Berlin: protesters clash over asylum-seeker residence; media spin over the top

Anyone opposing housing asylum-seekers from the Middle East in their middle-income neighborhood is a racist, neo-nazi, fascist, anti-foreigner, right-wing xenophobe according to media reports of a demonstration that got violent in Berlin last week.

I considered not even posting this story from AFP (French Press) because it’s laced with so much bias that it is almost laughable.  Are these journalists writing this, or the European Left Wing itself?    But, I decided to post it because I want you to know things are reaching such levels in Germany and to see the spin the media puts on events like this one.

The Berlin high school that has been converted to house asylum seekers who are arriving in Germany by the thousands.

From AFP:

AFP – German neo-Nazis have protested against a new political refugee centre in Berlin, seeking to stoke anti-foreigner sentiment a month before elections and sparking large counter-demonstrations.

The far-right National Democratic Party of Germany (NPD) tried to drum up anti-foreigner feelings at a rally near the asylum seekers’ centre, a former school set amid drab tower blocks in the city’s east.

In angry scenes overnight, more than 500 anti-fascist protesters confronted the about 40 anti-immigration activists, who eventually left in a street tram under police protection.

Hundreds of riot police separated the groups. One officer was injured by a bottle thrown in his face. In total 25 people were arrested, one for making an illegal straight-armed Hitler salute.

I would bet a million bucks (if I had a million!) that the person arrested for the Hitler-salute was a Lefty!  But, you see how this is done, no mention of who did the offensive salute, instead readers are left to assume it’s one of those rightwingers reporters have dubbed “neo-Nazis.”  And, on what side were the 25 who were arrested—from that peace-loving Left?

Read it all.

For more on German immigration problems, click here.

Germany (and Europe) doomed to repeat history?

But, the tables are turned.  This time the invaders are not the Germanic tribes, the Vandals and Goths and others of the barbarian hordes which helped bring down the mighty Roman Empire, they are Africans and Middle Easterners, mostly Muslims (Chechens too), who have a different sort of invasion in mind.

Ole Schröder: We are such good people, we will take 100,000 invaders (oops! refugees) this year!

This is just one more ‘EU-struggling’ story in a long list of stories in recent days and weeks about the European Union being overwhelmed by ‘refugees’, member countries squabbling, and about the UN criticizing the EU for not being “welcoming” enough to the invading armies.

Germany, however, is taking offense to charges they are not generous enough and officials there report that, get this:

Germany is set to take 100,000 refugees this year!  Can anyone say death wish!

From Deutsche Welle:

 “Germany taking the lead”

Schröder (Ole Schröder, a state secretary in Germany’s Interior Ministry),said Germany’s program is pointing the way forwards for European refugee protection. “We have asked the European Commission to introduce a similar protection program. Unfortunately, the Commission hasn’t done so. But Germany is taking the lead,”said Ole Schröder.

All in all, Germany plans to take in 100,000 refugees from all across the world until the end of this year.

“We can’t take in millions of people,” Schröder said. “That would overstrain Germany’s capacities.”  [duh! 100,000 won’t overstrain Germany?–ed]

The capacities of the EU’s Mediterranean countries are already overstrained. Malta, Cyprus, Italy, Greece, as well as Hungary and Bulgaria have problems in dealing with refugees who want to enter the EU from both the Middle East and Africa, according to UNHCR. Human rights groups have repeatedly criticized the European Union for fencing itself in and disrespecting its international obligations when it comes to protecting refugees.

See our Europe category where we have posted 427 previous posts on the terrible predicament in Europe.  I know I don’t have to tell you, but I post about Canada, Europe and Australia so that readers in America know the global extent of the problem, especially from countries that are ‘ahead of us’ in taking the spear of the asylum invasion.  We aren’t far behind as this Mexico border stunt news illustrated.

Germany (again!): Is “sugar on the table” drawing Chechens?

German officials are scratching their heads about why the recent large numbers of Russians from Chechnya (homeland of the Boston Bombers) are coming to Germany seeking asylum.  See also “tensions rising” in German cities.

I was looking for a map that shows how far Chechnya is from Germany and this is the best I could find. If the ‘asylum-seekers’ went by land, and were truly desperate asylum-seekers, they would have traveled through many “safe” countries where they should have legally sought asylum BEFORE arriving in Germany (west of the circled Czech Republic).

From the BBC:

The number of people seeking political asylum in Germany has soared, and the biggest group by far was from Russia.

In the first half of this year, just over 43,000 refugees applied to stay – that is 86% more than in the same period in 2012.

It is the highest level since 1999, when people fled Serbia’s Kosovo war.

Many this year came from Russia’s Chechnya region, they told German officials. Violence and human rights abuses plague Chechnya.

German Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said that “in 2012, by far the most asylum seekers in the European Union came to Germany, and in the first half of 2013 we saw almost a doubling of applications.

“The number of asylum seekers in the first half of 2013 was the greatest since the same period in 1999.”

According to the interior ministry, 9,957 people came from Russia and claimed political asylum in Germany, compared with 4,517 from Syria and 3,448 from Afghanistan.  [I’m sure Putin is thrilled to be relieved of them!—ed]

Perplexed analysts!

The figures for refugees from Chechnya are perplexing analysts because there has not been a perceptible deterioration of the situation there. No worsening of a vicious war has been reported in the North Caucasus republic.

Germany put the “sugar on the table!”   (A commenter used that phrase recently and I love it!)

Seems that a logical explanation is that Germany offers asylum-seekers/refugees more taxpayer-funded goodies, and that is the draw.  However, for Muslims it’s a twofer, they can fulfill their Muslim duty (Al-Hijra) by helping to build the Islamic caliphate and live fairly well doing it!

The BBC continues:

One theory being mooted in ministries to explain the surge is that, exactly a year ago, Germany’s highest court ruled that asylum seekers waiting for their applications to be processed should receive the same social benefits as Germans.

That led to higher payments for food and accommodation, as the different regions of Germany implemented the court’s strictures.

Svetlana Gannushkina, a leading human rights activist in Russia, says Chechens appear to have been motivated by rumours that Germany “has opened its doors to Chechens”.

In an e-mail to the BBC, she said “a rumour is circulating that in Germany each family is given a parcel of land and money to build a house”.

Update August 18th:  A reader sent us this story from Der Spiegel about the “rumor” and the ramifications.  People are desperate to leave Chechnya now being ruled by hard-line Islamists according to this story.

All of our posts on Germany and its refugee/asylum/illegal alien problems are here.

Swimming pool near-riot adds one more reason why anti-immigrant tensions are rising in Germany

Diversity is strength, right?

Lately we’ve reported on the growing tension over the large numbers of illegal aliens (mostly from Muslim countries) coming into Germany and asking for asylum.   Here is just one recent post from last Friday about the growing anger and the resultant backlash.

Now the Daily Caller publishes an opinion piece about one possible reason for the growing tension—-the parallel societies being encouraged by Islamists.   You may have seen the story already, but it’s important to post it here as we chronicle the death throes of Europe (slowly being killed by multiculturalism).

And, since I probably won’t be able to post it due to time constraints, be sure to see this article (BBC) which says a large segment of the immigrant tide to Germany is made up of Chechens (famously hard-line Muslims).   Of course we remember that the Tsarnaevs (Boston Bombers) are Chechens.

Daily Caller (emphasis mine);

An aggressive response from heavily-armed police to an Arab family at a Berlin swimming pool has provided yet another vignette of the difficulties Western societies face coping with Muslim immigrants’ dramatically different mores. The incident provides a disturbing glimpse into the parallel societies of some Islamic communities in Europe, which find true integration into their adopted homelands incompatible with Muslim piety.

One of the Arabs is taken away in handcuffs.
Photo Berliner Zeitung

On July 27, medics attempted to treat an injured woman from an Arab family at the Columbiabad pool in Berlin’s Neukölln district, the local Berliner Zeitung (BZ) recently reported. The woman’s clan members present took offense at the male medics touching a female family member. The violation of Muslim norms prohibiting such touching by unrelated individuals offended the family’s honor, one witness reported. Tirades of insults followed and two family “heavyweights” began to punch the defenseless medics. Other family members also joined in the assault.

Pool security alerted the police, who arrived with ten patrol cars and police dogs, as pictured in BZ online. In addition to nightsticks, pictures also showed some of the officers wearing bulletproof vests, as Germany’s national tabloid Bild noted. Witnesses reported that only after using pepper spray were the police able to quell the angry family members. A picture taken after the pool riot showed the police leading a man away in handcuffs.

No integration?  Here is one solution—-stop Islamic immigration to Europe!

The hazards of bathing in Neukölln, among other frictions of multiculturalism, raise questions concerning how easily this socialization can occur. Strict rules against contact with unrelated women as well as female body coverings are paradigmatic for a culture seeking isolation from, and indeed dominance over, non-Muslims. Concerning Germany’s Turkish immigrant population, one intelligent German friend of mine commented to me in the mid-1990s that “they do not want to integrate.”

Any attempt at integrating Muslims into Western societies demands challenging some of these traditional norms and, as the Berlin police at Columbiabad demonstrated, sometimes outright coercion. The inherent problems in any such cultural rapprochement have thus prompted politicians like Holland’s Geert Wilders to demand restrictions upon an Islamic immigration deemed inherently difficult for Western societies to digest socio-politically. Irrespective of policy proposals, dealing with Islamic immigration in Europe and elsewhere will be no walk on the beach.


Tensions flare in Germany over housing for asylum-seekers

Your average middleclass German (country class!) is rising up to oppose plans by the government elite (ruling class!) to put asylum-seekers (from mostly Muslim countries) in their neighborhoods.  I wonder why?—here, perhaps, is one reason we posted earlier this week.

Berlin here we come! Fall 2012 pro-immigrant march. Note the red flag with the clenched fist—it’s not a sign of peace.

From AP at ABC News:

Daniel Krawczyk is convinced bad things will happen to his Berlin neighborhood once the refugees move in: “They’ll break into our basements,” he says, “steal our kids’ cell phones, bring crime and violence and take away our jobs.”

The 29-year-old janitor in the eastern outskirts of Berlin is among many locals up in arms over the city’s plans to turn an empty high school into a center for up to 400 asylum seekers, part of growing opposition to refugee shelters across the country.

The boat-is-full mentality in Germany is finding an echo in the government: “Even an economically strong country like Germany is considerably challenged” by the influx, Interior Minister Hans-Peter Friedrich said recently, in an apparent attempt to reflect voter fears two months ahead of general elections. Meanwhile the far-right is exploiting anti-refugee fears, seeking new supporters as its members participate in rallies against new asylum shelters.


About 43,000 people applied for asylum in Germany in the first six months of 2013, almost double the roughly 23,000 for the same period in 2012. While the numbers are a far cry from the hundreds of thousands who flowed into Germany at the height of the 1990s Yugoslavia wars, German cities still find themselves struggling to cope with the influx of recent refugees, mainly from Syria, Chechnya and Afghanistan [likely all Muslims!—ed]. Germany is the top destination for refugees to the European Union, followed by Sweden, France and Britain, all of which also received thousands of asylum applications during the last few months.

Backlash by the middle class was swift!

….. Berlin authorities were caught off guard by the hostile backlash in Hellersdorf — a neighborhood that is almost entirely German — and by the speed with which the far-right, anti-immigrant National Democratic Party moved to exploit that anger.

No sooner had the plan been announced than posters appeared proclaiming “Nein zum Heim” — “No to the Shelter.” Leaflets and a Facebook page warned that the neighborhood would be overrun with thieves, littered with garbage and that the playground would no longer be safe for German children.

To hell with what the residents think!

Despite the resistance, Berlin authorities insist they will push ahead with the center, although they have postponed moving asylum seekers into the building — and won’t say when the move will take place.

Read it all!

Why is it that most times the country class ‘gets-it’ intuitively?

Maybe the German government needs to look to Switzerland for a new plan (btw this was our top post yesterday and was read around the world!).

Check out our category on Europe with its 400-plus posts on problems there.

The Photo can be found here.