More refugees headed to Worcester, MA

Because Boston is getting too expensive,   Worcester, MA will be getting increased numbers of refugees according to this article in the Telegram.

The organization [Worcester’s Refugee and Immigrant Assistance Center] helped 100 refugees find housing and jobs in Worcester last year, with the majority of families coming from Burma, Burundi and Somalia.


Because of rising housing costs in the Boston area, Worcester is becoming an increasingly popular resettlement area for refugees, leaving agencies looking for more support from Mr. Chacon’s office.

Who is Mr Chacon?

Mr. Chacon, a former journalist and the son of Mexican immigrants, was appointed to the position [Dir, Mass. Office of Refugees and Immigrants] last year, after helping run the campaign of Gov. Deval L. Patrick.

He likes public forums and so do we.  We think that citizens in every city receiving refugees should have an opportunity to ask questions and express opinions on the topic.

Mr. Chacon hopes to organize a forum at some point during the year for agencies that work with refugees in the Worcester area.


“We need to have a lot of activity in this city,” he said. “We need to convene and figure out the best way to support these people.”

If you have the stamina you can read about our public forum in Hagerstown, MD in our category called September forum here.

I have an idea for Mr. Chacon and the Governor, maybe they could resettle a few hundred refugees in Hyannisport since Massachusetts Senator Kennedy is the original sponsor of the Refugee Act of 1980.

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