CAIR blasts Rep. Steve King for comments on Middle East refugees

King put forth a sensible alternative to bringing Iraqis and Syrians to the US (and thus adding them to our welfare rolls).

Let them fight for their own country or go to Saudi Arabia!

Rep. Steve King
Here is the story at the Des Moines Register:

An organization representing the rights of Muslims in the U.S. has criticized U.S. Rep. Steve King for comments the Iowa Republican made Monday about refugees fleeing Syria.

Speaking at a rally in Sioux City with U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, King chastised the idea that the U.S. would accept Syrian Muslims, saying they would be unable to assimilate into the country.

“I can’t find models of the folks that, let’s say do the hajj to Mecca, I can’t find models where they’ve assimilated into the broader culture and civilization wherever they’ve gone,” said King, a U.S. representative.

In a statement Tuesday, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, or CAIR, called that statement a “bizarre claim.”

Every sensible person viewing the photos of the invasion of Europe thinks the same thing as King expresses below—why aren’t these fighting-age young men at home fighting for their country?

At the rally, King also said refugees should be trained to defend the countries they are fleeing.

“So, I say instead, the refugees that come out of Iraq and come out of Syria: first, I’d train them and say ‘go back and defend your country.’ Give them uniforms … but if you can’t get them to do that then send them to Saudi Arabia where they have the air-conditioned tents at Mecca. Those tents are not busy for 11 months out of the year and they would assimilate into that culture like a hand into a glove,” King said.

Of course, commonsense is not in vogue these days, and the Muslim ‘refugees’ are participating in the Hijra (CAIR is smoothing the way)—the migration encouraged by Mohammed to bring Islam to the land of the infidels.  97% of the Syrians being admitted to the US are Muslims.
As refugee resettlement continues unabated, you know that one day CAIR hopes to have enough voters in Iowa to get rid of King and others like him.  Young patriots—have more babies!
Take a minute and contact Rep. Steve King and thank him for his forthrightness.  Click here and call one or all of his offices.

A great honor has come my way! Called out AGAIN by Right Wing Watch

Here (below) is what they say about me, and they got it right!  They quoted me accurately and by snipping the interview, they made me sound more articulate!
right wing watch logo

“Obama is changing America by changing the people!”

Although they mean to jeer about what I say, I am so thrilled to have this information get out to an even wider circle.  Thank you Right Wing Watch!

 Thank you Miranda Blue!

(By the way, I see my little youtube is now at almost 1.7 million views! Ms. Blue will you help it reach 2 million people!)

Update August 2020!  Wow! Haven’t looked back but that video is now over 3.6 million views!

Here is Right Wing Watch (emphasis is mine):

Ann Corcoran, the head of Refugee Resettlement Watch and the leading voice against efforts to settle refugees in the United States, warned last month that President Obama is using Syrian refugees as part of his plot to “diversify every town in America” as he goes about “changing America by changing the people, literally.”

Corcoran, who has previously warned that refugee resettlement is being used to “rub diversity in the noses of conservative communities” and push “the whole multicultural meme,” told the Center for Security Policy’s Frank Gaffney on his “Secure Freedom Radio” program, “There’s going to be a demographic examination of your town to see how diverse you are, and you will be rewarded if you’re sufficiently diverse and you will be not rewarded with government grants and so on and so forth if you’re insufficient in the diversity area. It is really, he is changing America by changing the people, literally.”

Gaffney shared Corcoran’s concerns, saying that Obama “was about the fundamental transformation of America, and a key element of that strategy, it certainly seems, through the refugee resettlement and other techniques … has been to change the population, change the demographics of our society.”

Continue here.

Right Wing Watch previously mentioned me here (only 3 times so far).  Go here and have fun looking at who else makes the news there.

Right Wing Watch is a project of ‘People for the American Way,‘ one of many of George Soros’ pet projects. ***Update*** More on People for the American Way was just brought to my attention, here.

Next!  I will reach the pinnacle of my career if the Southern Poverty Law Center lists me on their ‘haters’ list….

Addendum:  Have you been noticed by Right Wing Watch, if so, consider it an honor.  If you or your group haven’t been mentioned yet, that is a goal to work toward!  Please let us know if you have joined this august body!

And thanks to reader Robin for letting me know that the Southern Poverty Law Center does mention me several times: here and here (they say “people take me seriously” imagine that!).

Letters to the editor on Syrian 'refugees!' An example of what you can do!

We just mentioned a letter to the editor in Syracuse, NY that has stirred debate there about the mayor’s plea for the resettlement of more Syrian (mostly Muslim) refugees for that city.
Now, here (below) is a Letter to the editor from Montana in response to a cartoon featured at the Bozeman Daily Chronicle on September 22, 2015.
This is an excellent short letter that hits all the points you should be making where you live.  People ask me all the time, what can I do? This is something you can do!
The issue is hot and this is your time to respond to any mention of the Syrian invasion about to arrive on American shores (and into your towns).  In some ways, the outrageous demands (100,000, not properly screened, Syrians in one year) of the Hard Left (No Borders!) Resettlement Industry (quietly backed by RINO politicians looking for cheap immigrant labor for their big business donors), should be looked on as a blessing as Americans are waking up.
Please write letters to the editor in response to anything you see in your local papers on the issue.  The media (even Fox News I’m sorry to say!) itself is not going to give us a fair report, so you need to educate your fellow citizens. ***Update*** Be sure to check with your paper for the word count permitted!
From the Bozeman Daily Chronicle:

It’s astonishing how much is wrong with the editorial cartoon concerning putative Syrian refugees that the Chronicle printed on Sept. 22. (The cartoon shows Uncle Sam idling in a motorboat labeled “USA” and telling “Syrian refugees” swimming nearby to tread water while we run background checks on them.)

First, refugees are officially defined as people who have a “well-founded fear of persecution,” but being caught in Syria’s civil war, while obviously hazardous, isn’t persecution. So such people aren’t actually refugees.

Second, most of them aren’t Syrians, either! As the Wall Street Journal reported (“Migrants Pose as Syrians to Open Door to Asylum in Europe,” Sept. 12), there’s a brisk trade in stolen and counterfeit Syrian passports. As few as 10 percent of this human tsunami may be Syrians; some come from as far afield as Afghanistan.

Further, if these were predominantly people fleeing a war zone, they wouldn’t be 69 percent men (primarily men in their 20s), as reported by the UN Refugee Agency. Instead, most of these people are simply illegal immigrants from all over the Mideast and Africa who are using the chaos in Syria as cover to exit their own dysfunctional countries and move to the gravy-train welfare states of Western civilization.

And what about those background checks? Well, the FBI admitted to Congress that it can’t confirm identities or investigate histories of most people arriving from the strife-torn Mideast. For an explosive example of what this means, recall Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the Chechen “refugees” who bombed the Boston Marathon.

So Europe should decline these faux refugees. The U.S. should too, especially considering that more than 90 percent of recent Mideast “refugees” here use food stamps and nearly 70 percent collect cash welfare.

Finally, your editors shouldn’t choose cartoons to publish based on uninformed sentimentality.

Brent Bledsoe


Incidentally Montana doesn’t have a refugee resettlement program at the moment, but efforts are underway there by the Lefties and their big business pals to get something started there.  See our post here in June.

Carson favorability numbers jump dramatically after Muslim President comments last Sunday

Update:  I just finished watching Chuck Todd on Meet the Press (the show where Carson made what you know Todd was expecting to become Carson’s fatal blow) and Todd never mentioned Carson at all today.  You know that if Todd had succeeded in killing Carson’s Presidential aspirations, it would have been one big brag fest at Meet the Depressed (as Rush calls it) today. Todd mentioned Rubio’s slight rise in the polls and Fioriana’s but not one word about Carson’s this week (as Carson moves into a virtual tie with Trump)!
Fox News has done everything it could, over the last week, to make sure commentators throughout the network ‘school’ Ben Carson on what he can and cannot say on Muslims in public office and sharia law.  Hah! Looks like Carson gets the last word!

ben-carson think big
Reports: Carson hauls in a whopping $20 million in recent quarter! (from small donors!)

See our report last week, here.  And, don’t miss Andy McCarthy’s takedown of the increasingly pompous Dr. Krauthammer, here.
I’m about done with Fox News, but at least here they are reporting what they found (hopefully with egg on Mr. Murdoch’s face)!
From Fox News:

Hillary Clinton’s personal favorable ratings hit a low mark in the latest Fox News national poll, while Ben Carson’s ratings climb to new high in the wake of his news-generating comments on Muslims and the presidency.

Carson receives the best net favorable scores among all voters as well as self-identified Republicans. In addition, Donald Trump and Jeb Bush get the worst net scores overall, and Bush has the lowest score among Republicans.


The number of voters who have a positive opinion of Carson is up 20 percentage points: 46 percent now, up from 26 percent in May. Among Republicans the increase is even greater: 66 percent now view him favorably, up from 42 percent.

Interviewing for the poll started Sunday afternoon and went through Tuesday evening (September 20-22). That Sunday morning, Carson made news with remarks about Sharia law and why he would not support a hypothetical Muslim in the White House.

For more on the candidates we have a category called ‘2016 Presidential campaign’ where we archive everything we write that relates to immigration/refugees and the candidates.

Breaking: Ben Carson says a Muslim should not be President of the US; CAIR comes out with both barrels

Earlier this morning I happened to catch Ben Carson on Meet the Press with Chuck Todd and I was astounded that Carson very forcefully said that a Muslim should not be President because Islam was incompatible with the US Constitution.  I knew immediately that all hell was going to break loose for Carson.
Update:  Here is what Powerline blog says about Carson’s statement.  “He had better batten down the hatches.” Hat tip: Paul
Update #2:  I feel for you South Carolinians!  Lindsey Graham demands that Carson apologize to Muslims, here.  BTW, pundits on Fox this evening suggested that Carson’s remark was likely supported by 80% of the American public and would actually help his candidacy.
Update September 21:  Frank Gaffney at the Center for Security Policy agrees with Carson and explains why.  LOL! He suggests that Obama is actually doing everything a Muslim Prez. might do anyway!  Click here.
Update #2 on September 21:  Both Trump and Cruz hang Carson out to dry.  Click here to see what I think of Trump and Cruz tonight.
Update September 22:  Carson says a Muslim could be President if he rejects Sharia Law! Hang in there Ben!
Update September 27:  Carson vindicated with exploding favorability numbers.
Watch Carson answer here:
The same question was asked of Gov. John Kasich and he waffled all over the place.  Then CNN contributor, the GOP establishment water-carrier, Hugh Hewitt*** jumped in to criticize Carson saying there shouldn’t be a religious test, demonstrating Hewitt’s ignorance about Islam.  Islam is a complete political system inseparable from the ‘religious’ aspects of the ‘faith.’
Now we see that the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) is all over Carson for daring to utter such a politically incorrect opinion.

Take action!

Even if Carson is not your #1 choice for the 2016 nomination, you must right now go to facebook, twitter, and your e-mail lists and drum up support for Carson and an opinion that readers here share.  Push back the inevitable Left wing trashers who are probably already at work kissing up to CAIR and calling for Carson to get out of the race!

By the way, earlier in the program Todd asked Trump about the Muslim incident in New Hampshire last week, where an audience member questioned Obama’s ‘faith,’ and Trump said it wasn’t his job to defend the President, implying that the President was big boy and could take care of himself.  Besides, he went on to say, I doubt Obama is going to defend me when someone at a public event says something about me that I don’t like.
You can reach the Carson campaign at twitter (@realBenCarson) and here at his website.  Send him a message and ask that he stand firm!
***See what Breitbart said about Hewitt here earlier this past week.