RICO lawyer has much to say about flawed “refugee” system

I’m back!  And, the project I was involved in that kept me away from my favorite subject—refugee resettlement and immigration generally—was a huge success.

Back to business!

RICO attorney Howard Foster suggests in his provocative piece posted last week and entitled, ‘Our “refugee” policy is a disaster,’ that:

I think Mr. Schwartz [Asst. Secretary of State for PRM] should be out of his job and be replaced by Rudolph Giuliani.

That’s somewhere in the middle.  He begins with this:

It would come as unwelcome news to the vast majority of Americans that even now, in the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, and a decade after 9/11, that this country admits upwards of 80,000 refugees each year on little more than the recommendation of a foreign organization and once here compete for low-paying jobs with our high-school graduates. But that is the essence of our refugee system.

And ends with this:

All in all, our refugee system is not a refugee system. It is an annual flow of 80,000 immigrants, and potential criminals, undertaken to appease the U.N., the international community, and the cheap labor lobby in this country.

Read everything in between, here.  I don’t know Mr. Foster but I wonder if he has been reading RRW!

I’m no lawyer but I think I might have a RICO case for him (see my next post).

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