This is probably going on in most of America right now!
The nine federal Refugee Resettlement contractors*** that work for the US State Department and ultimately the United Nationsare getting ready for Chairman Joe’s promise to begin the massive, possibly annual, flow of 125,000 refugees to America beginning October first!
(It is still unclear how many will be admitted before that date since the Biden team has beenflip-floppingon what they plan to do for the remainder of this fiscal year.)
This is exactly how it begins!
This is exactly what Church World Service did in Hagerstown, MD in 2007 when I first became aware of the federally funded plan to diversify America.
They send a spokesperson to a local elected board, in my case the county commission, to explain how wonderful it would be to bring impoverished refugees to the community.
Winchester is the county seat of largely rural Frederick County, Virginia. It borders West Virginia.
Then completely uninformed elected officials nod in agreement (fear of looking racist!) not having a clue what types of questions they should ask.
As for Winchester, Virginia, it looks like there will be an opportunity for some citizen input before May 11th, but even that may be too late because Winchester’s Democrat mayor is signaling that Winchester is welcoming.
WINCHESTER — A global faith-based organization thinks Winchester is an ideal community for international refugees who have been driven from their own countries.
Susannah Lepley, Virginia’s director of Immigration and Refugee Resettlement for the nonprofit Church World Service (CWS), told the city’s Planning and Economic Development Committee this week that her organization — formed in 1946 as a partnership between 17 religious denominations that wanted to feed, clothe and shelter the impoverished— hopes to open an office in Winchester that would serve people who have been forced from their homelands due to political, social or religious persecution.
[Lepley doesn’t mention that the majority of CWS funding comes from the US government (aka taxpayers) letting officials believe their work is purely driven by ‘religious’ charity—ed]
“We feel that refugees would add to the Winchester community,” Lepley said. “There would be more people to work here, and Winchester would be great for the refugees themselves.” [What? So Winchester is short on workers?—ed]
Lepley said the refugee resettlement office’s goal for the first year would be to bring in 100 refugees, which equates to about two families per month.
However, that number could increase in later years if President Joe Biden follows through on his pledge to raise the number of refugees allowed into the United States annually.
It will not end! Once the flow begins, elected officials in Winchester will have no say on how many more will be placed there. Schools? Healthcare? Social Services? Law enforcement? What happens when those services are stretched? Winchester will be out of luck!
By the way, Lepley’s office is in Harrisonburg, VAand they have likely saturated that area with impoverished refugees and so must now find new territory.
Currently, only 15,000 refugees are allowed in per year — a number that Lepley said is “a historic low” — but Biden has said he wants to elevate that number to 125,000, possibly as soon as October. Prior to the tenure of President Donald Trump, she said, the yearly average number of refugees allowed into the U.S. was 96,000.
“What we’re doing is building the structure so that when the presidential determination is 125,000, we’ll have places to send people that are welcoming towns, welcoming cities,” Lepley said.
The Winchester CWS office, at least initially, would primarily serve people who have fled Iraq and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
After 90 days the refugees are the responsibility of ‘welcoming’ Winchester!
“Before they arrive, we find an apartment for them, we set up the apartment, we furnish it with everything from dishes to lights to beds, sheets, towels, shampoo, everything,” Lepley said. “We help them within the first seven days to apply for government assistance to get them through the first several months, provide very intensive case management for the first 90 days, and then we provide employment assistance, help put their kids in school, things like that for the first five years they’re here.”
CWS also helps refugees learn English and obtain permanent residence in the United States.
Why are they coming? Because the United Nations has “granted permission” for them to come to America!
Kim Herbstritt
Committee member Kim Herbstritt asked Lepley why the refugees would come to the U.S.
“They’re invited by the State Department,” Lepley said, explaining the refugees have already applied for, and been granted permission to, emigrate to the United States by the United Nation’s High Commissioner for Refugees.
At least someone has the good sense to ask about housing availability!
Herbstritt said it may be difficult for Lepley to find enough local homes for the refugees. The city’s housing supply is so low that on Tuesday, only 19 homes were available for purchase in Winchester, and half of those cost more than $300,000 each. She recommended Lepley also look at available housing in nearby Frederick and Clarke counties.
If city officials give their blessing to the refugee resettlement office, Lepley said it would most likely open in April 2021 [that date has passed?—ed] somewhere within city limits.
Mayor Smith
“Winchester has always been an open community,” Mayor and committee member David Smith said before the panel voted unanimously to recommend City Council’s approval of a resolution supporting the refugee resettlement office.
Council will open discussions on the proposal at its next meeting on May 11.
So has Winchester run out of its own poor people to care for? That is what you should be asking the Mayor and city officials!
If you live in Winchester or anywhere in Frederick County, Virginia or adjoining counties and have problems with bringing third world poverty to your town or county when Americans are unemployed and homeless, you better get moving and make your voices heard.
That is the only way to stop this train.
***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.
They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris andlobby for open borders. As taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.
Here I go again, another post on the incredibly amusing muddle the Biden Administration has gotten itself into in regards to the flip-flop-flipping on his decision to aim to admit a certain number of refugees into the US this fiscal year.
Since I last wrote here on Wednesday, I posted a piece at Frauds and Crooks on the topic, because I am so fascinated by how the Biden White House has made such an enormous political blunder and that the corporate media has reported on the blowback Biden has received from the liberal wing of his party.
The Frauds and Crookspost focused on how quickly the refugee lobby went into action to slap Biden around on his unforgiveable waffling and announcement that he would leave the refugee ceiling/cap at the Trump level for the remainder of the fiscal year sending HIAS and other refugee pushers ballistic as heads exploded throughout the refugee industry.
There are so many things I could have written about today, but instead, I just spent part of an hour listening to a podcast at something called Skullduggery where HIAS (formerly Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) CEO Mark Hetfield gives Michael Isikoff some inside skinny on what went down last week in the White House implosion over the refugee cap for the year.
Additionally Hetfield reveals a few other nuggets of information that you may find illuminating. I did.
Hey, and if you think that somehow I pick on Mark Hetfield and HIAS, I don’t.
Mark Hetfield protesting President Donald Trump’s refugee policy decisions.
It just happens that Hetfield appears to be the most political of the refugee contractor CEOs and is out and about talking to the media and organizing protests. (See all contractors*** below.)
He also was the leader of the pack suing the Trump administration every time Trump attempted to reform the Refugee Admissions Program.
Calling all refugee policy wonks! This podcastis worth listening to as Hetfield describes the situation with the White House as “bizarre.”
Here are a few takeaways (some nuggets we already know, but confirmed by Hetfield):
~ The refugee admissions controversy was the first blowback Biden received from the liberal wing of the party. By May 15th a new refugee ceiling will be announced by the capitulating White House.
~ We learn that Secretary of State Blinken wants the increase, but some unknown players in the White House are politically “spooked on immigration.” That tells us that we must, for all its worth, keep talking about immigration and the southern border as a “crisis.”
~ With the refugee program it is the Muslim refugees that most scare the public. There was a few minutes of discussion about the 2015 governors’ revolt when 31 governors told Obama they refused to admit Syrian refugees to their states. Even presidential candidates such as moderates on immigration, Bush and Rubio, became “xenophobic” in their rhetoric. That really freaked-out Hetfield.
~Hetfield claims the public is mostly positive about bringing in more refugees, but apparently some unnamed advisors in the White House are looking at polling that does not confirm Hetfield’s optimistic view.
~Hetfield is “infuriated” by all of the focus on vetting refugees that delays their arrival in America. He says that no refugee has committed a lethal terror attack on US soil, but doesn’t mention that many have been stopped and apprehended before they could carry out a planned attack! And, he doesn’t mention the killers and rapists who have gotten past the screening.
~Isikoff finds Tucker Carlson’s great “replacement” theory “vile.” And then asks if Hetfield watches Carlson. This is the funny part: Hetfield says he “made the mistake” of going on Tucker’s show a few years ago.
By the way, that did not go well for Hetfield. If you missed it, here it is:
~ Hetfield called the replacement concept “beyond offensive.” He and the podcasters are concerned about whether this “strain of thinking” by the likes of Carlson, Donald Trump and Stephen Miller is “ascendant.” Hint to you: Keep it going.
~Hetfield called the administration’s border crisis a “lose-lose” situation for the President.
~As for the ceiling/cap, he wonders how the Biden team got so muddled over it as he said “set the damn cap” and set it higher than Trump’s cap. It doesn’t matter exactly what it is because it is a cap, a ceiling. He just wants to get the program moving and then Biden should fulfil his promise for FY2022 which begins on October 1, 2021 to admit 125,000 refugees from the Middle East, Africa, South America and Asia.
For those of you new to the Refugee program there was some useful basic information about how the program works.
Listento the whole interview entitled ‘Biden’s Refugee Problem.’
***If you are new to RRW, here are all of the federal refugee resettlement contractors.
The border crisis is damaging refugee resettlement!
The contractors worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris and they lobby for open borders.
From the earliest days of writing this blog it has perplexed me because if they truly cared about the refugees they legally help, they would not encourage leniency toward lawbreakers at our borders because the general public makes no distinctions.
To the average American it is all the same—too many people having too many needs for Americans to pay for.
I am willing to blame (almost) everything on the newly installed Biden/Harris Administration, but Trump never had support for his effort to give state and local governments a say in placement of refugees. Why?
First, because the Leftwingers at three federal contracting agencies, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Church World Serviceand Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, had taken the EO to court and had already won!
The contractors have been calling the shots on locations for decades and they plan to keep it that way!
An Appeals Court, the day before Inauguration Day, had already put the nail in the coffin on this Trump effort to protect you and give you a say in refugee resettlement site selection.
More importantly, governors needed to support the plan and the vast majority, at least 18, Republican governors in the nation opposed the President, except for a handful including DeSantis and Kemp who remained quiet, leaving Governor Abbott of Texas the only Governor in the Nation brave enough to back the plan!
….most importantly, the supposed reformers working for the President apparently did not have a firm understanding of how weak most Republican governors are on immigration issues of any sort.
For new readers, most Republican governors are weak because they are backed by global corporations and the Chamber of Commerce types who want a steady supply of CHEAP labor!
Hey, and for all of you Kristi Noem fans, she DID NOT SUPPORT THE PRESIDENT on this and I suspect it is because of that big Chinese-owned Smithfield Foods slaughter house in South Dakota and its appetite for cheap refugee labor.
In addition, of course, to the myriad other meatpackers scattered across South Dakota that Noem was obviously not willing to buck. (Not presidential material in my view!)
And, even if Biden left a little (fake) wiggle room as the Breitbart article suggests in its incomplete story, there is NO concern for you from Biden/Harris— for those of you who live in the communities where refugees have been resettled and where tens of thousands more will be resettled.
Biden is aimingto bring in more refugees than any president in three decades.
The US State Department and its contractors*** will be choosing locations for the impoverished third worlders new homes as they have been doing for 40 years.
Here is Breitbart’s storywithout some of the most important facts! You can read it yourself, but remember…
As Biden arrived in the White House, there was effectively no longer a Trump EO to protect local citizens and states, and a big part of the blame goes to REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS who did not back the President.
Joe Biden Puts Americans in the Dark by Revoking Ability to Reject Refugee Dumping in Their Communities
Too bad Breitbart isn’t reading RRW!
Americans Last!
***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!
“We’ll do all we can to help [get to 125,000] — and to hold the administration accountable.”
(Did you get that Joe? A little threat from Melanie Nezer!)
I guess they aren’t too annoyed that he isn’t going to flood America with poverty at least for the next few months. Maybe even Biden is wise enough to know that it would be a bridge-too-far for MOST Americans who are suffering due to the China virus hysterics.
Biden’s promise of 125,000 is for next fiscal year (2022) which begins on October 1, 2021. We haven’t admitted that many refugees since 1992, so Biden will be beating Barack on that score.
Prior to the Trump administration, HIAS and the other eight resettlement contractors*** resettled large numbers of Somali Muslims living in Kenya and chosen for the US by the UN.
However, for policy wonks who have followed the Refugee Admissions Program for over a decade, the flow will be creeping in shortly because there is a provision in the Refugee Act of 1980 which allows the Prez to change the cap during the year if he/she sees a need.
HIAS says Biden will follow the law and “consult” with Congress as he makes a case that he should begin raising Trump’s 15,000 cap right now. Consult does not mean Congress can say no, but they won’t say no anyway.
An astute readers suggested that Biden will use the coming months to send massive amounts of federal money (your money!) out to the contractors so they can get their offices up and running to ‘welcome’ the New Americans.
Biden Administration Announcements on Refugees Are Welcome News
WASHINGTON — In the first days of the Biden administration, HIAS has been encouraged by the new president’s swift and positive actions to welcome refugees. His pledge today to raise the annual refugee admissions cap in consultation with Congress is another much-needed step toward repairing the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program and making our immigration system more humane.
HIAS’s Melanie Nezer. Gee what is that little symbol in the left hand corner of the pic?
The annual refugee admissions cap — also called the Presidential Determination, or PD — was cut during every year of the Trump administration, setting a new record low each time.
For Fiscal Year 2021, the PD stood at just 15,000. President Biden has promised to consult with Congress and raise the PD before the end of the fiscal year on Sept. 30, allowing more people in desperate need of safety to come to the United States as quickly as possible. The administration has said it will fulfill President Biden’s campaign promise to raise the PD to 125,000, its highest level in more than two decades, during FY22.
“President Biden has stated formally and in no uncertain terms that U.S. humanitarian leadership is back,” said Melanie Nezer, HIAS’ senior vice president of public affairs. “Rebuilding the resettlement system the prior administration nearly broke won’t be easy. The refugee resettlement program must bring people to safety, protect national security, and integrate people across the country, all in a contentious political environment and during a global pandemic. Despite these challenges, the president has made clear he intends to get there. We’ll do all we can to help — and to hold the administration accountable.”
*** For new readers here they are, the America Lasterswho want more refugees as the ones they previously resettled are struggling in the Chinese virus lockdown (as are many low income Americans!).
So what do you know, the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, at one time the largest (of nine) refugee resettlement agencies in America,*** will have to walk a fine line as Chairman Joe and his minions are opposed to recognizing the life of the unborn, a major tenet of the Roman Catholic faith.
Where is Hunter? Here he was lurking in the background when the Bidens greeted the Socialist Pope a few years ago.
Under Biden/Harris, money for abortions will flow freely throughout the world !
Rock and a hard place….
On the other hand, the Bishops are extremely happy that Biden wants open borders and a flow of refugees into the country that would be larger than St. Obama every proposed—125,000—and the Bishops know that their financial bottom line depends on continuing to put the lives of migrants, both legal and illegal, above America’s vulnerable people especially as the Chinese virus continues its scourge.
So, will the Bishops shut up about the lives of the unborn?
Can Catholic bishops work with the Biden administration?
The news last week was that the U.S. Catholic bishops are getting ready to wage war on the new administration — and possibly each other— over the Catholic president’s positions on abortion, gay rights and religious freedom.
That may be true, but there are plenty of areas where the bishops and the Biden administration are on the same page and could work together. It would be a tragedy for the church, the administration and the United States if disagreement on some issues makes it impossible for them to work together on others.
If the bishops need a model, they can recall the Trump administration, whose agenda they were not totally on board with: They liked the administration when it came to abortion and religious freedom but opposed it on most other issues.
What controversial issues could the bishops and the Biden administration work on together?
They can agree on flooding America with more poverty while Americans are suffering!
The Bishops want more refugees; they agree with the moratorium on deportations; and they are so happy to invite more Muslims to your American towns and cities.
The U.S. Catholic bishops frequently condemned the Trump administration for its cutbacks on refugee admissions and funding.
Bishop Mario Eduardo Dorsonville-Rodríguez was born in Columbia
“We continue to be disappointed by the Trump Administration’s diminishment of the U.S. refugee resettlement program, as these decisions have a tangible impact on those fleeing religious persecution and other vulnerable families in need of refuge,” said the bishops in October. “The low number of admissions, given the global need and the capacity and wealth of the United States, is heartbreaking.”
The bishops, who have been involved in refugee resettlement for many decades, welcomed the new administration’s plans to return refugee admissions to their previous levels.
They are happy to see a change in attitude and programs from the new administration.
On Inauguration Day, the chair of the bishops’ Committee on Migration, Bishop Mario E. Dorsonville, responded positively to the administration’s 100-day moratorium on certain deportations, allowing for a comprehensive review of current immigration enforcement policies.
The bishops also applaudedthe administration’s ending of the ban prohibiting immigrants and refugees from certain Muslim countries from entering the United States.
So how much fundingdid the Bishops lose under President Trump, the most supportive and vocal PRO Life President ever?
Because the Bishops don’t file a federal IRS Form 990 (they claim they are a church and thus are exempt from filing) it can get a little challenging to see how much federal moola they are receiving from you, the American taxpayer.
However, here we have screenshots from their annual reports to demonstrate they did take a major financial hit during the Trump years as Trump dramatically slowed the flow of the third world to America.
From the Bishop’s Annual report for the last two years of the Obama/Biden Administration. Disgustingly, they have been milking the US taxpayers since 1975 for their migration work!
And, I bet you thought their work was all out of the goodness of their charitable Christian hearts.
Look at that hit they took! That must have been painful for the church that has had to pay out huge sums in recent years for their child sex abuse scandals.
Just for fun, I went back to 2009 (first full Obama year) and note that their federal ‘take’ that year for their migration program was a mere $18 million. So, Obama/Biden sure managed to fill their coffers.
Let’s keep an eye on the Bishops and whether they shut up about babies lives as the refugees (paying clients) Biden has promised start flowing in….
America Lasters!
***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House and are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, as well as raising the refugee admissions ceiling from 15,000 this year to 125,000.
They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting Americans last!