Update August 24th: See the latest on refugees to Delaware here.
Barack Obama has picked Senator Joe Biden as his running mate. So, what is the Senator’s connection to refugees? Senator Biden of Delaware is one of only a few original sponsors of the Refugee Act of 1980 still in the Senate. AND, his state has only resettled a few hundred refugees in all these 28 years!
Here is what I said back in April about Biden’s hypocrisy:
Now to Senator Joe Biden! Just as Senator Ted isn’t going to be resettling any refugees of any sort to Hyannisport, Senator Joe (any place but Delaware) Biden is a hypocrite. He is one of the few originators of the Refugee Act of 1980 (along with chief sponsor Kennedy) still in the Senate, yet his own state of Delaware ranks third from the bottom in the number of refugees resettled there between 1983 and 2005, this while surrounding states Maryland, Pennsylvania and New Jersey have each brought tens of thousands of refugees. Ranking below Delaware are only West Virginia and Wyoming.
So, Senator Biden is promoting bringing more Iraqis but few if any will come to Delaware. The politics of this stinks!
Look for more later. Farm chores call.