Somalis line up to return to Mogadishu from Kenyan refugee camp, yet we are still bringing them to the US from the same camp! Why?
So why are we still hauling them into the US by the thousands every year?
(UNHCR) – More than 100 Somali refugees from Kenya flew into the Somali capital Mogadishu on Wednesday, marking a new chapter in the voluntary return process.
Earlier in the day, two planes, carrying 116 people, took off from Dadaab camp in Northeastern Kenya. Dadaab is the largest refugee settlement in the world and hosts about 333,000 Somali refugees.
The voluntary returns came after the Tripartite Commission formed by UNHCR (UN High Commissioner for Refugees) and the Governments of Kenya and Somalia, agreed to step up support for voluntary repatriations of Somali refugees.
The Commission met on 29 July and decided to scale up assistance to Somali refugees in Kenya wishing to return home and agreed on a strategy that envisaged the voluntary repatriation of some 425,000 Somali refugees over a five-year period. Beside Dadaab, other Somali refugees live in Kakuma refugee camp and in major towns and cities across the country.
Despite continuing security challenges, refugees have started to return to Somalia. Between December 2014 and early August, 2015, some 2,969 Somali refugees returned to the districts of Luuq, Baidoa and Kismayo, with UNHCR support as part of a pilot phase which has now ended.
Still more have returned spontaneously without receiving assistance from UNHCR…
I guess these are the brave and resourceful Somalis who want to help make their country a better place to live! Look at the data! We have admitted 7,044 Somalis to the US just this fiscal year! Wouldn’t it make more sense for the UN to educate them in Dadaab and send them HOME to rebuild Somalia rather than drop them off as meatpacking cheap (slave) labor in the American Midwest or reliable voters to support the likes of Rep. Keith Ellison.
Heck, we even have a Minnesota woman running to be President of Somalia!
Is it time for that repatriation fund?
How about a bill in Congress that would fund the return of Somalis to Somalia (throwing in a little start up money) and let them go home!
And, at the same time, stop new ones from coming in!
That is something every thinking person could get behind! Gee, if Rep Ellison truly cared about the Somalis and rebuilding their homeland he should introduce this bill! This might even be a bill that could reach across the aisle!
This isn’t the first time a Minnesota Somali has run for president in Somalia, but it does beg the question—do people like St. Cloud resident Anab Dahir get to vote here and at the same time be a candidate to lead a foreign country? And, do all those Somalis who have become American citizens (and some who vote who aren’t citizens!) get to vote in Somalia and here?
Shouldn’t they have to decide to which country they have loyalty? I expect Anab Dahir has an easy time ‘campaigning’ in Minnesota, be interesting to see how she does in Somalia.
If she should win, will she go live in Somalia or govern from Minnesota?
If she goes to Somalia, doesn’t that mean that others of her countrymen should go there too? And, in that case we sure shouldn’t be admitting NEW Somali refugees to the US.
We have admitted 6,226 Somali ‘refugees’ to the US in the first 9 months of fiscal year 2015, here. Are they all going to vote here and in Somalia?
Just checked another US State Department data baseand found out that so far in FY2015, Minnesota got 846 new Somali refugees. 437 went to Minneapolis. St. Cloud ‘welcomed’ 189 more Somalis and St. Paul got 76. Small numbers went to 26 other towns and cities in Minnesota.
For new readers, the UN/US State Department sent 10,000 Somalis to Minnesota over the last ten years, here. That number does not include the over 2,000 secondary migrants that go to MN each year from other locations around the US as the Somalis build an enclave in Minnesota.
From Midnimo:
“Men have led Somalia for 25 years and they’ve never done anything,” says Anab Dahir.
Anab Dahir, a medical clinic interpreter and 42-year-old mother of six living in St. Cloud, Minnesota, came to the United States from Somalia in 1997, seeking asylum in the Chicago airport. Now an American citizen, she is active in the rapidly growing Somali community in her Midwestern state. She has become so civic-minded, in fact, that she has decided to run for office — not in the U.S., but in her birthplace. Dahir is running to become the first female president of Somalia. “Men have led Somalia for 25 years and they’ve never done anything,” she says. “Now, it’s the women’s turn.”
Continue reading here.
I think Al-shabaab, the Islamic terrorists there, will have something to say about a woman leading the country of Somalia, don’t you?
Update April 2nd: Somali Islamists slaughter 147 mostly Christians in Kenya today, here.
This is an excellent summary of how it is happening—whether it’s the Islamization of Europe, Christian countries in Africa, like Kenya, and eventually in Minneapolis, Dearborn and a town near you—as the Muslim population expands, Muslim leaders increase their demands that infidels change to accommodate Islam. And, hovering menacingly in the background is the threat of violence.
Rt. Rev. Robert Martin, leader of the Anglican Diocese of Marsabit: “There is the belief that Islam is pursuing the Islamization of Kenya.”
I’ve just snipped a few small bits from the lengthy Christian Science Monitorpiece from yesterday, so please read it all. I think you will be surprised at the weakness of the Christian church in Africa.
“There is this fear that Muslims are stepping on other people’s toes by demanding to practice their faith in places that don’t belong to them,”says Hassan Ole Naado, head of the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM).
It’s a reckoning happening worldwide, with Europe in particular grappling with how to accommodate Muslim immigrants. But in Kenya, the presence of militants in neighboring Somalia who have vowed to retaliate for Kenya’s military intervention there adds immediacy to the problem.
This bolder face is seen across Kenya’s disparate Muslim communities: They are forming civil rights advocacy groups, ascending within the Kenyan government…
It doesn’t take a Muslim majority to bring a country to its knees:
To Christians, who make up about 80 percent of Kenya’s population and have long dominated political and social institutions, the rise comes with a tinge of menace.
“Most of our church leaders feel Muslims are trying to take over government,” says the Rt. Rev. Robert Martin, an Englishman who leads the Anglican Diocese of Marsabit. “There is the belief that Islam is pursuing the Islamization of Kenya.”
Of course it is!
Photo comes from a very interesting story here about the Anglican split from the Episcopal church.
Our supposed surveillance of the Somali “community” in Minneapolis didn’t catch this jihadist—one of many Somali youths we raised on your dime!
Over the last 24 hours two stories came to my attention about how the federal government and local law enforcement supposedly have their hands full and are crafting programs and spending big bucks on surveillance of the Somali refugee “community” in several Office of Refugee Resettlement“preferred” resettlement cities—notably Minneapolis and San Diego. They are looking for budding terrorist activity.
Both articles question how well the spy agencies and local FBI are doing. Both are leading readers to conclude that spying on Somalis is a waste of money and take away their civil liberties.
The first article, published yesterday in theNew Yorkeris too long to keep my interest, maybe it will keep yours! I feel like saying yes, we know about San Diego’s nest of Somalis connected to Al-Shabaab. We have written about them on many occasions (click here for our San Diego archive).
Although the writer is busy trying really hard to show that phone surveillance under the Patriot Act is catching only a small handful of little-fish funders of the jihad in Africa, I was most interested in what it never mentions!
Not once in this giant tome is there any reference to how the Somalis got here in the first place through the Refugee Resettlement Program of the US State Department.
Some readers, new to the whole Somali migration to America issue, would think that Somalis got in some migration ‘line’ in Africa and simply ‘found their way’ to San Diego. Although there is much discussion about where they live in San Diego, again, not a word about the federally-funded resettlement contractors (Alliance for African Assistance, Jewish Family Services, International Rescue Committee, and Catholic Charities) who found them their apartments, or the State Department that flew them there. The word “refugee” appears only once in the article and that is in conjunction with the word “camp” as in “refugee camp.”
One thing that is mentioned as if it is just your normal every day occurrence is the discussion about Somalis (refugees remember! who have escaped PERSECUTION) simply traveling back and forth to Somalia (in one case to find a wife). If Somalia was safe enough for regular visits why in hell did we bring them here!
Through remittances your money is holding up hell holes around the world!
Then there is this section in the New Yorker piece (one of the few that got my attention!) that is only used to describe why the Somali star of the story needed to get involved with a hawala, Shidaal Express, a money transfer agency. (We first wrote about Shidaal Express in 2009 and have mentioned it a few times since, here).
In 2013, foreign remittances to Somalia reached $1.3 billion, which accounts for roughly half of the country’s G.D.P. Most of this money moves through hawalas, informal networks of Islamic money-transfer agents. Some U.S. hawalas are underground; some are affiliated with licensed banks. It’s difficult for authorities to track which hawala transfers buy food and other necessities in Somalia and which might be support for militant groups. But most agree that the current system is preferable to Somali émigrés’ making periodic trips with bundles of cash. “Somehow the money’s going to move,” Carol Beaumier, a former federal bank examiner, said in a recent interview with American Banker.
Although some of the $1.3 billion goes from other countries to Somalia, much of that comes from YOU (the US taxpayer)! through the myriad welfare programs and other state and federally funded “programs” Somali refugees tap into.
Only last month we learned about a fraudulent day care scheme in Minneapolis where funds skimmed from the state were allegedly being sent to Africa!
I will bet a buck that those ‘economic’ studies being used in cities by the pro-open borders propagandists at Welcoming America, which claim that immigrants and refugees bring boom times to troubled cities, do not include how much of a city’s money is leaving the country.
You can read the whole New Yorker story (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’) yourself, if you find something you think needs to be flagged, add it as comment to this post.
The Intercept
The other story that came to my attention yesterday is from Minneapolis where the news magazine—The Intercept—a publication created and funded by eBay founder Pierre Omidyar exposes NSA information in the wake of the Snowden leak.
The article entitled, ‘Spies Among Us: How Community Outreach Programs to Muslims Blur Lines between Outreach and Intelligence,’ is apparently trying to make the point that the Somali “community” of Minneapolis is being snookered (and spied upon) by the FBI.
Last May, after getting a ride to school with his dad, 18-year-old Abdullahi Yusuf absconded to the Minneapolis-St. Paul airport to board a flight to Turkey. There, FBI agents stopped Yusuf and later charged him with conspiracy to provide material support to a foreign terrorist organization—he was allegedly associated with another Minnesota man believed to have gone to fight for the Islamic State in Syria.
To keep other youth from following Yusuf’s path, U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger recently said that the federal government would be launching a new initiative to work with Islamic community groups and promote after-school programs and job training–to address the “root causes” of extremist groups’ appeal. “This is not about gathering intelligence, it’s not about expanding surveillance or any of the things that some people want to claim it is,” Luger said.
Luger’s comments spoke to the concerns of civil liberties advocates, who believe that blurring the line between engagement and intelligence gathering could end up with the monitoring of innocent individuals. If past programs in this area are any guide, those concerns are well founded.
Documents obtained by attorneys at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of Law, and shared with the Intercept, show that previous community outreach efforts in Minnesota–launched in 2009 in response to the threat of young Americans joining the al-Qaeda-linked militia al-Shabab, in Somalia—were, in fact, conceived to gather intelligence.
A grant proposal from the St. Paul Police Department to the Justice Department, which the Brennan Center obtained through a Freedom of Information Act request to the FBI, lays out a plan in which Somali-speaking advocates would hold outreach meetings with community groups and direct people toward the Police Athletic League and programs at the YWCA. The proposal says that “the team will also identify radicalized individuals, gang members, and violent offenders who refuse to cooperate with our efforts.” [I believe they need to be watched, but this is dumb!—CAIR must be jumping for joy!—ed]
“It’s startling how explicit it was – ‘You don’t want to join the Police Athletic League? You sound like you might join al-Shabab!’” said Michael Price, an attorney with the Brennan Center.
Read it all. Sure sounds like there is a movement afoot to throw cold water on any attempt by the federal government to monitor the growing Somali COMMUNITY for possible Islamic terrorist connections.
Meanwhile, another arm of the federal government, the US State Department, is importing new Somalis to America at record speed!
The State Department has admitted well over 100,000 in the last three decades, here. 9,000 were admitted in FY 2014 here. And, in this fiscal year (three months old) we have already admitted 2,801. If we keep that pace, FY2015 will see 11,204 NEW Somalis!
So while everyone has angst about keeping an eye on them, many more are coming in every single day!
And, remind me! What does America get out of this?
They are officially called remittances and have made the news lately, here, because American banks are increasingly refusing to send money to Somalia fearing it will end up in the hands of terrorists.
Rep. Keith Ellison (right), with Somali president, wants to keep the “hawalas” hopping and the money flowing.
The Pew Research Center earlier this year calculated that approximately $123,273,000,000 is sent out of the US every year. Hat tip: Jim.
The first five receiving countries in descending order are: Mexico, China, India, Philippines, and Nigeria. By the way, number 9 is El Salvador.
We’ve written about El Salvador previously in relation to remittances because the Salvadorans’ legal right to be in the US and work is continually renewed in the Temporary Protected Statusprogram. Even George Bush renewed their status here (again and again) and said we needed to continue to prop up the economy back home through remittances.
One of the major arguments of the open borders crowd is that immigrants work and fuel our economy, or is it the economy back home that they are fueling?
Rep. Keith Ellison of Minnesota has been the leader in charge of making sure money flows to Somalia, here. It is estimated that $120 million goes to Somalia from the US every year, but note that Pew has no idea of what the real number is.