Muslim refugees to Idaho; Spartanburg, SC update; and the juggernaut facing the American middle class

Reporter Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily has another in depth analysis of several refugee resettlement hotspots in America.

Our Idaho post earlier in the week went through the roof for some reason and below Hohmann has more details about “welcoming” Idaho.

Bye! Bye! Boise….

Here is how Hohmann begins:

South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley: Refugees welcome in South Carolina. Perhaps she doesn’t want to make Senator Lindsey (amnesty) Graham angry.

The multicultural transformation of Idaho will continue with a planned infusion of hundreds of refugees from Muslim countries over the next one to three years.

A local newspaper in Twin Falls reported that city will receive 300 mostly Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year starting Oct. 1.

But WND has learned the numbers will be much larger statewide and include refugees from Syria, Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo and possibly Somalia.

Sources tell WND that community leaders learned of the plans for up to 2,000 refugees at a recent conference at Boise State University attended by church groups, social services providers and other “stakeholders.”

“That’s the number they put out that they’re planning for, a total of about 2,000 over the next one to three years, with 70 percent going to Boise and 30 percent in the Twin Falls area,” said Shahram Hadian, a former Muslim turned Christian pastor in eastern Washington who said he spoke with a conference attendee.

WND reported two weeks ago that Spartanburg, South Carolina, has also been selected for the seeding of a Syrian refugee community.

Unlike Boise, residents in Spartanburg have mustered an organized opposition to the infusion of 65 Syrian refugees over the next year, saying the town already has high crime and poverty and isn’t prepared to absorb hundreds of poor Syrians.

Governor Nikki Haley has come out in support of bringing refugees to South Carolina to compete with local low-skilled workers!

Jeffrey [Christina Jeffrey] said Gov. Nikki Haley has come out in favor of the resettlement plans, which hasn’t helped Gowdy’s effort to see it scaled back. A promised resolution by the area’s legislative delegation opposing the resettlement plans also fizzled after Haley issued a letter of support.

But here is the part of Hohmann’s narrative that I found the most interesting in light of recent discussions I had in Minnesota with knowledgeable grassroots researchers.

The juggernaut facing the average middle class American!

Progressive mayors, major corporations, and the Chambers of Commerce are teaming up to “welcome” migrants to your cities and towns (transforming your communities to satisfy a voracious appetite for cheap labor?) and all for the almighty dollar.  We will add wealthy foundations, ‘religious non-profits’ and Republican elites to the list!

Boise’s mayor, along with mayors in Philadelphia, Baltimore, Chicago, Dayton and Cleveland, Ohio, San Antonio, New Orleans, San Fransisco, Nashville, Atlanta, Wichita, Houston, Boston and dozens of other cities, work with an organization called the Partnership for a New American Economy. This group includes a mix of progressive mayors, executives from some of America’s largest corporations and Chambers of Commerce all working to influence Congress to allow more immigrants into the country, both skilled and unskilled, claiming that more immigration leads to more economic prosperity for Americans, a claim that is rejected by think tanks such as the Center for Immigration Studies and the Economic Policy Institute.

Boise, a self-described “Welcoming Community,” has seen waves of Muslims sent its way by the United Nations in recent years from Afghanistan, Somalia, Turkey, Iraq, Uzbekistan, Congo, Bhutan, Myanmar and Bosnia….

The greater Boise area already has several mosques, the largest of which is the Islamic Center of Boise, with plans unveiled recently for a large mega-mosque on the outskirts of town in Kuna, Idaho.

Read it all, it is chock-full of information!

Do not miss Hohmann’s detailed analysis of Obama’s New Americans campaign to seed your towns and cities with diversity and shove “welcoming” down your throats, here.

To date, 815 Syrian refugees admitted to US; 92% are Muslim

Since yesterday was the end of the month, I thought it was time to check out the government data bases to see how many Syrian refugees have been admitted to the US over the last few years (I went back to January 1, 2012).  Remember that the UN has 11,000 Syrians picked out for us and that the FBI testified in February that they cannot be screened because there are no records available on these people who fled Syria and are mostly living in UN camps.

Deciding the future for your towns and cities: Anne Richard, Asst. Sec. of State for PRM and Antonio Guterres, the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. She is under pressure to keep Guterres happy!

The US State Department is on a push to get 2,000 to your towns by September 30th (the end of FY2015).  That is not nearly what the UN wants, but is the result of the difficult security screening process that the FBI told Congress about.

This is what I learned:

Since 2012 we admitted 815 Syrian refugees through the Refugee Admissions Program.  On April 4th, I reported 682

They are on a roll now—133 admitted in the last few weeks.

The top five states receiving Syrians are:

California (103)

Texas (100)

Illinois (87)

Arizona (64)

Pennsylvania (51)

36 states received some Syrians.

Of the 815 Syrians, 749 are Muslims of some sort with the vast majority (701) being Sunni Muslims That means 92% are Muslim.

If you are being told in your town that you are going to get mostly Christians, don’t believe it.  Only 43 self-identified ‘Christians’ (that includes 1 Catholic) have been admitted.  That is 5% of the total.

Don’t forget!  The contractors are pushing for 65,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US by the time Obama leaves office!

By the way, if you are saying to yourself that there are a lot more than 815 Syrians around, remember that there are other legal programs that have admitted, or allowed Syrians to stay in the US , and also some very likely illegal alien Syrians in the mix as well.

Idaho to get an influx of Syrian refugees beginning in October

Update April 30th:  We received this e-mail from the Times-News asking us to remove the photo we posted of Muslims praying in a Magic Valley mosque. As soon as we saw Mr. Nash’s request we honored it.

This is the Chief Photographer of the Times-News and Please remove our image from your site. You do not have permission to publish our copyrighted editorial content. Thank you in advance. -Drew Nash

You can see the photo and others (there are 13 of them) by clicking here.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, the US State Department and its contractors are colonizing Idaho and thus making the construction of a mosque in Magic Valley inevitable.

This is the latest from Twin Falls as the resettlement subcontractor, College of Southern Idaho Refugee Programs, says the town should expect an influx of Syrians starting in October.

Readers, October 1 is the beginning of the new fiscal year (FY2016) and all concerned citizens should begin asking your local resettlement subcontractor (list here) for their ‘abstract’ for FY2016.

Right now the subcontractors are preparing their wish list for which ethnic groups of refugees they want to bring to your town, how many,  and are preparing a description of the amenities your town has to offer by way of school system capacity, health care, and other social services you will be providing the “new Americans.” (They may say it isn’t finished but keep after them!).

From (emphasis is mine):

TWIN FALLS • The College of Southern Idaho’s Refugee Center is expecting an influx of Syrian refugees starting in October.

Projections show the center will likely receive 300 refugees from around the world during the upcoming federal fiscal year. That’s the same number as this year.

Refugee director in Twin Falls is Zeze Rwasama formerly of the DR Congo.

Refugee Center director Zeze Rwasama anticipates the biggest populations of newcomers will be from Syria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo***.

“That can change at any time depending on what’s out there,” he said. The U.S. Department of State approves the number of refugees coming to Twin Falls.

There aren’t any Syrians in Twin Falls yet, Rwasama said, but the Refugee Center is prepared for the influx. “We’re not anticipating any challenges.”

Worldwide, aid groups are calling on the United States to do more to help Syrians displaced by a five-year civil war.

US State Department still aiming to get 2,000 Syrians into the US by September 30th.  (My research says of the 682 we have admitted so far, 90% are Muslims.—ed)

U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Anne Richard said during a recent visit to Lebanon that between 1,000 and 2,000 Syrian refugees will be brought to the U.S. by the end of September and several thousand more in 2016.

Not as bad as Wichita, KS (yet!):

Typically, Twin Falls schools have more than 100 refugee students and about 20 languages are spoken.


Since 1984, the center has settled almost 5,000 people in the Magic Valley. Most are from Iraq and Iran.

Read more hereDavid Miliband’s push for 65,000 Syrians for the US by the end of Obama’s term is mentioned.

See our entire Idaho archive by clicking here.   Remember they had the distinction of resettling an Uzbek alleged terrorist here in 2013.  Whatever happened to his case?

*** The UN is picking 50,000 from the DR Congo for the US.  The process of resettling this very needy group of refugees is underway, see here.  We were led to believe that they would mostly be women and children in great need (expensive to care for!), but there are some Muslims in the mix as well.

Little Mogadishu update: Somali refugee tweeted death threat against US Attorney General

Gee, is that Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch he wants to “whack?”

Little Mogadishu is of course Minneapolis!

Mahamed Abukar Said, 19: “Ima whack that us attorney general.”

Don’t miss it!  Also, on Friday Rep. Keith Ellison went to the Somali neighborhood to calm the youths! (Here)

I wish I knew all this excitement was going on when I was in the neighborhood on Friday!

This is a story about a friend of the six (latest batch) terrorists charged with planning to join ISIS so they could participate in killing for Allah.   He also tweeted the photo of the FBI’s confidential informant.

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

A man who made death threats on Twitter against federal law enforcement officials in connection with the case against six Minneapolis men accused of trying to join ISIL now faces federal charges of his own.

Mahamed Abukar Said, 19, was charged Friday with two criminal counts for threatening “to assault and murder a federal law enforcement officer.”

According to the criminal complaints, he tweeted a photo of the government’s confidential informant in the case against the six defendants accused of conspiring to join ISIL. He also threatened federal prosecutors with a “massacre,” investigators allege.

Included in the federal complaint were copies of Said’s alleged tweets, including one that said, “Ima whack that us attorney general.”

The criminal complaint said that Said lives in Minneapolis with relatives, “attends school, and is on probationary supervision in Hennepin County for a fifth-degree controlled substance offense.”

Said appeared before U.S. Magistrate Judge Steven Rau, who signed the complaint, filed and also signed by FBI Special Agent Michael Iverson.

The charges note that in addition to a threat to kill the U.S. Attorney General, Said added, “The Feds are getting two choices. Either they gon free my bros or they gon have a massacre happen then they gon take me too.”

There is more, read it all here.

Wow! Isn’t diversity beautiful!

Wake up Minnesota! You paid to raise this punk and his friends!

Tell the church resettlement contractors to stop bringing refugees like these charmers to the state!  And, everybody reading this should tell your Members of Congress, US Senators, and Presidential candidates to STOP the resettlement of Somalis to America!  They are not our problem and we are presently bringing in between 800 and 900 a MONTH!

Hey Obama! Those Minnesota Somali youths arrested for attempting to join ISIS were not without prospects for a good future

Everyone was asking yesterday, are we sure these are REFUGEES or the children of refugees resettled in Minnesota (or somewhere else in the US)?   Yes, we are 99% sure, but the mainstream media isn’t going to use the ‘R’ word unless they absolutely have to!

Most Somalis in the US are here through the Refugee Admissions Program of the US State Department.  A few entered illegally and a few are here under Temporary Protected Status, but the vast majority are refugees.

And, what frosts me and it should you as well, is that the Minneapolis Star Tribune describes them as young people who grew up in America with good educations and a chance to be something other than a Jihadist!

One of the alleged ISIS fighter-wannabes even thumbed his nose at the US when YOU and YOUR tax dollars paid for his upbringing!

Why are we wasting more of your tax dollars keeping them here?

From the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

I bet community organizer Mohamud Noor knows more than he is saying!

An eight-year federal investigation into terrorist recruiting yielded what authorities say is one of its biggest breakthroughs Monday, when six Somali-Americans from Minnesota were charged with planning to leave the United States and fight alongside Islamic extremist groups.  [Breakthrough?  It appears the only reason they got a break is that some other Somali youth got cold feet and snitched!—ed]

Two of the six were arrested by the FBI on Sunday in San Diego, where they intended to pick up passports and then cross into Mexico to board a flight to the Middle East, federal authorities said.  [By the way, way back in around 2009 we reported on these Somali youths/jihadists getting out of the US via San Diego (large Somali community there) and going out across the Mexican border—ed]

The other four were arrested Sunday by FBI agents at various locations across the Twin Cities.

All six were charged Monday with conspiracy to aid and support a terrorist organization, specifically the group calling itself the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Hey, ever think of the possibility that their paths crossed at a local mosque?

It’s not clear how the six men, who the Justice Department said range in age from 19 to 21, met or how well they knew each other, but it appears that their paths crossed again and again as they grew up in Minneapolis. After graduating from South High, Farah, Musse and Omar enrolled at Minneapolis Community and Technical College (MCTC). Farah and Musse majored in liberal arts; Omar was a pre-nursing student. Abdurahman, also a graduate of the Minneapolis Public Schools, enrolled at MCTC and studied computer support.   [Not poor and without prospects!—ed]

“I’m through with America.”  Guess what?  We are through with you too!

One of the men, in a conversation recorded by an FBI source, describes his disgust with living in the United States. “The American identity is dead. Even if I get caught, whatever, I’m through with America. Burn my ID,” he said, according to a transcript filed with the case.

Everyone needs to be paying attention to these supposed Somali community support groups.  

And, by the way, what are the legal non-profits this community organizer referred the budding jihadist to?

Mohamud Noor, executive director of the nonprofit Confederation of Somali Community in Minnesota, said one of the men came into his office seeking help earlier this year.

“He had been interviewed by the FBI, and he said he and his friends had been followed for some time,” Noor recalled, declining to say which of the men came in to see him.

The man was calm, Noor said, but said he was looking for legal representation and a better sense of what his rights might be. Noor referred him to a pair of nonprofits that provide free or low-cost legal assistance.

Maybe Noor should have been thinking about reporting the visit to the FBI instead of helping him fight for ‘his rights!”

Readers, let me know if you see any news report from the mainstream media that uses the word “refugee” in conjunction with those arrested.

And remember, we are admitting 800-900 new Somalis to the US EVERY MONTH.

See Minnesota seeded with 10,000 in ten years!  Who brought most of them to Minnesota—Catholic Charities, World Relief (Evangelicals), Lutheran Social Services and Church World Service!

P.S.  MN Police looking for Somali murder suspect, here.