They are fighting back in Sweden!

The City is ours!  shouted the Swedes!

Swedes take to the streets to defend their city. You won’t see this mentioned in US mainstream media. Photo from Fria Tider

After five nights of watching rampaging immigrant gangs (largely from Africa and the Middle East) torching cars and destroying property, and the police taking a non-confrontational attitude toward the lawbreakers, the Swedish people are rising up!

There is hope for Western civilization in Europe after all!

Here is the story from the Fria Tider (thanks to reader Paul for making my day!):

Stockholm. Faced by another night of terror at the hands of predominantly immigrant rioters, Swedes grown tired of the police’s inability to put an end to the unrest took to the streets Friday night to defend their neighborhoods.

The vigilantes were described as a motley crew of homeowners and concerned citizens, as well as neo-Nazi activists and football hooligans.

What did police do initially?  They began aggressively rounding up the Swedes!

In the Stockholm suburb of Tumba the police decided to abandon their earlier non-intervention policy as a large group of police officers rounded up and dispersed a group of vigilantes trying to fend off rioters.

The decision to round up vigilantes while, according to Stockholm Chief of Police Mats Löfving, ”doing as little as possible” to stop rioters, met with a wave of protests in various social media and on the Internet. Representatives of some vigilante groups contacted Fria Tider to give their view of last night’s events.

Here is what one of the defenders of Stockholm said:

It makes me sick to see the police clamp down on us Swedes with full force and without warning, using nightsticks and tear gas, while they don’t do a damn thing about the immigrants. We are only trying to help maintain order, while the immigrants set cars and buildings on fire, said a young man who wished to remain anonymous.

After a huge public outcry, the police did let Swedish patrols go after the Muslim immigrants:

Later during the night the police appear to have relaxed their attitude to the presence of vigilante groups in the streets. The police is reported to have stepped aside and watched as a huge crowd of vigilantes chased immigrants through the streets of Tumba, chanting ”the city is ours” and ”we will do what the police can’t do”. Several independent sources testify about vigilantes managing to scare away groups of rioters torching wastepaper baskets.

Be sure to see a ludicrous second story at Fria Tider where owners of burned cars were being ticketed!

For new readers:  We have been writing about the downfall of Sweden since 2007 as the welfare nation opened its doors to Muslims from North and East Africa, and the Middle East.  Here is one post about how “refugees” are dashing to Sweden so they don’t have to work and another where Muslim youths say the Swedes are wimpy.

Our whole Sweden archive is here.

Send this post out far and wide please!   ***Update***  You sure did, this post has been seen by thousands and thousands around the world in the last two days!  But, I have seen no mention of Swedes rising up in the mainstream media, have you?

Update May 30th:  NYT mentions Swedish riots, but no mention of Swedes fighting back (of course).

Update June 6th: Researchers to study root cause of riots, unlikely to mention Islam (here).

I’m AnnC@refugeewatcher on twitter. Please tweet this and also follow me!

Diversity is strength alert! Muslim refugees riot, burn cars in Sweden

Immigrant “youths” torch cars in Stockholm. Getty Images

Update May 24th:  Police call in reinforcements as rioting continues into 5th night, here.

Ho hum!  Are we surprised?  Nope!  (Type ‘Sweden’ into our search function and you will find years of evidence that this next phase of the Jihad against the West was inevitable.)

Update:  I’m reminded of this 2009 post in which I said Muslim immigration is killing Sweden.  It is one of our most widely read posts here at RRW.

This story is from the Financial Times but has been republished just a few minutes ago at the Washington Post (so now they are paying attention!).

Do the imbeciles in the Senate Judiciary Committee who just yesterday made it easier for more Muslim immigration to America and MORE welfare for those immigrants make any connection?  Hello!  Is anyone home?

Washington Post:

The sight of burning cars in a dozen suburbs of Stockholm on Tuesday night has shocked Sweden and shaken its image of tolerance and equality. But the rioting is also raising a simple, devastating question: Is Sweden facing its own Paris or London moment when it is forced to confront long-simmering questions about the integration of immigrants?

“This is a wake-up call for decision makers and Swedish society as a whole,” says Awad Hersi, a Stockholm city councillor from near where the riots started. But Hersi, of Somali origin, argues that the situation is not yet as serious as it was in London in 2011 or Paris in 2005. “There are differences with Stockholm: the scale, the methods are different. Stockholm still has a chance but it is a matter of time.”  [LOL! Not so bad yet!—ed]

Police on Wednesday were drafting in reinforcements to prepare for a potential fourth night of unrest. What started in the northwestern suburb of Husby had by Tuesday night spread to about a dozen different suburbs north and south of Stockholm. The rioters were reported to be mostly young immigrants of African and Middle Eastern origin.

There is a lot of boo-hooing in here about jobs and poverty and such, but that is how the Leftists running Sweden cover their foolish and tragic decision to open their borders to Muslims from Africa and the Middle East.

Sweden: Muslim immigrant youths say young Swedes are so wimpy….

.…and that is why they attack them.

The Muslim Issue, in a post today on Sweden, appears to be talking about the same report Fjordman cited here in December.

Here is The Muslim Issue on the increasingly brazen attacks by Muslim aggressors on Swedish citizens (reminds me of those Somali youths in Lewiston, Maine):

Swedes have always addressed issues with psychological theories and weepy stories, which doesn’t work with Muslims at all. Therefore the crimes only get more brutal, the attacks more common.

Sweden has turned into the dumbest country on earth, for flooding their country with an immigrant group that should be banned and deported completely.

Then here are some snippets from the translated version of this news story about the controversial sociological study of Muslim youths and why they commit crimes.

The young robbers were interviewed by Petra Åkesson for her thesis in sociology.

Robbing is making war!

I was lucky that I recorded the answers I got because they were so remarkable that I had to listen several times to really understand what they said. “When we’re out on the town and mugs so we warriors, we are at war with the Swedes,” was a recurring arguments.

Muslim youth:

“For me, the Swedes to lie down on the ground and kiss my feet.”

Watching the death throes of Swedish society:

During the interviews, talking about young Swedes [as] wimpy, scared and stupid.

So what is the conclusion to this report?  It is NOT stopping immigration.  It is NOT severely cracking down on crime.  Apparently it is NOT Swedish young people growing a spine (like some French young people).  The answer is JOBS—-give these poor Muslim youths jobs!  They just want stuff!  I kid you not!

There is more, read it all!

For new readers:  we have a lot on Sweden in our archives, here, because as much as I hate that old “canary in a coal mine” phrase, it is my prediction that Sweden is our first soon-to-be asphyxiated European bird (some are arguing that the UK will go down first).   A country simply cannot have uncontrolled immigration combined with a welfare state.  Leaving out the violent Muslim youths for a moment there will sooner or later not be enough workers to pay for the ‘social services’ of the ‘needy.’

Syrian ‘asylum seeker’ regrets choosing Norway over Sweden

Readers, this is another story relating to refugees and asylum posted at The Muslim Issue, a blog I’ve been following lately and you should too!  The story is about a Syrian ‘shopping,’ with the help of traffickers, for a country to go to and appeal for status as a refugee from a war-torn country.

The story of ‘Nazim’ is an excellent example of the steps involved in the asylum racket.

From The Muslim Issue (translated from the original).  Emphasis below is mine:

(From Avpixlat) ASYLUM ABUSE: Nazim is one of the many Syrians who lack proper refugee reasons, but in the outside world sympathy to the victims of the ongoing civil war is seen an opportunity to gain a better life in Europe. Now however Nazim fumes that he chose to seek asylum in Norway instead of the naive Sweden.

Nazim left his wife and children in Syria, just a clear indication that there is an asylum scam. Would you leave the women and children on a battlefield where bullets fly and bombs fall to bring yourself to safety? Nazims family are most likely at a safe distance from the civil war horrors. Nazim went to Turkey. It was not a good enough country to flee to, he said, and chose not to try to bring his family. Instead, he contacted smugglers to get into Europe and managed to buy a fake Polish passport for $ 5,000, a sum that Nazim in spite of his alleged refugee status did not have any problems to procure.

[Readers this is a point to remember—asylum seekers from Africa and the Middle East who arrive on our (US) border have spent a huge sum of money to get there, estimates are $10,000 and up.  These are not the starving and destitute people you envision.—ed]

Now remained only the question which country Nazim would choose for asylum where he had the best chance to obtain a residence permit. He chose Norway, on the recommendation of the people he bought the passport from. It would prove to be foolish. In Norway, they are namely sick of asylum seekers who pick and choose among the EU Schengen countries as on an a la carte menu rather than to seek asylum in the first country they come to, in accordance with the Dublin Regulation. They are also fed up with almost all asylum seekers arriving in Norway who carry false papers with accompanying false stories or no paper at all. Nazim has therefore not obtained the residency he so eagerly desires to be able to bring in his family from Syria.

[Readers, remember this point that legitimate refugees are required by international law to ask for asylum in the first safe country they reach, so anyone getting to our border should be asking for asylum in Canada or Mexico or any of the Central and South American countries they have already traversed.  This is also why the US State Department sanctioned Malta migration to America is such a travesty.  Those Somalis reaching Malta are Malta’s and the EU’s problem, not ours!—ed]

Nazim now complains in Norwegian press and says he should have chosen Sweden. All his Syrian friends who chose Sweden has received a residence permit a long time ago. Although this fact seems a little strange. That Nazim has such a good handle on how things have gone for all the others who fled from Syria suggest that this has hardly been a valid cause, but this is a network and a coordinated plan. But yes, Nazim is right, and he should have chosen Sweden. Here all the Syrians now get their residency permits automatically without any investigations or assessments of individual asylum claims being made.

Admittedly they get “only” a residence of three years in the first instance but if they have children or acquire such in Sweden and these children become rooted in Swedish society, he has very good prospects for permanent residency when the three years are over, even on the situation in Syria, if the situation requires no asylum rights. Moreover, almost all Syrians with a three-year residence permit in Sweden already appealed the decision in court and requested that it be granted a permanent residence permit – give someone a finger and he takes the whole hand, feels like a just saying.

Visit our ever-growing archive on Sweden, here, for more.

And, don’t forget—read about Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration!

Some in Sweden standing up (naked) to Shariah law

We have a lot posts over the years here at RRW about the ever-expanding numbers of Muslim immigrants to “welcoming” Sweden and what it could lead to.  Now we see some women who understand what Islamists really want are standing up and are protesting Shariah law as the basis for the constitution in Egypt.

These  Swedish feminists, protesting in Stockholm, “get it” about Shariah law and what it means to women.  It’s too bad American feminists don’t have the guts of these women.

Warning!  R-rated!  From The Local (hat tip:  The Religion of Peace):

Al-Mahdy, who as part of the feminist network Femen has employed nudity as a shock tactic before, wanted to protest the new Egyptian constitution that was voted through on Saturday.

A second referendum on the document is scheduled for Friday, but it is widely expected to be adopted.

“Before the decisive day of the referendum in Egypt activists came to the Embassy of Egypt in Stockholm to support Egyptian heroes who are resisting the sharia-dictatorial draft of the constitution of the president Morsi,” Femen said in a statement published on its website.

Holding a Koran in front of her privates, al-Mahdy was joined by two other women outside the embassy on the posh waterfront avenue Strandvägen in central Stockholm.

Body painting scrawled across the women’s chests read “Sharia is not a constitution” and linked the apocalypse to Egyptian president, who represents the Muslim Brotherhood party, citing fears that the constitution would impede Egypt’s democratic development.