As Muslim population grows, the Islamization of Kenya is underway

Update April 2nd:  Somali Islamists slaughter 147 mostly Christians in Kenya today, here.

This is an excellent summary of how it is happening—whether it’s the Islamization of Europe, Christian countries in Africa, like Kenya, and eventually in Minneapolis, Dearborn and a town near you—as the Muslim population expands, Muslim leaders increase their demands that infidels change to accommodate Islam.  And, hovering menacingly in the background is the threat of violence.

Rt. Rev. Robert Martin, leader of the Anglican Diocese of Marsabit: “There is the belief that Islam is pursuing the Islamization of Kenya.”

I’ve just snipped a few small bits from the lengthy Christian Science Monitor piece from yesterday, so please read it all.  I think you will be surprised at the weakness of the Christian church in Africa.

“There is this fear that Muslims are stepping on other people’s toes by demanding to practice their faith in places that don’t belong to them,” says Hassan Ole Naado, head of the Supreme Council of Kenya Muslims (SUPKEM).

It’s a reckoning happening worldwide, with Europe in particular grappling with how to accommodate Muslim immigrants. But in Kenya, the presence of militants in neighboring Somalia who have vowed to retaliate for Kenya’s military intervention there adds immediacy to the problem.

This bolder face is seen across Kenya’s disparate Muslim communities: They are forming civil rights advocacy groups, ascending within the Kenyan government…

It doesn’t take a Muslim majority to bring a country to its knees:

To Christians, who make up about 80 percent of Kenya’s population and have long dominated political and social institutions, the rise comes with a tinge of menace.


“Most of our church leaders feel Muslims are trying to take over government,” says the Rt. Rev. Robert Martin, an Englishman who leads the Anglican Diocese of Marsabit. “There is the belief that Islam is pursuing the Islamization of Kenya.”

Of course it is!

Photo comes from a very interesting story here about the Anglican split from the Episcopal church.

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