Maryland: CAIR wants 14-year-old girl investigated in case of threatening note to Iraqi refugee family

Thanks to Wikileaks, we are becoming increasingly aware (more than ever before) of how the mainstream media presents ‘news’ in a way to push an agenda or oppose candidates they don’t like.
A prime example……
I literally sat here with my mouth open when I read this story (the whole story!) at WBAL in Baltimore by Saliqua Khan (Islamophobic note we are told in the headline!).
If I had stopped reading at paragraph ten, I would have a completely different idea of what happened.  Here is what we are told first:

DUNDALK, Md. —A civil rights group is asking authorities to investigate a hate message as a bias-motivated crime after a note was left at the Baltimore County home of a family of Iraqi Muslim refugees.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations, the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, on Friday called on state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a note left at the family’s Dundalk home.

Zainab Chaudry speaking for CAIR in Maryland is quoted as blaming it on…you guessed it! Donald Trump!

CAIR said the hate message, left on the door of the family’s home, said, “Terrorist, Leave, No one wants you here, Your kind is a disgrace, 9/11 was your fault.”

The message also included a crude drawing of a Muslim woman wearing a head scarf (hijab) and holding a bomb, with the comment, “Take that (expletive) off your head.”

The victim’s father, who’s family recently found refuge in the U.S. and speaks very little English, said he’s worried about his family’s safety after his 11-year-old daughter received the note.

“Now, I am scared and worried about my child,” the victim’s father, Raad Lalqaraghuli, said. “I was scared, no sleeping.”

The Washington-based civil rights organization said the targeting of the Maryland Muslim family is the latest in a series of hate incidents directed at American Muslims, mosques and Islamic centers nationwide in the past week.

At this point I felt bad for this Muslim family (no sympathy for CAIR!)…..

But, now get this! The police already investigated and determined it was a squabble between CHILDREN!

Continue reading:

Baltimore County police have determined that a dispute between children led to an offensive note left on at the apartment of a Muslim family.


Officers were able to identify a 14-year-old girl, whose family lives in the same building, as the person who wrote the note. When officers met with the girl and her parents, she stated that she wrote the note because two of the children in the family had “cursed at her and made offensive gestures.”

Officers explained to the girl and the family the seriousness of what she had done. The girl’s parents were cooperative and assured officers that they would handle the matter at home.

The investigation indicated that while the note was offensive, that no crime had happened.

“This is nothing that happened as a result of an organized hate group this was a dispute between two children,” Baltimore County police spokeswoman Elise Armacost.

So if you stopped reading at paragraph ten, you would never know this!
By the way, Dundalk is a poor suburb of Baltimore and it is no surprise that resettlement contractors likely placed the Iraqi family here.
For more on Zainab Choudry, I wrote about her here in 2013 at Potomac Tea Party Report.

Guest post: Hiring Muslim refugees is legally risky! Why? because CAIR is watching!

Editor:  I’m grateful for guest columns because as you know I am traveling for a month to visit refugee hot spots and although the trip is beyond my wildest expectations in what I am learning and who I am meeting, I am only disappointed that I don’t have more time to write. This is a guest column by reader Linda and an example of the great investigative work by Americans volunteering their time and talents around the US!

On June 29th this blog described a report from Reuters that stated that the White House would be launching a “Call to Action” to encourage American companies to commit to employing refugees. This “call” is in collaboration with the UN and coincides nicely with the summit on the global refugee crisis that President Obama will be hosting during the UN General Assembly in September.

Since the overwhelming majority of refugees who constitute the current “crisis” are Muslim, it is prudent to look behind the veil of humanitarianism to see just what employing Muslim refugees might entail for U.S. companies.

One very important statistic that potential employers should be aware of is that, despite representing only 1% of the U.S. population, people who practice Islam filed 40% of the religion-based complaints that were filed with the U.S. Equal Opportunity Employment Commission in 2015.

These complaints range from allegations of denial of employment based on the religion of the applicant, disputes regarding companies’ dress policies, failure to accommodate the needs for multiple prayer breaks during work shifts, to general failures by companies to provide “religious accommodation.”


EEOC graph


A review of a U.S. EEOC January 2016 list of “Resolved Cases Alleging Religious and National Origin Discrimination Involving the Muslim, Sikh, Arab, Middle Eastern and South Asian Communities” revealed some interesting data and facts that should be of interest to all U.S. employers who might find themselves persuaded by the hype from the White House (and by the tax incentives!).

Millions of dollars have been paid by companies small and large as ordered by courts to resolve cases of religious discrimination against Muslims. To cite a few of these cases: $240,000 awarded to two employees of a transport company who refused to transport alcohol because of their religious beliefs and were subsequently fired (the jury felt they should have been reassigned to a less offensive shipment); $44,654 awarded to an applicant who was not hired because she wore a hijab to her interview ($25,671 to the applicant for back pay from the job she didn’t get and $18,983 to the EEOC for costs); several cases of employees who claimed discrimination because they were not allowed to have beards (usually in the food industry or healthcare); many cases of discrimination for not allowing hijabs to be worn in the workplace; numerous cases of alleged harassment by other employees that were not corrected or were ignored by management.

CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) is frequently the party that files the claims on behalf of employees and they pressure businesses into accommodating the most trivial of Muslim practices advocated for in sharia law. They have published An Employer’s Guide to Islamic Religious Practices which I encourage any potential employer to obtain. You can get it by clicking here. You will be amazed at the accommodations you might be expected to provide such as understanding refusal to shake hands with and avoidance of eye contact with members of the opposite sex.

Warning to US corporations large and small!

Think long and hard about the potential risks of employing recent Muslim refugees. It may not be worth the potential tax breaks and good press. CAIR will be watching closely for more opportunities to transform the American workplace through litigation.

Editor:  You must have a look at CAIR’s handbook (again click here).  And, this is what I said about my recent visit to Owatonna, Minnesota.  This is creeping sharia!

And, then ‘oh my gosh’ I traveled to Owatonna, Minnesota where an aluminum window company is being sued by CAIR on behalf of Somalis over the issue of prayer break times.  And, in what can only be called ‘providential’ I met a woman who has followed the conflicts involving the Somalis in Owatonna since Somalis first arrived there in 1992/93!  And, guess what, that is the year the US State Department says the first Somalis went to Minnesota! Their destination was Owatonna!  Now guess who wanted the Somali workers? This same window company now being sued!

We first heard about these CAIR-generated lawsuits back in 2008 with the Minnesota Gold n’ Plump settlement, here.
For more guest commentary, go to our ‘Comments worth noting’ category here.

CAIR says investigate sexual assault in Twin Falls, Idaho; case is a lightning rod

This is what CAIR Communications Director Ibrahim Hooper said this morning on CAIR’s facebook page:

3 hrs ·

‪#‎CAIR‬: Idaho prosecutor denies Syrian refugees gang-raped girl (Reuters)

Anti-Muslim agitators and those opposed to resettlement of refugees from the Syrian civil war nevertheless seized on the incident to buttress their arguments for shutting down a refugee center in Twin Falls to prevent entry by displaced Syrians…

Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the Washington-based Council on American-Islamic Relations, said the Idaho sexual assault should be fully investigated but added the case had become a lightning rod for anti-Muslim, and anti-refugee sentiments.

“These two forms of hostility seem to be overlapping and reinforcing each other,” he said.

The families of the boys who are alleged to have sexually assaulted a five year old girl in Twin Falls have received eviction notices from the landlord of the Fawnbrook Apartments.  BTW, this Idaho Statesman story does admit one of the boys touched the girl and it is described as a criminal act.  (See eviction letter here)
See also, several updates at the World Net Daily story, here, about the case (including new photo).

MN: CAIR filing another employment discrimination case involving Somalis and prayer breaks

This one involves a manufacturer of door and window hardware (not meatpacking for a change).  For the life of me, I don’t know why these manufacturers keep doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome—hire Muslims then end up in legal hot water over prayer break times.
And, if you don’t know what this is….this is creeping shariah!

CAIR-MN director Jaylani Hussein: 50% of our work now involves suing employers for discriminating against Muslims. See what ‘Minnesota nice’ gets you!

Owatonna is a little town of 25,000 or so in the southeast corner of the state within easy driving distance of the two big hubs of Somali refugee resettlement—-Minneapolis and Rochester.  However, Owatonna is a direct resettlement site too, see here.
I love the irony! Be sure to see Owatonna embraces its Somalis!
From the Minneapolis Star Tribune two days ago:

Nearly two dozen Muslim Somali-Americans are filing discrimination charges with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity against hardware maker AmesburyTruth and Doherty Staffing Solutions.

The fired workers said they were denied a place to pray at an Owatonna, Minn., manufacturing plant and lost their jobs for trying to practice their religion.

The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations is leading the effort on behalf of 21 former workers who were terminated in May and June 2015.

Owatonna, MN Main Street. They are changing America by changing the people!


Followers of Islam pray five times each day — at daybreak, midday, afternoon, sunset and at night. Before prayer, Muslims are required to wash their faces, hands and feet with clean water, which normally is performed in a restroom sink.

AmesburyTruth is headquartered in Edina and makes hardware for doors and windows, weatherstrips and extrusions. The company has about 2,000 employees at 11 locations around the country.

The Owatonna plant employs about 800 workers and specializes in making windows, hinges, locks and other hardware used in casement windows.


CAIR-MN’s civil rights director Amarita Singh underscored that Muslim employees have the constitutional right to have employers accommodate their religious practices.


Jaylani Hussein, CAIR-MN’s executive director, said more than 50 percent of the organization’s casework now comes from these types of workers’ rights cases, though many are resolved without needing to involve the courts.

Gee, I wonder why?

Nationwide, anti-Muslim sentiment has risen dramatically in the past year, sparking protests and anti-refugee legislation in Idaho, Tennessee, Alabama, Texas and elsewhere, said Stephen Piggott of the Southern Poverty Law Center, a nonprofit focused on civil rights.

More here at the Star Tribune.
Search Somalis Minnesota here at RRW and it will keep you busy reading posts for hours! But, don’t miss this one (10,000 Somalis to MN in ten years!).
Addendum:  I’ve gotta try to remember to always add the latest Somali numbers—right now we are admitting them at the rate of 750 per month, see here.

Comments worth noting: Listen-up Catholic readers

Editor: As long-time readers know we have a category of posts here at RRW entitled ‘Comments worth noting/guest posts’ and today we bring you this comment from reader ‘hogswithdogs’ to our post ‘So much for the Pope’s power of persuasion’ here.

From our reader:


The USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops) has launched a National Catholic-Muslim dialogue. Partners include ISNA and the Islamic Circle of North America. Inter-faith dialogue is not new as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations) is active in the churches trying to seek ‘common ground’ and ‘building bridges’. Per Stephen Coughlin, they view the bridge as one way – us travelling to their side as they have no interest in Christianity.

Learn more here:

My assumption is that you will hear more about this in your churches and the priests will be encouraged by their bishops to seek this ‘understanding’. How does this relate to this article? “Good question.”

Is the pope setting the tone for this dialogue? Is the pope setting an example that he wants us to follow? Will we see a push in the parishes to “adopt” Syrians sent to the United States by the UN?

What about the persecuted Christians? Our government is ignoring their plight. CHRISTIANS ARE PERSECUTED BY THE ‘REFUGEES’ THAT THE ADMINISTRATION WANTS TO RESETTLE IN THE UNITED STATES!

Talk to your priests and fellow parishioners. Pray for persecuted Christians and let them know that the persecution is at the hands of Islam by the people that the UN will be sending to the United States!

‘Hogswithdogs’ then directs us to the USCCB website here from February of this year where we learn of the church snuggling up to the Muslim Brotherhood in America:

The current regional Catholic-Muslim dialogues are the Mid-Atlantic (partnering with the Islamic Circle of North America), Midwest (partnering with the Islamic Society of North America) and West Coast (partnering with the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California and the Islamic Educational Center of Orange County). Each is co-chaired by a bishop and a Muslim leader from the corresponding regional organization. These dialogues will continue to meet and will work collaboratively with the members of the new national dialogue.

It is no wonder so many are drifting away from the Catholic church and that we have beautiful churches, like the one in Syracuse, becoming mosques.