Decision on deporting Obama’s Aunt put off until March

We told you the other day that Aunt Zeituni was due back in court in Boston on Thursday for a hearing on whether she should be deported to her native Kenya.  She had previously been ordered to leave the country and disobeyed an earlier judges order and stayed.   She was ‘outed’ just before Obama was elected to the Presidency in November of 2008.

From the Boston Herald:

From the designer sunglasses to the security entourage in gray suits and ear pieces, it was evident yesterday the towering, 6-feet-plus-tall Zeituni Polly Onyango is no garden-variety illegal alien.

The Kenyan aunt of President Obama – who arrived at U.S. Immigration Court in a wheelchair, but glided out on foot to the tapping beat of a cane – testified for 2 hours before Judge Leonard I. Shapiro in support of her second bid to be granted political asylum and continue living in Boston public housing.

“This is America. Justice will be done,” Margaret Wong, Onyango’s Cleveland, Ohio, attorney, told reporters. Wong refused to stipulate on what grounds Onyango seeks shelter from being sent packing back to East Africa.

Shapiro – whose 2004 deportation order the 57-year-old half-sister of Obama’s late father defied – is expected to render his decision on or before May 25. Closing arguments are due in writing by March 15.

Rush Limbaugh has had a field day criticizing Obama for neglecting his impoverished relatives  (especially George who lives in a hut) around the world, so he should get a kick out of this.  Obama has not even spoken to his aunt since before he was elected.  Imagine that!   If he is worried about public opinion I think he does more harm to himself by not at least talking to her and heck he should have invited her to Thanksgiving at the White House

The Boston Herald reports that Obama doesn’t even speak to his Auntie!

White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said the president is not kicking in cash to help cover Onyango’s legal fees and has not spoken to her since learning of her immigration status days before his November 2008 election.

Tom Tancredo: Temporary refugees never go home

Thanks to Susan for sending this opinion piece by former US Representative Tom Tancredo regarding Temporary Protected Status for, most recently, Haitians.  We told you about the Obama Administration decision here.

From World Net Daily:

Like most “emergency” programs set up by government, the benefits of gaining “Temporary Protected Status,” or TPS, as a refugee do not expire when the emergency has passed. In government jargon, “temporary” can be 20 years – or forever.

The federal government has no system for tracking people previously awarded TPS since its inception in 1990. Thus, there is no way of knowing the total number of individuals now residing in the United States who first arrived under the TPS program, nor is there any reliable data on what percentage of TPS refugees eventually return home. But the nation’s experience with the first decade of the program led the Center for Immigration Studies to conclude, “In the real world, there is nothing as permanent as a temporary refugee.”

Within hours of the Jan. 12 earthquake in Haiti, President Obama announced the awarding of Temporary Protected Status to Haitians in the United States – people here illegally before the earthquake, a number variously estimated at 100,000 to 200,000. Indeed, over the past 20 years, most TPS recipients were people already in the county, not people fleeing a disaster.

Thus, while the program is largely defended on the humanitarian grounds of offering temporary safety to genuine refugees, it is undeniable that historically, the main function of the TPS program has been to to protect illegal aliens – people already here and thus not directly affected by any natural disaster – from the threat of deportation. 


Americans are coming to realize that our nation’s immigration policies and refugee programs are based on lies, fantasies and politically expedient half-truths – and not on the best interests of the United States. TPS is one of those lies. “Temporary refugees” never go home, because the “emergency” never passes, and the lobby for new amnesties never rests.

Read it all!

Brown victory in Massachusetts sends open borders advocates back to square one

This AP article is already two weeks old, but thanks to FAIR (Federation for Immigration Reform) for bringing it to my attention.  I had been wondering where Massachusetts new Senator stood on Immigration and now I guess we know!

BOSTON—For months, immigrant advocacy groups like the Chelsea Collaborative and Berkshire Immigrant Center have been gearing up to push lawmakers on state and federal immigration reforms.

They’ve held statewide forums, marched in Washington, D.C., and organized rallies with hopes of seeing the major immigration overhaul promised by Gov. Deval Patrick and President Barack Obama.

But after the historic election victory of Republican Scott Brown to the U.S. Senate, those illusions may be evaporating. Political observers say Brown, who ran on a platform opposing some of those reforms, has emboldened conservative voters, and they will likely table reforms in the near future.

“Much of the angry and frustration of voters, particularly those on the right, are clearly aligned with forces that oppose immigration reform,” said Paul Watanabe, a political science professor at University of Massachusetts-Boston. “They are vocal opponents of anything other than enforcement.”

Watanabe said it’s now doubtful that Patrick and state lawmakers will spend political capital pushing any controversial proposals in an election year shortly after Brown’s victory.

Patrick has said he is planning to seek re-election this fall, but is struggling with sagging poll numbers.

During his campaign, Brown said he opposed granting driver’s licenses and in-state tuition rates to illegal immigrants — ideas Patrick vowed to support in November after receiving recommendations from an advisory panel. As a state senator, Brown also introduced legislation that would have required proof of citizenship or right to work in the U.S. for wage enforcement cases.

“His record is concerning,” said Eva Millona, executive director of the Massachusetts Immigrants & Refugee Advocacy Coalition, a group that represents 130 immigrant groups.

So, who are these lobbyists at the Massachusetts Immigrants & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA), I wanted to know.   I checked their website here. Then, as usual, I went to their most recent Form 990, here.  Note that they are operating on about $1.5 million in donations, from whom, I can’t tell.  But, I noticed the name of the head honcho —Ali Noorani.   Where had I seen that name before?  Here, I had written about Noorani, a Pakistani Muslim, now head of the National Immigration Forum here (and note here in this old Discover the Networks summary about the Forum, their is Soros funding involved).   I sure hope MIRA isn’t taking foreign funding, that wouldn’t look so hot.

I found that Ali Noorani has incorporated three non-profits in Massachusetts (site won’t let me link it, you can check it out yourself).  There is no incorporation for MIRA though but its address is the same as one of the three others Noorani incorporated with the Mass. Secretary of States Office.   I think I’ll have to do a little more exploration into this puzzling turn of events tomorrow (if the blizzard doesn’t shut me down!).

And, here we have Noorani and Grover Norquist  sharing the podium at the ‘Storming the Hill’ conference  in Washington last June where business leaders pushed for Amnesty.  I wrote about that meeting, here, in July.

Then, I had to laugh, the AP article says Gov. Deval Patrick (concerned for his deteriorating poll numbers) has backed off of his earlier immigration reform proposals.  But, check this out at the blog 24 Ahead, it wasn’t too long ago that Patrick had 131 DEMANDS for immigration reform.

Blizzard Watch!

Readers, if we disappear and don’t respond to your e-mails for awhile, you should assume we have been temporarily shut down by a massive global warming snowstorm that is headed straight for Washington and Al Gore’s DC home.  Rest assured, we shall return!

Update February 6th:  We are still up and running.  Judy just sent this history of Washington area storms, check it out here.

Refugee Resettlement Grants Manager job available

I just now ran across this opening for a grants manager at General Dynamics Information Technology.  Did you know that the Office of Refugee Resettlement contracts these sorts of jobs out to what is known in Washington lingo as the shadow workforce?  I guess it shouldn’t be so surprising since they contract out the care of the refugees as well.   Anyway, here is the job if you’re in the market:

General Dynamics Information Technology is a top-tier IT integrator that provides information technology, systems engineering and professional services to customers in the defense, intelligence, homeland security, federal civil and commercial sectors. With 16,000 professionals worldwide, the company has the customer knowledge, domain expertise and proven performance to manage large-scale, mission-critical IT programs.

Manage all day to day activities for the matching Grant Program including 9 major national grantees with 237 affiliates in 43 states; conduct anlayses of Mathcing (sic) Grant program using previously desgigned (sic) systems for capturing performance data.

We’ve told you about the Matching Grant program here before.  I guess this means that 237 of approximately 300 resettlement agencies participate in the collection of junky donations and the tracking of volunteer hours (how many volunteers know that their hours translate into cash from the feds to the resettlement agency?) that are transformed into cold hard federal tax payer cash using some method of creative bookkeeping.  So, I guess this employee will be undertaking the “mission critical” tracking of the donated broken furniture and stained blankets.  I wonder does he or she go out and inspect as well?