Is Islam a threat to America?

That is the title of a very long article at the Tennessean yesterday.  Regular readers of RRW know that Nashville, TN is one of the most, let’s just say active cities in the US where citizens are addressing and educating the public on the issue of radical Islamic activity.  High levels of Muslim immigration to Tennessee only make the issue hotter there.

As is usual for the Tennessean, the slant of the story denigrates those who are doing the educating.  It is my view that good fortune has brought together some well-educated and brave people willing to speak up, one such group is ACT for America.  Here, one of its leaders suggests banning Muslim immigration.

Act! For America, a national group whose mission is to educate people about the “multiple threats of Islamofascism,” has 328 local chapters across the country. One of its largest chapters, with about 400 members, is in Davidson County. Act West Nashville has 400 to 600 people on its mailing list but local leaders will not say how many of those are considered active.

The group has shown films like Homegrown Jihad, which alleges there are 35 terrorist training camps in the United States, and First Comes Saturday, Then Comes Sunday, which claims Muslims will first destroy Jews and then Christians. It also runs a blog at, with links to Web sites like

Act West Nashville spokesman Vijay Kumar, who was born in India but is now an American citizen, thinks the United States should ban immigration from Islamic countries. The group has met to share its concerns with 40 churches and community groups, Kumar said…..

Read the whole article.

Interestingly, the Tennessean left out of the discussion how they were caught flat-footed (scooped by Ken Timmerman at Newsmax) last May when a group of citizens from across the US and Europe (including me) went to Nashville for a long-planned educational conference on Islam and were booted from the hotel (Loews Vanderbilt!) days before the conference began.  The charge by the manager, Tom Negri, was that we threatened the safety of their guests and employees by having an educational discussion about Islam.  Of course, what does that say about free speech and local Muslims???  Ultimately,we had police protection in our new location!  If there was no radicalization going on in Nashville, as this article attempts to show, then why would Negri have fear for his guests’ and employees’ safety?

In my view, this was left out of the story because it would shed a negative light on the part of the Muslim community of Nashville and demonstrate paranoia on the part of the Open Borders “community organizers,” like Negri and his pal from Chicago, Avi Poster.

And, by the way, hotels such as Loews Vanderbilt depend on cheap immigrant labor, here, so they have a financial interest in more immigrants in Nashville.

See other stories on that Nashville experience here, here and here.

Endnote:  Did you notice in my post yesterday on immigration statistics from the Migration Information Source that Tennessee is in the top 5 states in the US for the percentage of growth in the immigrant population.

However, between 2000 and 2008, the five states with the largest percent growth of the immigrant population were South Carolina (68.2 percent), Georgia (57.7 percent), Tennessee (56.3 percent), Nevada (55.0 percent), and Mississippi (51.7 percent).

Catholic Charities of Tennessee helps boost those numbers as the major refugee resettlement agency there.