Refugee News Round-up: Second week of March 2021

First up this week to lure you in (before I get to some more important, but less titillating news) is today’s post at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ which could just as easily have been posted here first.

Know that almost all Somalis in America arrived in the US as refugees (you paid for them to come with your tax dollars) or are the children of refugees.

The resettlement contractors*** and the US State Department salted them throughout the country including in Tennessee.



Busted in Tennessee: Somali Students Ripped-Off College to the Tune of $114,000


And, since we are on the subject of colleges….

A new campaign by the refugee industry is calling on Chairman Joe to get behind the idea of allowing colleges to sponsor refugee families!

This is one more ploy to find more places to ‘welcome’ refugees and it’s a twofer as far as they are concerned—it will help indoctrinate your college students to the supposed joys of diversity as the push is on for so-called ‘action civics’ as I mentioned at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ on Tuesday.

From the Niskanen Center:

More Than 50 Organizations Call Upon Biden Administration To Pursue Campus Sponsorship of Refugees

At first when I saw this news, I assumed that 50 colleges were begging for refugees, but check out the letter, here, and see that the signatures are the usual refugee industry activist groups (including Americans for Prosperity/Koch Brothers, and a few of the resettlement contractors) and only a smattering of colleges are backing the idea.

For my Minnesota friends, St. Cloud State signed the letter.

Another bit of news this week that you need to keep an eye on going forward is this.

The refugee industry wants to make sure that a President could never again lower the ceiling on refugee admissions as Trump did.

Democrat Bill Would Stop Future Presidents Lowering Refugee Intake Quota.


Pay attention to this news too!  In 2014, Obama began a likely illegal program involving Central American children who could be processed into the US as refugees from their own countries. Trump abolished the program, but now Biden has reinstated it.

They think that if they can process ‘kids’ (mostly teens) into the US from their own countries it will slow the rush on the border.  It won’t.

And, by the way, remember that fleeing violence is not a criteria for a legitimate determination as a refugee.  Over the years the open borders Lefties have expanded the definition and just assume they will get away with it because they are rarely challenged in court.

From USA Today:

Biden restarts program to help migrant children fleeing violence in Central America

State news…..

Here is news from a few states. I think the refugee industry lobbyists have sent out marching orders to their “affiliates” and asked them to gin-up warm and fuzzy stories on refugees for local media consumption.





New York:


Find your state refugee coordinator!

One day this past week I was reading information on refugee medical assistance and was reminded about your state refugee coordinators.

Refugee coordinators are in the process (right now!) of figuring out (along with the contractors) how many refugees can be accommodated in certain towns and cities in your state.

Get in touch with them and get as much information as you can about plans for your state by being friendly and courteous.  Your goal is to get information first, so it is also best to not be a know-it-all.   You won’t learn a thing if you start by antagonizing them.


***For New Readers these are the nine federal refugee contractors who worked to put Biden and Harris in the White House, are lobbying for millions of illegal aliens to be transformed into legal voting citizens, and they have succeeded in getting the new administration to promise to raise the ceiling for refugee admissions to 125,000 for next year FY2022—that is the highest it has been in 29 years.

The 62,500 number is for the remainder of FY21.  FY21 ends in less than 7 months.

They are largely paid by you, the taxpayer, for their work of changing America by changing the people, and in so doing, are putting struggling Americans last!

See my category News Round-up for previous posts.  Round-ups have been sporadic over the years, but I am trying now to do them regularly.

Personal Story From a Reader Reminds Me! It is now up to YOU!

When a reader sent me a link the other day to a story I had just written about, and another said the following in a comment:

States need to take it upon themselves to regulate immigration and refugee resettlement ..D.C. can not tell states what to do unless weak politicians allow it.

I knew that it was time to take a break from writing this blog.

It became clear that people aren’t reading and aren’t doing what they need to be doing if they really want to slow immigration and save their communities from becoming a depository for needy people from the third world.

We all want someone else to save us.

We expected President Trump to save us, but he could only do so much.

I’ve been here before.  I don’t want this post to get too long, but decades ago I became a conservative when the National Park Service working with preservation groups and local politicians wanted my farm and others nearby to be added to a national park.

Long story, it took years, but we prevailed. It required hard work gathering facts, publicizing them, and we had to weather a lot of public acrimony.

For a number of years, in the late 1980s into the early 1990s, I wrote a newsletter, LOL! the old fashioned kind that needed printing and mailing before we had such an easy way to get information out.  It was called Land Rights Letter and I wrote about the federal (communist!) land grab that was happening everywhere at the time.

Eventually I had to stop because people all over the country would call and ask me to help them save their land from the federal government.  I was here to give advice, but it would be up to them to do the work. And, I discovered that they really didn’t want to do what they needed to do, they wanted me to do it for them.

I don’t mean to pick on the reader who sent the comment above, but what the heck have I been writing about for these nearly 14 years at RRW?  And, who is electing weak politicians at all levels of government?

The Socialist Democrats have been working diligently at the local and state level to put their people in place and now here they are at the top of the heap almost everywhere.

So, I better get to my point!

It is now up to you! 

Update!  See my tutorial on how to compete with the Left!  I am going to add to it weekly and it will be available in my sidebar here at RRW and at ‘Frauds and Crooks.’

RRW is a resource for your education and hopefully the nearly 10,000 posts I’ve written since 2007 will be a resource as you do your local organizing.  If you are new, start researching my category ‘Knowledge is Power’ because having facts is the first requirement of local community organizing.

Local organizing is the only way you are going to slow the demographic change the Left has in store for you.  We lost Trump, Congress is a total waste, most governors are chickens, but maybe there is hope for your state legislature and your city government.

The most important place for you to get politically active is in your own home town where exposing what the local politicians have in store for you is the first action step you must take.

That brings me to Stephen’s story.  Stephen is a reader who sent me this report on what happened in his Texas home town.

He posted his comment to this post:

Court of Appeals Rules: YOU Have No Say in Whether YOUR Town Will Accept Refugees


I’m going to see if I can make this a quick story as alternatives to fighting this stuff seem slim.

I was aware of your site during the Obama years and there were other articles out there about the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule when this took place.

I received a letter from the zoning committee informing me that gas station/carwash/food mart was going up kitty corner to my property and if I wanted to object I had, I believe 10 days, to show up at the next meeting and make the objection. I was the only homeowner that had to be legally notified because of the proximity to the proposed building site.

We live in a small city of approximately 3,000 people and for the most part zoning laws are strict. You have to build on 3/4 of an acre lot minimum to get in or buy an existing home which is set up the same way. Anyway we have a gas station nearby where they wanted to build and another not far from it and both sell convenience items so this didn’t seem to make sense to add a third in between the two.

I went to the city’s web page and looked up the minutes from the city council meetings and, lo and behold,  I find a 55-page power point presentation for the building of what equates to small college-sized campus looking thing. Nice, snazzy looking plan and made up by a local college from the big city.

Essentially it’s about 10 large-sized apartment buildings with a proposed train station. (They’ve been trying to get light rail in this area for years but it keeps getting voted down, if this went through it might of been enough to revive that project).

The zoning change for the gas station/carwash/food mart thing is on the very edge of the foot print for this large development, not part of it, but they had to know about it, especially since they are from the west coast and this is Texas.

Also the only people who know about this here are a small handful that were at that city council meeting and no one else. Additional information on this: it is right across the train track is an industrial park so it’s kind of obvious that who ever was going to fill those apartment buildings would likely be working at that industrial park.

The major concern was that city was about to allow lower income people into the city. This new population would add about an easy one third to our population and could easily change the demographics of our city and instead of being a red district this could of been enough to change it to blue.

Word went out pretty quickly. No talk of race, refugees or anything like that because it was never mentioned by them so not by us either, but we fought this and beat it back based on a variety of issues, the foremost being how the city hadn’t really good answers for what they were trying to rush through.

The train station wasn’t a firm thing, sewer would be required, traffic congestion would become a problem and more. Basically people were just saying hell no, we live here to get away from the city and don’t want a city moved to us, which is what this was.

Bottom line is pay attention to what’s happening in your zoning and city council meetings. Raise the flag early or these things become unstoppable.

I’m not sure how a Biden EO would of effected this if it was announced up front, what the construction was for.

Currently the land is still undeveloped but the city has put together a master plan to avoid most of our concerns though there are still small cottage sized units of housing planned for (about half of the original plan) with out developers yet, so we could find ourselves back in the same or similar situation. [Stephen will be watching, I am sure!—ed]


Stephen told you the most important thing you can do now is to find out what is being planned in secrecy in your community.  It might not be a plan for refugees yet, but the housing he describes will, you know!, be back as long as the Dems control all levers of government. See Biden housing initiative described at The Federalist.

If you live anywhere near any of the towns and cities on the maps in this post below, or even within a hundred mile radius of one of them, they will place more refugees in your community.

Getting the information early, spreading the word to your fellow citizens, and creating a public outcry, as Stephen did, is all you have going for you at the moment. The resettlement agencies tend to stay away from potential resettlement sites if there is sufficient public opposition (I know that from personal experience), but the trick is to find out as early as possible what the plan is for your community. 

Hint! One thing you can do is to religiously follow your local government meetings and have someone join your local Interfaith group to get information because they will be the first to lobby for refugees for your town or city.

And, you better get to work booting the Dems from office, especially at the local level, or move to another part of America where you will be free of them (at least for now).

See the maps in this post:

During Trump’s Presidency Many Refugee Agency Affiliates Closed


I am not going away completely.  I’ll post here if something strikes me as vital, or of interest to me, to post. And, I’m still at Frauds and Crooks where I have more readers and more leeway to write on a variety of subjects because frauds and crooks are everywhere!

Reagan Admitted Refugees with TB, therefore Trump Should Let in Sick Migrants too!

The refugee industry is getting really desperate as they bring out their old ‘bigwigs’ and use the ghost of Ronald Reagan to stick it to ‘orange man’ who is trying to limit the number of diseased people entering the US.

See my post about bigwigs from last week.

Now this….

As you most likely know Jimmy Carter, Ted Kennedy and Joe Biden teamed up in 1979 to push through the Refugee Act of 1980 which only went into action to change America in Reagan’s first term in office.

Octogenarian James Purcell

James N. Purcell says he is one of the creators of the Carter Act and became an early head of the program under Reagan.

Reagan admitted hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and Southeast Asian refugees escaping Communism during his 8 years in office.

Purcell has been out and about in recent months to fill the elder statesman role in the Open Borders Lefts’ war on Trump.

My question is this:  Just because it is now 40 years old, does it mean that somehow the Refugee Act is sacrosanct and can never be changed, or dumped completely?

Here is Purcell at the Dallas Morning News yesterday:

Reagan refused to allow fear of disease to halt refugee resettlement, and Trump shouldn’t either

We set up protocols and rules to ensure Southeast Asians fleeing communism didn’t spread tuberculosis.

[Before I give you a few snips from what he says, know that we are admitting refugees and have been for decades who have TB and some of those have active TB.  I always thought that would be something that would make the general public sit up and take notice of flaws in the supposed ‘health screening’ of refugees, but so far it hasn’t.  Obviously Trump has thankfully noticed. See my extensive file on refugee TB by clicking here.]

Now here is some of what Purcell said, but please read it all (emphasis is mine):

Rep. Sam Hall [Democrat!—ed] was relentless as he questioned me about the Indochina refugees we proposed to admit to the United States: Are these refugees free of tuberculosis? Is the American public in danger? I recalled these congressional oversight questions from 40 years ago with great trepidation when I learned recently about the Trump administration’s current attempts to bar refugees and migrants on health grounds.


It was September 1981 as I pondered questions from the late Democratic congressman from Texas; eight months into the new Reagan administration, I was representing the State Department at these “consultations” hearings as acting director of the Bureau for Refugee Programs. Along with me were acting representatives from the Departments of Health, Education and Welfare and Justice, and the Voice of America. The Refugee Act of 1980 required administration representatives to consult with the judiciary committees of both houses on future admissions. Rep. Ron Mazzoli of Kentucky was in the chair and all members were present, as well as an overflow audience.


… colleague Paul Wolfowitz (assistant secretary for East Asia and the Pacific) and I had agonized for weeks about the deteriorating refugee situation in Asia and the critical importance of these make-or-break hearings. Wolfowitz warned, “Vietnamese refugees continue to flee the new communist regime that took over after the fall of Saigon, and persecuted victims from Laos and Cambodia are also on the move. All are flocking to the non-communist states of Southeast Asia. Our experts warn that refugee flight shows no signs of ending.”


The State Department’s advance team had alerted us that TB was a major concern. When Hall raised his questions, I described the medical checks we conducted for refugees prior to departure from Asia. Each was carefully screened before departure by the Geneva-based Intergovernmental Committee for European Migration, using guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Public Health Service. I described two types of TB, communicable and non-communicable, and emphasized that “no refugee with communicable TB was admitted to the United States; while a few with non-communicable TB had been admitted, they were not a threat and could best be treated here.”  [Yep, we took on the role of treating thousands upon thousands of refugees with latent TB and that job went to local health departments in your communities—ed]


The committee was not satisfied with my testimony, and the notion of an admissions moratorium had arisen.My reaction was clear and unambiguous: a moratorium would lead to disaster and death in Southeast Asia and must be avoided. I realized my explanations had not gotten through when the national news that evening reported, “500,000 ticking time bombs in the U.S.”

An admission moratorium was contemplated by the Hill committee! 

Readers, this is quite a revelation.  Did the committee think they had the power under the Refuge Act to suggest such a thing?  Today “consultations” happen behind closed doors with only the principals involved—the State Department rep and some committee chairmen.

Again, the consultation today is CLOSED TO THE PUBLIC!

Later, when the U.S. accepted the protocol to the U.N. Convention Related to the Status of Refugees in 1968, the president accepted that, “deportation of a refugee is a particularly serious measure, and it would not be humanitarian to deport a refugee for reasons of health.” By this action, the United States recognized that it could not expel a refugee for a “contagious disease” when we could offer acceptable treatments. Congress codified the obligation in the Refugee Act of 1980.

It became clear that actions we proposed were consistent with evolving policy and practice. Nevertheless, several members remained unconvinced. When the committee voted several days later, the moratorium was defeated by one vote. This was a narrow and a key victory, as it confirmed the legal and policy precedent for the next 40 years.

That must have been the first and last strong stand Congress ever took on the Carter/Kennedy law that opened the door to impoverished (and sick) people to legally flood into America.

The refugee industry today wants no restrictions for health reasons.  Our healthcare system (which you pay for) can just fix their health problems they say.

But, shockingly, the idea is with us again with the Trump administration’s proposed Security Bars and Processing Rule. According to Yael Schacher, historian with Refugees International, this rule would “expand the definition of national security to incorporate public health bars in an unprecedented, unnecessary, and arbitrary way that would enable refoulement, or the return of asylum seekers to persecution.”

As with hundreds of other rules and policy shifts designed to restrict and limit refugee and immigrant admissions to the United States, this rule fails to safeguard public health or uphold laws and treaties protecting people fleeing persecution. Getting a jump-start, the CDC has already put an order in place that closes the border to those without documents on health grounds, regardless of persecution. [“without documents?” means they are not refugees selected through the US Refugee Admissions Program.—ed]

This rule must be opposed.

Read it all!

By the way, Purcell doesn’t utter the word COVID.

But, especially in this time of a worldwide pandemic, sensible Americans can see that Trump has America first in mind, so let him know that you are grateful for that.

Senator Lankford of Oklahoma Backs Down After Constituents Rage

“Where is your courage and bravery to stand against the Marxist mobs!?!?”

(An Oklahoman)

Cancel culture only works because every coward goes along with it.

(Mark Steyn)


You surely heard that Senators James Lankford of Oklahoma and Ron Johnson of Wisconsin have suggested dumping Columbus Day and replacing it with ‘Juneteenth’ on the federal holiday calendar.

Alan Wall writing at US Inc tells us what happened back home in Oklahoma as that news spread.

Before I get to Wall’s post, know that everything I write in the coming days, weeks, months at both of my blogs will have an underlying theme—you must be prepared, you must fight the mob where you live, and you must slam these pandering Republicans at every level of government.

From US Inc:

OK Senator Angers Constituents with Columbus Day Proposal


“So when did you become a liberal? Quit pandering to the mob. Do what you were elected [to do].”

Thus wrote an angry Okie on the Facebook comments section of Oklahoma U.S. Senator James Lankford page. (Message slightly edited for punctuation and capitalization.)


Senator Lankford had joined fellow Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin with a proposal to dump Columbus Day as a federal holiday and replace it with “Juneteenth.”

This proposal was quickly publicized, and many Oklahomans contacted the Senator to protest.


Lankford and Johnson, advancing the argument of saving money by not increasing the amount of federal holidays from ten to eleven, had proposed dropping Columbus Day and replacing it with Juneteenth, thus keeping the amount of federal holidays to ten.

But the timing of their proposal made it look like Lankford and Johnson were surrendering to the mobs who are defacing monuments and tearing down statues.


On July 3rd, Senators Johnson and Lankford withdrew their proposal to drop Columbus Day, though Senator Johnson plans to submit a proposal “to reduce the number of paid leave days federal employees receive” without dropping Columbus Day.


It’s relevant to point out that Senator Lankford is extremely unreliable on the immigration issue. Numbers USA evaluates Lankford with a B+ Career grade (2011-2020), a B Recent grade (2017-2020) and a C- grade for the current Congress (2019-2020).

Obviously, Lankford’s voting on immigration measures is getting progressively worse.

Lankford’s votes on immigration issues do not tell the whole story.

Regular readers of RRW know that Senator Lankford, consistently siding with the most radical Leftists in the Senate, has opposed all efforts by the President to reduce the flow of refugees entering the country and opposes Trump’s efforts to reform how the resettlement process works.

See several posts here:

Six Republican Senators question Trump refugee admissions, appear to want MORE refugees admitted to the US

World Relief (Evangelicals) defends its reliance on millions of dollars in federal grants/contracts

Oklahoma Republican Senator Lankford to headline Leftwing World Relief press event today in DC

Republican Senator Lankford Opposes President’s Low Refugee Ceiling for FY2020

Demonstrating that it is not impossible, the good folks of Oklahoma forced Lankford to back down this time!

Mark Steyn has a fantastic piece posted at his subscription-only site addressing the cowardice of Republican elected officials, that would include Senator Lankford, and the so-called smart thinkers on the Right.  He wraps with telling you to fight (in your communities) those destroying the America we love.

November is too late!

So wanker*** Right’s theory that all we gotta do is sit back and let these clowns run amok and their defects will be so obvious, people will come running to us and November will be a landslide. They’ve assured us of that bollocks for decades as they lost the schools and they lost the pop culture, and they lost everything else even now, unto the statue on the village green. Speak up, speak out, to the school board, to your coworkers, to your neighbors, because you can’t have a culture war if one side doesn’t even show up.

***Wanker: Someone excessively and annoyingly pretentious and/or false.