….hungering for freedom, democracy and a better life.
In March I reported on how the Egypt story quickly disappeared from the news—silence had settled on the mainstream media—when CBS reporter Lara Logan was beaten and sexually assaulted just as the poor downtrodden Egyptians had thrown off the oppressor’s yoke to gain their “freedom!”
Now, of course we know that the Muslim Brotherhood is calling the political shots (thanks to help from the American media, the US State Department (Obama!), and even American union bosses (Trumka!) who helped bring on the “revolution”). And, I guarantee you Egypt will become a nation governed not by socialist dreamers but by Shariah Law as a result.
Meanwhile, I bet American NGO’s like Casa de Maryland and the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights are still planning their September “community organizing” trip to Egypt led by Wade Rathke and the boys at the Organizer’s Forum. They are either naive or fools. Oh, but there is one more possibility—that they are on the same team as the Muslim Brotherhood.
When I wrote about the reason why the silence was deafening after the rape heard round the world, critics said it wasn’t so, Lara Logan wasn’t raped (see comments here, just a little “unwanted touching”). Speaking out now, it sure sounds like she was violated and came near to dying at the hands of the liberators of Egypt.
Logan: …what really struck me was how merciless they were.
From the Huffington Post*:
In interviews with “60 Minutes” and the New York Times which were released on Thursday, Logan described what happened when the mob surrounded her.
“Our camera battery went down, and we had to stop for a moment, and suddenly, Bahar [the Egyptian cameraman] looks at me and says, ‘we’ve got to get out of here,'” she told CBS’ Scott Pelley. “I thought, not only am I going to die here, but it’s going to be just a torturous death that’s going to go on forever and ever and ever.”
Logan told the Times that the attack lasted for 40 minutes and involved 200 to 300 men.
“For an extended period of time, they raped me with their hands,” she said. “My clothes were torn to pieces…what really struck me was how merciless they were. They really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence.”
* Typical media, they still can’t say it. They have this story spun to send the message that this just shows how hard it is for women to cover conflicts around the world. These ‘boys’ weren’t out to rape a reporter, they were brutalizing a western woman. Wouldn’t it be wonderful for a change to see the Huffington Post, just once, show how hard it is for any woman (Muslim or non-Muslim, journalist or not) to live in an Islamic supremacist society and thus help send the message that we don’t want one here!