Editor: For a month or so there wasn’t much news on the US Refugee Admissions Program as the Biden White House flipped and floppedon the subject of admission numbers for this fiscal year so I was writing a weekly roundup of refugee news. However, now, because there is so much news, I’ll need to go back to daily, or almost daily posting.
Do you remember those “No Fear” T-shirts teens were wearing a few decades ago? I think of those shirts every time I hear from Michelle Malkin. (No longer invited on respectable Ha! Ha! Fox News, but be sure to catch her on Newsmax).
Ready or not, here they come. Thanks to Joe Biden, America the Weary will soon open its doors to another 62,500 low-skilled foreigners from the Third World. The sovereign citizens in neighborhoods across our nation where these newcomers will be dumped will have no say in these decisions. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
Open borders judges made sure that the wants and needs of ordinary Americans would be subordinated to those of the refugee resettlement racket. There is no recourse under U.S. law to reestablish local control of the process.
Instead, the United Nations, the U.S. State Department and their globalist partners in the “faith” community (who rake in billions of dollars in tax subsidies off the backs of refugees and at the expense of voiceless citizens) will dictate who gets in and who moves where.
It will be mostly young low-skilled Americans forced to compete with the influx of 22,000 Africans, 6,000 East Asians, 4,000 Europeans and Central Asians, 5,000 Latin Americans and Caribbean nationals, 13,000 Near Easterners and South Asians, and another 12,500 refugees from unspecified countries. (Hint: Look for a “Green New Dealer” to ram a bunch of future Democratic-voting “climate refugees” into the mix.)
The numbers don’t lie. Replacement theory*** isn’t a theory. It’s a grim reality.
Read it, get it distributed widely, and buy Malkin’s book!
Pockets of Resistance!
And, as I said in my post on Winchester, Virginia a week ago, the only recourse you have now is to make political noise locally.
If the federal resettlement contractors become aware of a vocal “unwelcoming” local community they have been known to move to where they will find less resistance.
***And, don’t miss my post at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’
This is Dadaab in Kenya, one of the largest refugee camps in the world. It is where most of our Somali refugees lived before coming to America (including Rep. Ilhan Omar). Kenya wants the camp closed by June 2022. So where do you think thousands of the 430,000 housed there now will go? Anytown, USA? https://www.dw.com/en/kenya-to-close-2-refugee-camps-next-year/a-57382561
***Update***Another Letter writersays he is happy refugees will be placed in his “rural community” where people know and love their neighbors. The point is that when Church World Service does its work, they soon won’t know their neighbors.
Editor: This is a follow-up to my post on Saturday:
A letter writer who lives in Frederick County (Winchester is the county seat) is critical of the plan to begin moving Biden’s refugees into the city.
But as interesting as the letter is, it is the comments that are most informative.
First, hereis the letter from county resident Dale Watten to the Winchester Star:
Letter to the editor: Winchester wrong location for refugee settlement
I think that Winchester is the wrong place and this is the wrong time to place a refugee resettlement office in our community. As Kim Herbstritt pointed out, Winchester does not have any excess housing, much less affordable housing for refugees. Our schools are overflowing as are the English as second language classes. After a year of COVID lockdowns and business closures, I don’t think this area has enough jobs for our own citizens let alone foreign refugees who can’t speak English.
I don’t think rural America should have to bear the burden of the Biden administration’s misguided policies that most of us in rural America did not vote for. Might I point out what has happened to once lovely Minneapolis in large part due to refugee resettlement. Send the refugees to NYC, San Francisco or Biden’s home state of Delaware. Don’t send them to Winchester. I strongly urge Winchester City Council to reject the proposed refugee resettlement office.
Dale Watten
Now, check out the comments.
They have devolved into controversy mostly between two commenters, one arguing that rural people (mostly Trump supporters!) should basically shut up about what the city does, demonstrating the great and growing divide between rural and urban America.
The fact is, and what readers need to know is, that once a resettlement office is established, refugees may be placed up to 100 miles of that office.
And the other area of discussion relates to the illegals flooding our southern border and whether Winchester will end up being the recipient of some of those illegal aliens, demonstrating exactly what supposedly Biden, or at least whoever is Joe’s brain, feared when expanding refugee admissions in the middle of the border crisis.
I found this tiny segment of aPolitico storyfrom Monday of interest.
The story is about the flip-flop-flipping the White House has been doing for the last couple of months on the issue of setting the refugee cap at a level 4 times higher than Trump had left it.
Near the end of Politico‘s report is this bit of information.
Biden, or his other brain, feared conflation of the two issues—expanded refugee resettlement and the border invasion would be one and the same in the minds of the increasingly angry general public:
Several sources have said that Biden himself has expressed distress over immigration issues overall and raised concern about lifting the cap before the system could catch up. The White House has also been sensitive to thesteady stream of bad press coming from conservative media about the border and predicted that if Biden announced a large number of refugees would be allowed in on top of it, critics would purposely conflate the two issues to accelerate a “open borders” false narrative.
There is nothing false about it, the Biden administration has gone full-on Open Borders and they know their time is limited to flood America as the 2022 Midterm elections loom!
The vast majority of Americans will see this for exactly what it is—an invasion run by Democrats to relocate poverty from every corner of the world and thereby putting Americans Last!
You have been told what they fear, and so it is incumbent on you to make sure the “steady stream of bad press” keeps coming!
Get some pockets of resistance going!
As I said yesterday, call your local government officials and find out if your community is being fingered as a new home to the third world, and if so, make your views known just as Frederick County, Virginia resident Dale Watten did yesterday.
But, be prepared for the vile verbal attacks that will come from the Socialist Leftwing pressing Harris/Biden for double 62,500 for admission to the US in FY22 which begins in less than five months.
There are some deserving refugees in the world, but the Left, by saying anyone on the move for any reason is a legitimate refugee have made the word a joke.
The most recent post in my series on fighting back is here at ‘Frauds and Crooks:’
“Where is your courage and bravery to stand against the Marxist mobs!?!?”
(An Oklahoman)
Cancel culture only works because every coward goes along with it.
(Mark Steyn)
You surely heard that Senators James Lankford of Oklahoma and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin have suggested dumping Columbus Day and replacing it with ‘Juneteenth’ on the federal holiday calendar.
Alan Wall writing at US Inc tells us what happened back home in Oklahoma as that news spread.
Before I get to Wall’s post, know that everything I write in the coming days, weeks, months at both of my blogs will have an underlying theme—you must be prepared, you must fight the mob where you live, and you must slam these pandering Republicans at every level of government.
OK Senator Angers Constituents with Columbus Day Proposal
“So when did you become a liberal? Quit pandering to the mob. Do what you were elected [to do].”
Thus wrote an angry Okie on the Facebook comments section of Oklahoma U.S. Senator James Lankford page. (Message slightly edited for punctuation and capitalization.)
Senator Lankford had joined fellow Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin with a proposal to dump Columbus Day as a federal holiday and replace it with “Juneteenth.”
This proposal was quickly publicized, and many Oklahomans contacted the Senator to protest.
Lankford and Johnson, advancing the argument of saving money by not increasing the amount of federal holidays from ten to eleven, had proposed dropping Columbus Day and replacing it with Juneteenth, thus keeping the amount of federal holidays to ten.
But the timing of their proposal made it look like Lankford and Johnson were surrendering to the mobs who are defacing monuments and tearing down statues.
On July 3rd, Senators Johnson and Lankford withdrew their proposal to drop Columbus Day, though Senator Johnson plans to submit a proposal “to reduce the number of paid leave days federal employees receive” without dropping Columbus Day.
It’s relevant to point out that Senator Lankford is extremely unreliable on the immigration issue. Numbers USA evaluates Lankford with a B+ Career grade (2011-2020), a B Recent grade (2017-2020) and a C- grade for the current Congress (2019-2020).
Obviously, Lankford’s voting on immigration measures is getting progressively worse.
Lankford’s votes on immigration issues do not tell the whole story.
Regular readers of RRW know that Senator Lankford, consistently siding with the most radical Leftists in the Senate, has opposed all efforts by the President to reduce the flow of refugees entering the country and opposes Trump’s efforts to reform how the resettlement process works.
Demonstrating that it is not impossible, the good folks of Oklahoma forced Lankford to back down this time!
Mark Steyn has a fantastic piece posted at his subscription-only site addressing the cowardice of Republican elected officials, that would include Senator Lankford, and the so-called smart thinkers on the Right. He wraps with telling you to fight (in your communities) those destroying the America we love.
November is too late!
So wanker*** Right’s theory that all we gotta do is sit back and let these clowns run amok and their defects will be so obvious, people will come running to us and November will be a landslide. They’ve assured us of that bollocks for decades as they lost the schools and they lost the pop culture, and they lost everything else even now, unto the statue on the village green. Speak up, speak out, to the school board, to your coworkers, to your neighbors, because you can’t have a culture war if one side doesn’t even show up.
***Wanker: Someone excessively and annoyingly pretentious and/or false.
Daniel Horowitz at Conservative Reviewhas gotten his teeth firmly sunk into the issue of the deceptive and dysfunctional Refugee Admissions Program and is sounding off much more articulately than I could ever do—he says many Republicans who claim to be conservatives aren’t really in the battle over the major issue of our time (or any time), immigration.
Case in point is the number of Republican governors, endorsed by Trump, who have now turned tail and “betrayed” him, says Horowitz
He also throws sharp barbs at so-called ‘conservative’ media that is mesmerized by impeachment and what the Democrat candidates are saying at their boring debates while a major civilizational issue goes unnoticed.
BTW, I noticed that other than Tucker, Fox News did not follow the Republican governors pandering to the Left and kissing-up to the refugee contractors. I’m not sure Texas Governor Abbott’s tough standwas even mentioned.
If you read nothing else over the weekend, please read this Breitbart story (and you can also access the audio of the interview):
(LOL! And, I am going to know if you click on the link to read the story because my blog stats tells me how many of you follow a link!)
Daniel Horowitz: Trump-Endorsed GOP Governors Betray President’s Immigration Agenda
Most Republican governors endorsed by President Donald Trump during their gubernatorial campaigns are “betraying” the president’s immigration agenda said Daniel Horowitz, host of the Conservative Review podcast, offering his remarks on Thursday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with host Rebecca Mansour and special guest host John Binder.
Horowitz mentions Breitbart reporters John Binder (pictured) and Neil Munro as two conservative writers who do focus on the greatest issue for the future of America First—immigration.
Binder invited Horowitz’s comment on a federal judge’s blocking of Trump’s executive order allowing communities and states to stop refugee resettlement.
“A judge can’t affirmatively grant a visa,” explained Horowitz. “Even if the judge would be correct on the merits, there is no standing. Refugees can’t get standing to come here. So what do they do? They have non-profit groups — and this is unbelievable, it’s as self-censored as it gets — the nine VOLAG (Volunteer Agency) groups, these are the contractors that get taxpayer funds — $3.5 billion over ten years to transform our neighborhoods and our communities — they get standing to say, ‘Wait a minute. Well, if states can reject refugees, then there will be fewer of them admitted and resettled, and guess what? We’re going to get less revenue, so we have an actionable grievance.’”
Horowitz went on, “It’s the most vivid illustration of what I call, ‘social transformation without representation.’ The key decisions in a republic have to flow directly from the people or through the people’s representatives, and there’s no greater decision that a society makes than the future orientation of that society, [who] become members, the future of their communities, their neighborhoods, and here, like you mentioned, you have all unaccountable, unelected players — the U.N., State Department bureaucrats, and private, self-centered, taxpayer-funded contractors whose executives get $400,000 salaries — [transforming] our neighborhoods with no questions about the prudence of their decisions.”
Horowitz said, “Trump gave us a gift where we could decide a national civilization issue at a local grassroots level and yet the left is on the field — our side didn’t even know this was happening — they’re winning in counties Trump carried by 40 points, Burleigh County, North Dakota, and that is because 90 percent of the Republicans that are elected are on the other side. Trump endorsed most of these governors, almost all of them, and yet we have this generic tweet — ‘Tough on crime. Good on immigration.’ — and incidentally, they’re all terrible on crime and immigration.”
“Someone needs to get to the president and say, ‘Look, these guys are betraying what you started doing,’” determined Horowitz.
I’ve only snipped a small segment of Horowitz brilliant analysis of where we are on the issue of refugee resettlement and immigration generally, but indeed much of what he says applies across the board on where the Republican elected officials stand today—mostly not in the fight at all.
See my post yesterday.I said that our side isn’t organized enough and that this episode with the governors demonstrated that.
The three major immigration restriction groups (headquartered in the Washington, DC area) are not doing any significant grassroots organizing on the issue of refugee resettlement and so we have to establish something new and I hope to be working on rectifying that soon.
But, first, as we start to build a network, be sure to find your place in the Presidential campaign. We need to buy another four years with Trump at the helm and he has to know that if he wins he is going to be beholden to immigration hawks!