Guest column: “A Child Bride And Her Four Dead Daughters”

Editor’s note:  Readers, on Friday a car crash in Columbus, Ohio involving a police cruiser and a car carrying an Iraqi family resulted in the deaths of the car’s occupants—an Iraqi refugee family, a husband and wife and four of their children.  ‘Pungentpeppers,’ a reader and frequent commenter here at RRW, has penned this piece after reading the many news accounts of what happened raising the ever-controversial issue of whether certain immigrants could be more appropriately (and more economically) helped by leaving them in their own countries or cultural zones.

“A Child Bride And Her Four Dead Daughters”

In Ohio, six members of one Iraqi refugee family died last week in an automobile accident.  It seems unfair to write about the dead.  They cannot defend themselves or explain.  But there were children who were wronged.  Their story must be told.

News about the tragedy uncovered certain facts.  Those facts reveal that our efforts to bring this family to our country were misguided.  The family, coming from a tribal background, either ignored, or could not understand, our system of values.  Our laws requiring the protection of children – and granting important human and civil rights to daughters – were violated.  Since the gap between our values and theirs was so huge, instead of bringing this family to the U.S., it would have been better to send aid to help them rebuild their lives in their own country.  They might have lived.  Here is the family’s story.

The accident scene: The cruiser’s dash camera revealed that the car driven by Eid Shahad had made an illegal turn on a red light.

Officer Shawn Paynter might never be able to forget what happened during the early morning hours of Friday, October 18.  He was on duty with the Upper Arlington Police Department near Columbus, Ohio.  That Friday, at 1:30 a.m., he was responding to an armed robbery in progress at a local McDonalds.  His police cruiser approached an intersection and entered just as the light turned yellow.  A Toyota Corolla, making an illegal turn, entered the intersection against a red light, and stopped right in front of him.  His car collided with the Toyota.  All six persons in the Toyota died at the scene. None wore seat belts.  Officer Paynter survived.  He suffered a head injury and is expected to recover.

Among the dead was Entisar Hameed, age 31, the mother of eight children.  She had arrived from Basra, Iraq, via Syria, as a refugee three years ago.  She was seated in the front.  Her husband, Eid Shahad, 39, was driving.  It was Eid Al-Adha, a four-day long Islamic holiday.  At that late hour they were returning home from a holiday visit on Thursday night to another family of newly-arrived Iraqis.  The mother had brought her four daughters with them for the visit:  Shuaa, 16, Amna, 14, Ekbal, 12, and 2-year-old Lina Badi.  The girls were in the back seat of the Toyota.  Not one was buckled in and the youngest girl, Lina, was not in a car seat.  There would have been no room for a car seat, anyway, with so many children packed into a small car.  In addition to her daughters who died with her, Entisar left behind four sons.  Her eldest, Mushary, was 17, and the other boys were 5, 6, and 12.

After the accident, acquaintances and friends spoke in glowing terms about the husband and father.  Eid worked as a home health aide for Sunrise Health Care; among his patients was his 77-year-old mother who had suffered a stroke.*  Eid was active and well liked.  He helped newly arrived immigrants from Iraq and other countries become acclimated to the U.S.  For example, he was known to take people grocery shopping and helped fix their cars.  He planned to help sponsor a new family** of Iraqi refugees that were due to arrive next month through the agency that had brought his family, Ohio’s Community Immigration Refugee Services.

In contrast, there was nothing reported in the news about Entisar, the mother who died, except her name and age. Entisar – her name means “Victory” in Arabic – seems to have lived a hard life.  She was married at around age 13, below the age of consent in Iraq, but not uncommon for a Muslim girl in Basra.  If she had been living in the U.S. at that time of her marriage, it’s likely that her husband would have been thrown in prison for having sexual relations with a minor.  Instead, our country decided to look the other way and allowed the family to immigrate – there is one set of laws for immigrants and another for Americans.  Once married, young Entisar gave birth to one child after another.  Her eighth baby, Lina, was born in the U.S.

In Ohio, Entisar lived with her husband, their eight children, and her sick mother-in-law, all packed into one small apartment.  Money had to have been tight – home health aides do not earn much – certainly not enough to support a large family of eleven.  The housing complex where they lived was full of Somali refugees who did not speak Arabic, so there was not much company there. Instead she had the company of her daughters.

The eldest boy, Mushary, was a senior at a local high school.  None of the daughters, however, were in school.  After they arrived in the U.S., some of the girls had been enrolled in Westside Academy, a school that describes itself as being globally conscious and even offers Arabic as a foreign language.  They later transferred to the International Academy of Columbus, run under the direction of Dr. Mouhamed Tarazi, and improved their English, but – per the Columbus Dispatch – they left that school earlier this year.  The story says the girls were to be “home-schooled by their parents”.  But it was doubtful that these girls were receiving any sort of significant education at home.  The father had a job and besides he was very busy helping others in the community.  And since their mother had been married when barely a teen herself, what sort of age-appropriate schooling would she have been able to give the girls who were 16, 14, and 12?  It is apparent that despite being in America – where both girls and boys go to school – Entisar’s daughters were headed down a traditional path of life that paralleled their mother’s.

Plainly, while they lived, nobody was checking up on this family of refugees to see how they were doing. Were they sending their daughters to school?  No.  Did their children wear seat belts or use car seats?  No.  Did the father understand traffic laws?  No.  What conditions were they living in?  Eleven people in one small apartment.  Refugees coming from certain backgrounds have too big a learning curve and too many obstacles to overcome.  Sadly, these same obstacles may have contributed to this family’s deaths.  America was not the best place for them.

The End.

Editor’s notes:

* This practice of setting up immigrant-run home health services (with government support) and then being paid to care for one’s own elderly (or ailing) family members is one area of potential fraud going forward as the US tackles the enormous health care problems associated with socialized medicine for all.

** The mention of “sponsoring” a new family does not mean what the average reader might be thinking—that somehow one family is helping pay for the resettlement of another family.   You, the taxpayer are doing the paying, the “sponsoring” family would likely be just acting as mentors.  And, sadly in this case, be teaching the new family how to get around American values.

For your further study, here are ‘pungentpeppers’ sources for this guest column:

Teen cares for family

About the burial on Saturday

About the six who died

ohio teen left to care

10TV story saying father’s employment

Iraqis top the list of refugees admitted to the US in FY2013

Iraqi refugees in Springfield, Mass. disappointed in America. Photo: Dave Roback The Republican

As you know, the fiscal year ended on September 30th and the numbers are in.  Go here (Refugee Admissions Report as of Sep 30, 2013) and see for yourself.

For fiscal year 2013 the Obama Administration wanted 70,000 refugees (the same number they are shooting for in 2014***) and came awfully close with 69,930.  The contractors, who are used to coming in way under the goal, are probably jumping for joy since they are paid by the head to bring refugees to your towns and cities.

Iraqis top the list with 19,491 resettled!

Burma comes in at number two with 16,299.

Bhutan (Nepal): 9,134

Somalia:  7,608  (a very high number compared to recent years)

Cuba:  4,205

Iran:  2,579

DR Congo:  2,563  (that is just a starter, we are expected to take 50,000 in the next few years).

Of note:  we admitted 164 Palestinians, a small number, but as you know Palestinians are not usually resettled around the world.

*** We are waiting anxiously for the report to Congress that accompanies the Presidential Determination. Let us know if you see it!

The photo is from a story I didn’t have time to post from The Republican in Springfield, Mass.   It’s the first story I’ve seen in awhile where Iraqis complain about their lives here.  For awhile, a few years ago, it seemed there were weekly reports of unhappy Iraqis.  See our Iraqi refugee category (590 posts!), here, for more.

Refugee advocates! Just so you know, you are in bed with Grover Norquist and big business

Update October 23rd:  More news on Norquist at Potomac Tea Party Report today, here.

This is an article about “amnesty” but it reminds me to remind the human rights gang and you “church” people that you are working side-by-side with big business interests looking for cheap labor (it is not about having a humanitarian heart!) and that Grover Norquist is a ring-leader of the cabal.

We first reported on Grover Norquist in 2007 when he was pushing for the importation of Iraqi refugees and we wondered how that would benefit the US taxpayer.
AP photo

For new readers, type ‘Grover Norquist’ into our search function.  We have been following his activities for years.  Here is one post I wrote at Potomac Tea Party Report in 2011 about Rep. Frank Wolf linking Norquist to the Islamic infiltration of the US Government.  As Wolf admonished his fellow Members, “you can never say again that you didn’t know!”

From Policymic:

“People are an asset, they’re not a liability” were the words with which Grover Norquist chose to commence his Immigration Reform Coming Out Party at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing back in April.

Known as the man who launched his political career by founding Americans for Tax Reform and led the right on its anti-tax agenda through the fiscal cliff and sequestration, Norquist is now proposing that conservatives “[get] past this sense [of being] anti-immigrant.”

Norquist’s sentiment is echoed by many Republicans, in particular the very donors who raised the most funds for last year’s presidential election. Charlie Spies, the founder of Restore Our Future, the most prominent super PAC behind Romney’s 2012 presidential bid, also happens to the leader of a new super PAC, Republicans for Immigration Reform. Another such group, Partnership for a New American Economy, has seen a great influx of conservative businessmen including independent and GOP members. It is backed by the likes of New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, an independent, the head of Marriott International hotel company Bill Marriott Jr., and the CEO of Jonathan Johnson, both of whom are Republicans. With a majority of members evidently boasting ties to Wall Street and large businesses, this growing network is putting its money and influence behind what other GOPers dub “amnesty.”

Why do you think CEOs like Marriott want amnesty and refugee resettlement?  Can you say chamber maids, baggage handlers and kitchen help?   Or, why are the meatpackers pushing amnesty?  Think of it, with refugees they don’t even have to feel guilty about paying low wages because the refugees lives are being subsidized by the taxpayer via food stamps, Section 8 housing, health care etc.

Compared to the many Republican politicians and media figures who pulled a fast one when they saw the demographic tides changing, Norquist’s and Republican business leaders’ immigration activism seems unexpectedly genuine. As early as 2010, Norquist demonstrated his pro-immigration stance while toeing the line on traditional GOP values.

And, why is it “unexpectedly genuine”—they genuinely want to increase their bottom line as the reporter makes clear at the end of the article.

However, it is no coincidence that Norquist and well-off GOP businessmen share two central tenets in their political agenda — one, preventing tax increases, and two, giving immigrants a path to citizenship.


As such, it should come as no surprise that business-minded Republicans, usually strong advocates of low taxes, are now the spokespeople for creating a path to citizenship. For big business owners, what is not to like about an increased supply of labor, driving competition in the job market up and wages down?

So we shuffle poor people around the world in the name of humanitarianism disrupting their cultures (and ours!) so they can make beds for the wealthy (or cut meat) and the church do-gooders (the resettlement contractors who are also, by the way, pushing amnesty) can convince themselves that they are good people.

If one wants to be a “good” Christian or Jew, then support some poor individual or family on your own dime, either here or abroad.

Surprise! Another Iraqi refugee with possible terror ties incarcerated (San Antonio this time)

I missed this story earlier this month, but reader ‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted it and alerted us to it.   The original story appears in the San Antonio Express-News, but it’s not readily available.  Fortunately, the blogger at  ‘Limits to Growth’ posted the entire story.

Social Security Investigator: During his arrest Sept. 6, he admitted lying to get refugee status.

And, when I say another Iraqi, I’m thinking of those two Kentucky refugees doing time for terror connections and then there is the case of the Social Security office bomber in Phoenix.

This story is especially interesting because the accused was first being investigated for fraud associated with his disability payments and lying on his refugee application, but he also works in a convenience store (what a coincidence that is) while supposedly being disabled.  I wonder did authorities check to see if food stamp fraud was going on there along with the employment fraud?

Someone please let Senator Rand Paul know there is another one!  Paul is the only US Senator or Member of Congress willing to ask why we are resettling so many refugees.

From San Antonio Express News via Limits to Growth:

SAN ANTONIO — On the surface, Ahmed Khudhur Tayyeh is a refugee, resettled in San Antonio in 2008 by the United Nations to help him escape persecution in his native Iraq.

The way this region’s Joint Terrorism Task Force tells it, however, the 39-year-old is suspected of having ties to Al-Qaida.

He was arrested earlier this month on an indictment charging him — not with terrorism — but with theft from the government, defrauding the Social Security Administration out of $7,995 in disability benefits and with withholding information that he had been getting a side income.

As one of nearly 200,000 Iraqi refugees approved by the U.S. government for resettlement in America since 2007, Tayyeh was given a green card, despite giving conflicting stories about how he injured his leg. In one story he allegedly said he took a hit from an improvised bomb, in another he said he was kidnapped by Iraqi police and shot in the leg. The government here gave him disability benefits because the injury supposedly prevented him from working.

Read it all.  LOL!  And be sure to see how he was always checking to see if he was being followed—a trained agent? or an avid fan of spy novels?

San Antonio is Catholic Charities territory!

It looks like the accused is one of Catholic Charities clients.  Go here for the resettlement contractors working in Texas.

And, check out the numbers (Arrivals by Destination City by Nationality by FY as of Aug 31, 2013 ).  Texas has resettled a whopping 59,632 refugees since 2001.  San Antonio got 5,009 of those which included 927 Iraqis.

Apology to readers!  Last week we changed our e-mail address and didn’t set it so the mail went to our private e-mail accounts.  Having forgotten that, I then forgot to check the new mail box all week.  If you have sent e-mails and not heard back, I apologize and will get to them over the weekend!

Samantha Power arrives at the UN dressed like a teenager

On her first day at the United Nations, great friend of Valerie Jarrett and one of the chief architects (with Hillary and Susan Rice) of our Libya involvement, new UN envoy Samantha Power spoke to refugee kids dressed like a teeny-bopper going to the beach in a sleeveless, above the knee, tank-top dress (and it wasn’t very hot in NYC that day, so she didn’t have that excuse!).

Samantha Power talks to refugee kids affiliated with federal contractor International Rescue Committee in NYC Monday. Photo: Reuters Eric Thayer

LOL!  this is my outreach to the low information crowd!

I figured maybe she had changed clothes to talk to the youngsters, but no, if you check the news, this (see photo) is how she dressed to present her credentials to the august body.  Her attire is the equivalent of John Bolton arriving in shorts and a polo shirt!

Maybe I’m just too old fashioned and think women in power should be more professional looking.

And, we cannot assume she is sending a message to the Islamists in the UN about freedom for women with her choice of clothes! (Other than a message that she is not to be taken seriously).

From Reuters:

(Reuters) – U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power faced some tough questions during her first day on the job on Monday, but they did not come from other U.N. Security Council envoys – instead she was grilled by refugee students in New York City.

At the International Rescue Committee’s Refugee Youth Summer Academy in downtown Manhattan, students asked Power questions ranging from how did she meet President Barack Obama to would she send troops to Afghanistan and her thoughts on communism.

Wouldn’t you love to know her opinion on communism!  And, by the way, as a protege of George Soros she earlier sat on the Board of the International Rescue Committee that will soon see David Miliband take the reins.

She apparently gave some thought to what she would wear on her first day….

At the Refugee Youth Summer Academy – a six-week program that helps prepare newly arrived refugees aged 5 to 19 for the New York school system – Power likened her first day on the job to their first day at school.

“Like me you’ll probably think about what you’ll wear and will it go well and will people like me,” she said. “Every time you do something new it’s scary.”

On a serious note:  We have written extensively about Power’s career (click here for our complete archive).  She was tasked with reforming the Refugee Resettlement Program when she arrived at the White House in Obama’s first term.  Human rights lobbyists were thrilled to call her the ‘Iraqi refugee czar.’  She did throw some money to the resettlement contractors, but there wasn’t much reform that I could see.

She was quoted as saying she was sick of doing “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff” in relation to Christian Iraqis, here.   And, I was very surprised to see her go into hiding when the Benghazi terror attack happened because she, Hillary and Rice were in on pushing Obama to get on the oust-Gaddafi bandwagon in the first place.   I even wrote a post suggesting the White House (Jarrett?) was keeping Power safe from criticism when the Benghazi fire storm erupted.

On August first, the Senate voted 87-10 to confirm Power as the new US Ambassador to the UN.  Here is the vote (hat tip: Robin).  The ten sensible and brave Republicans who voted NO! are:  Barrasso, Cruz, Enzi, Heller, Lee, Paul, Rubio, Scott, Shelby, and Vitter.

As Robin pointed out, a big disappointment is that Sessions voted Aye.  Power’s doctrine—the responsibility to protect—is, and will be, responsible for many more impoverished migrants arriving in the US, so what was Sessions thinking?