Immigrants treated as slaves in Florida

And, they came here under a LEGAL program.   This is one more reason why ALL legal immigration programs must be scrutinized right along with all of the illegal immigration everyone focuses on.

From AFP News:

WASHINGTON (AFP) – A Florida couple pleaded guilty to conspiring to hold 39 Filipino employees against their will working in country clubs and hotels, the US Justice Department said Friday.

Sophia Manuel, 41, and Alfonso Baldonado Jr., 45, were owners of a labor contracting service based in the Florida city of Boca Raton. [I would like to know the immigration status of Manuel and Baldonado–ed]

Manuel and Baldonado “conspired to obtain a cheap, compliant and readily available labor pool, by making false promises to entice the victims to incur debts,” read a Department of Justice statement, quoting court documents.

“The defendants then compelled the victims’ labor and services through threats to have the workers arrested and deported, knowing the workers faced serious economic harm and possible incarceration for nonpayment of debts in the Philippines.”

Imagine this, the alleged slave owner lied on his H2B visa application.

Manuel also pleaded guilty to lying in an application filed with the US Labor Department to obtain foreign labor certifications and visas under the federal H2B guest worker program.

We reported a very similar story back in June 2009 in Kansas.  I put some of the blame on these hotel owners as well. 

And, weren’t there some big wig hotel owners working with Republicans Grover Norquist and Tamar Jacoby (along with Leftwing Open Borders advocates) to plan a strategy to get more immigrant labor into the US.  Yes, there were, here.

Even my US Senator, Democrat Barbara Mikulski (up for reelection this November), busied herself in 2006 and got the H2B visas increased to supply labor supposedly needed by big business in Maryland, here.

Pretending to be Rohingya?

This is a discussion thread  that gives us some more insight on the scams that are occurring in the refugee resettlement program in Canada (and I suspect in the US as well).

They don’t take Bangladeshis?  Then be a Rohingya

Commenter TIslam reports:

I wasn’t aware of people seeking “political asylum” or applying for Canadian immigration under “refugee” status by Bangladeshis, until recently. I came to learn about it because my wife’s cousin’s friend got married to one such hapless character, who is now getting his papers straightened out owing to being married to a Canadian citizen. He was to be deported from Canada as he became illegal. The fellow entered Canada with a student visa but wanted to remain permanently. Apparently he hired an immigration lawyer who advised him to apply under the refugee status. Initially they thought that his application was accepted and the petition granted, however, he was notified that his application has been rejected after a year or so, owing to the backlog of applications. The poor guy met his wife-to-be, in the nick of time, thus saving himself from deportation.

The woman told me that there are many unscrupulous immigration attorneys who dupe many unknowing and helpless people by advising people to seek Canadian immigration under the refugee status or political asylum, when in fact they would not be eligible.

Refugee status for a Bangladeshi is pretty far fetched because by definition, that status is meant for people whose country is at war for which a large number of people have become displaced or for people who belong to a certain segment who are being persecuted like the Rohingyas, or like in Darfur, or those Iraqis who actively assisted the coalition forces, who perceive of being in danger if they continue to live in Iraq. Political asylum is more plausible since it is always possible to show that one was active in politics and that the current regime seeks to persecute him/her, etc.

Samaruf responds:

I have heard of Bangladeshis seeking asylum in Scandinavia and Canada by calling themselves Rohingyas as it is hard to tell the difference.

We have a whole category (94 previous posts!) on Rohingya Muslims.  For the longest time they were not accepted as refugees for resettlement to the US, but all that has changed.  Earlier in the month we reported Rohingya being resettled in Atlanta, here.

Shelbyville, TN in the news again as subject of propaganda film

Although it hasn’t been released to the general public, the US State Department is busy showing its propaganda* film (‘Welcome to Shelbyville’) on how the citizens of Shelbyville, TN have come to supposedly accept and embrace the Somalis who were lured to the town by jobs at a nearby Tyson’s chicken plant.  

The problems with Somalis in Shelbyville was extensively covered in articles in the Times-Gazette beginning in 2007.   We covered the issue as well (use our search function for ‘Somalis Shelbyville’ for at least a dozen posts on the controversy).

Here is how the AP now enthuses over the film that is clearly meant to show immigrants as warm and fuzzy while Tennesseans (some depicted as trailer park rednecks) hearts and minds are magically transformed as they come to know their new neighbors:

SHELBYVILLE, Tenn. (AP) – A new documentary that will be broadcast nationwide in the spring follows the reception of a group of Somali immigrants in Shelbyville – a small town about an hour south of Nashville best known as the home of the Tennessee Walking Horse.

The film chronicles the difficulties some longtime residents have in accepting the changes that immigration is bringing to their community, as well as the evolution of some residents’ attitudes as they get to know the Somalis through a series of shared meals and dialogues.

“Welcome to Shelbyville” saw its U.S. debut this week at a screening in Shelbyville for community leaders. One of those present was Bedford County Mayor Eugene Ray.

Ray is seen at the beginning of the film complaining that Somali immigrants, unlike Hispanics, are “not nice” and “not easy to deal with.”

For example, “When they go to a store, they feel like they can negotiate,” he says. Haggling over prices is commonplace in Somalia.

But toward the end of the film he seems to be on better terms with the Somalis, many of whom are refugees who settled in Shelbyville to work at a chicken processing plant. In one of the final scenes, Ray is seated at a banquet table with several Somali residents, including the imam of a local mosque, Mohammed Ali.

No surprise, the US State Department loves the film and is showing it around Africa.  No sense waiting until the film is out in the US.    They want to make sure Africans want to continue to come and be part of the cheap legal labor force the State Department supplies to the likes of the meatpackers!   The message that we are all one big happy world is just the cover and the lie.

Film director and producer Kim Snyder, who attended the screening and participated in a panel discussion afterward, said the film was selected by the U.S. State Department to be shown abroad as part of its American Documentary Showcase.

Dear Kim, please tell me why the Far Left is busy helping giant corporations get cheap immigrant labor?  I cannot wrap my head around that.  What is in it for you?  Did big companies pay for this film?

Here is what I said about the far Leftwing film project when I first heard about it in November of 2008 and it sure looks like my prediction has come true:

Shelbyville BeWare BeCause, they are using your town! They will gloss over the tensions and problems of the Tyson’s African employees and then show what great work the TIRRC and the Somali Community Center are doing to bring you all together in harmonious unity. This is a politically motivated campaign. Your film, your town, will then be used to shame other towns into silence.

To be sure, we will have more on this film in future posts because some local residents are charging that the film distorts the facts and no where will the media report that politically incorrect information.

For new readers:  This post I wrote in September 2008 about the 100,000 (by now!) Somalis the US State Department has admitted to the US since 1983 is daily still one of our top most visited posts.

* This is as good a time as any to mention Adolph Hitler’s definition of propaganda and how and why the BIG LIE works.

All this was inspired by the principle–which is quite true within itself–that in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying.  [Emphasis mine]

More on the PR campaign on the film, here.

New regulations on family reunification available for comment on Federal Register

The long-awaited new regulations for the fraud-ridden (P-3) family reunification program of  the US State Department were published in the Federal Register on Sept. 8th.   Concerned citizens have 60 days to weigh in on whether the proposed (limited!) DNA testing will be enough to stem the tide of fraudulent claims for family reunification mostly from Africa.

We first reported the scandal here in August of 2008 after learning about it from the Wall Street Journal.

Almost a year ago we reported that the program that allowed as many as 80% of Somalis claiming to be “family,” but in fact not related at all, to enter the US illegally.  The State Department estimates that from 2003-2008, 36,000 Africans arrived fraudulently and it has no plans to determine who they are.

Again, see the Federal Register notice here.

Lewiston, ME: Professor implies that refugees financially benefit Lewiston

Your tax dollars

Yes, that is correct.  Professor Catherine Besteman (with Ishmail Ahmed) says in a report (seeking to dispel rumors, she says) that federal grant money flowing into the Lewiston/Auburn area has positively benefited the community and offsets any expense the Somali refugee influx has cost Maine.  Hat tip:  Susan  [ The report is a pdf file so let me know if you would like a copy, or if someone finds a link, please send it.]


In other words, to date the refugee demographic has been economically beneficial to the Lewiston/Auburn area.

Professor Besteman, grant money does not grow on trees.  Any money flowing to Maine from the federal government comes from taxpayers in other states, so while it may not cost Lewiston, it costs the country!

I note that the professor is on the Board of advisors for the local Somali ECBO (Ethnic Community Based Organization).  ECBO’s as I have reported on many occasions are basically mini-ACORNs.  They are run with tax dollars, teach immigrants how to access ‘resources’ (welfare benefits), and then act as a political voice for their respective ethnic group.  See our whole category on ECBO’s here.

By the way, it is my observation that ECBO’s do not foster assimilation but act as divisive forces in communities.

I can’t find any record at Guidestar that this Somali ECBO exists.  I suspect their money is coming through the State of Maine Dept. of Health and Human Services (among other government sources) that gets federal ECBO funding here.  

It is my suggestion that folks concerned about tax dollars in Maine do some serious investigative digging into the documents and learn who is and who is not benefiting from the refugee influx to Maine.

New readers might want to visit this older post to understand how the secondary migration of Somalis to Maine began and why.