Zogby survey: minority (likely) voters say immigration levels too high

The Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has an interesting report today on a recent Zogby survey on immigration.  It seems that the majority of minority likely voters think enforcement of immigration laws is important in curtailing illegal immigration and a majority believe immigration numbers across the board are too high.  CIS points out that that is in direct opposition to positions taken by the leadership of immigration advocacy groups.

While it is sometimes assumed that minorities, particularly Hispanics, favor increased immigration and legalization for illegal immigrants, a new Zogby survey finds that minority voters’ views are more complex. The poll of Hispanic, Asian-American, and African-American likely voters finds some support for legalization. But overall each of these groups prefers enforcement and for illegal immigrants to return home. Moreover, significant majorities of all three groups think that the current level of immigration is too high. These views are in sharp contrast to the leaders of most ethnic advocacy organizations, who argue for increased immigration and legalization of illegal immigrants. The survey used neutral language, avoiding such terms as “amnesty,” “illegal alien,” or “undocumented.”

Read CIS’s whole analysis.

I know why the leaders of advocacy groups are pushing for more immigration.  The answer is twofold.  Advocacy groups such as Church World Service, US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, International Rescue Committee, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, World Relief, US Conference of Catholic Bishops and the rest of the gang make their living off immigrants, plain and simple. 

Then you have the other reason:  most of the leadership (I am not referring to decent employees and volunteers) of the above named groups and groups like LaRaza and the Southern Poverty Law Center  are not interested in the human aspect of immigration (although they hide under their faux humanitarian white hat), they are working to change America by creating a socialist form of government.  They need masses of immigrants to be dependent on government and thus in order to keep the taxpayer goodies flowing they expect immigrants to vote on the far left.   The leaders (inside and outside of government) are also in cahoots with people like George Soros and the one-worlders, but that’s too much to get into here.

So, although it’s very interesting and useful to see statistics like those Zogby has collected, until we are brave enough to stop dancing around the subject and speak the truth about the agenda of the immigration advocates and speak it loudly, not much will change.

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