Delhi on high alert for possible terror attack; Rohingya being watched

This just showed up in my alerts, but since it’s well into Sept. 19th in India, I don’t know if anything happened on the anniversary of the Batla House attack.

Imagine if Christians and Jews had the nerve to protest like this!

From the The Times of India (be sure to see the article itself for the many links included in it):

NEW DELHI: On the eve of the Batla House encounter anniversary, Delhi Police told all police stations to step up security in the wake of terror threats. Intelligence agencies have warned of possible bomb blasts by Indian Mujahideen and Lashkar-e-Toiba to avenge the arrest of Yasin Bhatkal and Asadullah Akhtar.

Delhi Police and the Intelligence Bureau have been asked to keep a close watch on movements of Rohingya and Lashkar operatives as they might strike at Buddhist structures in the capital. A meeting between senior Delhi Police officers and the ministry of home affairs was also held in this connection.

Indian Mujahideen, in 2010, carried out an attack near Jama Masjid on the anniversary of the encounter.

Sources say that Tehsin alias Monu, Bhatkal’s deputy is still at large and capable of making bombs. “It is possible that IM and Lashkar operatives may plan an attack on Thursday to show that the organization is still strong,” said an officer.

Intelligence agencies have informed the government that Lashkar-e-Toiba is using Rohingya Muslims to carry out activities in India. This claim was supported by LeT operative Abdul Karim Tunda who, during interrogation, said Rohingyas were being trained in Pakistan. He also named leaders of the Rohingya Solidarity Organization working in association with Lashkar bosses Hafiz Saeed, Zaki-Ur-Rehman-Lakhvi and Muzammil.

In his interrogation report, accessed by TOI, Tunda said, “Rohingya Solidarity Organization or the Arakan Rohingya Islamic Front (ARIF) was constituted in Burma. Dr Yunus, the President (Amir) of this Tanzeem, came to Pakistan in 1994 and joined a conference organized by LeT”.

Delhi Police has been asked to keep a watch on the 200-300 Rohingya families living in and around Delhi.

Why should we care?

We care because US refugee contractors, including the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, are promoting the resettlement of Rohingya “refugees” (as a persecuted group meaning they wouldn’t have to prove that they personally are persecuted) to the US.  Some have already been resettled in your “welcoming” towns and cities and referred to as “Burmese” with no mention of their religion.

For more on the Rohingya resettlement drumbeat, see our entire category here with 154 previous posts!

The photo is one of my all time favorites and you can find it by scrolling down at “Struggle for Hindu Existence.”

Rohingya Muslims making a run for Australia; don’t believe Aussies will follow-through on get-tough policy

Here are some snippets of the story from The Sydney Morning Herald last week.

We are expected to believe that each of these Rohingya men and boys found $5000 each to hire people smugglers to get them to Australia (or Thailand)?

There are two things that interest me in this report.  

First and foremost, how do abjectly poor asylum seekers find $5000 each to hire human traffickers?

This is my theory, I believe they are being paid by the likes of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to be the advancing army of Islam into Southeast Asia and Australia.  OIC knows that a demographic war (Al Hijra) is their best bet for world domination and they have been deeply involved in the destabilization of Burma.

The other problem I have with this report is the repetition of the media meme that the Rohingya were just minding their own business in Burma and the Buddhists came after them.  The Rohingya did their share of the killing!

PNG or no PNG, they are coming!

Myanmar’s Rohingya are fleeing their country in unprecedented numbers – and more and more are looking to Australia for sanctuary.

Undeterred by threats of resettlement offshore or years in immigration detention, increasing numbers of Myanmar’s Muslim ethnic minority are paying people smugglers up to $5000 to board boats for a complicated journey through Malaysia, Indonesia and, for those who can afford it, ultimately to Australia.

Advocacy group The Arakan Project estimates 37,000 Rohingya have boarded boats for those three countries in the past 10 months. Few Rohingya fleeing Myanmar have reached Australian shores previously but, following widespread communal violence last year and increasing state-sanctioned oppression since, the numbers have risen exponentially.

Mohammed(s) on the way!

Despite the risks, and Australia’s new “hardline” policy on boat arrivals, Australia is increasingly seen as an attractive option. In Kutupalong refugee camp, Mohammed Zolil says he fled after his two friends were killed in anti-Muslim attacks last year.

“What I hear from other people is it is peaceful in Australia, and so I wish I could go to Australia. I hear a lot of people go to Australia.”

He says Australia’s policy change is known, but people believe their people smugglers over a distant government.

“A few days ago, I’ve heard from someone over the phone that the government does not allow to go inside Australia, they’ll send them somewhere else . . . but even after all this difficulty, still people will try.”

Mohammed Iqbal Hussain, a teacher, says people are encouraged by others who’ve gone before them.  [There is that “sugar on the table” concept again—ed]

So, if you’ve gotten this far and are saying to yourself—too bad for Australia, remember that Rohingya are being resettled in Europe, Canada and the US.  The numbers are small so far, but US contractors, like the US Conference of Catholic Bishops are lobbying the State Department to bring them some Rohingya to add to their refugee diversity in your town!  Read all about it in our Rohingya Reports category with 153 previous posts.

Thailand: Rohingya cry, put on act, when press is around

Update August 21:  86 “asylum-seeking” Rohingya break out of Thai detention facility and are on the run, here.

I’ve been ignoring the news lately in Asia about the Rohingya Muslims (so busy reporting on the flood of asylum-seekers in Europe and the US) which have been streaming out of Burma and Bangladesh trying to get to Australia and elsewhere and are ending up in Thailand where they are not “welcome.”

Rohingya boat people (mostly men) arrive on Phuket in January of this year. Photo: (EPA, Yongyot Pruksarak)

This is just a quick update from Phuket Gazette.  Seems they rioted and destroyed their detention facility earlier this month.

PHUKET: Deputy Interior Minister Wisarn Techathirawat says the presence of the media encourages Rohingya refugees to “act-up in front of the camera” in order to get sympathy.

Mr Wisarn was at the Phang Nga Immigration center yesterday to inspect the facility, following a Rohingya riot there earlier this month.

“The media often knows that the Rohingya are arriving even before the police do,” he said.

“And when the media are present, the Rohingya cry and put on a performance designed to get sympathy. When the media are not present, they act normally, and even seem to enjoy their interaction with the officers,” he said.

The “feigned pitifulness” of the Rohingya reported by the press is giving Thailand a bad name, Mr Wisarn said.

He called for special measures to be taken to find the Rohingya places to live, and said that government parties and officials must do more to respond to the needs of Rohingya refugees.

The rebellion at the Phang Nga Immigration center on August 8 occurred at the end of the Muslim fasting month, when refugees asked to be able to pray together and were refused (story here). The men, detained in cramped conditions for months, became enraged and damaged their detention cells as they tried to break out.

The rioting was contained, and subsequently, 261 men were transferred to police stations in Phang Nga; 24 remained at the Phang Nga Immigration center.

Just a reminder and for the benefit of new readers, Rohingya are being resettled in the US, Canada and Europe.  The numbers are small so far but the “humanitarian lobby” is pushing for the West to take more.

We have an entire category going back almost 6 years on the Rohingya, click here to learn more.

Muslims continue their war on Buddhists by destroying holy site

It is believed the Islamic terrorists did it to get revenge for the Rohingya of Burma.

Brave monks! Photos like this enrage the Islamic supremacists.

Pamela Geller has the whole story, here.

According to intelligence sources, Bodh Gaya has been in the crosshairs of Pakistan-based terrorists, who want to avenge violence against Rohingya Muslims in Buddhist-dominated Myanmar.

The take away for readers here is that you must say NO! to the resettlement of Rohingya in America.  Just a few days ago we again had another call by the US Conference of Catholic Bishops to BRING ROHINGYA TO AMERICA!  Here!

Please visit our nearly 6-year-old Rohingya Reports category (151 previous posts) to get the story the mainstream media won’t tell you about the Rohingya.  We weren’t paying attention when the US State Department resettled over 100,000 Somalis in the US, but we have a chance now to stop a Rohingya migration before it gets fully underway.

And, one more thing.  In S.744 the refugee lobby has an important provision they have been after for years—the designation of whole classes and groups of people as automatically assumed to be persecuted just because of who they are.  Presently refugees, in most cases, must prove personal persecution.  If the Gang’s bill becomes law, it would be sufficient only to say—I am a Rohingya Muslim, therefore I am persecuted and entitled to receive asylum.

Short takes: refugees around the world, diseases, rapes, suicides, trafficking etc.

I’ve got such a backlog of stories to post, I’ve decided to do a compendium of sorts to catch up.

Rohingya men demand justice in Thailand. AFP photo

~Syrian refugee camp in Iraqi Kurdistan, overloaded and unsanitary conditions may lead to disease

Here is the story at Relief Web:

DOMIZ CAMP, 3 July 2013 (IRIN) – On a hot June afternoon, 27-year-old Gharib Mohammed stands outside his tent at this camp for Syrian refugees in Iraq, shovel in hand.

Sewage and garbage have blocked the small stream that runs the length of his dusty avenue and the smell has entered his tent.

~Center for Disease Control has a report on the high Bhutanese refugee suicide rate in the US.  Looks like not much new beyond what we have already reported.

From February 2009 to February 2012, the US Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) reported 16 suicides among Bhutanese refugees in the United States. This number far surpasses the number of suicides reported to ORR among any other refugee community in the United States, yielding a suicide rate that is twice as high as that in the general United States population.

~In Egypt, Egyptian men think they can get Syrian refugee brides cheaply, from The Star:

Men across the region are now seeking Syrian brides. In Turkey and Jordan, where refugee camps pepper the landscape, the desperation of the Syrians is far easier to spot as rich Persian Gulf men scour the camps to buy brides living in tents. Rape, child brides and temporary marriages are prevalent.


But in Cairo, where there are no camps, the dashed dreams of both Egyptians and Syrians in the post-Arab Spring world meet on more equal terms.

Egyptian men, now poorer as the economy founders, find hope in the desperate Syrians, who can’t live in their own nation because a war that once promised revolutionary change has brought devastation and forced flight instead.


Some Muslim clerics have urged Egyptian men to marry Syrian women as an act of charity, and there are even rumours that top members of the Muslim Brotherhood, the secretive religious society through which Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi rose to prominence, have taken Syrian women as second wives.  [LOL!  I bet this practice came to a screeching halt in the last few days!—ed]

~In Thailand a policeman was charged with helping Rohingya man rape Rohingya woman, from AFP where the story is used to once again blame the Buddhists in Burma.

BANGKOK — A policeman has been charged with trafficking after a Rohingya woman was allegedly lured from a shelter in southern Thailand and subsequently raped by a man from the refugee Muslim minority, police told AFP Friday.

It is believed to be the first time a Thai official has been charged with trafficking of Rohingya boat people, despite probes into alleged people smuggling by authorities including the army.


The woman was allegedly raped repeatedly by the Rohingya man, believed to have worked as a translator at the shelter, who has been charged for the assault.

US Catholic Bishops would like the US to take more Rohingya (and Syrians!) to your towns, here.

~Woman (Mexican national) charged in US with trafficking child from El Salvador into the US, from the Brownsville Herald:

Another child is heading to the Office of Refugee Resettlement and a woman is accused of trying to smuggle the undocumented girl into the country, according to a U.S. Customs and Border Protection news release.

Mirtha Veronica Nava-Martinez, 38, is accused of inducing an undocumented child to enter the U.S. illegally for financial gain, a criminal complaint revealed.