They are really cranking up the “racist” labeling machine

Update  January 22, 2008:  Here is FAIR’s response to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

The extreme leftwing Southern Poverty Law Center last month gave one of its most distinguished awards for racism to The Federation for America Immigration Reform (FAIR) by placing this old established group on its “Hate groups” list.   (Hat tip:  Dennis)

Dec. 11, 2007 — The country’s leading anti-immigration organization — whose leaders have testified repeatedly before Congress and are frequently quoted in the media — has ties to known racists and a long track record of bigotry, according to a new report released today by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).


The SPLC today added FAIR to its list of hate groups operating in the United States.

I went to FAIR’s meeting this past fall, and no offense FAIR, but I thought it was populated by kind of a reserved,  old-line, well-connected group of men and women from a broad spectrum of America— even included some grassroots activists from the environmental movement.  I had no idea I was among a bunch of radical, xenophobic, hate-mongering racists.  Wow!     

Since we are talking about the “R” word, check out Jerry Gordon at the American Congress for Truth for the story on the Florida Seminole Chronicle calling the United America Committee (UAC) “racist.”    And, then the really funny thing is that the newspaper chickened out and took its comment section down when they started getting flooded with comments criticizing the newspaper for trying to silence people with the racist label.

If after you read the ACT post and wish to let the Seminole Chronicle know that the “racist” name-calling isn’t going to silence you e-mail    But, be polite about it!

I think I smell a rat!  The extreme leftwing thinks that it can silence us by that old name-calling tactic and they have obviously begun some sort of orchestrated talking points campaign.    If you are one of millions of Americans who want to see immigration policy reformed in this country, get ready to be called names.  Lets have a little fun with it.  I’m not very clever with names but lets have an award of sorts, maybe an honor roll.  If you or your group is called a “racist” in print (“bigot” will count too) send it to us and we will place you on the honor roll.    Suggestions for names for this distinguished award?

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