“It increasingly appears, therefore, that it will be Sweden that integrates into Islamic culture.”
(Judith Bergman, Gatestone Institute)
For years I’ve been saying that Sweden would be the first European nation to fall to Islamic supremacism and it seems to be happening faster and faster these days. The Netherlands, Germany, France are not far behind. But, LOL! since I am “old”I might see the end of Sweden as a Western Judeo-Christian democracy in my lifetime.
It is all about numbers, and in Sweden the numbers are already too great….
Yes! Western conservative-minded women must have more babies! Lots more babies! Demography is destiny!
Most of the educated women my age fell for the Left Wing activists’ admonition to have no more than 2 babies to save the planet—guess who didn’t listen?
LOL! Every time you hear Muslim political activists say that they are all for saving the environment and want global warming stopped, ask them if they plan to limit their family sizes!
Right Wing Watch reporter Miranda Blue
Thanks to Right Wing Watchfor getting my words out to a wider audience!
Of all the things I said in the interview with Sandy Rios on Friday, this is what stirs up the Left?
Seems to me that they better learn a little more about Islam and the Hijra.
Anti-Refugee Activist: Conservative Women ‘Better Have Babies’ To Prevent Sharia Takeover
Ann Corcoran, who heads the anti-refugee group Refugee Resettlement Watch, said in an interview with the American Family Association’s Sandy Rios this morning that she always tells conservative women that they had “better have babies” in order to prevent Muslims from constituting enough of the population to be able to “shove Sharia law down our throats.”
Rios, who is the American Family Association’s governmental affairs director and hosts a daily radio show on the group’s radio network, claimed that “many” Muslim refugees “are coming here for a purpose, and that is the purpose to overpopulate and dominate and really take over countries wherever they go eventually.” She cited a recent Pew report that found that Muslims are the world’s fastest-growing religious group in large part because “Muslims have more children than members of the seven other major religious groups.”
Corcoran agreed that “it doesn’t look very good,” warning that “Europe is going down the tubes” and the United States could face a similar fate if the Muslim population isn’t limited.
“It doesn’t even require a majority-Muslim population, it only requires a percentage of somewhere around 10 percent to start pushing for all sorts of Sharia compliance by the general public,” she said. “And the way things are going, and the fear most Europeans have of speaking up about this—or even Americans have, to some degree, to less degree perhaps than the Europeans—they’re just going to be able to shove Sharia law down our throats as time goes on just because people are too fearful to speak up. And I always tell conservative young women, you’d better have babies.”
“Yeah, right, and lots of them,” Rios responded. “Lots of them.”
Corcoran’s comments recalled Iowa Rep. Steve King’s recent remark that we “can’t restore our civilization with somebody else’s babies.”
Steve King nailed ithere (with his politically-incorrect truism) or their heads wouldn’t have exploded as they did!
Ms. Blue didn’t likemy video in 2015either, see here. Wow! I see this morning that it is at 2.9 million views!
What you can do:
People ask me all the time, what can they do to save America/Western Civilization (I just started a new category titled: What you can do). Here is one more idea—encourage like-minded young women to have large families! Make it a badge of honor. Or, if you don’t know any, at least talk openly/publicly about the subject of demographic destiny and the advance of Shariah law.
So are they going to give up this aspect of their ‘culture’ when they assimilate to life in the West? I doubt it. This is creeping sharia, by the way. Where are Europe’s feminists who should be fighting for the young girls? And, it just occurred to me, is the US admitting Muslim refugees with young girls as wives? Is anyone reporting that information? And, are they even legally married? Invasion of Europe news….
From Russia Today:
Some 1,475 minor refugees, mostly girls, have arrived in Germany already married, the majority of whom come from Syria, Afghanistan, and Iraq, an official report cited by German media says. Almost one in four are reportedly less than 14 years old.
The numbers from the government migration office were released in the Westdeutsche Allgemeine Zeitung (WAZ) newspaper on Friday.
According to data collected in July of this year, some 1,475 refugee minors were recorded by the migration office as married. The usual minimum age for marriage in Germany is 18, but an exception can be made for 16-year-old children if they have their parents’ permission.
The majority of married minors arrived from Syria (664), Afghanistan (157), Iraq (100), Bulgaria (65), Poland (41), Romania (33), and Greece (32), the report says. Girls make up the majority – at least 1,152.
Germany isn’t the only European country with “child brides” issues. In February of this year, similar cases were also reported in Norway, where at least 61 minors, several under the age of sexual consent, were married at the time they applied for asylum in Norway, according to government figures for 2015. It was later revealed that child brides were being allowed to stay with their older husbands in Norwegian asylum centers.
Dozens of young female asylum seekers were also discovered living with older men in Danish refugee centers and, in March of this year, at least 70 married girls under the age of 18 were found in asylum centers in Sweden, including in major cities like Stockholm and Malmo.
Go here for our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.
Of course he would because many of the world’s refugees are Muslims and it is through their migration (the Hijra!) that London, indeed the whole of England, has effectively been conquered.
London’s new mayor Sadiq Khan joined the #RefugeesWelcome campaign
It is this business of electing Muslim mayors that is one of the issues that concerned me in 2007 when I launched Refugee Resettlement Watch.
But first…
You’ve all seen the news from London, if not, here is one report from Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily:
The United States recently saw its first Muslim-majority city council elected in Hamtramck, Michigan.
But voters in Britain’s capital and largest city just delivered an even bigger prize to Islam.
London elected Sadiq Khan as its mayor on Friday, making him the most powerful Muslim politician in the Western world.
Kahn’s rise is a testimony to the fact that major sections of the city are already close to 50 percent Muslim, and critics say many of its non-Muslim residents seem comfortable with turning the top elected post over to a man with questionable connections to terrorists.
Khan was accused of being unfit to become London’s next mayor after footage emerged of him describing moderate Muslims of being “Uncle Toms.”
Cameron announced May 4 that Britain would accept an undisclosed number of unaccompanied Syrian children seeking asylum in Italy, Greece or France. Britain has already agreed to resettle 20,000 Syrian refugees, not nearly as many as Germany but more than the U.S.
Dr. Mark Christian, who grew up in Egypt the son of a Muslim Brotherhood father and became a child imam by the time he was 14 only to later renounce Islam and become Christian, said the rise of Muslim politicians in major European cities is inevitable given the brisk pace of Islamic migration.
Islamic Relief (a charity!) has launched a bus advertisement campaign in London with ‘Glory to Allah’ banners. They are celebrating Khan’s election although they claim it is to raise money for charity. Readers should know that Islamic Relief USA (a sister organization) has been identified working with Muslim refugees in a couple of US states so far. http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/two-days-after-electing-muslim-mayor-london-buses-will-now-carry-subhan-glory-to-allah-adverts/
Conquest without the sword!
“The narrative that he is connected to radical Islam is by itself something the West invented, trying to differentiate between regular Islam and radical Islam. Islam is Islam,” he said. “The mindset of Muslims, whether Mr. Khan is devout or not, is such that he will be used by other Muslim leaders to accomplish things that have never happened through the sword.”
In truth, the views of a “moderate” Muslim like Khan differ from the violent jihadists only as a matter of strategy. The end goal of the Brotherhood is Shariah, Christian said.
Goal of electing 30 Muslim mayors in the US by 2015!
Hendi and Obama. http://www.imamyahyahendi.com/
That is what an Imam told an audience in Saudi Arabia in August of 2007 as reported by the Washington Times (front page story!).
As far as I can tell, no one paid any attention to Imam Yahya Hendi’s confident prediction.
Of course Hendi and his fellow strategists failed (so far), but that doesn’t mean that they have given up. If Muslim migration continues unabated, America too will have Muslim mayors.
Here is Hendi(the Islamic chaplain at Georgetown Univ.):
“Last year, we elected the first Muslim to Congress, and I expect that by 2015, there will be three or four, as well as at least 30 mayors,” he said, adding that the number of Muslim lawyers in the United States has multiplied since September 11.
Indeed! if Muslims were here to assimilate and not advance shariah, why on earth would it matter to them what religion elected officials are? And, why go to Saudi Arabia to report this ‘progress?’
This is what I said in 2007when there was complete silence about Hendi’s admission of their goals in America:
Can you imagine if some Catholic or Jewish leader was telling a foreign nation that they were working toward 30 (any number) Jewish mayors, or 30 Catholic mayors, all hell would break loose in the mainstream media!
I’m laughing envisioning a Jewish US mayoral candidate going to Israel and bragging that he was part of a movement to elect 30 Jewish mayors in the next few years—he or she would be driven out of town by the media. Similarly a bragging Catholic candidate reporting in to Rome would suffer the same fate. Why did no one slam Imam Hendi at the time? Fear?
Or, at least in a country that follows shariah law!
That is the gist of the comments a film maker received from several young Somali men and women interviewed on the streets of “Little Mogadishu” (aka Minneapolis) recently.
Here is World Net Daily late yesterday:
On Friday a camera crew with the David Horowitz Freedom Centerreleased a video posted to Robert Spencer’s blog, Jihad Watch, in which documentary filmmaker Ami Horowitz interviews Somali men and women on the streets of Cedar Riverside.
Young Somalis who grew up and were educated in America (on your dime!) still believe it is o.k. to kill people, like Pamela Geller, who do not agree with the teachings of the Koran and exercise their Constitutionally guaranteed right of free speech.
Their answers to questions about Islamic law, American law and issues of peace and freedom were revealing.
Continue reading here. They discuss their hatred for Pamela Geller in addition to extolling the virtues of following Islamic law—shariah—which of course would permit them to kill her. Then this near the end:
The interviewer asked one final question: If they had a choice, would the Somalis rather live in America or back in Somalia?
“I’d rather to live a Muslim country with my people,”the young man with the Brooklyn Nets cap said without hesitation. “I’m not Americanized. I just speak fluent (English) and I’m articulate, and I can articulate what I’m trying to say. That’s about it. But as far as that my culture and my preferences and everything, it’s still Somali, you know what I mean?”
“I would rather live in Somalia,” said the man in the sunglasses.
“For me, I think Somalia,” said the woman in the pink hijab.
For new readers:
Check out some of our earlier posts. See this one from 2011‘Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis’which describes the decades’ old ‘work’ of federal refugee resettlement contractors: Lutheran Social Service of MN, Catholic Charities and World Relief (now called ‘Arrive Ministries’)that continue to resettle Somalis in Minnesota (over 10,000 in the last ten years alone).
And, don’t miss Lutheran Social Service of MN—-doing well by doing good! (here and here).