The Conservative Tree House (The Last Refuge) has a story yesterday, hat tip: Cathy, in which they question who are all the people we flew out of Afghanistan when few were Americans and few apparently were those with Special Immigrant Visas?
State Department Admits the majority of Afghans and SIVs who helped us did not evacuate, so who are these 116,000 Afghans we evacuated?
According to the data provided by the U.S. State Department in the last few days, the total number of people evacuated from the Kabul airport was 122,000. Of those, 6,000 were American citizens (AmCits), and 116,000 were Afghan refugees.
Today the State Department admits the “majority” of the qualified Afghan people who assisted the U.S. during operations in Afghanistan, Afghan Special Immigrant Visa (SIV) applicants, did not get evacuated. That admission begs the question: then who the heck are those 116,000 refugees?
Well, they mostly are not legitimate refugees (yet!). They are just more bodies the left is using to change America by changing the people.
How do I know? Because the federal resettlement contractors*** are anxious.
If they aren’t refugees, then they are likely being paroled into the US and that means there won’t be a large pot of payola for the contractors, nor will there be gobs of taxpayer money flowing to individual Afghans (well, at least not yet!) for a panoply of welfare programs.
It also means that they don’t automatically get permission to stay, but let me ask you: Do you think there is a chance in hell that any will ever be sent back to Afghanistan?
Keep in mind that I have been on (LOL!) sabbatical for most of the last month, so I haven’t been doing my usual extensive reading on refugee industry politics nor have I been following the contractors closely. Therefore this is not the definitive word on what the hell is going on as Biden’s White House team wings it!
However this bulletin from the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants explaining the program that is likely being used to move so many foreign nationals into the US so quickly is informative.
If they aren’t legit refugees it is questionable whether the contractors will be in on the action.
It appears that Congress might have to change some laws to free up welfare for a large number of Afghans (and in order for the contractors to help them because the contractors, of course, do not work for free!).
Below are screen shots of the opening paragraphs and the closing paragraph of the USCRI document (photographed because I am afraid the pdf might disappear).
By the way, the refugee industry lobbying arm—Refugee Council USA––has created opportunities for you to get involved promoting and lobbying for the quick placement of Afghans (whoever they are!) into America.
*** These are the nine Leftwing federal resettlement contractors that are busy beavers right now as they juggle for position to be awarded their allotments of ‘refugees’ (refugee industry watchers refer to the process as bidding for bodies).
Biden is aiming to top Obama in the refugee admission sweeps! 125,000 would top anything Obama did when welcoming in the third world to compete with low-skilled Americans for jobs.
Prior to the 2020 election steal, Biden/Harris promised they would immediately increase the refugee ceiling to admit 125,000 refugees in year one.
Indeed, increasing refugee admissions is a high priority for the Biden transition team, we are told.
Now there is a little waffling from the team, but those who stand to gain financially and otherwise from increased refugee admissions are trying to keep him focused (I expect that is a challenge considering his mental condition).
They are good propagandists as you will see when longtime refugee promotor Barbara Strack says it is vital to signal intent to drive up arrival numbers.
Hereis what CNN had to say about a recent transition team powwow:
Biden team prepares to revamp the US refugee admissions program
(CNN)President Donald Trump spent years limiting the number of refugees coming to the United States. President-elect Joe Biden, meanwhile, has pledged to set the annual refugee admissions cap at 125,000. But first, his team will have to contend with the damage left behind.
The refugee cap, which dictates how many refugees may be admitted to the US, must be approved by the president [The President sets the level with the US State Department, but the President is the decider—ed]. But where the cap has often been viewed as a goal to be reached, the actual number of refugees admitted has fallen short under the Trump administration.
Correction! The number set is a CEILING that is not to be surpassed except in a case of an emergency. It is rarely achieved. It was never meant to be a goal! See below that even St. Obama fell short. They NEVER tell you that!
This year, the Trump administration set a refugee cap of 15,000, the lowest level since 1980.
“The program that this incoming administration is inheriting is on its last breath,” said Danielle Grigsby, director of policy and practice at Refugee Council USA.
“It’s going to require both political will and an early investment in overturning policies to see the program begin to operate as it can and is intended to.”
“The infrastructure within the government, as well as the infrastructure in the NGO community, has been very badly affected by the last four years, so we’re assessing that in order to figure out how quickly the administration can move,” a transition official told reporters during a Tuesday press call. [If the infrastructure is so damaged how did those NGO CEOs’ salaries increase!—ed]
Hmmm! A little waffling from Biden?
“It will get done and it will get done quickly. But it’s not going to be able to be done on day one, lift every restriction that exists,” Biden said.
Building up refugee admissions has been a focus between the Biden transition team and the Department of Homeland Security, which plays a role in the process, according to a source familiar with the discussions, who noted that the team is assessing what needs to be fixed to eventually hit Biden’s goal.
Asked if the Biden administration would endeavor to set that cap in fiscal year 2021, a transition official said it’s “early to say,” adding that it “depends on the state of the infrastructure, which is something we’re determining.”
In the last few years of Obama’s presidency, the administration raised the refugee ceiling from 85,000 in fiscal year 2016 to 110,000 in fiscal year 2017 amid the Syrian crisis.
It gets tiresome to have to continually demonstrate how devious these people are when they talk to the uninformed media, but I guess someone has to do it.
Note how the propagandists like to tout those Obama CEILINGS! Well here is the reality.
Data below is from the Refugee Processing Centerthat, I am sorry to say, has been deleted or removed from public view so as to keep you in the dark going forward. Lucky for me I had a screenshot of this page.
Look very closely at the Ceilings in the first column and the actual admissions in the second one. Obama’s presidency began in 2009. What do you see? He never reached the Ceiling and in some years fell many thousands of refugees short of that Ceiling.
My guess is that Strack is itching for a big job in a Biden Admin. She seems to be all over the place throwing in her two cents worth.
Barbara Strack, former chief of the Refugee Affairs Division at US Citizenship and Immigration Services, was involved in the push to increase the capand cautioned that rebuilding the program will take time. Even so, signaling an intent to drive up arrivals is significant, Strack argued.
“I still think it’s very worthwhile for the administration to share that goal publicly because it lets the State Department, USCIS and [the Office of Refugee Resettlement] to start building that level,” she said. “It gives everyone their marching orders on what to build toward.”
The dwindling of the refugee ceiling under Trump has also had ripple effects in the US resettlement process, particularly for agencies tasked with helping refugees get set up.
The US Catholic Bishops want a refugee czar in the White House! Gee where have I heard this before!
Ashley Feasley, director of policy at the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, a refugee resettlement agency, said her organization is advocating that the Biden team appoint a senior-level White House coordinator to coordinate federal agencies and other stakeholders around rebuilding the US refugee admissions program.
So we can add Danielle, Barbara and Ashley to the list of those who put Americans last!
Americans Last!
This is what I said to Neil Munro at Breitbart, and you should ask the same every chance you get.
There’s no sense trying to argue with [progressives] except to turn it back and say; ‘What about our own poor people? Why aren’t they interested in taking care of our poor Americans? Our homeless? Why are refugees and immigrants somehow cooler and more desirable to take care of than our own poor people? Have we run out of poor Americans to take care of?’ No, clearly, we have not run out of poor Americans.
For new readers these are the Progressive groups, some claim they are ‘religious’ charities, that put the wellbeing of refugees and illegal migrants ahead of struggling Americans.
“Biden could immediately raise the refugee admissions goal for the coming year.”
(Sarah Seniuk, advocacy and communications manager at the Refugee Council USA)
Salivating right out in the open, the refugee contractors lobbying arm tells Voice of Americain a post election story that Biden will lift Muslim ban and over 27,000 refugees from countries that hate us are actually in a pipeline ready to move to the United States.
US Cuts Refugee Admissions, Creating Doubt for Tens of Thousands of Applicants
After reporting on the historically low number of refugees that the Trump Administration has admitted to the US and the low number set for this fiscal year (FY2021) that began October first, we hear this:
The new ceiling (15,000), down from 18,000 the previous fiscal year and far lower than the 84,000 refugees admitted in 2016, will remain in effect at least until January and possibly beyond, even if there is a transition at the White House. [Keep reading—ed]
Humanitarian organizations told VOA the number of Syrian, Somali and Yemeni refugees already referred for resettlement in the U.S. was almost double the number established by the cap.
More Ilhan Omars coming our way!
As of October 27, nonprofit groups confirmed that 27,023 individuals were in the “pipeline” for resettlement in the United States, pending security checks.
The breakdown among the countries was 12,924 from Somalia, 14,084 from Syria and 15 people from Yemen, according to two humanitarian organizations.
Then this….
The duration of the notice (Fy2021 Presidential determination) could depend on who occupies the White House in January.
Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden vowed during the campaign to raise the refugee admissions ceiling to 125,000.
Sarah Seniuk, advocacy and communications manager at the Refugee Council USA, said Biden could “immediately raise the refugee admissions goal for the coming year. In preparing to leave office, [President Barack] Obama had set for [fiscal] 2017 at 110,000, and upon his inauguration, [President Donald] Trump lowered the number down to 45,000.”
We reportedway back in June that Biden has promised to raise the refugee admissions ceiling to 125,000 if elected President. That annual number beats anything Obama ever did.
Really, with all the much more important and interesting news coming at us every other minute, I am sure the US Refugee Admissions Program is the farthest thing from your minds.
However, it isn’t for the resettlement contractors under their lobbying umbrella, the Refugee Council USA*** which held a press call earlier this month to wail and moan over the status of the program.
You can read the story yourself at the Catholic publication Crux, but here is one little snip of the press call (unclear how much press was even on the call).
As federal fiscal year nears, refugee resettlement agencies fear the worst
You will remember that refugee champion, California Rep. Zoe Lofgren, played a major role in the Trump Impeachment charade.
In a Sept. 10 press call hosted by Refugee Council USA, which included a panelist from Catholic Charities Dallas, a volunteer at a Catholic refugee resettlement agency, and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren, among others, participants expressed worries about how the administration has chiseled away at the program and its possible demise if a second term of the Trump presidency comes to fruition.
“The administration has systematically reduced our commitment to resettling refugees,” said Lofgren, a Democrat from California and chair of the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Citizenship. “The Trump administration, regrettably, has completely betrayed the spirit and the letter of the Refugee Act.”
Meanwhile at a rally in Minnesota Trump focused on Joe Biden’s plan to rev-up the refugee program if he wins in November. From Politico:
Trump at Minnesota rally: Biden will turn state into a ‘refugee camp’
Expect some news in the next ten days as fiscal year 2021 arrives on October first.
Remember that there is no requirement in the Refugee Act of 1980for the President to admit a single refugee.
All posts on this year’s determination aretagged FY2021.
***I have an extensive archive on the Refugee Council USA,the Washington DC lobbying office created under the auspices of Church World Service, that works to promote refugee resettlement.
Just now as I read this latest salvo against HIAS (one of nine refugee contractors that monopolize all resettlement to the US) charging that the ‘Jewish’ group has been snuggling up to Islam-first groups like CAIR and Islamic Relief, I went back to the Refugee Council USAmembers page that I had partially screenshot only a week ago when I wrote about the growing storm over the leadership of the Conference of Presidents—an organization that brings together groups that support Israel and the Jewish people.
I took this screenshot only a week ago of the membership page of RCUSA which is the lobbying arm of the refugee industry in the US.
There were 29 groups listed as members. Islamic Relief USA was one.
But somewhere between Monday and Friday this past week, Islamic Relief USA was removed (or removed itself) from the membership roster. See a screenshot today! There must be a story here!
Just to be sure I wasn’t hallucinating I went to the Wayback Machine and found that on April 27 Islamic Relief was still there and that RCUSA touted 29 member groups. Today it is 28 members.
So, the question is, did Islamic Relief quit or did they get the boot!?
We will likely never know because RCUSA is a secretive organization I’ve been trying to learn more about for years.
On the day a few weeks ago when my internet went down I was planning a post about them. They have a paid staff, they have a Washington, DC office, they are active ‘educating’ Congress about the need to bring in more refugees, they reach out to grassroots open borders activists to give them instructions, etc.
They are not incorporated (as far as I can tell), they are not a 501(c)3 charitable organization, but supposedly their banker is Church World Service.
However, when I searched through CWS’sForm 990s I found no mention of money that passes through CWS to RCUSA.