Syracuse citizens not happy with Mayor's invite to Syrians

We told you, here, the other day about Syracuse mayor Stephanie Miner inviting more*** Syrian ‘refugees’ to Syracuse, but it appears her constituents are not thrilled.
Here is a portion of a letter to the editor (Mayor, how will we fund refugee resettlement?) that appeared at in response to their earlier article.  I suspect that all over the country citizens are asking the same questions!
The most interesting thing is the huge number of comments the letter received, most also critical of the mayor.

Mayor Miner
Reader PistolPete wanted to know how many refugees the mayor was taking into her home. This is not the mayor’s home, but this is pretty funny. Apparently while campaigning for the job, the candidate took photos of ‘code violations’ (like this one) and posted them. Why not take photos of code violations that will surely be found in the slums where the refugees are living and post those on facebook. The refugee resettlement contractors (and the politicians that support them) must be called-out for causing the further decline of already impoverished minority neighborhoods. Photo:

Let’s take care of our own first! seems to be the common theme.
To the Editor:

This letter is in response to Mayor Stephanie Miner’s letter to President Barack Obama in her call for an increase of Syrian refugees. I currently work with refugees and have worked in a number of human service agencies. I commend her commitment to help those in need.

Last year Americans committed to resettle 70,000 refugees, and we fell short of meeting that number. This next year we have taken on an additional 10,000 refugees from Syria alone. With the ongoing dire circumstances in Syria and those around the rest of the world, we should absolutely do our part to help.

However, with all the letters and articles I have been reading lately, I have not seen a proposal of how we plan to financially support the resettlement of more refugees. How can we support those in need outside the United States if we cannot take care of our own? How does one decide whose life is worth providing resources to?


Candice Fry

Now, check this out. Someone in the Syracuse area is doing his/her homework!

Do the same where you live!  Go on the offense and make them answer to you.  (Gino, get in touch with us to join with like-minded people in the growing grassroots network around the country!).  
From commenter GinoChalupa (emphasis added is mine):

Stephanie Miner and her friends at the Catholic Charities and Interfaith Works are talking out of both sides of their mouths. A few weeks ago they expressed collective shock and outrage that Syracuse has one of the nation’s highest poverty rates and that the number of census tracts with concentrated poverty tripled in a matter of a few years. It just so happened to be that the census tracts on the north side where these organizations have settled the vast majority of its refugees all had the highest poverty rates in the city with nearly 80% of the population below the poverty line. These north side census tracts had much lower levels of concentrated poverty in the 2000 census before the Catholic Charities and Interfaith Works began tripling the number of refugees settled in Syracuse. Beth Broadway, Executive Director of Interfaith Works told local reporters that the high rates of concentrated poverty among blacks, Hispanics, and Asians in Syracuse was unacceptable and a sign this community has much work to do. Stephanie Miner and a host of other groups which claim to share the same goal of alleviating poverty claimed the community would address this issue.

What Ms. Broadway of Interfaith Works, the Catholic Charities, and Stephanie Miner fail to acknowledge is that the high rate of poverty is driven in part by the influx of 10,000 refugees to the City of Syracuse since 2000. The vast majority of refugees settled by these organizations are from countries in Africa and Asia. It should come as no surprise that the percentage of black residents living in poverty and the percentage of black residents living in high poverty census tracts increased as thousands of the refugees settled from Africa are “black.” The 52% poverty rate among Asians in the City of Syracuse in the latest census should also come as no surprise as a plurality of the refugees settled are from Asian countries. The percentage of Asians living in poverty in suburban Syracuse is in the single digits (with the exception of the Town of Salina which has seen an increase in Vietnamese families relocating there due to the rapid deterioration of the north side).

According to monthly data posted on the website for the NY Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance, the number of welfare caseloads in Onondaga County has nearly doubled since 2007. In June 2015, the most recent month data is available, a total of 7,468 families in Onondaga County received temporary assistance. This is the equivalent of 16,054 people. In one month alone, the number of families receiving assistance increased by more than 200 from 7,237 families in May 2015 to 7,468 families in June 2015. The number of Medicaid caseloads has more than doubled in 10 years (this number had doubled before the Affordable Care Act was implemented, so the increase cannot be attributed to the increasing number of needy residents enrolling in Medicaid). Onondaga County had struggled with a growing welfare caseload in the 1990s and was able to whittle down the number of families enrolled in temporary assistance by the year 2000. It wasn’t until the mid 2000s, that welfare caseloads began to increase again. This increase was more than 3 years prior to the Great Recession of 2008. When comparing Onondaga County to other upstate counties with large urban populations (Albany, Erie and Monroe), Onondaga County is the only major upstate county that has not experienced a decline in the number of families receiving temporary assistance, Albany, Erie and Monroe Counties have seen declines during the past two years and the number of families receiving assistance is now back down to levels seen prior to recession. In Onondaga County, however, the number of families on welfare is at its highest level since records were posted online in 2001. Compared with the other major urban counties, Onondaga County has seen a much larger settlement of refugees. The latest census estimates also show that the percentage of residents lacking any formal education and the % that don’t speak English has increased significantly. Local governments and service providers that are already stretched thin are going to have to provide additional services that the community can ill-afford.

Interfaith Works [a subcontractor of the far Left Church World Service—ed] recently paid $1,024,520 for an office building on the 1000 block of James Street. The previous owner was a financial services company which left for the suburbs. It would appear that these organizations are heavily dependent on the $1,000+ administrative fee they are paid by the federal government for each refugee they settle. The City of Syracuse and Onondaga County cannot afford to allow these two organizations to balance their books and generate revenue at the expense of an already stretched social safety net. If Interfaith Works and the Catholic Charities were genuinely concerned about reducing poverty, they would not continue to exacerbate the situation by settling 1,200 to 1,400 refugees each year.

LOL!  Another reader PistolPete wanted to know how many refugees “Steffi” (the mayor) was taking into her two homes!
We have written a lot about Syracuse over the years, click here, for previous posts (Diversity is so beautiful! Catholic Church becomes a mosque, African Americans beat up Burmese refugees, convenience store fraud by Palestinians, refugees booted from sub-standard housing in which they were placed, etc.).
*** Syracuse has already started resettling Syrian refugees according to US State Department data, here.

Buffalo refugee overload: Is the need for “culturally-engaged health care” coming to a town near you?

It is, if you allow your town or city to become the next ‘welcoming’ community for thousands of third world refugees in desperate need of healthcare.

Buffalo, NY (Erie County) is one of the federal government’s “preferred communities” for refugee resettlement and is, according to this meeting announcement, the largest resettlement site in New York State.  NY is among the top five resettlement states in the US.

Go here for our extensive archive on problems with refugees in Buffalo.  See especially this 2012 post where we learned that the Christian and Jewish population is declining and the Muslim population increasing in and around Buffalo (thanks to Christian and Jewish resettlement contractors listed below!).

When they say “culturally-engaged” healthcare, do they mean that refugees have health issues that are related to the cultural practices they bring to America, like ‘female genital mutilation?’ I see NY is one of the top states for at risk girls!

Think long and hard about whether your town or city wants to take on the massive (and expensive!) physical and mental health care of thousands of refugees!

From the University of Buffalo News (hat tip: Joanne):

BUFFALO, N.Y. — The University at Buffalo School of Public Health and Health Professions (SPHHP) will hold the second annual Western New York Refugee Health Summit on Thursday, April 9 …


Called “Community conversations to build pathways toward culturally engaged health care in Buffalo,” the health summit is being held as part of the SPHHP’s celebration of National Public Health Week.


Erie County resettles the highest number of refugees in New York State; approximately one third of the state’s 3,700 refugees resettled in Buffalo in 2013. Many arrive in the U.S. driven from their home countries by social and political upheaval, war, and economic or agricultural distress. Even with committed organizations assisting refugees, many barriers exist to obtaining culturally-engaged health care.

The summit will provide a forum where health care providers and refugees can meet and discuss ways to overcome the five main barriers to care that refugees face: coordinating stakeholders, mentoring of providers, mobilizing community leaders, dealing with language barriers and addressing gaps in providing care.  [By the way, “stakeholders” does not apply to you, the taxpayers footing the bill for all of this healthcare and most likely this summit too!—ed]

Participants also will review an online platform that is being developed to better share and coordinate Western New York health resources for refugees.


Participating community agency partners include the Burmese Community Support Center, Community Health Center of Buffalo, Neighborhood Health Center, H.E.A.L. International, Jericho Road Community Health Center, International Institute of Buffalo, Journey’s End Refugee Services, Inc., Catholic Charities of Buffalo, Jewish Family Services of Buffalo and Erie County, and the UB Schools of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Nursing, Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Public Health and Health Professions, and Social Work.

Wow!  Check it out!  No wonder Buffalo is so overloaded with needy refugees, five of the nine major contractors have offices there!

BTW, when I first posted this handy list of resettlement subcontractors in December, the State Department said they had 180 cities, but I saw yesterday that they are saying 190 cities (so they gained ten more in the last few months!).

CWS  (Church World Service)
NY-CWS-07: Journey’s End Refugee Services, Inc
Tri-Main Center, 2495 Main Street
Buffalo, NY 14214-2152

DFMS (Episcopal Migration Ministries)
NY-DFMS-07: Journey’s End Refugee Services, Inc
2459 Main Street, Suite 317
Buffalo, NY 14214

HIAS (Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society)
NY-HIAS-06: Jewish Family Service Of Buffalo And Erie County
70 Barker Street
Buffalo, NY 14209

USCCB (US Conference of Catholic Bishops)
NY-USCCB-02: Refugee Assistance Program Catholic Charities
20 Herkimer Street
Buffalo, NY 14213

USCRI  (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants)
NY-USCRI-02: International Institute Of Buffalo, Inc.
864 Delaware Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14209

LOL!  I bet they are all competing with each other to bring in the paying refugee ‘clients.’

We have an extensive ‘health issues’ category you might like to visit, here.

Diversity is strength alert! Albanian ‘youths’ arrested, charged with hate crime in NY…

…. also update below on Albanian gangsters in Philadelphia.

Before you read on please see one of several posts we have written on how the Clinton Administration opened the flood gates to mostly Muslim Albanian so-called ‘refugees’ in 1999, here.  By the way, I just a week or so ago printed out the damning National War College Report by David M. Robinson, but it appears to now be unavailable. (See if you can access it, it is linked in that post I just mentioned.)

Your typical clean-cut white teens out to harass Jews in a NY mall? Gee I wonder what their motivation might be! Hint! It ain’t about skin color!

From Lohud (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’):

WEST NYACK – Two teenagers accused of rampaging through the Palisades Center on Black Friday and attacking people, including two Orthodox Jews, have been charged with assault as a hate crime, Clarkstown police said Tuesday.

Chris Bujaj, 17, of Tuckahoe and Ardijan Mehaj, 17, of Yonkers were charged with the felony hate crime after two Orthodox men were called “dirty Jews” during the assault at the shopping center, police said.

Police are still looking for a third man who participated in the attacks, which left five people injured during a 2:30 to 3:30 a.m. spree on the year’s busiest shopping day.


“There was no reason for the attacks, except for possible intoxication or just looking for trouble,” Detective Lt. Glen Dietrich told The Journal News in early December. “They were kind of grabbing people and punching them.”  [No reason?  Did anyone ask them if the ‘Religion of Peace’ motivated the attack on the Jews?—ed]


The victims told officers that the trio had eastern European accents, possibly Russian or Albanian. [names are Albanian—ed]

 They subsequently arrested the third attacker.  See here.

Albanian gangsters found guilty in Philadelphia

This is an update on the story we first reported here.  And, also thanks to crime investigator ‘Pungentpeppers’ for spotting it.

From News 12 Westchester:

A fed­er­al jury on Dec. 15 found four area men guilty of rack­et­eer­ing for their roles in a gambling and loan-shark­ing ring that op­er­ated in sev­er­al May­fair busi­nesses.

The U.S. At­tor­ney’s Of­fice iden­ti­fied Ylli Gjeli, 49, as the “boss” of the op­er­a­tion and Fatimir “Tony” Musta­fa­raj, 42, as the “muscle.” Those two dir­ec­ted oth­er mem­bers of the con­spir­acy in loan-shark­ing and il­leg­al gambling activ­it­ies, in­clud­ing Gez­im “Sam” As­llani, 35, and Rez­art Rah­mu “Luigi” Telushi, 41. All four de­fend­ants were Phil­adelphia res­id­ents. At the time of their Au­gust 2013 in­dict­ment, au­thor­it­ies iden­ti­fied them as nat­ives of Al­bania or of Al­bani­an her­it­age, al­though all are nat­ur­al­ized cit­izens of the United States.

See our entire Albanian “refugee” archive by clicking here.

By the way, when cities like Pittsburgh fall for those economic studies that they say show how refugees bring economic prosperity to cities, do they ever factor in the costs involved in the criminal justice system?

New York Lutheran church may house alien children because the church is broke

Update August 20th:  What do you know, change of plans, “children” not going there after all.  Hat tip: Robin

A “financially troubled” Lutheran Church on Long Island riled the community of Commack recently when it said it was considering housing some of the ‘unaccompanied alien children’ flooding the US border in recent months.

A NYC fire fighter who lives next door said:  “It’s basically going to be a hotel right next to my house.”

Lutheran church in Commack, NY could become a “hotel” for the unaccompanied alien children.

Who put them up to it—-Lutheran Social Services of New York *** which says it has the bucks to pay (an affiliate of the big kahuna Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service).

From Newsday (hat tip: Caroline):

A Lutheran church in Commack may host some of the tens of thousands of immigrant children illegally crossing the United States’ border with Mexico mainly to reunite with family here, the church’s pastor said Tuesday.

The financially troubled Holy Cross Lutheran Church had to cancel a meeting last week after outraged neighbors packed the church to protest the proposal, but Rev. Dennis Walker said the congregation is still considering it and hopes to meet in coming weeks to decide.

Walker said community opposition was being fueled by misinformation about the proposal, and he hopes “people will reconsider in a more rational light. This is minimal impact on the community with substantial benefits” such as jobs for workers who would remodel the building to create the living quarters.  [Here is one of my questions, if the “children’s” border surge ended tomorrow and the church had already been remodeled, then what?  Would it house other migrants of some sort?—ed]

The proposal calls for about 40 children, 4 to 17, to be housed at the church at any one time between seven and 30 days, Walker said. The children would be in transit from federal immigration detention facilities to relatives in the New York area, and would leave only for medical appointments or other important issues, Walker said.

So who does have moola (federal cash!)?

The proposal was brought to the church by Lutheran Social Services of New York, the Manhattan-based agency that would cover cost for the renovation, using federal funds.

Nearby residents firmly oppose the idea. “It’s scary,” said Sheryl Cambria, 35, a special-education teacher at Lindenhurst High School. “I have two little kids. Who’s to say my house is going to be safe?” New York City firefighter Michael Cantwell, 44, said, “It’s basically going to be a hotel right next to my house.”

Not just in Commack, New York, but from sea to shining sea, this is what it is all about, the good pastor admits—

—they get money (your tax dollars) and get to “do the Christian thing!”  Who can beat that!

Walker said the Commack church is in dire financial straits after a day care business stopped renting space in June.

The immigrant children program could bring in $8,000 to $10,000 a month, help pay off a $25,000 debt — and allow the church to do the Christian thing, he said.

***According to Guidestar, Lutheran Social Services of New York does not file a Form 990 tax return with the IRS because it says it’s exempt as a “church.”  I’ve seen that occasionally over the years (of course, it’s a way of hiding their financials from the public) and wonder that the ACLU isn’t interested in examining this situation—federal money flowing directly to a church (and not a “religious” IRS-approved non-profit group).  Hmmm!

Any forensic accountants following the money trail?

Endnote:  The AP has a longer story posted on this past Saturday, here.  Note that the AP reporter tried to talk with someone at Lutheran Social Services of New York (offices on Riverside Dr at the “God Box” where God is a Leftwinger) and they refused to comment.

For more on ‘unaccompanied minors’ here at RRW, click here.

Is Albany, NY Rep. Paul Tonko welcoming the “children?” Sure sounds like it!

Update:  Tonko’s Republican challenger is making the issue a campaign issue, see the story here.

He sure isn’t criticizing the idea of bringing hundreds of illegal alien teenagers to Albany.  Does he think like Obama that America needs the “dreamer” kids?  Story hat tip: Laurence.

Rep. Tonko: Strengthen NY communities by bringing in hundreds of Central American teenaged boys?

Meanwhile we note that another federal refugee contractor*** has its hand in the federal till!

From NBC

According to Paul Tonko, the Department of Health and Human Service is looking at many places across the country to house the children that cross the border without adults. There are a few places benig reviewed to house the children One of which, is the old Doane Stuart School building, located on Southern Boulevard in Albany.


“Initial reaction is that these children are escaping violence because of humanitarian efforts of this nation which I think has been our hallmark, to be humanitarian in response to, in this case, children,” said Tonko.


Tonko says other sites in New York State are also being investigated. However, he stresses funding will come from the federal level and not come from the state.  [Yeh right! No cost to the state!—ed]

Previously most federal contracts for caring for the “unaccompanied minors” went to the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and to the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.  Recently we saw that Church World Service is in on the action and now we see USCRIs (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants) hand in the federal till too!

All of the contractors were lobbying for ‘comprehensive immigration reform’ (S.744) so as to obtain more immigrant ‘clients’ and thus federal grants, but since they aren’t getting that windfall, they will get this one!

NBC continued:

Stacie Blake, with the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants says the main concern is safe place to put the children with access to immigration hearings and an airport.

Something her office knows a lot about.

“Our interest is seeing and hearing these interests upheld because we are learning of these very disturbing reports off these most vulnerable children,” she said.

Upstate New York appears to be a prime target for relocating the “children” away from the border.

All of our coverage of “unaccompanied minors”, going back years, is archived here.

***The contractors (remember some, maybe all by now! are being paid by you to take care of the illegal alien “children!”)