Comment worth noting on a Minnesota Somali family

Commenter CL posted this comment on our Refugee Resettlement Fact sheet page and I thought it worth re-posting where more people would see it:

I understand the plight of refugees and have no problem with those that come here, and make a better life for themselves and for america. My problem is those that disrespect america and still want a hand out. As someone new to Minnesota, I had never met a Somali person (although I do have some really great muslim friends..which is not the issue). I bought a nice house only to find out the house next to me was rented by Somalis. They take no pride in where they live at all. THe place is always a mess. THey are loud and very disrespectful. Their teen kids are even worse. We have had to call the cops on them 3 times. They have done everything from ruin items on my property to stealing. One is headed to jail for a gang-related stabbing. They always have new cars in front of their house….and after about 6 months they are all banged up and then they just go get new ones….Many times their bills end up in my mailbox and I have to take them over, several times they have had court summons for drinking and drugs. I have finally decided to put my house on the market and try to move. I hope potential buyers wont be scared away by them…although I would. These are NOT the ppl I want in america. They are users…I am glad I am paying for their new cars and for all of their children to get a nice public education. what is sad is that I had no hard feeling toward them until I actually met them. Ugh.

Maybe all Somalis are like that, maybe they’re not. Note that CL is simply reporting on the Somalis who live next door to him. But you can bet that he will be called a racist, an Islamophobe and a refugee-hater for reporting what he has personally observed.

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