More on the UN’s Palestinian agency

Following up on my post of January 1, Intending to help Palestinians, U.S. pours money into terrorist front agency, I want to link to a terrific post on Gates of Vienna by Baron Bodissey, UN-Funded Jihad, also about UNRWA, the UN agency that is supposed to take care of the Palestinian “refugees.”  He shows an anti-Israel press release that UNRWA had ready to go the moment Israel began its military action in Gaza.  

Then he posts an article, “Palestinian rockets, thanks to our tax money,” translated from the Dutch, which gives a good account of the damage UNRWA has done and is doing to the cause of peace between the Palestinians and Israel, which the “international community” and the UN claim to care so much about. It concludes: “With our tax money therefore we keep that conflict alive. ”

I recommend you read the whole thing.

Addendum: UNRWA stands for United Nations Relief and Works Agency.

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