“I think we should fold all of the TPS people that have been here for a considerable period of time and find a way for them to be [on] a path to citizenship.”
(White House Chief of Staff John Kelly)
From time to time over the years, I’ve reported on the ridiculously named “Temporary Protected Status”immigration program that has allowed many migrants (who were likely already in the country illegally from TPS-designated countries) to stay in the US and work, get drivers licenses and probably thus vote! (Designated usually in the wake of a now long forgotten natural disaster.) How much is Trump going to give away to get the wall?
As The Hill reports, the Trump Administration is ordering that most (some of whom have been here for nearly 2 decades) begin to pack their bags. But here we learn it is all apparently part of the ‘art of the deal,’ and that perhaps the administration will find them and the ‘Dreamers’ a path to citizenship if they get a few things, including the wall, but only if Congress actually passes a law—a comprehensive bill (ugh! it’s back!).
Can’t we for once address each immigration program on its merits or demerits! And are we really going to give legal status to hundreds of thousands who are here illegally?
Be sure to see my post just now at American Resistance 2016! Time to know the enemy! Click here.
Will have more to say shortly on how Rupert Murdoch (Fox News and the Wall Street Journal) has now gone local with his propaganda campaign on behalf of the UN/US State Dept. Refugee Admissions Program.
Know the opposition! Frank Sharry. Learn more about him here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frank_Sharry America’s Voice is one more of those well-funded No Borders organizations that promotes “comprehensive immigration reform.”
They loved the bill the Gang of Eight (supported by Graham, McCain and Rubio) got through the Senate two years ago, a bill which would have expanded the refugee program and given more money to the nine federal contractors to do the work of getting the newly amnestied their “services” (aka welfare). Incidentally the contractors lobbied for the Gang of Eight bill and probably used your tax dollars to do it!
Here Frank Sharry’s organization blasts Trump in an e-mail to their supporters and tells them they want a “comprehensive” bill just like last time. (hat tip: Jim) By the way, they want a “comprehensive” bill so as to hide all the giveaway goodies in over a thousand pages of unreadable gobbledegook! America’s Voice:
Have you heard about Donald Trump’s latest attack on immigrant families?
Last week, during an interview with CNN, Donald Trump stated that his plan for the 11 million undocumented immigrants would be to “find them, and get them out.” When pressed on this point, Trump just reiterated that he would get immigrants “out” of the United States.
This is just the latest attack on our communities from Donald Trump and his supporters. Meanwhile, anti-immigrant extremists in Congress are looking to capitalize on the momentum generated by Donald Trump by introducing enforcement-only legislation that scapegoats immigrant communities.
You and I are familiar with the grotesque comments that Donald Trump made about immigrants living in the United States. As we continue to approach the first Republican Presidential debate, there are no indications that Donald Trump will tone down his anti-immigrant rhetoric.
If Republicans want to get serious about reforming our broken immigration system, they need to publicly denounce Trump’s hateful comments towards immigrants, and propose solutions to achieve bipartisan comprehensive immigration reform — just like the bill passed by Senate Republicans and Democrats back in 2013.
Congress should be seeking to enact comprehensive immigration reform, not considering policies that further increase deportation.
It is time for our allies in Congress to stand against Donald Trump and his enforcement-only inspired policies. Now is not the time to give Donald Trump and his supporters in Congress a free pass to attack immigrant communities.
We need our allies in Congress to stand against anti-immigrant legislation! Click here to ask they oppose all Trump-style, enforcement-only policies.
Thank you for your support,
Gabe Ortiz
America’s Voice
But what about Bernie?
Did you see what Bernie Sanders said recently about open borders—-it would make America poorer to flood the country with low-skilled/low-wage labor!
This is Byron York writing at the Washington Examinera few days ago (if you missed it!).
As a socialist moving up in the Democratic presidential polls, Bernie Sanders raises the expectations of many on the Left. Some assume Sanders believes what they believe and are disappointed if they discover he does not. In a newly-published interview, Vox founder Ezra Klein, an advocate of an open-borders immigration policy, asked a question virtually inviting Sanders to agree with Klein about allowing any and all would-be immigrants to come to the United States. Sanders most emphatically did not go along:
Klein: You said being a democratic socialist means a more international view. I think if you take global poverty that seriously, it leads you to conclusions that in the US are considered out of political bounds. Things like sharply raising the level of immigration we permit, even up to a level of open borders. About sharply increasing …
Sanders: Open borders? No, that’s a Koch brothers proposal.
Klein: Really?
Sanders: Of course. That’s a right-wing proposal, which says essentially there is no United States …
Klein: But … it would make a lot of global poor richer, wouldn’t it?
Sanders: It would make everybody in America poorer — you’re doing away with the concept of a nation state, and I don’t think there’s any country in the world that believes in that.
What right-wing people in this country would love is an open-border policy. Bring in all kinds of people, work for $2 or $3 an hour, that would be great for them.
Right on Bernie! Cheap immigrant labor—just what we have been saying all along! And, what is so maddening to me is that the Catholics, Lutherans and Evangelicals are all-in to help bring in cheap labor to compete with low income and minority Americans! We will be waiting to see if America’s Voice blasts Bernie (publicly).
….turns out tens of thousands of the kids never existed!
Biden, Johnson, Obama (looks like they are on to us!)
That’s what blogger ‘sundance’ at The Conservative Tree House alleges and seems to have the numbers to prove it. There are still a lot of unaccompanied minors (mostly teenagers), but the number is about half of what the Obama Administration has been claiming.
In reality, says ‘sundance,’ the numbers of children with parents (mostly with Mom) is where the larger numbers are to be found. And, of course those migrants are just run-of-the-mill illegal aliens, not UACs who are given special treatment.
Why would they do this?
Maybe to push Congress to pass ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ pronto?
Three weeks ago we shared the fact that well over 40,000 reported UAC’s were missing from this years record keeping. The facts catching up with the ruse.
Well, the truth was/is they’re not technically missing because they never existed in the first place. DHS, which compiles the reports coming from the Border Patrol, and then gives the statistical summaries of the reports, had artifically inflated the apprehension numbers to support the White House narrative.
However, DHS, or more accurately Jeh Johnson, could not divert the end user of the apprehension reports, The Executive Office of Immigration Reform, the entity who controls the court dockets, from recording the missing reports.
Comparative FOIA’s into the recording agency, The Border Patrol, and the end user, The EOIR, showed the statistical ruse.
The reports were missing because they were never written; they were never written because the UAC’s were not actually real.
Read it all! See their excellent work! There is a lot of documentation to prove that one more time we can’t trust this White House. And, you know it would explain why we kept hearing of possible housing sites that would a couple of days later turn out not to be needed.
And, it would explain why, after one crisis story after another about the UAC’s gobbling up all the funding for the normal refugee flow, the money started reappearing in the refugee contractors’ budgets. Remember when that ‘carrot-tasting class’ money was so quickly restored.
Recently the Center for Immigration Studies released a report on Tennessee (we reported on it here) about how immigrant employment was responsible for most of the job growth in that state, and then today I see they have another study out, this time on Florida. Here is how a piece by Ryan Lovelace atNational Review Onlinebegins:
A new report from the Center for Immigration Studies finds that the majority of the net increase in employment among Florida’s working age population since the first quarter of 2000 has gone to legal and illegal immigrants. Florida ranked second in the nation in employment growth among 16 to 65 year olds since the first quarter of 2000, CIS says, but still ranks 34th nationwide in labor-force participation of its native-born population in the same age range.
They need to do a study on North Carolina if they haven’t already!
One of the quasi-government/quasi-religious groups, Church World Service, is busy supplying refugee laborers for North Carolina companies and now they are whining again about cuts in taxpayer dollars that allow them, a non-profit ‘church’ group, to bring in workers to compete with native workers.
CWS CEO Rev. John McCullough (left with scarf) and other “faith” leaders pushing for amnesty in Washington. http://www.interfaithimmigration.org/2013/04/12/nationally-renowned-faith-leaders-speak-at-a10-time-is-now-immigrants-rights-rally/
Here is the Washington Post helping Church World Service get its cry heard for more money (from the US Treasury’s money tree), in the wake of the unaccompanied minors’ border invasion:
“We measure our success as a company by the number of rice cookers we have,” Lindsay Hancock, Creative Snacks’ director of business administration, says only half-jokingly. The company has four now.
All 30 full-time employees on the plant floor are refugees. Many came through the Church World Service resettlement agency and its Greensboro employment training program. But that program’s future remains uncertain because, in the world of immigration and refugee policy, it turns out that the Mexican border and all its politics can run right through a North Carolina snack plant full of refugees.
File this under unintended consequences: The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement allocates funds to programs for refugees and unaccompanied alien children. Earlier this year, when the number of children fleeing Central America and Mexico for the United States started skyrocketing, the office reallocated more money to help address a mounting crisis at the border. That money — $94 million — came directly out of refugee programs and services. Taking the hit were grants that help refugees with employment, preventative health services and adaption to America and its school system.
Don’t make us choose between refugees and illegal immigrants! WE want money for everybody (our salaries too)!
For state refugee coordinators and immigration advocates, the crisis at the border has meant walking a tightrope: Do not make refugees bear the cost of Congress’s refusal to provide more funding. Do not pit refugees against immigrant children. Do not make us choose one or the other.
State refugee coordinators have been scrambling to figure out how to avoid layoffs and keep their health-care, educational and employment services intact.
Then this (below) is what jumped out at me! “Creative Snacks” DEPENDS on Church World Service to supply it with workers and the owners have NO REAL ANSWER AS TO WHY THEY DON’T HIRE AMERICANS.
I have a few theories and one is that there are tax breaks of some sort for the employers when they hire refugees and what the refugees can’t afford through their salaries comes to them via various social services and training supplied by you! (There are even special savings plans for refugees for such things as cars, homes and education where the government matches their savings.) So, the company can keep salaries low—you take care of everything else. And, most importantly, refugees are basically trapped employees with nowhere else to go.
The WaPo continues (We want to know why is this the responsibility of the US taxpayer?):
“We depend upon Church World Service to help us find people,” Hancock says. “The loss of funding would have an immediate impact on our business.”
Yes, Hancock says, the company could hire the native-born, but Creative Snacks’ owners, Marius and Hilary Andersen, are committed to providing opportunities to refugees, who, by definition, have been wrenched from their homelands and who, in that loss, must place their faith in a new country. [So, they have been wrenched by the UN and Church World Service from their homeland, what does that have to do with answering the question about why the Andersens don’t hire native North Carolinians?—ed]
CWS isn’t as bad as some of their fellow contractors*** in terms of the percentage of federal dollars they gobble up in any given year (most contractors are up in the 90% range). Their 2013 Form 990 says they took in $74,101,599 and that $43,999,257 came from you as government grants. That’s about 59.3 %.
Doing well by doing good!
Their CEO, Rev. John McCullough makes a cool $285,830 in salary from CWS (and related activities). Five other employees are in the 6-figure salary range. Maybe if the shortfall continues they could cut those salaries down a bit and help the refugees more. (just saying!)
You should know that CWS lobbied for so-called Comprehensive Immigration Reform which we all know helped inspire the border surge.