Hard Left Groups Tell Biden to Admit 125,000 Refugees the First Year, More Later!

In a letter to their candidate to defeat Donald Trump in November, 51 of the hardest left groups in the US tell Biden what they want from him if he is elected.

They’re baaack—the Code Pinkers!


The Hill has a story here, but it took me a while to find the letter the stories all reference.  I found it at HuffPo, here.

The Hill:

Liberal groups ask Biden to support progressive foreign policy agenda

The liberal groups are now asking Biden to support 10 key measures they say will usher in a new progressive vision for U.S. foreign policy…


The liberals are asking Biden to admit at least 125,000 refugees in his first year in office, and to increase refugee numbers every year after.

That is nothing new.  Somehow 125,000 has become the Open Borders magic number for refugees.  What was surprising, when I finally found the letter, is that none of the nine federal refugee contractors signed it.

Here is what the letter says and the list of those who signed it. You will notice that they use the Chinese virus and Climate change as a way to tie their demands together.

This is the wording of the immigration section:

Rejecting discriminatory immigration policies and supporting refugees

We call on you to repeal the Muslim, African, refugee, and asylum bans, restore access to asylum, and support a robust refugee resettlement program. This includes a commitment to admit at least 125,000 refugees in your first year in office, increasing refugee admissions every year, and investing in infrastructure needed to rebuild our refugee resettlement program and restore U.S. leadership on refugee protection given that we are now facing the worst global displacement crisis in history. As we urge other countries to admit and protect refugees, the U.S. must also ensure all asylum seekers have a meaningful opportunity to be heard before a judge and utilize community-based alternatives to immigration detention.

If you are a one issue voter, then this is all you need to know about Joe Biden and those who hope to put him in the White House—refugee resettlement will be on steroids in January 2021.

You may have noticed that I have a category for the 2020 Presidential campaign where you can see some of my posts on the topic recently and expect to see more archived there in the coming weeks and months.

Sweden: Muslim Immigrants Say Chinese Virus Infecting them at High Rates

“We need to look at the more fundamental issue, which is class, which is racism, which is social status, which is income.”

(Rashid Musa chairman of the Swedish Young Muslims)

Never let a good crisis go to waste!

Invasion of Europe News….

I’ve written extensively (for years) about socialist Sweden’s welcome to migrants from the third world, but even with its arms wide open, Swedes can’t win.  (See my Sweden archive.)

Now their welcoming society is responsible for killing off mostly Somali and Iraqi migrants as the government sought to keep its country and economy relatively free of draconian measures as those most countries have employed to (supposedly) stop the virus.

Here is the AP at ABC News helping to spread the social justice über alles message.  Expect more stories like this one to help fuel division between the rich and poor (even in ‘socialist’ Sweden).

Coronavirus takes a toll in Sweden’s immigrant community

Rich skiers infect poor cabbie….


STOCKHOLM — The flight from Italy was one of the last arrivals that day at the Stockholm airport. A Swedish couple in their 50s walked up and loaded their skis into Razzak Khalaf’s taxi.

It was early March and concerns over the coronavirus were already present, but the couple, both coughing for the entire 45-minute journey, assured Khalaf they were healthy and just suffering from a change in the weather. Four days later, the Iraqi immigrant got seriously ill with COVID-19.

Still not able to return to work, Khalaf is part of the growing evidence that those in immigrant communities in the Nordic nations are being hit harder by the pandemic than the general population.

Rashid Musa heads the Swedish Young Muslims. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sveriges_Unga_Muslimer

Sweden took a relatively soft approach to fighting the coronavirus, one that attracted international attention. Large gatherings were banned but restaurants and schools for younger children have stayed open. The government has urged social distancing, and Swedes have largely complied.

The country has paid a heavy price, with 3,175 fatalities from COVID-19. That’s more than 31 deaths per 100,000 population, compared with about 8 per 100,000 in neighboring Denmark, which imposed a strict lockdown early on that is only now being slowly lifted.

Inside Sweden’s immigrant communities, anecdotal evidence emerged early in the outbreak that suggested that some — particularly those from Somalia and Iraq — were hit harder than others.

Last month, data from Sweden’s Public Health Agency confirmed that Somali Swedes made up almost 5 percent of the country’s COVID-19 cases, yet represented less than 1 percent of its 10 million people.

Many in these communities are more likely to live in crowded, multigeneration households and are unable to work remotely. [I seriously doubt that large numbers are out working!—ed]


Sweden, Norway and Finland recognized early failings in community outreach in minority languages and are seeking to fix this. The town of Jarfalla, outside Stockholm, has had high school students hand out leaflets in Somali, Persian, French and other languages, urging people to wash their hands and stay home if sick.


But teacher and community activist Rashid Musa says the problem runs much deeper.

“I wish it were that easy — that you needed to just translate a few papers,” he said. “We need to look at the more fundamental issue, which is class, which is racism, which is social status, which is income.”

“The rich have the opportunity to put themselves into quarantine, they can go to their summer houses,” Musa said.

More here.

Get ready for more stories like that one!

See my complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive, here.

Somali National Stabs to Death 7-year-old in UK Park; Katie Hopkins’ Letter is a Must Read

“I watch people wiping, disinfecting, masking, flinching, distancing themselves from nice looking couples with dogs. No amount of hand-sanitiser will save them from the state of this country and the people we have let in.”

(Katie Hopkins)


It happened in March, but made little news mostly we can only assume, and others have speculated, that it is because the violent act was perpetrated by a Somali woman against a beautiful innocent white child unknown to the attacker.

Emily Jones, Age seven


Early reports of the killing never mention a word about the identity of the attacker as a migrant from Africa.

I think that in addition to the political correctness of the media, much of the silence surrounding the horror is, yes, it was so horrible that people hide from the truth of it to protect their own hearts and to not have to face the blunt truth British writer Katie Hopkins says of it.

Facing it means that one should do something about it and that is too fear-provoking for most who cower at the prospect of being labelled a racist!


From Frontpage Magazine (read the whole thing!):

A Letter to Emily’s parents…

Dedicated to Emily Jones, Age 7

Dear Mrs. Jones,

Most people will avoid talking to you about Emily’s death because it is too terrible. The things we know are too shocking to mention in front of a grieving mum.

That your child was a happy little thing playing on her scooter in the park with her family on Mothering Sunday when she was stabbed to death, her life ended in one blow by a Somali woman, a stranger to you and to this land.

If these words are too brutal for the grieving, how is it possible these things can happen to the living, on an otherwise normal day?

Instead we tiptoe around the truth, soften our language. We do not talk of murder or of killing. We softly whisper that Emily was ‘taken from you’, like a reclaimed gift or prize, regretfully removed from your arms by gentle hands.

We are not supposed to talk, either, about the Somali killer who hides behind her color and her mental health.

That is only a bit of it.

Please read it all, and if you do nothing else today send this powerful letter to everyone you know!

Controversy Continues! Writer: Show HIAS the door!

News on refugees is pretty sparse these days involving mostly stories about how refugees (including illegal immigrants) don’t have work and are scrabbling to get their government bennies.  Stories like this one from New Hampshire where my message to the Open Borders movement activists is this—you now need to step up and personally help (with your own time and money) all of the migrants you have helped bring to America.

However, I’m delighted to see that there is a spotlight shining on HIAS (aka the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society) from within the Jewish community.

I told you about the controversy here a week ago.

Now this from the Middle East Forum:

HIAS Endangers Jews, Empowers Their Enemies

HIAS, formerly known as the Hebrew International Aid Society*** until 2014, is in the news following a firestorm over the prospects of Dianne Lob, formerly the chair of its board of directors, becoming the chair-elect of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations.

Not friends of Israel! Another issue rarely mentioned is the fact that HIAS works in Israel AGAINST the government as it puts legal muscle behind efforts by the government to deport illegal aliens there. https://www.hias.org/blog/strategic-litigation-brings-results-hias-israel-and-hope-asylum-seekers

The increased attention on HIAS provides an opportune time to scrutinize its work in resettling refugees. Unfortunately, a close examination leads to the conclusion that HIAS knowingly promotes policies that endanger Jews, as well as aligns with those linked to Islamist terrorism.

Rather than debating whether a former HIAS executive should head the big tent of all big tents of mainstream Judaism, the Jewish community should instead begin discussing how to show HIAS the door, just as it would for any other organization that enabled dangerously racist communities.


….the company HIAS keeps is telling. It has been unapologetic in its partnership with the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). The ADL has raised serious concerns about CAIR, citing the fact, among others, that it openly delegitimizes Israel.

Read it all.

I suggest that HIAS’s close working relationship with the Southern Poverty Law Center is also concerning.  See my post yesterday.

For new readers, see that HIAS received more federal funding in FY19 under Trump than it did in the best Obama year.

See my HIAS archive for dozens and dozens of posts on the federal refugee resettlement contractor.

The writer uses the word “naivety” in describing HIAS actions. I don’t believe they are naive for one second.

***I don’t know where the author gets this name for HIAS.  See wikipedia here.


Changing South Dakota One Slaughterhouse at a Time

This is just a quick update on the post I wrote, here a week ago about Chinese-owned Smithfield Foods’ role in creating a massive Chinese virus hot spot in South Dakota.

Apparently the company is blaming the workers’ community culture and the workers point a finger at the company’s management of the plant. Thanks to reader John for bringing my attention to the story.

Buzzfeed News:

Smithfield Foods Is Blaming “Living Circumstances In Certain Cultures” For One Of America’s Largest COVID-19 Clusters

Was there any way to prevent the Smithfield Foods pork processing plant in South Dakota from becoming one of the country’s largest known coronavirus clusters, with more than 700 workers infected? It’s hard to know “what could have been done differently,” a Smithfield spokesperson said, given what she referred to as the plant’s “large immigrant population.”

“Living circumstances in certain cultures are different than they are with your traditional American family,” she explained.

The spokesperson and a second corporate representative pointed to an April 13 Fox News interview in which the governor of South Dakota, Kristi Noem, said that “99%” of the spread of infections “wasn’t happening inside the facility” but inside workers’ homes, “because a lot of these folks who work at this plant live in the same community, the same buildings, sometimes in the same apartments.”

But internal company communications and interviews with nearly a dozen workers and their relatives point to a series of management missteps and half measures that contributed significantly to the spread of the virus. A BuzzFeed News investigation has uncovered new information showing the company did little to inform or protect employees during the critical two weeks after the first case at the plant surfaced. Then, with confirmed cases rising quickly, Smithfield introduced new safety protocols but applied them unevenly across the plant’s departments, leaving hundreds of workers exposed.

In late March, as word of the first confirmed case leaked, workers began seeing flyers on notice boards and doors. “If you are at work and feeling sick,” the flyers stated, “tell your Supervisor and go directly home.” But the directive was posted only in English, three employees said, even though many of the plant’s 3,700 workers have limited comprehension of English. Safety notices at the plant are usually translated into as many as five languages.

It is a long story, if you are interested in the gory details, continue here.

Someone could write a very useful book, a new version of The Jungle, by focusing on one plant like Smithfield Foods in Sioux Falls, SD.

Giant global corporations are changing the American heartland with the continued pressure on government to import (for them!) cheap foreign labor.

An author could hit all the key elements of greed, politicians and fake ‘religious’ charities as enablers, the suffering of American workers, the changing culture of middle America and the federal government’s complicity in the whole mess.

The opening chapter would detail the spread of the Chinese virus through the plant and the impact it is having on Sioux Falls.