And, Somalia, the “role model,” has been doing it for THIRTY YEARS!
This then begs the question—why has the US admitted tens of thousands of Somali ‘refugees’ to the US (at great expense to taxpayers) who presumably said they feared to live in their home country and had run off to Kenya and elsewhere around the world looking for a UN ticket to America?
MOGADISHU, SOMALIA – Three decades of violence have left 2.9 million of Somalia’s citizens internally displaced, but the country is also home to 25,000 refugees, including 6,800 Yemenis and over 700 Syrians.
Faith Kasina of the U.N.’s refugee agency, UNHCR, has praised Somalia’s open-door policy for refugees, which allows them to move freely and work, using their skills without the need of a permit.
“Somalia had its own challenges over the years, but we must applaud this country and government because they have maintained an open-door policy for refugees for the past 30 years despite challenges they have been facing,” Kasina said. “We know that refugees are now able to live among local communities in urban areas and that they can also move around freely in the country.”
Ifrah Salah Abdalla is among millions of Yemenis who have been displaced from their homes following the war between the Houthis and the Saudi-backed government. She arrived in Mogadishu six years ago and balances her time as an information technology student and a part-time cashier to support her family.
She said that when she arrived in Somalia, she didn’t face many challenges because Somali citizens stood by the Yemenis and openly welcomed them, both young and old, with the help of the UNHCR.
She added that the relevant government refugee agencies had been very supportive in business initiatives, such as opening restaurants and clinics equally to refugees and locals.
Ishak Abdullahi Elmi lived in Syria as a Somali refugee from 1996 to 2000. He is now among candidates vying for a seat as a member of federal parliament in upcoming Somali elections.
Analysts say that as other nations close their camps, Somalia is becoming a role model in implementing U.N. conventions by welcoming refugees.
Therefore it should be clear to all of us that America need not take one more Somali fake refugee!
As one of my faithful readers reminded me, I guess we shouldn’t be surprised by the UN’s praise of Muslim Somalia.
In 2009, the United Nations told us that it is in fact Sharia Law (Islam) that is the real historic source for a tradition of charity toward refugees, toward welcoming the stranger (not Christianity!).
And, so does Vermont’s Republican Governor Phil Scott who has (according to the AP) asked Harris/Biden for more refugees!
It is surprising isn’t it that Vermont, the homeland of Bernie Socialist Sanders really hasn’t ‘welcomed’ very many refugees compared even to other states of a similar size, but all of that might change starting in October.
What is happening in October?
The Harris/Biden team says they will increase refugee admissions for FY2022 which begins October first to 125,000. That would be the highest annual refugee cap in decades—more than Obama ever dreamed of! And, now the hunt is on for their new homes.
This article from the Associated Presswould have you believe small cities were never the lucky recipients of third world diversity, but that just isn’t so.
And, by the way, know also that the AP reporter has transposed the words in the name of the organization. It should be the Ethiopian Community Development Council known widely in the refugee industry as ECDC, a long time member of the big nine contractors*** that monopolize all resettlement and have done so for decades.
Targeted Brattleboro, VT, population 11,000
Readers may remember that an effort to make Rutland, Vermont, another small city in the white state, a home for impoverished refugees exploded into a huge controversy in 2016 that ultimately saw the pro-refugee mayor ousted.
Know that this hunt for fresh territory is going on everywhere (except maybe Wyoming, but folks there need to be on the look-out) as the contractors must submit their plans to the US State Department by late summer so they can be competitive with other refugee contractors and get their allotment of paying clients (aka refugees) starting October first.
Wausau, Wisconsin is also on the target list according to this report.
Refugee Resettlement Nonprofit Plans New Programs in Vermont
BRATTLEBORO, Vt. (AP) — A refugee resettlement nonprofit has plans to start a new program in Vermont to relocate refugees in smaller, more rural communities across the United States.
The Ethiopian Development Community Council, a nonprofit agency that partners with the State Department to resettle refugees in the U.S., wants to launch its program in Brattleboro because of the city’s support. The first families should arrive in the city before the end of the year if the program is approved by the federal government, Vermont Public Radio reported Monday.
The nonprofit has also chosen Wausau [Wisconsin–ed] to test out the program, pending federal approval.
The nonprofit is preparing for an influx of refugees since the Biden Administration has promised to increase the number of refugees allowed in the country and reopen the refugee resettlement program that the previous Trump Administration imposed restrictions on, the radio station reported.
Tsehaye Teferra
“If we want to create integration of refugees, having them only in big cities where they would be congregating among themselves, only, is not going to help long-term integration,” said Tsehaye Tefera, the founder of the Ethiopian Development Community Council.
That may sound like a nice sentiment but in reality refugees resettled in smaller cities generally migrate after a few months to larger cities because they want to live in enclaves with their own kind of people!
The most visible of the ethnic groups, partaking of what the industry calls secondary migration, are the Somalis loading up Minnesota.
Back to AP at US News….
Social and economic organizations in Windham County have been supportive, but efforts to resettle refugees in Vermont have been controversial in the past, Vermont Public Radio reported.
Elwell was formerly the manager in Palm Beach County, Florida.
Brattleboro town manager Peter Elwell said he knows there could be opposition to the resettlement program, but regardless, the plan is in line with the town’s priority to improve equity in one of the whitest states in the country.
Earlier this year, Gov. Phil Scott asked the State Department to increase the refugee cap in Vermont.
Scott called refugee resettlement “an integral part of our efforts to grow Vermont’s economy.”
However, see this report from FAIR which examined the ten smallest immigrant population states and determined that increasing the percentage of migrants going to the state would have an outsized negative impact on the economy and on the social fabric of the state.
You might be interested to know that ECDC is likely the smallest of the big nine resettlement contractors and generally over the years has kept a low political profile as others of the contractors, most notably HIAS, LIRS and Church World Service, were out making political noise and suing the Trump Administration.
However, much to my surprise Teferra took a public swipe at Trump here in July of 2020.
You will see in that post that the ‘non-profit’ organization is effectively a government agency as almost the entirety of its $13 million budget comes from you, the US taxpayers.
***In case you are new to RRW, here are all of the nine contractors that have monopolized all refugee distribution in the US for decades.
They worked to ‘elect’ Biden/Harris andlobby for open borders. As taxpayers you pay them millions annually to change America by changing the people.
Two of the contractors, the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service are also paid to find locations for the Unaccompanied Alien Children.
At this very moment they are all out scouting for new, fresh territory in which to place their refugee clients. See Winchester, VA.
Governors Kim Reynolds of Iowa and Bill Lee of Tennessee want the Senate to hold hearings on what they see as an outrageous affront to states’ rights as the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement is flying Unaccompanied Alien Children (refugee wannabes) in and out of their states with no communication with the governor or state officials.
We all know that a Senate hearing is nothing but a useless piece of political theater that won’t accomplish smack, but these grandstanding Republican governors obviously think they can trick you into believing they are doing something!
Is it any wonder we have such disdain for Republican governors like Reynolds.
And, what makes me steam over this little temper tantrum by Reynolds and Lee is that they had a chance to take a stand for states’ rights on the issue of the federal government dumping refugees on states and communities back when Trump was attempting to give them more rights (actually give them the rights they are due under our US Constitution) and they snubbed their noses at him.
Trump was trying to give them a chance to say they needed a break from refugees being placed in their states by the feds and unelected non-profit group actors, and they turned him down.
19 migrant children had a layover in an Iowa airport. Gov. Kim Reynolds wants Congress to get answers
With no notice to the state, at least 19 unaccompanied children were transported in an overnight flight through Des Moines from California in April, Gov. Kim Reynolds confirmed Thursday, saying she wants to know more details.
After deplaning, the children were taken on two buses to be transported to various locations for unification, according to a Thursday news release from Reynolds’ office.
“We weren’t able to get any answers about why there were chartered planes coming in the middle of night — chartered buses — and unaccompanied minors removed from the plane and then transported outside of the state,” Reynolds told reporters Thursday.
In April, a total of 163 unaccompanied migrant children were released to sponsors in Iowa, according to the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement statistics.
Good ol’ country boy, Lee with his pick ’em up truck.
Reynolds and Lee — who says unaccompanied minor children were brought to his state in May without any notification — wrote the joint letter to Grassley in support of the senator’s demands for a Senate Judiciary Hearing into the situation on the U.S. southern border with Mexico.
Gov. Bill Lee is asking the U.S. Senate to investigate the arrival of unaccompanied migrant children in Tennessee, a request that comes as the Republican governor continues to slam the Biden administration over a lack of transparency on the issue.
Lee and Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds, a fellow Republican, sent the letter on Thursday to U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. Grassley in April requested that Senate Democrats hold hearings to discuss the influx of migrants at the southern border since President Joe Biden took office.
Their demand for a hearing is easy.
Their demand for “transparency” is their way of making you, voting citizens of Iowa and Tennessee, think that they are doing something, but when given a chance to really take a stand for a state’s right to know who is being placed in their states by the feds, and have an opportunity to say no, they just didn’t have the guts.
Albeit it was a different type of ‘refugee’…they are all refugees now, right! This letter below is what Reynolds sent to Trump’s Secretary of State.
Notice no interest even in finding out who is coming and how many.
So why would the present administration think they had to confer with these heretofore ‘welcoming’ Republican governors?
Texas Governor Abbot wrote a detailed letter that ended with him not giving consent to refugees being placed by the feds in Texas for FY2020.
Both Kemp of Georgia and DeSantis of Florida remained silent.
Word is that the Trump people were very shocked and disappointed that most Republican governors turned down the President’s attempt to give them more say, to give them some modicum of states’ rights, in advance of a refugee drop.
If you are wondering whatever happened to that reform effort via a Trump executive order, the refugee resettlement contractors (below) sued and stopped the initiative dead in its tracks.
That is likely because the administration is too busy admitting illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands.
Don’t get me wrong, I am not upset by potentially the lowest resettlement year in the history of the four-decades-old program, but it is puzzling that he and Kamala went through the charade of setting a legal refugee admissions ceilingof 62,500 to be admitted by September 30th when they struggled in May to admit 916 refugees (271 were admitted in April).
For this fiscal year, limited data available at the Refugee Processing Center was updated yesterday to show that with the 916 added in May our total for this fiscal year now stands at 3,250 legal refugees.
If that rate continues Biden beats Trump to the lowest annual admissions since 1980.
Trump admitted 11,814 in his last full fiscal year in the White House
By the way, at a quick glance down the admissions list, it looks like the Africans from the DR Congo still lead in the resettlement sweeps.
In2013 Obama promised the United Nations we would take 50,000 from the DR Congo, a number we have far surpassed now (the extensive data we could mine for such information is now gone).
However, as of last July we were up to 74,000 from the DR Congo and they are still coming!
Texas is the top ‘welcoming’ state and it has been for years!
Here are the top ten states so far in FY21:
Texas (100)
California (72)
North Carolina (56)
Michigan (53)
New York (49)
Georgia (46)
Kentucky (45)
Ohio (41)
Virginia (37)
Illinois (34)
Getting ready for October!
Right now, the big nine refugee resettlement contractors (below) are out scouring America for new resettlement sites so that when October first comes around they will be ready to move 125,000 impoverished people (Harris/Biden have promised) from the Middle East, Africa and Asia into Anytown, USA where they can gain a foothold and open an office.
You need to be alert for any sign that the contractors and their hundred or so subcontractors are preparing their paperwork for your town or city (it is called an R & P Abstract) to open an office where you live. This is the time of the year they get those documents ready to submit to the US State Department so they can get their allotment of paying “clients” (aka refugees) for the new fiscal year.
And, incidentally, once refugee offices are open, I’ve noticed that illegal aliens tend to congregate in those towns and cities as well.
Your job is to make political noise if they have targeted your town! The only hope I see is if enough political turmoil is created, they may move on to a town/county/city they can pushover more easily.
Hold them off for a year or so and then work like hell to get the Dems out of the White House.
Here are the nine Foreigners First! organizationsthat are changing America by changing the people.
(LOL! For my faithful readers you probably wonder why I keep showing this list. I was told once that people need to see something seven times before they remember it. Well I figure seven times seven is better than a measly seven!)
If so, tell them to put their money where their mouths are and follow Governor Abbott’s lead.
By the way, Abbott was the only Republican governor in the nation to support President Trump’s efforts to reform the Refugee Admissions Program. Trump’s concept was to give the states and local governments a greater say in the placement of refugees. Of course, as we have been saying the ‘children’are not refugees.
Gov. Greg Abbott orders Texas child-care regulators to yank licenses of facilities housing immigrant kids
AUSTIN — Escalating his showdown with President Joe Biden, Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday ordered state child-care regulators to yank licenses from facilities that house minors who crossed the state’s southern border without papers and were detained.
Currently, 52 state-licensed general residential operations and child placing agencies in Texas have contracts with the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement to care for undocumented immigrant children.
ORR contracts with about 200 facilities in 22 states.
Within three months or so, Abbott’s move apparently would force them to stop serving unaccompanied minors because the facilities must have state licenses to qualify for the federal contracts.
The effects are unclear: Nationwide, there are now about 17,000 unaccompanied children, according to data provided by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. As of May 19, 4,223 of those were being housed in state licensed facilities or child placing agencies in Texas, according to the state Health and Human Services Commission.
Though it’s unclear how many are kept in unlicensed emergency sites – such as the one that just closed in Dallas or the site at Fort Bliss Army base in El Paso that can hold up to 10,000 unaccompanied migrant children and teens – Abbott’s move potentially could force relocation of up to one-fourth of the children nationwide.