“Conservative” columnist Kathyrn Jean Lopez is acting like a liberal—lecturing us in a guilt-trip laden rant on National Review Online. I thought they were supposed to be conservative over there?
Ms. Lopez must know that the US Bishops and Catholic Charities are living off US taxpayer charity (aka our tax dollars). Disclaimer required when pimping for the Pope!
In her pontificating piece, Ms Lopez tells us that the Pope just wants us to give love and understanding to the border invaders. (Hat tip: Paul)
‘Shepherd of the leading charitable organization in the world,’ she calls him.
How about they first admit that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities are receiving the majority of their funding to care for the “children” (and other refugees) from the American taxpayer through federal grants and contracts!
Surely the Pope knows that American taxpayers pay for their Christian charity! So he is in no position to lecture us!
And, surely Katheryn Jean Lopez isn’t living under a rock and has been following the news recently as the public is becoming increasingly aware of the greedy “religious” hands picking our pockets in the name of Christian and Jewish charity.
By the way, tell me! what is conservative about taxpayer dollars by the billions flowing to phony non-profits and “religious” charities that are completely unaccountable to the people who pay the do-gooders’ salaries?
I want the Bishops and the Pope to place a disclaimer on every guilt-tripping screed they write or is written for them by a supposed conservative like Lopez. The disclaimer would go something like this:
The USCCB and Catholic charities are receiving (and have been for decades) the majority of their funding for their migration program as grants and contracts from the US government.
Then they can lecture all they want about “welcoming” and “protecting” the “children” (but few will listen!).
Ms. Lopez needs a disclaimer too! Use secular media to spread the Gospel (here) she says!
One last thing, the US Bishops and Catholic Charities, as the leading resettlement agencies in the US, resettle more Muslims into America than any other resettlement agency contracted by the US State Department and use your money to do it. (Just saying!)
For new readers:
All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ invasion of America is here.
The archive extends back several years and includes posts about the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service receiving federal grants for many years, prior to this one, to care for the “unaccompanied alien children.”
Be sure to see this postabout the Bishops visit to Central America in 2013—did they set the migration in motion? Last year, they were predicting 60,000 “children” for 2014!
Kevin Dinnin (lower left), CEO of probably the largest federal contractor resettling the Central American teens to your towns at the Dallas meeting with Obama and Perry.
Update July 21st: Judy points us to Clarice Feldman at the American Thinker picking up the story about “faith-based” contractors making out like bandits on the backs of taxpayers. What a relief to know that more and more Americans are getting the message.
Readers, please read this incredibly thorough post by ‘sundance’ at The Last Refuge about Obama’s meeting in Dallas with “faith-based” groups. Especially learn more about Kevin Dinnin (we told you about himhere and here), CEO of Baptist Children and Family Services. Hat tip: Judy. LOL! I think we are on the same track (see my post just a few minutes ago, here).
And, then be sure to see NumbersUSA’s fantastic interactive map on where “the children” are being sent. If you learn of a new grant and new destination for the ‘unaccompanied minors’ be sure to tell Numbers!
See all of our posts, extending back several years, on the ‘unaccompanied minors’ invasion of America and the resettlement contractors getting their piece of the pie. I admit that when I heard the Office of Refugee Resettlement representative talking about the coming “children’s” migration in June 2013 at a meeting in Pennsylvania, here, I had no idea it was going to be this big (but I think they knew!).
Also, I think the US Conference of Catholic Bishops may have fueled the fire (that was already smoldering) when they visited Central America in 2013, here. Other than on issues of marriage and abortion, the Bishops are as far Left as Obama!
Every time I think I’m done with this topic for a few minutes, in comes a new article that you must seeon the border invasion.
Right now there are so many other issues involving refugees and migrants in the US and around the world that we are missing with our non-stop coverage of the invasion of America that I’m fearful that our international readers will drop off (we have readers in over 150 countries!).
Bishop Elizondo leading a pack of priests on the border: they are all refugees now! https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/06/26/us-catholic-bishops-chairman-kids-coming-across-border-should-be-viewed-as-refugees/
However, since this is one of our major concerns—the complete lack of understanding by the average citizen (and Glen Beck!) that charitable “religious” groups (pretending to be driven to help the migrants purely out of Christian or Jewish charity) could never exist without almost their entire budget being funded by US taxpayers—we are relieved to finally see a far-reaching national level report on the issue.
Thousands of Central American children crossing the border illegally could soon turn into asylum seekers armed with immigration lawyers provided by church groups and paid for by federal tax dollars.
Catholic Charities is running a fundraising campaign to help finance the resettlement of the illegal aliens, WND reported. But the religious charities get the bulk of their funding not from private donors or church members putting checks into a basket. They get it from the federal government.
Alexandria, Va.-based Catholic Charities USA reported receiving $1.7 million in government grants in 2012, according to its IRS Form 990.
But one of the largest recipients of government funds to resettle immigrant children is the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The USCCB helps resettle not only unaccompanied alien children, or UACs, who enter the country illegally but also refugees fleeing persecution overseas who enter through legal channels.
The USCCB is one of nine primary agencies that receive hundreds of millions in U.S. tax dollars to perform their charity work. Under contract with the federal government, the nonprofit groups work to resettle child refugees and asylum seekers. Six of the nine contractors are religious groups, WND has learned, including the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, the Church World Service and World Relief Corp., which includes a plethora of evangelical groups.
The Catholic Bishops alone received $65.9 million in federal grants to care for unaccompanied alien children and refugees, according to its 2012 annual report.
By contrast, the group raised $1.4 million from its own church members while federal loans and private-sector grants made up the remainder of the $71 million spent on the resettlements that year. That means 93 percent of the USCCB’s spending on charity work with UACs and refugees was covered by the American taxpayer.
Kevin Appleby, director of USCC’s Migration and Refugee Services Office, did not return calls from WND seeking comment.
Similar funding ratios have been found to be the norm with the Lutheran effort.
The Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service reported total income of $41.7 million in 2012, and government grants accounted for $40.4 million, or 96.8 percent of that amount, according to the nonprofit’s most recently reported Form 990, a disclosure that nonprofits must file with the Internal Revenue Service. The group raised only $1.3 million from private donors.
Miji Bell, press spokeswoman for Lutheran Immigration, also did not return calls Tuesday.
If they would tell the public the truth about their funding (and their fat salaries) I might have some respect for the whole bunch!
Dan Cadman at CIS: They all have their hands in the pie! And, they are working to get the illegals qualified as refugees. WND continues….
Dan Cadman, with the Center for Immigration Studies, says it’s a conflict of interest for a group that benefits financially from immigration – both legal and illegal – to try to influence immigration policy.
“It bothers me that any private organization is using a government funding stream for that purpose, not only Catholic Charities but Lutheran World Service, the Episcopal Church, they’ve all got their hands in the pie,” Cadman said. “The thing is that everyone understands that, with a wink and a nod, this so-called emergency money (from Obama) is not going to result in any substantial number of individuals being deported. It’s just not. How ironic to see an emergency budget supplemental request and then when you look at the details you see it’s all going to be chewed up for things like brick and mortar buildings for resettlement and not used in any useful way to stop this tidal wave of human beings.”
Cadman said there is “no doubt in my mind” that the religious NGOs or “non-governmental organizations” are working with the United Nations to get the children qualified as refugees or asylum seekers. (See our post on Bishops call alien children “refugees.”—ed)
By the way, the Bishops have their own immigration legal branch (most likely funded with federal grants too) known as CLINIC(a story for another day!). One could call Obama’s plea for more money for the border crisis, The Immigration Lawyers Employment Act of 2014!
Read the whole World Net Dailyarticle it is full of information on the groups comprising the Religious Left, I’ve only snipped a small amount of it!
For new readers, we have dozens and dozens of posts in our ‘unaccompanied minors’ archive (extending back several years), click here to learn more.
One more outrageous story is making the rounds. NoisyRoom (the progressive hunter) has this (below), and then links to a Breitbart story from Thursday. (Hat tip: Joanne):
There has not been a ‘refugee’ crisis in the US in my lifetime. The one on our Southern border is a manufactured crisis by Obama and the Progressive Left to employ the Cloward and Piven Strategy*** of overwhelming the system until it collapses, allowing for the Marxist reformation of government. Enter the Office of Refugee Resettlement. ORR is the government agency that is streamlining the entrance of illegal aliens into the US and them assisting them with resettlement. They work with other government funded agencies, such as the Crittenton Services and Foster Family Agency in Murrieta, California. This agency just placed an ad that is offering over 6k a month to house illegal alien children:
Everyone better start checking their small town newspapers!
Crittenton Services is a relatively new subcontractor of the USCCB, Catholic Charities of Los Angeles and the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, check it out here! See also Catholic Bishops hands in your pockets.
Noisy Room: I guess when compassion and guilt aren’t motivating enough, you can always try and bribe Americans.
Our complete archive on ‘unaccompanied minors’ is here.
*** Don’t know about Cloward and Piven? Visit this postwe wrote in 2009 to help explain how refugees and migrants generally are being used to bring down our system of government. Obama only has two years left to “change” America and they (progressives/government agencies like ORR/churches etc.) are now on the move to get it done.
As I open every post on the USCCB (today and in the future), I will remind readers for the umpteenth time right at the top of the post! that as the largest of nine major federal refugee contractors*** the US CONFERENCE OF CATHOLIC BISHOPS’ migrant program is almost exclusively funded by US taxpayer dollars (Caesar’s dollars):
Would some reporter with a national readership please report this hard truth! Or, are you all as much afraid of them as Members of Congress are?
My frustration level goes through the roof when I see stories like this one, where author Ryan Lovelace (who has done great reporting on the topic of the ‘unaccompanied minors’) at National Review Onlineis wondering why and how the Bishops are working with Obama.
Other than on the issue of abortion, the US Bishops are as far left as Obama is! Of course Obama is reaching out to them, but there is no reaching necessary! He owns them!
Back to the USCCB’s pow-wow with the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR in HHS) and the US State Department’s head honcho—Asst. Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration….it is all about the people they “serve” (the migrants of all stripes) with your money!
Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement, Eskinder Negash: Americans shouldn’t worry about the taxpayer funding for illegal aliens flooding our border!
From Breitbart (illegal migrants are all Jesus now):
The 2014 National Migration Conference (NMC), held in Washington, D.C., is about to come to a close on Thursday, July 10. The event, which clearly highlights the partnership between the Catholic Church in the United States and the U.S. government on the issue of aid for immigrants, is occurring this year at a time when the U.S. is being flooded with thousands of illegal immigrant children and teens. It is also a time when the U.S. Catholic bishops have called upon the Obama administration and Congress to protect the unaccompanied young illegals crossing the U.S. border. [The USCCB has a CONTRACT with ORR to take care of the “children” (their clients).—ed]
The conference, hosted by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Migration and Refugee Services (USCCB/MRS), the Catholic Legal Immigration Network (CLIN), and Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), has been focused on advancing “the life and dignity of the human person in our work with immigrants, migrants, refugees, unaccompanied migrant children, victims of human trafficking, and other vulnerable people on the move.”
Though the conference’s program offers workshops that are undoubtedly helpful to those assisting legal immigrants to the United States, what is missing is a clear differentiation between “legal” and “illegal” immigration. In fact, in reading the program, one gets the impression that every immigrant – legal or not – could also be a “refugee.”
The program describes a conference that offers both a teaching component – sharing and applying Catholic social teaching on migration – and one for advocacy in which participants are prepared and organized “to carry the message on these migration issues both to Congress in Washington, D.C., and to constituencies and political leaders in their own communities.”
Eskinder Negash, director of the ORR (and former Vice President of USCRI, a contractor which is 99% funded by you!) said forget the US taxpayer and don’t worry about the flood of migrants at the border.
Americans, Negash said, should not be concerned with the taxpayer funding and the massive flooding of illegal immigrants.
Besides Negash revolving in the door between jobs as a government funder of grants (at ORR) and private contractor, Anne Richard (also speaking at the pow-wow this past week) who runs the State Department arm of the refugee resettlement program, also came to her government position from a contractor (IRC). Shouldn’t there be a law prohibiting this practice?
Update: Just found another report on the pow-wow and a UN official said this:
The refugee resettlement program in the United States “is the engine of the global program,” he said, noting that the majority of refugees are resettled through networks run by the Catholic Church.