Canada now says it will "welcome" 50,000 Syrians by the end of 2016

They have been all over the place with their numbers especially since they realized they couldn’t get 25,000 relocated to Canadian towns by the end of December (less than 4 weeks from now).

The boy wonder’s immigration chief is a former banker, John McCallum: 35,000-50,000 Syrians by the end of 2016.

So to make it look like Trudeau’s campaign promise isn’t a bust already they are now throwing around the number 50,000 over the next twelve months. (To get to that number they need to be bringing in around 1,000 a week! Good luck with that security screening!)
And, we better be beefing-up our northern border! (Maybe Donald should start adding that border to his campaign speeches!)
See our previous posts on Trudeau’s dumb (and dangerous) idea by clicking here.
Among our top posts for the last couple of weeks is this one about Canadian military men being thrown out of barracks to make room for Syrians.
Now here is the mention of 50,000! (the first 300 arrived a few days ago). From The Desert Sun:

As Canada prepares to welcome the first of 25,000 Syrian refugees, the government suggests that number could double over the next year.

“The number of refugees is likely to be in the order of 35,000 to 50,000” by the end of next year, Immigration Minister John McCallum said.

The first “mass flight” of up to 300 refugees from Turkey and Jordan is expected to arrive by chartered aircraft*** on Thursday.

The new Liberal government made a commitment to resettle 25,000 refugees, along with those privately sponsored by churches and families, by the end of February.

Those coming to Canada are undergoing security, immigration and health checks.

The article goes on to tell us that most of the Syrians will come from UN camps, thus they will be nearly 100% Sunni Muslims just as are those entering the US now.
***There have been rumors of chartered flights bringing large numbers of refugees to the US.  Surely someone has a photo if this has occurred!
For new readers, we have 165 previous posts in our Canada category, here.

Come on, you can do it! Say "MORATORIUM"


She could not be “vetted.”

Where are you Virgil Goode?

Did you see that even the New York Times wrote about the female Islamic terrorist and how there was no way to “vet” her or to “screen” her as she came to live among us.  Any logical person can see that.  There was no d*** data, no biographic and biometric information to tap! And, if asked about any terror connections in personal interviews she certainly did not tell the truth.
So, don’t you wonder why only TEN US Senators can see that and that 89 others are so willfully blind. See our post on Senator Paul’s failed attempt at a moratorium on issuing visas to those coming from jihad-producing countries.
And, here see Daniel Greenfield on the killers yesterday.  If you read nothing else from Greenfield’s post, this is the line every one must grasp:

It’s a matter of simple math that as the population most likely to commit terrorist acts increases, so do the acts themselves.

I went back to our archives to see when I first heard anyone suggest a MORATORIUM on Muslim immigration and want to give a shout-out to former Virginia Congressman Virgil Goode who saw the San Bernardino slaughter coming 9 years ago!  Learn about how the politically correct harpies at the Washington Post treated him then.  His position, in support of a moratorium on legal (Muslim) immigration to America cost him his seat.  We told you more about him here in 2010.
Political correctness is dead! Everyone of you must start saying the ‘M’ word!  MORATORIUM!  Moratorium on Muslim migration to America, NOW!
Thank you Mr. Goode!  Goode is a Trump supporter in Virginia today!

Senator Sessions wants Office of Refugee Resettlement to provide missing annual report

Shaking my head, where were you guys when I needed you years ago!

Senator Jeff Sessions (center) and Rep. Marsha Blackburn sent a letter to HHS Secretary this week looking for ORR annual reports to Congress.

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS) is required by law to provide annual reports to Congress and for years and years we squawked about the fact that for years (years!) they were way behind.  In fact by the time I testified at a State Department hearing in 2012 they were 3 years behind.  My complaints went on for years and for awhile they were starting to catch up. (I did complain to the House immigration subcommittee too!).
I know, I’m grateful that the Congress is finally scrutinizing the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program, but it was lonely there for awhile!
Here is Leo Hohmann at WND yesterday on the latest from Senator Sessions and others:

Several GOP members of Congress led by U.S. Sens. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., have placed the Obama administration on notice that it is in violation of federal law with regard to the program that resettles foreign refugees in 180 U.S. cities and towns.

Sessions, along with Sen. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., and Reps. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., and Lamar Smith, R-Texas, released a letter Thursday that was sent the previous day to Obama’s secretary of Health and Human Services, Sylvia Burwell.

The Obama administration has said it will resettle 85,000 foreign refugees in the U.S. in the current fiscal year, followed by 100,000 in the next year. It has also asked for a substantial increase in funding for the program.

But the law requires annual reports on how those resettlements are carried out.

“Failure to provide Congress with required information on the resettlement of foreign nationals within the United States violates both the law and the public trust,” Sessions said in a statement. “These are grave matters.”

The letter accuses the administration of violating federal law by failing to submit an annual report to Congress on the activities of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, which operates within Burwell’s department and doles out welfare benefits to refugees.

Continue reading here.

A trip down memory lane…..

Limon testifying
In 2013, my research indicated that those annual reports to Congress began going off track during the tenure of Lavinia Limon as Director of the ORR under Bill Clinton. Today Limon heads up one of the resettlement contracting agencies—USCRI.

This is what I said in 2012 at a US State Department scoping meeting (Ten Reasons there should be a moratorium on refugee resettlement):

5)     The agencies, specifically the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), is in complete disarray as regards its legally mandated requirement to report to Congress every year on how refugees are doing and where the millions of tax dollars are going that run the programThe last (and most recent) annual report to be sent to Congress is the 2008 report—so they are out of compliance for fiscal years 2009, 2010 and 2011.  A moratorium is necessary in order for the ORR to bring its records entirely up-to-date. Additionally,  there needs to be an adequate tracking system designed to gather required data—frankly some of the numbers reported for such measures of dependence on welfare as food stamp usage, cash assistance and employment status are nothing more than guesses.  (The lack of reports for recent years signals either bureaucratic incompetence and disregard for the law, or, causes one to wonder if there is something ORR is hiding.)

You might want to visit all of my ten reasons for a moratorium because they are as valid today as they were in 2012!

In 2013…..
I did further analysis of the annual reports and if they were sent to Congress according to law (here in March of 2013) and this is what I found:

My original plan was to start researching at 1990 and move toward the present time to see when they went off track and began breaking the law.  It didn’t take long—1993!

So, I went back to 1980 and sure enough through the entire Reagan Presidency and the George HW Bush Presidency from 1980 to 1992 those Annual Reports were right on time—submitted to Congress on January 31st of the following year.

But, you know what the little cheaters did beginning with the 1993 report (and continued to do for the next 20 years)—they stopped putting publication dates on them.  Oh, they had FY 1993 on the cover, but no information about when that actually went to Congress—heck it could have been three years late then!

So, who was the Director of the ORR during Bill Clinton’s time in office? 

Lavinia Limon who now heads up one of the nine major federal contractors—the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants—was in charge of getting those reports to Congress.

For all of you especially in ‘Pockets of Resistance’ check out the annual reports (the list is here).  They are a treasure-trove of information on the program.
Update: Re-posted my Ten reasons, here.

1,000 US Rabbis sign letter to "welcome" Syrian Muslims to America

The Washington Post is reporting the story here.  The letter was gotten together by the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (one of nine federal contractors which benefit financially from the resettlement of refugees to your towns and cities).   We told you here and here that HIAS is pulling out all the stops to pressure Congress right now.

One of the 1,000 Rabbis signing the letter seeking more Syrian Muslim refugees for the US is Rabbi David L. Abramson. I was looking for someone from Maryland (Bethesda) and he was near the top of the list and that is the only reason I chose him to illustrate my post. Photo and bio here:

HIAS has said it wants 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US before Obama leaves office, and we know that as of a few days ago 99% of the Syrians admitted in this fiscal year are Sunni Muslims.
The greater the number of Muslim immigrants admitted to the US the greater chance that someone like this poor Messianic Jew*** murdered in San Bernardino two days ago will die. (His wife says he died a martyr for his religion.)
Get this through your heads!  Muslims are not going to love you more if you help them to migrate to the West!

Did HIAS tell the Rabbis the truth?

Before they signed, did HIAS tell the rabbis that 99% of those HIAS is resettling from Syria are Muslims?
Did HIAS tell them that the UNHCR is NOT focusing on religious minorities, but almost exclusively on Sunni Muslims for America?
Brigitte Gabriel at ACT for America is famous for saying that “moderate Muslims are irrelevant” because they don’t stand up to the extremists.  This is going to sound harsh, but if you are a Jew who disagrees with HIAS and yet don’t stand up to them (or your rabbi who might be on this list), you are irrelevant too!
And to make it fair! As we pointed out here on Sunday, if your church is on this list and you don’t say anything, you aren’t only irrelevant, but complicit!
***See this whole article about those slaughtered at their annual Christmas party.  I was struck by the diversity of the victims of the devout Islamic killers—many races, religions, sexes, are represented, no one was spared!  They, and you, have one thing in common—you are all infidels!

Looking for one brave and patriotic governor! Lawsuit ready to file against refugee program, needs only a plaintiff

But one important caveat.  The governor must be from one of the 12 Wilson Fish states.

If you live in one of these states, you have your marching orders starting tomorrow!

Your governor must be deluged with requests to join a suit being prepared by a nationally renowned public interest law firm specializing in cases involving the US Constitution.   Here are the key states in which the so-called Wilson Fish alternative resettlement plan is ripe for a challenge:

North Dakota
South Dakota

Now this is the breaking news from Breitbart reporter Michael Patrick Leahy:

matt Bevin
Will newly elected KY Governor Matt Bevin be the bravest of them all?

The Thomas More Law Center, a well respected public interest law firm, is ready to file a lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the $1 billion a year U.S. Refugee Resettlement Program and is looking for a governor to be the plaintiff in a case that can be filed on short notice.

The Refugee Resettlement Program, which has been in operation for more than three decades, brings 100,000 refugees a year, 40 percent of whom are Muslim, into the United States. As Breitbart News reported previously, the Obama administration intends to bring 10,000 Syrian refugees to the United States in 2016, despite testimony by the director of the FBI these refugees cannot be vetted and polls that show more than 10 percent of the refugees have a positive view of ISIS.

Dick Thompson, the executive director of the Thomas More Law Center and a former prosecutor in Michigan, tells Breitbart News that the public interest law firm has devoted more than six months and much of its legal staff researching the legal authority by which President Obama authorizes un-elected and unaccountable “voluntary agencies” (VOLAGs) to place refugees in states without receiving the permission of the state’s governor.

“We’ve drafted a 16 page complaint that we can utilize for any one of the Wilson-Fish state governors. All we need is for one of these governors from a Wilson-Fish state to say I want to file a lawsuit, and we could file one on their behalf within a few days. Moreover, our representation is without charge,” Thompson says.

The basis of the lawsuit is that the program, as currently operated, violates the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution.

Please read the remainder of Mr. Leahy’s report!  Will Kentucky go first? Or, how about Alabama?  Idaho! here is your chance! Step right up! The volags are reeling!
But, don’t forget, even if you are deluging your governor’s office you can still do this too….

Action Alert:  Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.