Update: I am back on, obviously having jumped to conclusions! Now I’ll search for that Somali data I wanted….
About a month ago I reported to you that I couldn’t get on any Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) databases that I use regularly to write this blog. So, I started calling all over the ORR and the Administration for Children and Families at the Department of Health and Human Services.
I got one computer techy guy who told me that my IP address could be being blocked. So, I called all over the place (over a couple of days) within those agencies and made a ruckus. Lo and behold a few days later I had access to the PUBLIC INFORMATION again and have had it ever since. Today I needed the database to see what year we started bringing Somalis to the US and you guessed it! I cannot get onto anything at the Administration for Children and Families (and consequently cannot get ORR databases). Urghhh!
Anyone else having problems?