Military to hire hundreds of aliens for medical jobs

Out of work refugees and asylees can begin applying next year for medical and linguistic jobs through the Pentagon it was announced this week.

WASHINGTON – Struggling to find enough doctors, nurses and linguists for the war effort, the Pentagon will temporarily recruit foreigners who have been living in the United States on student and work visas, or with refugee or political asylum status.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has authorized the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps to recruit certain legal residents whose critical medical and language skills are “vital to the national interest,” officials said, using for the first time a law passed three years ago.

Read all about it at Newsmax yesterday, hat tip Blulitespecial.   I know there will be some good guys jump at the opportunity, but I couldn’t help think about that comment made by an Al Qaeda bigwig in Baghdad early in the war, “those who will cure you will kill you.”

As for the linguists:

Those with the best language skills would be used in intelligence fields.

Great, huh?

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