Congolese refugee murdered in Portland, ME

And, it appears it is likely African immigrant on African immigrant crime.  What the heck is going on up in Maine?  (Just a couple of days ago we had this from Lewiston.*) And, today’s story is not the first violent crime we’ve reported in the immigrant community from Portland, the Peoples Republic of Maine (now that Massachusetts seems to be coming to its senses).     Hat tip: Susan, an irate Mainer

Check out these refugees from the Mulongo family at today’s Portland Press Herald and be sure to see the comments!

PORTLAND — Serge Mulongo, who escaped civil war in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and eventually found refuge in Portland, was gunned down Wednesday night at the corner of Park Avenue and Weymouth Street, police said.

Investigators interviewed people who were in the area at 11:15 p.m., when residents reported hearing shots fired in quick succession. No arrests were made Thursday.

Police say they are particularly interested in two men who were seen running from the area right after the shooting. They have not been able to identify the pair, and aren’t positive that the men were involved in the killing.

Mulongo, who was 24, could have a hot temper and had a circle of friends who made it hard for him to stay out of trouble, said his brother Yannick Mulongo.

Yannick Mulongo is in the Cumberland County Jail, awaiting trial on charges of manslaughter and aggravated drunken driving in a crash in September that killed Guy Kitoko, 18, a relative by marriage.

Thank Catholic Charities, the only refugee resettlement agency in Maine, and Maine’s welfare magnet.

* Come to think of it maybe Portland’s Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence needs to clean up its own nest before it runs off to Frederick, MD,  Boise, ID, Fort Wayne, IN and Manchester, NH to tell citizens in those cities to be nice to immigrants!

12,000 Haitians apply for Temporary Protected Status, so far

That is what the Washington Post is reporting today.  We told you about Temporary Protected Status here.

WASHINGTON — More than 12,000 Haitians have applied for the chance to stay and work legally in the U.S. while their country struggles to recover from last month’s earthquake.

The applications have rolled in, even though the July 20 application deadline is months away, said Bill Wright, spokesman for Citizenship and Immigration Services, part of the Homeland Security Department.

The chance to work is critical for many of the immigrants who are hoping to help families trying to overcome the magnitude-7 earthquake that leveled parts of Haiti.

Because it is unsafe to return the illegal immigrants to Haiti, DHS said it would grant eligible immigrants temporary protected status. Successful applicants can remain and work for 18 months without fear of deportation or detention.

Estimates range from 100,000-200,000 for the number who might ultimately be eligible to stay and work in the US.  What do you think the odds are that once granted TPS they will ever go home to Haiti?

NumbersUSA: Half of immigrant families in US on welfare

Your tax dollars:

Wanting to be sure that all those Tea Party activists understand that immigration is a fiscal issue as well, NumbersUSA has begun a petition campaign to urge the government to reduce all immigration.  Here is the appeal from Roy Beck:

For those of you whose primary political interest is stopping the growth of government or even shrinking it, you have to contend with national leaders who say they agree with you but who refuse to deal with immigration. They say immigration is a “social” issue that isn’t related to government spending and deficit issues. They couldn’t be more wrong. . . .

Let’s start with this tidbit from government data provided by the Center for Immigration Studies (Table 13: “Immigrant Households with Children Under 18”):

Roughly ONE-HALF of all immigrant households with kids are accessing the welfare system, especially food and Medicaid welfare.

In this case, “immigrant” includes both authorized and illegal foreign citizens allowed by the federal government to settle in our country. Since 2000, that number each year has averaged around 1.3 million a year — plus another 1 million births to those immigrant households.

With one-half of those households being poor enough to use the federal, state and local welfare systems, is there anybody blind enough to think that adding 2.3 million people a year to immigrant households is not driving huge increases in government?

Read on and learn what you can do!

Cloward and Piven

For new readers, we have written ad nauseum about the Cloward-Piven strategy to bring down our form of government by overwhelming the welfare system.  To better understand that strategy use our search function for ‘Cloward-Piven’ or at minimum read this post.

Cloward has gone to his maker, but Frances Fox Piven is still kicking and stirring rebellion.  Here she is this week at Big Government advising people whose homes have been foreclosed to join in civil disobedience by refusing to move or to break back into their homes.  There is no doubt in my mind that the housing crisis was brought on using this same strategy—overwhelm the system until it crashes.  And, that is what is happening with welfare as well!  The immigrants are just a means to an end for these despicable people.

Nashville Mosque vandalized: “Muslims go home”

Update:  Jihad Watch has a good post on this and questions, as do many now, about the type of crosses painted on the wall and conflicting stories reported to the press.

That is the phrase painted on the Somali mosque in Nashville.   According to the Tennessean today, a possible “hate crime” was committed.   (Go visit the Tennessean and note the obviously staged photo that the Tennessean has offered for sale!)

I’m curious, does anyone know if a “hate crime” charge was brought against the Ft. Hood shooter in addition to his murder charges?  Or closer to Nashville, was that recruiting station murder of a soldier classified as a hate crime?

Maybe a frustrated local resident vandalized the mosque, but I’m always suspicious of things like this—did some other immigrant write this (the Somalis in Nashville have severely antagonized other African groups in Nashville for a number of years), or possibly someone on the political far left who wants to stir up trouble—remember crisis begets change (Saul Alinsky).  And, afterall, we know there are Chicago-style community organizers among Nashville’s open borders advocates.

State, local and federal officials are investigating vandalism discovered early Wednesday at the Al-Farooq Mosque on Fourth Avenue South as a possible hate crime.

The words “Muslim go home” and several crosses were spray-painted in red on the exterior of the building, and an expletive and hate-speech filled note was left at the youth center, according to a board member of the mosque. Salaad Nur said the note contained the message that Islam is the enemy and that the religion is trying to destroy the United States and Israel. Members of the mosque planned to meet last night with law enforcement to discuss the crime.

“It was an unexpected thing,” Nur said. “It kind of shook us.”

Metro Police Sgt. Brooks Harris of the Specialized Investigations Division said his department will investigate because of the obvious sign that the vandalism could be classified as a hate crime. He said he notified the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation as well as the FBI, to see if federal laws were violated and look for potential similarities with vandalism late last year at a mosque site in Murfreesboro.

We have told you about this Somali community previously.  The leaders of the Nashville Somalis got in trouble with the feds back in 2007 .  After it was learned that federal grant fraud had been committed with the Somali Center, the Imam fled to Kenya before he could be questioned about the possible missuse of the taxpayers’ money.

Hey, Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence, why did you pick Frederick, MD to highlight as a “racist city” and not Nashville?  Looks like Nashville might need your services!  See the brouhaha being created in Lewiston, ME, where another large population of Somalis has established itself.  The Hate Violence gang wants to use that city as a model for multicultural understanding!   Why don’t they pick Nashville—maybe because it will be too difficult a task?  The inter-immigrant group warfare is well-established and the Center for the Prevention of Hate Violence would  have to unravel that problem before they could get to their hoped-for agenda—showing that white Americans are racists.

For new readers:

The US State Department has admitted over 80,000 Somali refugees to the US (this linked post continues to be one of the most widely read posts we have ever written) in the last 25 years and then last year had to suspend family reunification because widespread immigration fraud was revealed through DNA testing.  That specific program has not yet been reopened (that we know of), but will be soon

Nevertheless, thousands of Somali Muslims continue to be resettled as I write this. We recently learned that we will be taking 6000 Somalis this year from one camp in Uganda and as many as 11,000-13,000 total from around the world.

As for Nashville, we have written dozens of posts on the city, you can find all of our references to Nashville archived here.

Sleeper terrorists among us?

I wasn’t sure whether to post this article from FrontPage Magazine, because I wasn’t sure the man interviewed, Dave Glaubatz, was quite credible.  I’m not sure why; it’s just a feeling.  Glaubatz is a counterterrorism expert and the author of Muslim Mafia: Inside the Secret Underworld that’s Conspiring to Islamize America. His son actually infiltrated CAIR as a fake Muslim convert for several months, gaining access to the highest levels. Dave Glaubatz says:

I just returned from DC, MD, PA, WV, VA, and NJ conducting various counter-terrorism (CT) research.  I would like to say that while various realms of our government are doing an outstanding job in protecting our families from future Islamic based terrorist attacks, we have several serious problems.

….I am beginning to see more and more violent material published and distributed to young Muslim children advocating killing Jews and Christians, and how to conduct treason/sedition inside America and to ultimately take our country down as we know it.

CAIR (Muslim Brotherhood) strongly informs its followers to not assist our law enforcement agencies and to not conduct slander and backbiting against Islamic leaders. Within Sharia law there are severe penalties for undermining the efforts of the ‘Islamic Ummah’ (Nation) and their specific target of a worldwide Ummah under Sharia law.

I have been provided hundreds of DVD’s originally videotaped by Islamic terrorist groups while they conducted torture and killings of people (even Muslims) who have helped their enemies (Israel, America, UK, Canada, etc…) to further (in their opinion) oppress the Muslim Ummah.

He provides some of the gory details on those videos, which I am not going to repeat here. Glaubatz says further:

For many years I have tracked the materials coming into America from Saudi Arabia and Pakistan specifically.  Based on my research, these two countries are responsible for distributing jihadi materials, not just to adults, but to Muslim youth right here in America.

The message is clear: “Islam is a religion of Jihad, in peace and in war. Jihad is one of the noblest principles of Islam.” The manual where this message is found is titled, “A Guide for The Young Muslim.” The manual further describes Jihad as being physical fighting against their enemies and oppressors. It is admired to be a “martyr.” This book was found in northern VA, and a CAIR pamphlet was beside it.

There’s more. The reason I decided to post on this is that I am thinking about Iran’s threat to do something big tomorrow, February 11.  I’ve wondered off and on what it could be ever since I heard of it. Then someone sent me this post by Alan Peters on what we should expect on February 11.  Note this:

 Some estimated 40,000 Islamist suicide bombers have been gathered in the USA over the past 15-years, newly trained ones have been entering under a variety of visas in a steady flow during the last few years and are waiting instructins to deploy.

Then he goes into the possibilities of what they might do.

I don’t know any of these people from Adam, and I don’t know what they really know and what is sensationalism. Furthermore, the people Glaubatz is talking about are all Sunnis and Iranians are Shiahs. Are these thousands of stealth suicide bombers going to respond to orders from Iran?  But because these two things I read sort of go together, and because I’m anxious about whether Iran really will do something important tomorrow, I’m posting them for you.  Along with this question: Is it really a good idea to continue to bring in Muslim refugees by the tens of thousands?