Robert Samuelson: Immigration increases US poverty, leads to the redistribution of wealth

Then what?

Roy Beck director of Numbers USA has a good piece this week in which he quotes from an article by economist Robert Samuelson.

Beck and Samuelson are discussing the issue of how high immigration levels lead to higher poverty and why on earth would thinking people and our leaders be purposefully increasing poverty levels.   Beck gets to the point in his discussion where he concludes that for the Left it’s all about the redistribution of wealth.  Why some Republican leaders are supporting more poverty remains a mystery.  But it strikes me that they still don’t want to say what seems obvious to me—immigrants are the pawns in a power play to bring crisis and chaos as taught by the masters of the diabolical strategy—Cloward and Piven— to bring down our form of government.

Here is Beck:

Samuelson bluntly gives the reason why all those experts don’t question:

Poverty ‘experts’ don’t dwell on immigration, because it implies that more restrictive policies might reduce U.S. poverty.

For some reason, nearly all of our policy elites in think tanks, universities, government agencies and political office are so wedded to high immigration that they would rather keep adding to poverty than to acknowledge the problem and have to be confronted with the possible option of reducing immigration.

Samuelson offers the reader a reason why this might true.

He quotes Robert Rector (one of the few Washington opinion elites who actually looked at the data and decided immigration policy had to be changed). Rector suggests that all the various things that are defining and creating larger populations in poverty in the United States are also serving the interests of those who desire to see more income redistribution, to which Samuelson says:

He has a point.

For liberal backers of mass immigration, Samuelson’s comments have to raise questions about why they would promote a policy that makes the United States a place of so much greater economic disparity. [You guys have got to read Saul Alinsky—to create constant turmoil and chaos there must be a battle of the Have-nots against the Haves—ed]

For the conservative backers of mass immigration (who have control of the national Republican Party machinery), one has to ask why they would continue to promote a policy that every year creates more and more pressure for bigger and bigger government and greater and greater income redistribution.

In this last paragraph, I take issue with Beck’s use of the word “conservative” in describing what really are Republican Washington, DC insiders who support mass immigration and I can only surmise that those insiders are looking to help business interests keep their cheap labor.  True conservatives are not out promoting more immigration.

The Leftists who control the Democratic Party right now use immigrants to increase their voting power and to bring about a new form of government.  Some of the Republican insiders use immigrants for cheap labor and because they are really Corporatists—those are big businesses and their supporters in Washington who see the writing on the wall (I’m hoping the writing is not going to stay on the wall!) and use government to advance their financial agenda.  Judy described it well in her post a year ago entitled, “Socialism, communism, fascism or corporatism?” where she discusses Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism (a must read!)

….let’s confine our label to corporatism. I don’t think most American big businesses are interested in hero-worship and the other stuff. But some of them sure do want the government to be their partner in making profits easier for them — bringing in immigrants to work cheaply, stifling competition through regulation, giving them subsidies or bailouts, and so on.

This corporatist tendency has been growing for decades — that’s one reason almost all large businesses  and business associations have big lobbying staffs in Washington. They’re either defending their businesses from government’s heavy hand or looking for a handout from government. But Obama is bringing it to new and ominous heights. We’re better off using the word “corporatism” because it doesn’t set off the crazed reaction that “fascism” does. But as far as I can see, except for the extreme nationalism that was typical of European fascism, the latter term describes much of Obama’s agenda.

If the Left  (Cloward-Piven acolytes) succeeds in bringing down our form of government there will be some big businesses that will survive by having completely burrowed into the system with the help of the Republican insiders who are corporatists NOT conservatives!

Who loses?  The average American ‘forgotten man’ and the immigrant pawns.

Iraqi Christians in Michigan shout down government official

Update June 5th: I see that Friends of Refugees blog has more on this story, here.

The Detroit Free Press reports:

With growing concern about the plight of Christians in their native land, local Iraqi Americans met this week with the highest-ranking State Department official in charge of Iraq policy when he made a three-day stop in Detroit.

But Michael Corbin, deputy assistant secretary of State for Iraq in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs, faced an angry crowd that shouted him down during one of his meetings with Chaldeans, illustrating the frustrations many have about the perceived erosion of Christianity in Iraq and Chaldean refugees facing deportation.

Some Chaldeans approached the stage, forcing Corbin to quickly leave a Troy center Tuesday night and prompting a police response.

Later, someone from the Free Press spoke to Corbin.

QUESTION: Some local Iraqi Chaldeans say the U.S.-led invasion has caused the erosion of Christianity in Iraq. How can they be helped? ANSWER: We’ve acknowledged that mistakes were made after the invasion of Iraq. But … the Iraqi government has committed to protect churches, protect religious observances, festivals, religious holidays. This is important. These communities are vulnerable. They don’t have militias.

To the reporter: It’s not a little quirk of Chaldeans to claim that Christianity in Iraq isn’t doing so well; it’s a widely known fact, one that the Michigan Chaldeans might know a lot about.  To Michael Corbin: So what is our government is doing to protect Christians? Not much, huh?

CAIR pushes US Dept. of Education investigation into claims of harassment of Somali students

This is an update of the on-going controversy in St. Cloud, MN about alleged harassment of Somali students by white kids.  I meant to post on this last week and have additional comments, but the story is getting old and I thought I better just get it up in its bare bones form without a lot of yakking by me.   Please use our search function for St. Cloud to see our many previous posts.   See also this post about Kansas yesterday and a comment by a Somali woman who discusses the concept of  what she terms the Somali “invasion” of “villages.”   Although with an estimated population of 10,000 Somalis I’m wondering if the St. Cloud Somalis would still consider this a “village?”

From the St. Cloud Times:

The U.S. Department of Education will investigate claims of discrimination against Somali students in St. Cloud and Owatonna high schools, federal officials said Tuesday.

The investigation is in response to a complaint from the Council on American-Islamic Relations asking the department’s Office of Civil Rights to investigate claims in the two school districts. Minnesota CAIR detailed a number of incidents in St. Cloud’s high schools that they say show Somali students confront a hostile and harassing environment.

“I’m sure (the investigation) will start fairly soon. Resolution can take anywhere from a month to several months,” said Justin Hamilton, a spokesman for the U.S. Department of Education.

The letter the department sent to the school district asks for information related to harassment complaints involving Somalis at Technical High School and Apollo High School. It asks for a written response to the allegations and school policies on discrimination. The district has 15 days to return the information.

CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) cheers the investigation announcement.

In a statement, CAIR Minnesota, which is in St. Paul, said it welcomed the investigation.

“Our goal is to ensure a safe and healthy environment for all students,” said CAIR Minnesota Civil Rights Director Taneeza Islam. “Decades after the beginning of the civil rights movement, no student should be constantly subjected to racial slurs or harassment at school.”

Hamilton said the department cannot investigate for religious discrimination. But it can investigate possible discrimination based on national origin, race or color.

Will this part of the investigation get a full review?  At least one commenter I saw didn’t think so.

The report also showed Somali students were involved in harassing behavior toward non-Somali students.

Are Palestinians from Gaza coming to the US as refugees?

That old story from two years ago is still circulating—that Obama is bringing gazillion Palestinians to the US.  Judy has corrected the rumor on several occasions most recently here in October 2009.

Last month when a reader asked me if the story was true (again!), I checked on the number of Palestinians coming to the US as refugees and wrote this post.  The numbers are increasing.

And, of course, they could still be increased further.  But, readers should remember that if we, or any country, started to resettle Palestinian Arabs in a big way (like by the tens of thousands), Arab countries would object.  They must keep their co-religionists “stateless” in order to keep pressure on Israel.  See Judy’s most recent post on the so-called Palestinian refugees here.