St. Cloud Times weaves conspiracy theory about “secret conversations;” says private meetings no longer allowed in America

An editorial yesterday in the St. Cloud Times makes me laugh!

It was only last week that they called on a professional communicator, Professor Aric Putnam from a Catholic college, to call me out for promoting conspiracy theories, here.

The Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the St. Cloud State Muslim Student Association organized a public meeting in St. Cloud in April. That tells you who is running the show in St. Cloud. And, by the way, has the St. Cloud Times checked CAIR’s “facts?” Could someone point me to that story. Photo: Jason Wachter,

Now, that very same paper says that citizens in America are no longer allowed to exercise their Constitutional right to peaceably assemble in a group of like-minded people!

Our meeting was by invitation only!

We were receiving threats that “progressive activists” were planning to disrupt a meeting we (ACT for America chapter leader and myself) were holding in St. Cloud.

We wanted our guests to not be subjected to hateful vitriol by a bunch of Leftwing community agitators. 

And, frankly, remember readers, you are not obligated to invite hostile media to any meeting in America!

Is the St. Cloud Times saying here that  it is not permitted, in the people’s republic of Minnesota, to hold private meetings?  Could they be spinning conspiracy theories themselves?

Talk about scare tactics!  It is a joke—“secret conversations!”  No wonder small city newspapers are dying.

Here is the editorial yesterday (hat tip:  Margaret):

Let’s keep talking, but let’s have those talks in public.


Unfortunately, there also have been some bad — or worse — secret conversations. [EEEK!!!—ed] Topping that list was the April 23 visit from Ann Corcoran, editor and founder of Refugee Resettlement Watch. She traveled all the way from Maryland to host an invitation-only meeting to promote her organization’s mission to “educate citizens about Refugee Resettlement Policy of the U.S. Government.”

Corcoran’s presentation was not open to the public. So while it’s impossible to know what she covered, a sampling of her opinions posted online indicate her message was likely rooted in disparaging all Muslims and especially those from Somalia.

To be clear, there are valid questions to ask federal elected officials about U.S. immigration policies they refuse to change.

However, Corcoran’s tactics — from secret meetings to extremist stereotyping — don’t have Washington, D.C. as their target. Instead, she’s much more focused on exploiting and expanding local fear of the unknown. Then, of course, it’s time for her to pack her bags and move to the next struggling community.

Struggling communities, here I come!

By the way, go here (scroll down to April 23, Part 1 and Part 2) to listen to my radio interview immediately following our “secret meeting,” so you can hear the gist of what we discussed in private—that every town in America receiving third world refugees (chosen by the UN) has the right to the FACTS on what is happening to their community.

Hey, I will bet you a million bucks that CAIR has held private meetings in St. Cloud and that the St. Cloud Times never threw a hissy-fit about their private (secret) conversations!  Why? Fear!

Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America has been reprinted

My little book has been reprinted by the Center for Security Policy Press after a few revisions.  First there is a slight title change.  We have also added chapters and subheadings to make it easier to navigate, and an important forward has been added by Frank Gaffney, President and CEO of the Center for Security Policy.

It is the second book in CSP’s ‘Civilization Jihad Reader Series.’   The first book in the series is here.

Here at Amazon.

Wilders speaks in Vienna, calls again for a halt to Muslim immigration to the West

There is one brave political leader shouting from the roof tops across Europe that citizens must speak up and demand a halt to the Hijrah, the migration of Muslims to the West, whose goal is simply-put: to destroy the West from within.

From (appropriately) the Gates of Vienna blog (Geert Wilders speech in Vienna last week):

Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom and Heinz-Christian Strache of the Austrian Freedom Party.

In his speech (held in German — the full English text has been posted here), Wilders stressed that the threat of Islamization is by no means being stopped by ostrich-like tactics of the leaders of the European Union, but is actually proceeding at a frightening pace. Wilders quoted statistics about the proliferation of Salafist Islamic organisations, about the number of Muslims supporting violence against non-Muslims, and the threat by the Islamic State to place large numbers of terrorists among asylum seekers entering Europe.

For these reasons and more, Geert Wilders demands that immigration from Islamic countries be halted immediately, that no more mosques should be built, and that we must take control of what is being taught in Islamic schools.

Islam cannot be reformed, he stressed, and for the simple reason that we cannot separate Islam from the Koran, neither can we take Muhammad out of Islam. Therefore there can never be a moderate Islam, Wilders said in his speech.

Wilders is steadfast that our Western culture, based on Christianity, Judaism and Humanism, is categorically superior to the Islamic culture. In the interest of everyone, immigrants should adopt our values, not the other way around.

For those who want to join ISIS:  Let them go!***

In the current confrontation with the Islamic State and the problem of those wishing to leave their countries to join it, he has one thing to say: “Let them go, but never let them return.” Take away their passport and citizenship. Once these young people have been radicalized, no amount of intervention or counselling is going to change their minds. So rather bid them goodbye and good riddance, for the West is not their home.

Time is running out and it is up to everyone to speak up!

His resistance against Islamization, mass immigration, lying media (Lügenpresse) and hostile EU elites cannot be left to politicians alone. Wilders emphasizes that preserving our liberties is a responsibility for every citizen because, as he says, “time is running out for the West.”

Visit Gates of Vienna for more and for links.

By the way, my little booklet written for the Center for Security Policy is being reprinted with a forward and some small changes to the format, so look for the newest edition which should be out soon.   It will also have a slightly different title:  ‘Refugee Resettlement and the Hijrah to America.’

***Just this morning we see news that five Dutch Nationals were apprehended on their way through Turkey to join ISIS.  Wilders is right! We are raising jihadists in our immigrant communities (and paying for their welfare!).  Then when these five are returned to the Netherlands, as they surely will, they will still be in the care of the Dutch taxpayers while in prison.

Comment worth noting: Since Spartanburg is my home…

Editor:  We have a special category here we call ‘Comments worth noting’ to showcase comments we believe more readers need to see.  This is a comment in response to ‘Jake’ at our record-breaking post on Spartanburg about the plan by the US State Department to open a resettlement office in the city.  ‘Jake’ said I was “speculating.”  (For the record, I don’t know ‘7Delta,’ but I wish I could say it half as well!)

From ‘7Delta:’

“Compassion has never been a suicide pact.”


Since Spartanburg is my home, I’ve done a lot of research into the RRP, including here at this blog. When ‘speculation’ is demonstrated over and over and has written and verbal confirmation from the welcoming communities, international organizations and government offices involved (though it may be presented in convoluted language to control the narrative) speculation looks a lot like facts.

No one wishes to turn away strangers in need, but when that altruistic spirit is being used as a weapon against kind and generous people, it ceases to be about compassion for either the refugee or the community that opens it arms. It becomes something so deceitful, it fails every rational or reasonable test of principled compassion.

The people who would have us believe we’re unkind, uncaring, bad Christians or whatever other disparaging adjective they can wring out of legitimate concern are manipulators. Name calling and deceitful practices meant to silence ‘pockets of resistance’ tells us everything we need to know about the resettlement scheme.

If asking legitimate questions, requiring respectful honest answers without the community organizing tactics and psy-op strategies makes me a pocket of resistance, then I will pay for my own button and wear it proudly. Compassion has never been a suicide pact. Love is not detrimental permissiveness. Charity begins at home.

I care because I care about our own vulnerable citizen population. I care that Spartan High and Dorman don’t have 82 different languages being spoken that we have to provide translators for. I care that assimilation takes precedent over integration and navigation, so a positive experience is provided for the limited number of any people we can aid in becoming successful Americans and for ourselves. I care that those people must want to be American, that their need is real, that our community is the best place for them and that they’ve abided by our laws in truth and in spirit. I care that we will not be expected to cater to them, but that they want to embrace us, while retaining cultural traditions that fit well into the community and our laws. I care that we don’t kill the goose because she was too timid or vain in her own self-image of false goodness that she stuck her neck out to be chopped out. Believe it or not, I care about the refugee being manipulated too.

I’ve learned enough about subversive tactics over the last 8 years or so to fill a book. America must not be fooled again, for if we do not believe what we see with our own eyes, we shall surely perish and that will not be a good thing, no matter what the tiny minority of our population who have maneuvered themselves into power want us to believe. These poor souls will rue the day they believed their own lies. It never fails. History is our friend. Logic and reality still reign and the most loving thing we can do for them, illegal aliens and refugees is to stop them in their tracks now.

Editor’s endnote:  We have published 6,441 posts here at RRW over the last nearly 8 years, so I think we have passed the point where we could legitimately be accused of “speculating.”

RRW weekly round-up for week ending February 28th, new heights reached in February

This is one more of our sporadic weekly updates mostly to let readers know what posts were the most interesting over this past week and to provide tips, especially for new readers, on how to find information among our 6,000 plus posts.

And, February saw a new record set for daily visitors–-highest daily numbers in our over 7-year-history.  The numbers aren’t astronomical, but for a narrowly focused blog, we are thrilled at the interest.

Here are the top three most-visited posts this week.

No surprise that all three had to do with Minnesota Somalis. (Daily top posts are in the right hand side bar.)

1. Somali Islamic terrorists threaten attack on Mall of America; we are bringing in over 800 Somali refugees a month right now!

2. Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis?

3. US State Department and resettlement contractors salted Minnesota with over 10,000 Somali refugees since 2005

Although not with the shock value of those three posts, I do want you to take note of this post on the structure of the Refugee Admissions Program so you know the names of those responsible for what is happening in your town or city.  It is an important post for members of the media and government watchers in general.

Instead of the top ten countries of the week from which readers came to RRW, this is a list of the top ten countries for the month of February (not including the US of course):







European Union (this is new and I don’t know how they come up with this when EU countries appear individually on the list)


South Africa

Malta  (of all the countries on the list, I would like to see Malta where they must have a high percentage of people with the will to save their little country!)


As we mentioned above, the primary purpose of our occasional weekly updates is to help new readers get oriented and to help you all find useful information among our 6,000 plus posts!

For new readers!

Since we get new readers every day, here is my usual spiel with two points I need to make:

First, we do screen our comments and don’t post any that threaten any kind of violence and we don’t post ones filled with foul language.  An occasional expletive might slip in if the comment is otherwise a good one.  You are always free to disagree with our point of view if you follow those two simple rules.

And the other thing I want to mention is about e-mails that come to you every time we post.  They come directly from wordpress to subscribers.  We don’t send out e-mails.  So, if we are posting too much for your e-mail inbox, then just unsubscribe and visit RRW when you have the time I understand completely about too many e-mails!  You might want to simply follow us on twitter or on facebook (below).

This is where you can find information (in addition to our fact sheet). We have over 6,000 posts.

*  See our categories (left hand sidebar)

*  See the tag clouds (right hand sidebar)

*  Also, we have a great search function and since neither the categories nor the tags go all the way back to our first posts more than seven years ago, use the search window with a few key words.  You might want to first try your city, state, or country to see what we have reported from there over the years.

Readers from Europe should search for key words ‘Invasion of Europe’ for all of our many posts on the migration crisis on the Continent.

By the way, our category entitled ‘where to find information’ is filled with reports and documents, but with 326 posts archived there, it is pretty unwieldy now.

Past weekly roundups can be found in our category entitled ‘blogging.’

If you wish to be notified when we post, consider subscribing or follow us on twitter (@refugeewatcher) or facebook (RefugeeInfoResource).  ‘Like us’ on facebook!

And apologies to all who e-mail and comment, sorry if I don’t respond much, there are just not enough hours in my day!

It occurs to me that I do see everyone’s comments to posts because we do screen them (no foul language, no threats), so if you have something you want me to see, I don’t at all mind if you send the link as a comment to a post, even if it’s off-topic.

To regular readers, thank you for your continued concern for this very important issue.

P.S.  In case you are wondering, this blog is a charitable enterprise on the part of its writers!