No private charity in Hitler’s Germany

Hitler controlled the churches through government funding.  I know it’s terribly unfashionable to write about Hitler and the NAZIs, but until I read Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism I didn’t know that fact about the National Socialist German Workers Party.

On many occasions on these pages I’ve told you about how much federal funding ‘religious’ groups receive from the taxpayer to resettle refugees and for other ‘charitable’ purposes including things like Head Start.  Indeed the following ‘church’ groups are deep into the federal dole:  US Conference of Catholic Bishops, World Relief, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services, Church World Service, Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, and Episcopal Migration Ministries.   Somehow it just seemed morally corrupt to me and now I see from Goldberg’s writing why it strikes me as so creepy and what it can lead to.  

Like the engineers of that proverbial railway bridge, the Nazis worked relentlessly to replace the nuts and bolts [one piece at a time] of traditional Christianity with a new political religion…The German historian Gotz Aly explains how Hitler purchased popularity with lavish social programs and middle-class perks, often paid for with stolen Jewish wealth and high taxes on the rich. Hitler banned religious charity, crippling the churches’ role as a counterweight to the state.  Clergy were put on government salary, hence subjected to state authority.  “The parsons will be made to dig their own graves,” Hitler cackled.  “They will betray their God to us. They will betray anything for the sake of their miserable little jobs and incomes.”

Now consider House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s admonition to the Catholic Bishops over the weekend in support of open borders.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., is telling Catholic bishops who want her to pass immigration reform that they must speak out in favor of the reform in their churches.

“The cardinals, the archbishops, the bishops come to me and say, ‘We want you to pass immigration reform,’” Pelosi, who is Catholic herself, said Thursday at the Catholic Community Conference.

“And I say, ‘But I want you to speak about it from the pulpit.’”

Do you think they will tell her ‘no’ in light of the fact that a large part of the USCCB’s (US Conference of Catholic Bishops) budget is paid for by the federal treasury.   Some readers may see her request as innocuous (if you are an open borders advocate), but what might government ask of them the next time in exchange for 30 pieces of silver?

Going out of town!

I’m leaving to spend a few days with Mom.  Unfortunately she isn’t on the internet so it looks like I won’t be able to post or answer your many e-mails until I’m home again on Wednesday.

In the meantime, check our categories in the left hand column and I feel sure you will find topics of interest.  Incidentally, we have written 3057 posts to date!

If you are new to the refugee program, I especially direct your attention to the category, ‘where to find information.’    Also, use our search function for whatever you are looking for.  For example, type in ‘Somalis’ and you will get hundreds of posts on that topic.

Happy Mother’s Day!

And this is the humane refugee resettlement program?

Update:  Just heard from a reader who informed me that the International Rescue Committee has an office in Decatur, so now I’m not sure which volag to blame!

Here is a blog posting by a young woman working at the Salvation Army in Athens, Georgia.  She describes the plight of a Liberian refugee, Sam, who ended up in their shelter. 

What are these refugee resettlement federal contractors doing?  Why are we hearing stories like this over and over and over again?

From Elisha at the Salvation Army:

I had my first heart-breaking experience this morning at work. “Sam” checked into our men’s shelter on April 9th, the Friday before I began working at The Salvation Army. Sam is one of those people that you just want to go above and beyond to help with anything they need. He was one of the first residents I met and is one of the sweetest, gentlest person I have ever know. Sam is a 21 year old refugee from Liberia that came to America on September 14, 2009. The first couple of weeks of his stay he came to my office almost everyday. For the first few days, he would stand right outside the office and call to see if I was available and if I was then he would walk in to see me. He is a precious human being.

About mid-morning today, Sam showed up at the office to see me. I’ve started only seeing each resident once per week at an appointment time that they sign up for but he said it was an emergency so I told him to come on back to my office. He came in and said he needed to talk to me about going up the Decatur. I began to ask why and his whole story tumbled out. When he first came into the US he was connected to a Refugee Resettlement Program that helped him find a place to stay and a job. The job was at the Pilgrims Pride in Athens. He said that to begin with someone was giving him rides to work everyday but one day the rides stopped. He missed a week of work and when he showed back up he was told he had lost his job. This happened on March 28, 2010. At this point I’m not sure what happened, but somehow he winded up in Athens and stayed. I’m not sure what he did between this day and the day he checked into our shelter.

Anyway, yesterday morning he said he needed to go to Decatur and try to get more help from the Refugee Resettlement .

Read the whole post (although Elisha needs to change the background color on her blog, it’s hard to read).  Note too that Sam said he was worried about moving from city to city and suggested he might like to return to Liberia.

Sam is now riding his bike (a child’s bike) from Athens to Decatur, Georgia—65 miles— because he is especially worried about losing the job and thus not being able to pay his airfare loan.  Why did the resettlement agency stop finding a ride for him?  Indeed, why didn’t the local resettlement office answer the phone?  Why was he homeless?    He is especially worried about how to make the payments on his airfare loan which is why he thinks he has to get to Decatur immediately.  Who put him under pressure to pay the loan when he is jobless and homeless? 

There may be other resettlement agencies in Decatur, but here is the only one I found—Refugee Resettlement and Immigration Services of Atlanta.  It’s an affiliate (that means a subcontractor ) that gets your tax dollars through the contractors Church World Service and Episcopal Migration Ministries.

So, while Church World Service is sanctimoniously blasting the state of Arizona over its new law to control illegal immigrants, they have poor young black legal immigrant they are responsible for peddling a kids bike on the highway alone from Athens to Decatur, Georgia because he is afraid of repercussions involving his airfare loan.

Readers should know that although the airfare is paid by you, the taxpayer, when the loan is repaid, the collection agency, Church World Service(!), gets to keep a quarter of the money they extract from the refugee.  

And, they want to lecture people like us about how we need to be more “welcoming” and humane….it makes me sick!

I sure hope Sam made it to Decatur safely.

Number of Palestinian refugees coming to US rising

This morning I had an e-mail from a friend asking about that rumor that has been going around the internet ever since Obama first came to office that Obama had released $20 million to bring thousands of Hamas members to the US.  Judy wrote about the eternal life of that story here last fall.

The e-mail prompted me to check the numbers and sure enough we are bringing larger numbers of Palestinians to the US although not the thousands the ‘rumor’ reports.   In 2008 we only brought 9 Palestinians, and in 2009 we brought 730, this fiscal year we are up to 825 as of April 30th.

I am assuming the majority of those are the Iraqi Palestinians we told you about here.  Living in camps on the border of Iraq and Syria, no Arab (Muslim) country wants them demonstrating again the great myth that Islam is charitable and “welcomes the stranger.”  So, where do they go—the US of course!   We agreed to take 1350, but I’m thinking, based on the numbers so far, either we are taking more than 1350 from the Iraq/Syria border or other Palestinians are in the mix.

By the way, if I recall from my earlier reporting, you won’t know if Iraqi-Palestinians are being resettled in your city because they will be called simply Iraqis.

Somali terrorists continue recruiting in Sweden

Nothing new here really, we have reported previously that the Somali jihadist group Al-shabab is recruiting in the Swedish refugee community (just as it is recruiting in the US).   Well, maybe one thing is new!

From The Local:

Somali Islamic insurgency group Harakat al-Shabab Mujahideen (“Movement of Warrior Youth”), better known as Al-Shabab, which is linked to al-Qaeda, is thought to have recruited dozens of Swedish youth to engage in terrorist acts, according to Göteborgs-Tidningen.

Gothenburg was identified by several sources as the largest recruitment base in the country, the report said. Sweden is also a fundraising hub for the group, according to Svenska Dagbladet editorial writer Per Gudmundson, who has written extensively about the issue.

“I think it’s a very serious threat because it’s not only a threat to Somalis in Somalia, it’s also a threat to Swedish security,” Gudmundson told The Local.

The one piece of new information is below.  Imagine our Democratic party calling for a report like the one the Swedish Liberals have ordered (maybe their liberals aren’t like American liberals!).

Swedish Integration and Gender Equality Minister Nyamko Sabuni of the Liberal Party recently ordered Säpo to conduct a report on the scale of violence-prone religious radicalism in the country because the numbers are unclear. Gudmundson estimates about 1500 people in Sweden would be labelled Islamists with hardcore tendencies, while about 100 to 200 would possibly engage in violence.

“These are not big figures, not many, but as we sadly know, just a handful is enough,” he told The Local. “To many, it’s a nationalistic thing. Young males are always prone. They have a different view of life.”

About 400,000 to 500,000 people in Sweden have roots in Muslim countries, he said.

Meanwhile Muslim riots continue in Malmo

I had set aside a post from the blog Gates of Vienna last week about riots in the large Muslim community in Malmo which I never did post on at the time.  Read it now.  And, by the way, visit Gates of Vienna for news on European Islamic supremacism—they are the experts.