Nebraska: Afghans Descending on the State (and your state too!)

My alerts are full to overflowing with news about when and where the Biden Administration is distributing the Afghan evacuees.  The ‘how’ of it all is a bit tricky because the entire refugee program (the Afghans aren’t refugees!) is in disarray as I reported here a few days ago.

I picked the Nebraska story because I traveled through the state on my road trip to have a look at refugee overloaded towns in the west and midwest back in 2016 and I chuckled when I saw this news because I can’t see the Afghans rushing the slaughterhouse employment offices.

And, why should they? According to a report from John Binder, see it here, your tax dollars will flow to them either directly or through the ‘social safety net’ (aka welfare) you pay for.

Binder wraps his piece with this line:

The data revealed also that most Afghan arrivals in the U.S. live on welfare.

Here is the Grand Island Independent on Nebraska’s welcome:

About 500 Afghan refugees have arrived in Nebraska; resettlement agencies swamped

The number of Afghan evacuees coming to Nebraska has grown to over 1,000, and about 500 of them have already reached the state.

So far, 469 people evacuated from Afghanistan since the nation’s Aug. 15 collapse have arrived in Nebraska, or are on their way, from U.S. military bases around the nation.

Another 635 Afghan evacuees destined for Nebraska were still at bases, Nebraska State Refugee Coordinator Sara Bockelman said Wednesday.  [See her Linked in page —ed]

This is the image on Bockelman’s Linked in page. It appears to be one of those overloaded migrant invasion ships in the Mediterranean. Hopefully not arriving in Nebraska anytime soon!


That’s in addition to a smaller, undetermined number of people who came directly to Omaha from Afghanistan or otherwise have ended up in Nebraska.

Bockelman, speaking to a meeting of the Omaha Refugee Task Force, said a total of 1,104 Afghan evacuees are currently expected in Nebraska.

Initially, it was projected that about 655 Afghan evacuees would be placed in Nebraska. But officials said all along that they expected that number to grow.

About 300 of the Afghan evacuees so far have been placed in metropolitan Omaha by Lutheran Family Services and the Refugee Empowerment Center, the two resettlement agencies that place people in Omaha. Others have been placed in Lincoln and Council Bluffs.

To give you some idea of the rapid pace at which people are coming to Nebraska, Lutheran Family Services received 92 Afghan evacuees, including 39 school-age children, in November alone, an official of the agency said at Wednesday’s meeting. And the Refugee Empowerment Center was expecting 20 people to arrive in Omaha on Wednesday.


Because of the rush of evacuations, a lot of the Afghans of working age are coming without the employment documents that most refugees have when they arrive. So they will need financial help for longer than the usually expected three months until they can start working.

Useful nugget of info here…

Meanwhile, it appears that the pace of Afghan evacuees’ arrival to Nebraska will only pick up. The federal government has set a deadline of Feb. 15 for all people at U.S. military bases to be sent to cities around the nation. Officials at two of those bases have set an earlier deadline, the end of this year.

Guess they will have to be clearing out Ft. Dix in New Jersey pretty quick.  Again, don’t miss Breitbart on that ‘welcoming’ arrival location.

FAIR also has more news on your hard earned tax dollars (or borrowed Chinese bucks) going to the Afghan relocation to a town near you.

Endnote:  I think I have the spam blocked for now that was overwhelming the comment option here at RRW.  You might want to check it out for me and see if you can leave a comment.


US Refugee Program a Chaotic Mess as Afghans Flood the Zone

So good ol’ Joe isn’t going to be able to reach his 125,000 refugee admissions ceiling the way things are going.  (Most of the arriving Afghans are not legitimate refugees.)

A couple of weeks ago I checked the numbers at the severely limited Refugee Processing Center data base and noted that in the first month of the new fiscal year (October), Biden had admitted only 400 refugees from parts of the world other than Afghanistan.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not crying about that paltry number, but I am really amazed by the dearth of criticism from the contractors and their leftist media chorus.  Oh, they are critical, but the tone of their criticism is muted apparently to protect their man in the White House, you know, the guy who got 81 million votes!

Muslim Afghans crowd out other refugees

However, I suspect there is one group of Americans who are jumping for joy and that would be CAIR members and other Islamists because the refugee program is not admitting a wide variety of ‘persecuted’ other religions, namely Christians, as the Afghans (demanding stuff) are virtually all Muslims.

(See the Center for Immigration Studies 2021 Refugee Resettlement Roundup and note that we are no longer permitted to see data on the religions of refugees.  We can’t entirely blame Biden for that since it was the Trump administration that closed much of the data base to the public.)

So, I didn’t get around to writing my post on the Biden refugee slowdown, but Vox did and I am posting it here because I doubt many of you bother reading Vox.  I don’t either, but it appeared in my alerts, so here it is below.

First, however, you might be amused to see what Vox said about me in 2017:

Why Biden is struggling to revive the US refugee program

After the US refugee program hit historic lows during Donald Trump’s administration, President Joe Biden attempted to revive the program by raising the annual cap on admissions to 125,000.

Despite these efforts, the US is still not taking in more refugees.

Tens of thousands of Afghans have arrived in the US since the American withdrawal from Afghanistan in August. The urgent need — and the lasting damage done by the Trump administration — has overtaxed a refugee program that has slowed to a crawl in recent months.

In fiscal year 2021, which ended in September, the US resettled the lowest number of refugees in the history of its refugee program. Recently, the State Department reported the US resettled just 401 refugees in October, down from 3,774 the month before, one month after Biden’s new cap went into effect.

A State Department spokesperson told Vox that the agency had temporarily halted refugee admissions as of October 29 through January 11, 2022, with some exceptions.

At the current pace, the US won’t come within striking distance of the 125,000 cap by the end of the fiscal year — and, given the State Department’s new refugee guidance, it’s unlikely that refugee agencies will be able to expand capacity to ramp up that pace soon.

There are legitimate reasons why the recent resettlement numbers are so low. The US government and refugee agencies have been primarily focused on resettling Afghans who fled their home country amid the US withdrawal. And the entire refugee apparatus — from the federal officials who assess refugee claims to the agencies that help with resettlement — shrank significantly during the Trump administration due to severe funding cuts.  [Nah!  I told you here that they all didn’t take a financial “beating.” —ed]

About 70,000 Afghans have been admitted to the US on “parole,” a temporary form of humanitarian relief that allows them to apply for work permits and shields them from deportation for a period of two years.  [Then what???—ed]

Keep reading and look around at news stories (my inbox is full of them) on the refugee program and how the Afghan flood has created chaos especially as housing is limited, jobs are limited and welfare is limited and the contractors are scrambling to cope with the chaos Biden (their man) has handed them.

For new readers, here are the contractors that monopolize all refugee resettlement in America:

CAIR Crows: Muslims are Winning Big in Local Elections

Yes, and they will win even more as their population grows largely through legal immigration.

One might wonder, as I did here in 2007 why if refugees and Muslim migrants of all stripes were eager to assimilate did they need to place their people (representing their religion) into local, state and federal government?

Imam Hendi with Obama. See my 2007 post about Hendi’s visit to Saudi Arabia.

And, just imagine, I asked then, if we would blatantly say—we want Catholics, Jews, other Christians as our leaders—wouldn’t all hell break loose in the media?

Yet, no one seems to care if CAIR says we are electing our people, Muslims, everywhere we can!

I’m referring to a post I wrote in the summer of 2007 where a US Imam, Yahya Hendi, went to Saudi Arabia to brag about how they planned to elect Muslims to political office throughout America.  It is worth a read now.

ISIS might be taking the fire jihad route, but their co-religionists at CAIR etc. are changing America by changing the people.

Here is the election news that has CAIR celebrating (hat tip: Cathy):

CAIR, Jetpac, MPower Change: 26 American Muslim Candidates Win in Nov. 5 Elections for Total of 34 Muslims Elected in 2019

WASHINGTON, Nov. 6, 2019 /PRNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy organization, and Jetpac, a nonprofit organization dedicated to increasing American Muslim representation in politics and the media, and MPower Change, one of the largest Muslim-led social and racial justice organizations in the United States, today reported 26 American Muslim electoral victories nationwide in yesterday’s off-year election.

[NOTE: These results are preliminary and subject to change.]

In Lewiston, Maine Somali Safiya Khalid   was elected to city council. Lewiston is a classic study on how enclaves of refugees can change American towns. Someone should write a book about the city’s transformation in only a couple of decades.

Throughout 2019, CAIR, Jetpac and MPower Change have identified at least 34 Muslim candidates who won elections in local and statewide races across the country. More than 80 Muslims ran for office this year at the local and state level.

“These electoral victories clearly indicate that American Muslims are stepping up and showing their commitment to public service,” said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad ***.

“We congratulate these Muslim trailblazers who are creating a more inclusive democracy for everyone.”

“American Muslims are running for office in large numbers because more of us are realizing that we have a unique perspective that will help fix massive inequities in healthcare, education, and the criminal legal system,” said Jetpac Executive Director Mohammed Missouri.

“We’re also aware that staying on the sidelines while anti-Muslim bigotry runs rampant will increase the threat to our community. A truly representative Democracy will help us get out of this dark era as a stronger society.”

“What do Muslim Americans do during a time of heightened Islamophobia under a xenophobic administration? We run for office and win,” said MPower Change’s Executive Director Linda Sarsour .

“Muslim Americans are engaging in the democratic process in unprecedented ways and we can’t wait to continue this wave in 2020 to save our democracy.”

Looks like Virginia is the big winner….


  • Pious Ali – Portland City Council (reelection)
  • Safiya Khalid  – Lewiston City Council


  • Fazlul Kabir – College Park City Council (reelection)


  • Mehreen Butt – Wakefield Town Council (reelection)
  • Afroz Khan – Newburyport City Council (reelection)
  • Sumbul Siddiqui – Cambridge City Council (reelection)


  • Nadia Mohamed  – St. Louis Park City Council
  • Abdisalam Adam – Fridley School Board (appointed in 2018 to fill a vacant seat but elected by the public for the first time yesterday)

New Jersey

  • Jamillah Beasley – Irvington Municipal Council (reelection)
  • Mustafa Al-Mutazzim Brent – East Orange City Council (reelection)
  • Denise Sanders – Teaneck Board of Education (reelection)
  • Raghib Muhammad – Montgomery Township Board of Education
  • Adnan Zakaria – Prospect Park City Council (reelection)
  • Esllam Zakaria – Prospect Park Board of Education (reelection)


  • Omar Tarazi – Hilliard City Council


  • Omar Sabir – Philadelphia City Commission


  • Buta Biberaj  – Loudoun County Commonwealth’s Attorney
  • Ghazala Hashmi  – Senate District 10
  • Babur Lateef – Prince William County School Board (reelection)
  • Harris Mahedavi – Loudon County School Board
  • Abrar Omeish  – Fairfax County School Board
  • Sam Rasoul – House of Delegates District 11 (reelection)
  • Ibraheem Samirah – House of Delegates District 86 (reelection)
  • Lisa Zargarpur – Prince William County School Board


  • Turan Kayaoglu – Puyallup School Board
  • Zahra Roach – Pasco City Council

Continue reading here.

***Nihad Awad joined forces with refugee contractor Church World Service on the steps of the US Capitol here recently where they demanded more refugee resettlement to Anytown, USA because what do they need the most to change America—more of their people!

Media "fact checks" Senator who said more than half of Muslims in Australia are not in the labor force

Don’t you just love it when the Left leaning media pounces on a number given by a Senator they obviously despise, does a “fact check,” proclaims him “wrong” in a headline and proceeds then to reveal some facts to show that he was pretty darn close when he said 56% of Australian Muslims are not in the labor force.
Here is the story at ABC News Australia with some very interesting facts about the pathetic numbers of Muslims working in that country.  Conclusion: Muslim women (home cranking out babies) are dragging their numbers down!
Continue reading “Media "fact checks" Senator who said more than half of Muslims in Australia are not in the labor force”

Supremes to hear Trump travel ban case today, fears Trump will win

According the NPR people lined up as early as this past Sunday in order to get a coveted seat for the hearing on the President’s travel ban.

muslim ban signs
Photo from a 2017 demonstration:

National Public Radio‘s Nina Totenberg has a lengthy, pretty straightforward, story. Here is a bit of it:

The Supreme Court’s Grand Finale: Trump’s Travel Ban

The Trump administration’s travel ban finally reaches the U.S. Supreme Court Wednesday, posing enormous questions involving the structure of the American government and the values of the country.

At issue is the third version of the ban — which the president has complained is a “watered down” version. The court allowed it to go into effect while the case was litigated, but the lower courts have ruled all three versions either violate federal law or are unconstitutional.

Like the earlier two bans, version 3.0 bars almost all travelers from six mainly Muslim countries, and it adds a ban on travelers from North Korea and government officials from Venezuela.


The questions in the case are the stuff of history:

~Can the courts even review a presidential order on immigration that invokes national security?

~Did the president violate the immigration law’s command against discrimination based on nationality?

~And does the executive order violate the Constitution’s ban on religious discrimination?

The travel-ban argument will be the last of the term. And the importance of the argument is not lost on the court. For the first time since the same-sex-marriage arguments in 2015, the court is allowing same-day distribution of the session’s audio. Nonetheless, people started lining up at 7 a.m. Sunday in hopes of snagging a seat Wednesday.

The court itself will be under extreme pressure. There are only about two months left in the term and an unusually large number of cases yet to be decided.

One key question is this one:

Can the court consider Trump’s anti-Muslim rhetoric?

See more of the NPR story here.  Legal beagles will find it interesting.
Then see that the Leftwing Slate predicts:

Trump’s Going to Win

Why the Supreme Court will probably uphold the president’s travel ban.

A decision isn’t expected until June.
For more background visit my ‘Supreme Court’ category by clicking here.  Don’t miss my post of two days ago, here.