majority of EU countries are reluctant to take in refugees.
According to the resettlement program under the EU action plan on migration, Germany, one of the largest recipients of asylum applications among EU countries, would receive 8,763 of them, France would take 6,752 and Spain 4,288. The rest would be distributed among the other 23 countries. However, Britain, Ireland and Denmark already opted out of the plan with other Eastern European EU countries opposing the resettlement scheme. Member states would receive 6,000 euros per relocated asylum seeker from the EU.
Then we have news that Spain is undesirable according to Syrian refugees: not welcoming enough, not enough welfare goodies?
Here, Poland is balking at the EU proposal, but did agree to take in 200 Christian Syrians. The EU wants them to take 2,659 mostly Muslim Africans and Syrians.
There are lots more stories about individual country responses to the EU plan to share the burden. I’ll add more here as I see them this week. Our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here. You won’t see much about this in the American press, but it’s important to know that Western civilization is under siege across Europe, Australia, and in Israel. Update: See ‘Welfare jihad in Europe’ here.
I figured I didn’t need to say much about the latest drowning deaths in the Mediterranean since for once the mainstream media seems to have noticed.
In July 2013 the Pope went to Lampedusa to great the invaders from North Africa and the Middle East. And, lectured Italians to be more welcoming. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2013/07/09/pope-lectures-on-lampedusa/
It goes on and on and European leaders don’t seem to get it.
The only way to save lives is to turn the boats back to the North African coast, and then let the UNHCR build some camps in Libya to house them and guard them.
It is either that or lose Europe completely as all of Africa and the Middle East want in!
And, by the way, this writer has no sympathy for the Pope (saying prayers as the news broke) since he helped encourage the invasion when he went to the Italian island of Lampedusa nearly two years ago and “welcomed” the invaders!
So here is the latest news from The Guardian about the sinking of yet one migrant vessel.
Italian police have arrested two suspected people traffickers among the survivors of the migrant boat that capsized on Sunday, as the United Nations confirmed that at least 800 people died in the sinking off the coast of Libya.
Prosecutors said they had detained a Tunisian man believed to be the captain of the vessel and a Syrian allegedly a member of the ship’s crew, taken from a group of 27 haggard survivors who arrived in the Sicilian port of Catania on Monday evening.
The two were charged with people trafficking and the captain was also charged with reckless multiple homicide in relation to the sinking.
The arrests came after an emergency meeting of EU interior and foreign ministers in Luxembourg on Monday made a decision to launch military operations against the networks of smugglers in Libya, as well as to bolster maritime patrols in the Mediterranean and give their modest naval mission a broader search-and-rescue mandate for saving lives.
Tony Abbott: Stop the boats!
The Guardian tells us the average age of the migrants was 25-years-old. And male! Sounds like an army to me!
Flavio Di Giacomo, spokesperson for IOM Italy, said those on board had come from Gambia, Ivory coast, Somalia, Eritrea, Mali, Tunisia, Sierra Leone, Bangladesh and Syria. Reports said all those on board were male, several of them unaccompanied children.
Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott has the only solution if the European Union wants to save lives AND save Europe.
You will find this near the end of The Guardian’s story. LOL! I think they call this burying the lead!
Australia’s prime minister has urged European leaders to adopt tougher border control measures. Tony Abbott, whose government implemented a strict policy of turning back asylum seekers’ boats in a bid to discourage them from trying to reach Australia, called the latest Mediterranean crisis a “terrible, terrible tragedy” and suggested Europe follow Australia’s lead to ensure it was not repeated.
“The only way you can stop the deaths is to stop the people smuggling trade. The only way you can stop the deaths is, in fact, to stop the boats,” Abbott told reporters in the nation’s capital, Canberra. “That’s why it is so urgent that the countries of Europe adopt very strong policies that will end the people smuggling trade across the Mediterranean.”
See our archiveon recent Australian success in stopping boats filled with illegal migrants. And, our whole ‘Invasion of Europe’ series is here.