Samantha Power arrives at the UN dressed like a teenager

On her first day at the United Nations, great friend of Valerie Jarrett and one of the chief architects (with Hillary and Susan Rice) of our Libya involvement, new UN envoy Samantha Power spoke to refugee kids dressed like a teeny-bopper going to the beach in a sleeveless, above the knee, tank-top dress (and it wasn’t very hot in NYC that day, so she didn’t have that excuse!).

Samantha Power talks to refugee kids affiliated with federal contractor International Rescue Committee in NYC Monday. Photo: Reuters Eric Thayer

LOL!  this is my outreach to the low information crowd!

I figured maybe she had changed clothes to talk to the youngsters, but no, if you check the news, this (see photo) is how she dressed to present her credentials to the august body.  Her attire is the equivalent of John Bolton arriving in shorts and a polo shirt!

Maybe I’m just too old fashioned and think women in power should be more professional looking.

And, we cannot assume she is sending a message to the Islamists in the UN about freedom for women with her choice of clothes! (Other than a message that she is not to be taken seriously).

From Reuters:

(Reuters) – U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power faced some tough questions during her first day on the job on Monday, but they did not come from other U.N. Security Council envoys – instead she was grilled by refugee students in New York City.

At the International Rescue Committee’s Refugee Youth Summer Academy in downtown Manhattan, students asked Power questions ranging from how did she meet President Barack Obama to would she send troops to Afghanistan and her thoughts on communism.

Wouldn’t you love to know her opinion on communism!  And, by the way, as a protege of George Soros she earlier sat on the Board of the International Rescue Committee that will soon see David Miliband take the reins.

She apparently gave some thought to what she would wear on her first day….

At the Refugee Youth Summer Academy – a six-week program that helps prepare newly arrived refugees aged 5 to 19 for the New York school system – Power likened her first day on the job to their first day at school.

“Like me you’ll probably think about what you’ll wear and will it go well and will people like me,” she said. “Every time you do something new it’s scary.”

On a serious note:  We have written extensively about Power’s career (click here for our complete archive).  She was tasked with reforming the Refugee Resettlement Program when she arrived at the White House in Obama’s first term.  Human rights lobbyists were thrilled to call her the ‘Iraqi refugee czar.’  She did throw some money to the resettlement contractors, but there wasn’t much reform that I could see.

She was quoted as saying she was sick of doing “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff” in relation to Christian Iraqis, here.   And, I was very surprised to see her go into hiding when the Benghazi terror attack happened because she, Hillary and Rice were in on pushing Obama to get on the oust-Gaddafi bandwagon in the first place.   I even wrote a post suggesting the White House (Jarrett?) was keeping Power safe from criticism when the Benghazi fire storm erupted.

On August first, the Senate voted 87-10 to confirm Power as the new US Ambassador to the UN.  Here is the vote (hat tip: Robin).  The ten sensible and brave Republicans who voted NO! are:  Barrasso, Cruz, Enzi, Heller, Lee, Paul, Rubio, Scott, Shelby, and Vitter.

As Robin pointed out, a big disappointment is that Sessions voted Aye.  Power’s doctrine—the responsibility to protect—is, and will be, responsible for many more impoverished migrants arriving in the US, so what was Sessions thinking?

UN closes refugee camp on Libya-Tunisia border, refugees refuse to leave

This is one of many enduring legacies Obama’s excellent adventure in Libya has left us.  Actually I should say Obama and his Humanitarian Vulcans—Clinton, Rice and Power—left us!   Tens of thousands of refugees were created when we helped oust Qaddafi.  Many were workers who had gone to Libya to work in the oilfields.  So much for Samantha Power’s “responsibility to protect!”

In truth, perhaps it was the Al-Qaeda rebels she and the girls were protecting.  Just think what a danger Samantha Power will be if confirmed as Obama’s UN Ambassador!

Samantha Power’s refugees at Choucha camp on the Libyan-Tunisian border at the heyday of US involvement in the Libyan conflict.  Photo: Renaud Philippe.

The UN High Commissioner for Refugees was eager to close this camp, but the remaining refugees are demanding resettlement to third countries—that means the US, Canada, or Australia, because those three are really resettling the bulk of the world’s refugees

From the Saudi Gazette:

TRIPOLI — Some 650 refugees have refused to leave the Choucha refugee camp at the Tunisian-Libyan border, which officially closed Sunday.

The United Nations refugee agency UNHCR announced the closure of the camp in March but many refugees have stayed on, despite water and electricity supplies being cut off. A Chadian resident, Mussa Ibrahim, confirmed that the camp is still open and continuing to house around 650 residents.

“The camp may be closed theoretically,” he said: “UNHCR said they closed it for administrative reasons, but they did it for media hype.”

He also told the Libya Herald that basic services have been reduced over the last week. The water, he said, was stopped, forcing refugees to fetch water from neighboring areas in Ben Guerdane.

Ibrahim said that the camp’s residents, especially asylum seekers who have had their applications rejected, are waiting for a satisfactory solution.

The Tunisian government’s earlier decision to integrate remaining camp residents into Tunisian society, or return them to Libya, was rejected by some refugees, who asked UNHCR to reconsider their demand to be resettled in Western countries. These individuals are apparently mainly from sub-Saharan Africa, Palestine and Iraq. The Tunisian Ministry of Social Affairs, said Ibrahim, has started taking fingerprints from refugees, on a voluntary basis, in a move to grant some six-month residence permits. “This would also give us free movement in Tunisia,” Ibrahim explained, adding: “Until then, we cannot leave the camp.” However, his permit, which he needs to support his family, has not yet materialized.

By the way, we have been resettling refugees from the Libyan upheaval with the theory that we broke it, we fix it.  Now we are moving on to doing the same thing in Syria!  At my most cynical moments, I think the goal of all of  our involvements in the Middle East is the creation of more refugees.

Samantha Power, White House Iraqi refugee czar, Soros protege’ leaving Obama Administration

Power, also the architect of Obama’s excellent adventure in Libya, was supposed to have led an intergovernmental reform of the Refugee Resettlement Program which never happened unless you consider throwing more money to the contractors a reform!  By the way, she once served as a director of the wealthiest refugee resettlement contractor (funded largely by US taxpayers)—the International Rescue Committee (George Rupp, their head honcho makes a cool $447,432 in salary and benefits which beats Obama’s $400,000 salary!)

Human Rights First cheered her role as Iraqi refugee czar at the White House here in 2009.  But, by 2011 Power was quoted (by Joe Klein) as saying she wanted more exciting work then the “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff”  of helping beleaguered Christians in Iraq.  So she moved on to working with Obama’s female hawks to oust Gaddafi from Libya (we see how that is working out!).  Well, heck, the move produced a whole new wave of refugees in need of resettlement services from the federal contractors!

Power’s name came up as a possible second-term pick for either UN Ambassador if Susan Rice moved up to the Secretary of State position we all know went to John Kerry.   There had even been talk that Power, a Soros protege’, might be in line to fill her nemesis’ shoes at State.  Remember Power called Hillary a “monster” during the 2008 Presidential primary campaign.

We have a lot of posts on Power, you can check them out here.

The percentage of white men surrounding the President just went up!

Here is Bloomberg on Power’s leave-taking (for now anyway):

Samantha Power, one of President Barack Obama’s top advisers on national security and a longtime aide, is leaving the administration, at least temporarily, to focus on family matters, a White House spokesman said.

Power, director for multilateral affairs and human rights at the National Security Council, has served as an aide to Obama since his 2008 presidential campaign and is a Pulitzer Prize- winning author for her book on genocide. She has two young children, one three years old and the other eight months.

Power probably will return to the administration, though no decisions have been made on what her future role might be, according to the spokesman, Tommy Vietor.

“Samantha has been a powerful voice in this administration and a longtime friend and adviser to the president,” Vietor said. “We will miss her at the NSC, and we look forward to continuing the president’s work promoting human rights and dignity.”

Power, 42, who successfully advocated for the 2011 intervention in Libya on humanitarian grounds, has played a central role in discussions over how far the U.S. should go to protect civilians from repressive regimes.   [Her ‘responsibility to protect’ doctrine is a thinly disguised excuse to send the US to war—ed]


Her departure comes as Obama has been criticized for not appointing a sufficient number of women to high-profile posts as he forms his second-term team.

Mali: Muslim “rebels” creating more refugees on the move in Africa

Here we go again (from

A statement from the UNHCR quoted its spokesperson Melissa Fleming during a news briefing in Geneva on Friday as saying that a further 700 000 people may be displaced by the fresh wave of violence to hit the landlocked West African country as a foreign intervention force engage the rebels who have been in control of northern Mali since April 2012.

“We believe there could be in the near future an additional 300,000 displaced inside Mali and up to 400 000 additional displaced people in neighbouring countries as a result of the unrest” Fleming remarked.

According to her horrific, accounts of amputations and executions have been reported in Islamist-controlled regions of Mali, with claims suggesting that some civilians were being lured with large sums of money to defend the territories from the onslaught by Malian troops backed by French ground forces and airstrikes.

She also said there were reports of children fighting within the ranks of the rebels who continue to put up stiff resistance against intervention forces.

Close to 200, 000 displaced Malians have fled to neighbouring Mauritania, Niger, Burkina Faso and Algeria since the conflict began in March 2012 with over 300, 000 more internally displaced.

Will Samantha Power and her “responsibility to protect” get us into this conflict too?

Iraqi refugee czar, and Soros puppet, Samantha Power to fill UN Ambassador post?

That is according to a lengthy discussion at The Asian Tribune and it of course depends on US Ambassador Susan Rice’s elevation to the Secretary of State position Obama is pushing.

I’m posting this portion of the Asian article just to remind us, and build an archive here, about this dangerous George Soros puppet—the “humanitarian vulcan” Samantha Power.   Actually I also have a theory that if Susan Rice is shot down due to her ridiculous display on Benghazi that Obama could substitute Power and the Senate would give a collective sigh of relief and not muster an objection thinking they defeated the worst choice Obama could make.  Rice is a “yes-man,” but Power is truly dangerous.

Although White House Iraqi Refugee Czar Power mouths concern for “human rights” she famously said she was sick of doing “rinkey-dink do-gooder stuff” like standing up for beleaguered Christians in Iraq.  So, I guess in her mind, not all human rights are equal.

Besides forming interconnected groups as I reported here in a February 2010 post when writing about Power and Soros, much of the Socialist Left’s international interference hides under the “humanitarian” white hat.    (Political Environmentalists do that too—hide behind a supposed preservationist goal that is only a  facade while padding their pockets and pushing their political agenda, but that is a story for another day and another blog.)

They give the impression that they are motivated only by caring and goodness, that they have heart (and you don’t) and it gives them license to go to war, just as they did in Libya.   Soros and his girls are just power-hungry fascist control freaks.

Anyway, nothing earth-shattering in the Asian article about Power and Rice and their mucking around in Sri Lankan affairs, but I just want to have this article in our Samantha Power archive.

Dr. Samantha Power, the special assistant to President Obama, the senior director of the US National Security Council handling the subject multilateral affairs and human rights, and the head of the Atrocities Prevention Board is tipped to succeed Dr. Susan Rice as the United States Permanent representative to the United Nations is another top official who has devoted some time to the issues confronting Sri Lanka even undertaking an official fact-finding tour to Colombo in June 2010.


The journalist, activist and Harvard professor, Samantha Power, burst onto the foreign policy scene in 2003 with her book “A Problem from Hell”, which accused the United States of intentionally ignoring genocides.

Ms. Power has mostly stayed away from campaigns, but she stepped into the ring after meeting then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) in 2005. In fact, it was Senator Obama who invited her for a conversation after reading her book. Media reports at that time noted that at their first meeting, Power was so impressed that she offered to volunteer in his Senate office. She was one of Obama’s closest advisers on the 2008 campaign, at least until she called Obama’s then rival and now Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton a “monster” to a Scottish newspaper in a report published January 9, 2008. That week she withdrew from the Obama presidential campaign but, observers and media knew, she continued his unofficial adviser as it was very apparent when President Obama appointed her to an influential position in his National Security Council with the ‘tag’ ‘multilateral affairs and human rights’ when she arrived in Sri Lanka for her ‘fact finding tour’ June 14-18, 2010.

Ms. Power’s 2002 book A Problem from Hell: America and the Age of Genocide supports the humanitarian claim that genocide and human rights abuses can, in fact, be successfully stymied with the proper leadership.

She advocates that if only the United States were more proactive in stamping out moral abuses such as genocide, its security would be enhanced.

What moral abuses?  The ones Obama and Power/Soros say are moral abuses?  Powers’ “responsibility to protect” actually says we can and should go to war as the policemen for the world’s morals (whatever the hell that means).

….Samantha Power is President Obama’s ‘point person’ who monitors, investigates, researches and establishes policy planks on human rights, genocide, war crimes, international humanitarian law (IHL) for the administration’s specific understanding.

“She is clearly the foremost voice for human rights within the White House,” Kenneth Roth, executive director of Human Rights Watch, told The New York Times “and she has Obama’s ear.”

As tipped, if she occupies the position of US ambassador to the United Nations she has a greater leverage over such issues.

Readers, you may think the refugee resettlement initiatives of the UN and the US State Department represent a small subsection of the immigration problem, but I submit that the image of saving the world’s poor and downtrodden gives them a powerful public relations message that hides the real goal of mass immigration—-the creation of a Socialist borderless world.

The refugees themselves are just pawns for the power-hungry fascists—-Soros and Power.

For more, type ‘Samantha Power’ into our search function.